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Pause buff timer on fleet!


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It would be great if my 420 minute stims (which are very expensive) didn't run out over 50% of their time just standing on fleet.


I, and many others, would appreciate having our active effects timers paused while on fleet. The only time this occurs is during conversations (to my knowledge) and seems like something that should really be in place.

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Just checking back on this, and thought of something worth posting: Everquest has a similar feature in their "fleet" equivalent, and they're like 100 years old. I know in conversations buffs are paused, so I would imagine that this wouldn't be too hard to implement - and regardless of the feedback on the forums here (not even one post!) I am sure many players would rejoice that their XP boosts, etc are not running out waiting on fleet for a queue - or even stopping on fleet during the 12xp boost, it's hard to justify stopping on fleet to regear w/ those basic comms while my XP boost is running out.
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no offense but purple stims go for like 7k on my server. I really doubt that theres a server that has them for more than 30k. Even so they last for >8< hours. In 8 hours I could make millions just doing dailies. Just using that logic alone I would say that it is VERY necessary that stim timers run all the time. You're lucky they dont run out while youre offline. Edited by Faardor
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Well, for Everquest (a long running and largely successful MMO) the main idea is that while you are waiting for your raid, etc to kick off your buffs wont run out. Also, if you are a new player, you can get buffed from another player before you go back out and quest - without fear of your buffs running out while you pick up your new supplies/abilities.


While some wait times for queues can go OVER 8 hours, this could only benefit players and improve the "quality of life" for everyone. Sure, you can do other things while you wait - but that doesn't solve the problem, and only forces players to do MORE things they DON'T want to do.


I don't see how this hurts anyone, and the benefit would be large. There are many effects that have a very limited timer, and when you have to waste their effects just waiting for queues or gearing up, no one benefits.


Going back to EQ (which I am not a fan of), this was put in place specifically to stop this exact problem - and it not only improves the experience for the player (which is important, yes?) but also would increase the amount of players on fleet at any given time - since they wouldn't have to 'make the most' of their limited windows.


Then stop standing around the fleet or use blue stims.


If all I want to do (endgame) is queue for WZs and Ops, neither of those options help me. In fact, they force me to A) stop playing, B) Use low-tier equipment in a competitive playing field, or C) play in a way YOU feel I should. To go even farther, neither of your options are even reasonable.


In 8 hours I could make millions just doing dailies. Just using that logic alone I would say that it is VERY necessary that stim timers run all the time. You're lucky they dont run out while youre offline.


I don't see how being able to make millions off of fleet even relates to the timer being paused while ON fleet. How does THAT fact alone make it necessary? Furthermore, how does the timer on fleet even AFFECT this? I don't mean to be rude, but that doesn't even make sense.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Pretty much this. Stims go for chump change, why bother even complaining?


Not complaining. I thought this was a forum for suggestions.


I'm suggesting they implement something that hurts no one (if these stims truly are as cheap as you say, which is not the case on my server) and improves QOL for everyone.

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I don't see how this hurts anyone, and the benefit would be large. There are many effects that have a very limited timer, and when you have to waste their effects just waiting for queues or gearing up, no one benefits.


Biochem crafters who sell stims for profit would be hurt economically by this due to decreased sales.

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Biochem crafters who sell stims for profit would be hurt economically by this due to decreased sales.


But if they're so cheap, what are they losing out on? 1/2 of their 7k credits?


TBH, this could even increase the amount they sell for.

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The OP is correct that this is merely a suggestion, so everyone else should throttle back on the "advice" they are giving him.


To the OP I would posit this:

When the devs made the latest level of gear changes for 3.0, they made the purple stims last 4x as long to compensate for taking reusable stims off the table. For you OP, who gets 4 hours of usability (your 50% claim) and 4 hours "wasted" you are still 2x what they used to be that is not exactly "unfair". Also I think that they are trying to help maintain the market for biochemists trying to make a credit because there were complaints that selling stims which last 8 hours would kill the market.


PS: I am not against the suggestion as I make all my own stims and rarely sell, so this would not affect me. Though I see how it would affect sellers.

Edited by Zharik
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But if they're so cheap, what are they losing out on? 1/2 of their 7k credits?


TBH, this could even increase the amount they sell for.

And what are you losing out on? 1/2 of your stim but you still make use of the buff for at least 4 hours. Definitely worth your 3,5k credits. :cool:

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As another EverQuest player, I've also often wished that buff timers would pause while in 'safe' areas, although in my case I was thinking of the XP boosts and strongholds.


