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The Season 5 Nexu


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Exclusive rewards suck... Should be ways for non pvpers to earn appearance items such as this and likewise in a perfect world a pvper should be able to earn appearance items without touching pve.


Until you can provide a system like this for both sides you should stop with exclusive rewards.

They are not so exclusive anymore with the 3.3 changes. Anybody can get the top tier mount.

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Exclusive rewards suck... Should be ways for non pvpers to earn appearance items such as this and likewise in a perfect world a pvper should be able to earn appearance items without touching pve.


Until you can provide a system like this for both sides you should stop with exclusive rewards.


I agree, every item in game should be available to everyone and they shouldn't have to do anything for them. They could get rid of PvP and PvE and just put all the rewards/loot tables on vendors for 1 credit each! Everyone would have access to everything!!! I love this kind of left wing thinking!



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They could get rid of PvP and PvE and just put all the rewards/loot tables on vendors for 1 credit each!

Ooops. Now the rewards are exclusive only to players who can figure out how to earn 1 credit. Hmm...:p


By the way, I've been getting into ranked a bit more this season. I have gone against some highly rated players and it is apparent to me that they really know what they are doing. I feel like I could improve quite a bit with a lot more games played. I don't think that win trading is as prevalent as some may think.

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So....when are the toons that did NOT receive their Nexus going to receive them? Do we need to submit individual tickets for each character that did NOT receive the Nexu? What's the process here Eric? Edited by revcrisis
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So....when are the toons that did NOT receive their Nexus going to receive them? Do we need to submit individual tickets for each character that did NOT receive the Nexu? What's the process here Eric?



Edited by J_McSkill
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Are you waiting for a Nexu? I hope so, cause if you are doing this much /crymore because someone else got one that they shouldnt, umadbro?


I`m guessing you never hit 1600 this season? Usually the /crymore /umadbro comments come from those who are unaffected by the problem. Maybe you even received a free Nexu, who knows... Anyway, I and everyone else who participated in ranked have a reason to be upset over this.


Lets say you're in a PvE progression guild and spend months attempting to down a particularly tough boss that very few people have killed. And lets say that boss drops a really cool mount that everyone wants. So after months and months of attempts you kill the boss but instead of being rewarded for it, the mount is sent to some random player that isn't even in your raid. You start to notice more and more people with this rare mount that you committed a lot of time to achieving but instead others are being handed this mount for doing nothing while you go without. Now the mount is common and does not represent any sort of achievement any more so you and your guild lose motivation to continue playing.... Do you not see the problem with this?


The fact is in any competitive venue there is some tangible reward to strive for, whether it's gold medal at the Olympics or the Vince Lombardi Trophy for winning a Superbowl. If the person or team earns these rewards and instead of receiving them they are given to someone else do think it's /crymore /umadbro? I do realize this is a video game and not anything nearing that extreme, I also am not losing my mind IRL because there are many other great things in life other than this game. That said, I enjoy this game and have some personal investment in it so I believe my comments and posts are justified.


The bottom line is that there is a clearly constructed rewards system set out by the devs each arena season and it is reasonable as a paying customer to have an expectation these rewards are granted correctly.

Edited by J_McSkill
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I`m guessing you never hit 1600 this season? Usually the /crymore /umadbro comments come from those who are unaffected by the problem. Maybe you even received a free Nexu, who knows... Anyway, I and everyone else who participated in ranked have a reason to be upset over this.


they're going to fix it. you're not that other guy who spammed the forums and demanded BW hot fix it over the weekend (lol - like there was ever a chance of that). but c'mmon. this is funny. this is the kind of fitting irony you have to just sit back and enjoy. not because it prevents you from getting your mount on time, but because it was such a epic and seemingly impossible failure. unfortunately, you get those ludicrous post from lord hussy fit and it's just...lol-no. it really is like watching a baby kick and scream because someone pulled the binky out of his mouth.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks!


Some quick updates for you. We have not yet sent out the top 96 titles but it is our intention to get them out this week. We have received a few reports from players who have not received their Nexu, that were supposed to. We are investigating those reports now. Once we know that all Nexu have been fully granted, we will give you an update on our plans for the Gold tier PvPers along with granting the top 96 titles.


