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Why is the military of the Republic so small?


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Yea, I was making an irreverent and facetious comment with the whole "Rebellion is evil because they murdered everyone on the Death Star." I"m really sad that person completely ignored the actual content in my post... I think I spent more than an hour writing it. >.>


No, no, no, I did not miss the larger point (just did not acknowledge or comment on it). Perhaps I should have commented or acknowledged the rest. It was very interesting information which, nerd that I am, I shared with someone at work just two days ago.


Sorry, but I don't read nuance into plain text easily :o

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To be fair, conscription hasn't been used by any major military force in years on earth. No real force of reason for using it in the Star Wars Universe. The general thought is that forcing military service when the one of the most powerful enemy weapons is propaganda would be a worsening blow to public opinion. How much worse do you think the uprising on Ord Mantell would have been had the Republic forced it's loyal citizens there to fight against friends and family? It's all well and good to have a large standing army if your infrastructure could support it, but forcing the issue would only be a political suicide if the senate gave support to it. The Republic looks to win the hearts and minds of its people and let the body follow.
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There may also be some pro-Republic propaganda involved in the numbers and forces reported as available to its military.


News reports about a Republic force of twenty thousand soldiers and twenty Jedi winning against an equal sized Imperial force is rather bland.




"Today the Republic and Jedi announced a great victory! One Jedi Knight and the thousand brave soldiers under their command held off an army of fifty thousand Imperial soldiers and dozens of Sith warriors!"


It may sound preposterous to people that actually know something about the military, but the average civilian feels that they're safe because the Republic is strong. Their morale stays up, their productivity stays up, and they're not demanding the heads of the leaders for their failures.


As for the actual forces, I agree with what others have already said. There's the Republic's dedicated, professional military, that deals with threats to the whole Republic, but mostly they rely on member system/sector defense forces and militias for local security. It would help to explain why something as big as the Republic could be so badly mauled by the Empire's invasion. The local forces were overwhelmed by the Imps while the larger Republic forces were assembled for counter attack, or deployed to cover strategically important targets.

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It would help to explain why something as big as the Republic could be so badly mauled by the Empire's invasion. The local forces were overwhelmed by the Imps while the larger Republic forces were assembled for counter attack, or deployed to cover strategically important targets.


Yes, that's what I was thinking.


Remember how during the first half the Vong war, the New Republic was getting it's *** handed to it on a platter? That's what happens when you rely on local militia, a lack of coordination for the larger battles. Sure militia can handle a small scale planetary invasion, but for the bigger stuff you need cooperation, which is easier if you have a shared military. The Galactic Alliance was created as a result of the New Republic relying too heavily on planetary fleets rather than a combined navy.

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The original length of the Super-class star Destroyer was 7km; I have the first edition of the Essential Guide to Vehicles and vessels and it says it right in there. And that 7km was supposed to be mind-shatteringly huge for a starship!



except that's in error. on screen representation as well as statements made in offical press releases etc state the SSD was 10 tims the size of a ISD. or 17 Kilometers long

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To be fair, conscription hasn't been used by any major military force in years on earth. No real force of reason for using it in the Star Wars Universe. The general thought is that forcing military service when the one of the most powerful enemy weapons is propaganda would be a worsening blow to public opinion. How much worse do you think the uprising on Ord Mantell would have been had the Republic forced it's loyal citizens there to fight against friends and family? It's all well and good to have a large standing army if your infrastructure could support it, but forcing the issue would only be a political suicide if the senate gave support to it. The Republic looks to win the hearts and minds of its people and let the body follow.


doesnt china have conscription?

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doesnt china have conscription?


In theory yes, in practice mostly no. Everyone has to register for service at age 18 but that doesn't mean they're sent to train. While military service is compulsory there's enough volunteers that drafting people at random isn't usually needed. People going to higher education are IIRC required to attend 1-4 weeks of military training for some reason.

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