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The Season 5 Nexu


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We are exploring some options, we want to make sure that we come out of this with an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers.

So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item.

Seems like a very deliberate choice of words which all but confirms no exclusive mount for Season 5, let alone a Nexu.


Problem is that's what we worked to earn. Can't we at-least get an extra one as compensation (i.e. one that we actually earned)? Could even be reskinned gold with a mount flourish. At the very least an extra copy of the version you've already made would be something; just don't put it on a vendor for everyone & ruin what exclusivity we have left.


Been wanting an exclusive PvP Nexu ever since Season 1. :/

Edited by MrRuck
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I'll be honest, I haven't really seen that many people with the Nexu despite this bug happening.


I'm sure they are out there and I'm sure they think they are "cool" for having it.


It sucks that gold tier reward was given to people on accident, but I mean whats the difference between some nobody getting it and all the win traders getting it?


I'm glad they fixed giving everyone who "deserved" the reward. :sul_angel:

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Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.

I feel sad that you don't make the mount generally available then. Yes, my rating was not high enough to get the mount but if some random players get to keep it because they are lucky and the next player doesn't have it, it is unfair. A purchase option for warzone comms, even something as high as 50k comms or something, would have been a nice way to offer the mount to everyone who wants to get it.

Failing that, I hope that it will at least hit the Cartel Market soon since it is a very beautiful mount. :D

Edited by Jerba
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Imo Nexu should be available to buy with comms due to the fiasco with awful class balance, sync queuers topping the charts and trolls rampaging almost 24/7.


With that logic everything from here on out should be able to be bought with WZ comms.


This nexu thing sucked, but it is what it is. Handing it out to everyone is just going to make everyone who "deserved" it even more PO'd


Just let it die now, its over imo

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






My Guardian doesn't have it yet :( I transferred it last night to Ebon Hawk...

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I feel sad that you don't make the mount generally available then. Yes, my rating was not high enough to get the mount but if some random players get to keep it because they are lucky and the next player doesn't have it, it is unfair. A purchase option for warzone comms, even something as high as 50k comms or something, would have been a nice way to offer the mount to everyone who wants to get it.

Failing that, I hope that it will at least hit the Cartel Market soon since it is a very beautiful mount. :D


Honestly this was the first reward I was actually excited about since the S1 rancor.... Spent lots of time getting multiple characters over 1600 this season because I really wanted this cool exclusive mount.... and well it all went to crap due to a mix up on the devs' part.


We all know that the "exclusive" reward they come up with is going to be a joke in comparison to the Nexu so please PLEASE for the love of god don't go and give everyone the Nexu mount. Yeah there's going to be a lot of folks from "generation entitled" who QQ that, "Why did he get on for free and not me?". Boohoo, things are fair all time and try putting yourself in the shoes of people that actually earned it!



**On another note, I finally got my Nexu's BUT I'm still waiting on the top 3 title.

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.







The mount should be put on the vendor because of YOUR mistake guys who don't PvP have it and guys who do don't its a joke just stick it on the vendor for so much.

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The mount should be put on the vendor because of YOUR mistake guys who don't PvP have it and guys who do don't its a joke just stick it on the vendor for so much.


So you just want to screw over those who earned even more????


Of course... everyone wants everything for free these days.


FYI all this will do is further upset everyone who got it fairly (earned over 1600) and we really don't know how many got lucky with BW f-up.

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So you just want to screw over those who earned even more????


Of course... everyone wants everything for free these days.


FYI all this will do is further upset everyone who got it fairly (earned over 1600) and we really don't know how many got lucky with BW f-up.


Everyone who's wants it on a vendor didn't get it In the mail

Edited by tavrinDosa
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Here's my stance on the subject.


I got the Nexu in the mail when I shouldn't have. When I saw it, I about sh*t myself because I hadn't gotten the rating I needed to, but from the moment I saw the teaser I knew I wanted it. So I'm very lucky and happy that I got it, even though I didn't deserve it.


But here's the thing; this is BIOWARE'S f*ck up. Nobody else's. So what I don't understand is the fact that some of you guys think it's fair to NOT put it on some sort of vendor. For the people who didn't luck out and get the Nexu, what are they supposed to do? Other people have it and they have absolutely NO possible way to get it if they want it.


And that's why BioWare really needs to consider it being put on some sort of vendor. PvE, PvP, just for credits, I don't really care. They need to be obtainable some way other than luck.

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[*]Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.


I don't get it. If the mount is supposed to be an earned prize why would anyone who accidentally was sent one get to keep it? So what if you guys messed up sending them? If someone shouldn't have it to begin with they're not in a position to complain if it's taken back.

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Here's my stance on the subject.


I got the Nexu in the mail when I shouldn't have. When I saw it, I about sh*t myself because I hadn't gotten the rating I needed to, but from the moment I saw the teaser I knew I wanted it. So I'm very lucky and happy that I got it, even though I didn't deserve it.


But here's the thing; this is BIOWARE'S f*ck up. Nobody else's. So what I don't understand is the fact that some of you guys think it's fair to NOT put it on some sort of vendor. For the people who didn't luck out and get the Nexu, what are they supposed to do? Other people have it and they have absolutely NO possible way to get it if they want it.


And that's why BioWare really needs to consider it being put on some sort of vendor. PvE, PvP, just for credits, I don't really care. They need to be obtainable some way other than luck.

And what about the people who ground away countless hours specifically to earn a bunch of unique Nexu's? -.-

Edited by MrRuck
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And what about the people who ground away countless hours specifically to earn a bunch of unique Nexus? -.-


Really it should be taken away from me and those who didn't earn it. I get that.


However, they are going to give an exclusive item out in place of the Nexu for the people who grinded. I understand it's not what they grinded FOR, but I mean, if they're not taking them away that's their only other option.

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I don't get it. If the mount is supposed to be an earned prize why would anyone who accidentally was sent one get to keep it? So what if you guys messed up sending them? If someone shouldn't have it to begin with they're not in a position to complain if it's taken back.


There are more people with a 1600 rating that DONT deserve the reward then there are randoms below 1600 that got it in the mail. That's why they should leave it be and move on. No more time wasted on a broken game mode

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Really it should be taken away from me and those who didn't earn it. I get that.


However, they are going to give an exclusive item out in place of the Nexu for the people who grinded. I understand it's not what they grinded FOR, but I mean, if they're not taking them away that's their only other option.


At least its still "mostly exclusive" lol!


Honestly though, giving it to everyone will turn it into garbage for those who earned it fair.

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At least its still "mostly exclusive" lol!


Honestly though, giving it to everyone will turn it into garbage for those who earned it fair.


They've already ruined it by giving it to randoms. If the only way to get one is luck, for like a 5 hour period, that's not fair at all.

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They've already ruined it by giving it to randoms. If the only way to get one is luck, for like a 5 hour period, that's not fair at all.

And doubling down on that mistake would penalize the very people who should take priority.

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Thank you for finally sending me my nexu! (: Although I got an extra sent to me, it will just sit in my legacy bank until I can decide what to do with it.


Now since the nexus are all finally sent out, any update on when the top3 titles are being sent out? <3

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