I will pass on more information as I have it!



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Hey folks!


Some quick updates for you. We have not yet sent out the top 96 titles but it is our intention to get them out this week. We have received a few reports from players who have not received their Nexu, that were supposed to. We are investigating those reports now. Once we know that all Nexu have been fully granted, we will give you an update on our plans for the Gold tier PvPers along with granting the top 96 titles.


I will pass on more information as I have it!




I'd be ok with every T1 player getting a golden ticket. This golden ticket is redeemable at future cantina events to throw a pie in the face of the coder who wrote the script that gave out all the free nexus.

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Hey folks!


Some quick updates for you. We have not yet sent out the top 96 titles but it is our intention to get them out this week. We have received a few reports from players who have not received their Nexu, that were supposed to. We are investigating those reports now. Once we know that all Nexu have been fully granted, we will give you an update on our plans for the Gold tier PvPers along with granting the top 96 titles.


I will pass on more information as I have it!



you're NOT taking back all the erroneously awarded nexu mounts? I mean...the thing is ugly as sin but...

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Eric, so do we have to file tickets or not? Will we get the Nexu without filing a ticket if we reached Tier 1 on that character? Many received the mount on some toons that were 1600, but not others. Edited by revcrisis
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I`m guessing you never hit 1600 this season? Usually the /crymore /umadbro comments come from those who are unaffected by the problem. Maybe you even received a free Nexu, who knows... Anyway, I and everyone else who participated in ranked have a reason to be upset over this.


Lets say you're in a PvE progression guild and spend months attempting to down a particularly tough boss that very few people have killed. And lets say that boss drops a really cool mount that everyone wants. So after months and months of attempts you kill the boss but instead of being rewarded for it, the mount is sent to some random player that isn't even in your raid. You start to notice more and more people with this rare mount that you committed a lot of time to achieving but instead others are being handed this mount for doing nothing while you go without. Now the mount is common and does not represent any sort of achievement any more so you and your guild lose motivation to continue playing.... Do you not see the problem with this?


The fact is in any competitive venue there is some tangible reward to strive for, whether it's gold medal at the Olympics or the Vince Lombardi Trophy for winning a Superbowl. If the person or team earns these rewards and instead of receiving them they are given to someone else do think it's /crymore /umadbro? I do realize this is a video game and not anything nearing that extreme, I also am not losing my mind IRL because there are many other great things in life other than this game. That said, I enjoy this game and have some personal investment in it so I believe my comments and posts are justified.


The bottom line is that there is a clearly constructed rewards system set out by the devs each arena season and it is reasonable as a paying customer to have an expectation these rewards are granted correctly.


The only expectation is that you earn YOUR personal reward. To still be frustrated after YOU got your nexu just because someone else got it that didn't go through the same **** you did means you care about what others think about you way too much.

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Hey folks!


Some quick updates for you. We have not yet sent out the top 96 titles but it is our intention to get them out this week. We have received a few reports from players who have not received their Nexu, that were supposed to. We are investigating those reports now. Once we know that all Nexu have been fully granted, we will give you an update on our plans for the Gold tier PvPers along with granting the top 96 titles.


I will pass on more information as I have it!




What scares me the most is that he's already preparing ground to the fact that they won't be able to remove the nexu mount from people that shouldn't have it. Talk about incompetence.

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The only expectation is that you earn YOUR personal reward. To still be frustrated after YOU got your nexu just because someone else got it that didn't go through the same **** you did means you care about what others think about you way too much.


I didn't get a Nexu and I was tier 1 on multiple chars.... seeing people who didn't get tier 1 or some that didn't even step into ranked riding around on an exclusive mount peeves me. Are you saying that's unreasonable?

Edited by J_McSkill
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I didn't get a Nexu and I was tier 1 on multiple chars.... seeing people who didn't get tier 1 or some that didn't even step into ranked peeves me. Are you saying that's unreasonable?


Absolutely not!!! You deserve your nexu that's what the fight should be for! Get this guy a nexu!! I'm 100% not kidding.

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