As someone mentioned previously, it was very nice in EverQuest to be able to go around the Plane of Knowledge (the central hub of the game from the Planes of Power expansion onwards) and visit trainers, or the player market, or do some crafting, all without having to worry about your buffs wearing off.


And there was also a nice secondary benefit (which admittedly wouldn't apply in SWTOR currently, but you never know what might come later) : in EverQuest there were dozens and dozens of different buffs, and they made a big difference. Because buff timers didn't run down in the Plane of Knowledge (or sub-zones), players picked a specific area in one of the sib-zones, and would leave their characters there while not playing. Players that could cast the best buffs would cast an AoE version on that big pile of players as they went past. So when you came back, you had nice fresh versions of all the best buffs to last you the next eight hours or so of playing (or, of course, until you died). A simple little thing, but it gave a nice sense of community and people helping each other.


Even though SWTOR only has the four buffs, and they don't make that big a difference, it would be nice to know that when I throw all four on a newbie with just the one (which I do all the time), it'll wait until he goes back to questing before the timer starts running.


Just my two credits, anyway.

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But if they're so cheap, what are they losing out on? 1/2 of their 7k credits?


TBH, this could even increase the amount they sell for.


I must admit to being rather confused by your reply as you quoted my post, then addressed something said by a different poster, (I did not say anything about them being cheap). Pricing is usually server-specific, and is therefore something I try to avoid discussing, as what holds true for pricing on one server does not necessarily reflect pricing on another server.


The point I was making had to do with quantity (number of units sold). If a consumable product lasts longer, fewer units will be needed to cover the same period of time, therefore, the number of units sold will decrease.


The irony is, I actually like your suggestion, I just find myself unable to agree with your statement that no one would be hurt by the change. The game economy in regard to crew skills is a delicate balance, and many things that sound like good ideas and would be welcomed by a large number of players would have unintended consequences that aren't always readily apparent.

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I must admit to being rather confused by your reply as you quoted my post, then addressed something said by a different poster, (I did not say anything about them being cheap). Pricing is usually server-specific, and is therefore something I try to avoid discussing, as what holds true for pricing on one server does not necessarily reflect pricing on another server.


The point I was making had to do with quantity (number of units sold). If a consumable product lasts longer, fewer units will be needed to cover the same period of time, therefore, the number of units sold will decrease.


The irony is, I actually like your suggestion, I just find myself unable to agree with your statement that no one would be hurt by the change. The game economy in regard to crew skills is a delicate balance, and many things that sound like good ideas and would be welcomed by a large number of players would have unintended consequences that aren't always readily apparent.


That is a good point, and my apologies for the confusion. I suppose if they were to do something like this, they could simultaneously shorten the length of these stims so that overall it might balance out. This might maintain the current economy and also pause the buffs on fleet, causing the desired effect there without hurting it as you had mentioned.

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If all I want to do (endgame) is queue for WZs and Ops, neither of those options help me. In fact, they force me to A) stop playing, B) Use low-tier equipment in a competitive playing field, or C) play in a way YOU feel I should. To go even farther, neither of your options are even reasonable.

Your game, your choice. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to change this just for you.


Here's a better suggestion, then: make your character a self-contained Biochem and make them yourself.


And the only thing that would "force" you to stop playing is your decision to do so.

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Your game, your choice. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to change this just for you.


Here's a better suggestion, then: make your character a self-contained Biochem and make them yourself.


And the only thing that would "force" you to stop playing is your decision to do so.


Great advice. It's a good thing all I have done is suggest it would be a good change, otherwise I'd be here holding my breath forever!


Do you just go into suggestion threads only to post why they shouldn't come to fruition? This is a rhetorical question, so please do not even reply to this message unless you have something nice to say.

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I never understood the fascination with reusables.


They have weaker stats than regular ones and since most people want better stats I always suggest just making the regular ones which, of course, can be used across your Legacy or sold.



For example, using the previous top-tier stims:


Reusable Nano-Infused Resolve Stim (Level 52) gives +154 Willpower and +63 Power for 120 minutes

Prototype Nano-Infused Resolve Stim (Level 52) gives +169 Willpower and +70 Power for 120 minutes


Both persist through death.



I don't have to waste a crafting slot on characters just to be able to make reusables that aren't as good as the regular ones that I can make AND give to my Legacy/friends/GTN.


I don't see how it's such a giant bother to have to reapply a stim every 8 hours.

Edited by PetFish
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