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The Season 5 Nexu


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Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.


Yeah, you don't have the capability to remove mount abilities and/or mail messages - we get it. It's not exactly a secret.



I'm still waiting for the day when your decisions are no longer dictated by a limited understanding of your own game's inner workings.


I'm a bit worried about this upcoming expansion. BW is consistently showing us a lack of proficiency with the engine.


Here's a tip, guys: The next time around, don't fire your original design team, ESPECIALLY if you're going to use a heavily modded engine. Doesn't say much for the Devs if they don't even understand their own game's engine.

Edited by idnewton
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NO, how bout we make the Dread Enhanced Rancor and the Wings of the architect purchasable for WZ comms!!!!!


You'd have a point if Bioware had ever randomly sent these two mounts out to people who had never completed the relevant Nightmare operations. Unfortunately they haven't, so you don't.


And doubling down on that mistake would penalize the very people who should take priority.

Do they somehow no longer have it? In fact, what will happen is they'll have the Nexu and something else.


Face it, the Nexu is no longer an item that you earnt through Season 5 Ranked PVP, its now an item that players got by luckily being online an unspecified time.

Edited by DuckimusPrime
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Face it, the Nexu is no longer an item that you earnt through Season 5 Ranked PVP, its now an item that players got by luckily being online an unspecified time.


This seems to be the reality of the situation. The mount now signifies S5 Reward as well as Right-Place-Right-Time. I didn't earn the mount nor did I get one. I want the PvPers to have something exclusive, but the Nexu is not exclusive anymore.


This feels very similar to the handful of Cartel pack errors. Those were all remedied by putting the item on the vendor. So why shouldn't the Nexu be the same way?

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This seems to be the reality of the situation. The mount now signifies S5 Reward as well as Right-Place-Right-Time. I didn't earn the mount nor did I get one. I want the PvPers to have something exclusive, but the Nexu is not exclusive anymore.


This feels very similar to the handful of Cartel pack errors. Those were all remedied by putting the item on the vendor. So why shouldn't the Nexu be the same way?


Because BW themselves billed it as "the best PvP reward to date" and a lot of people put in a lot of effort to achieve it.


Yes some got lucky and received it by accident and they should have had it taken away but at the very least it seems it's a relatively small amount of people. I realize everyone who didn't get one is now going to cry, "why them and not me!? Boohoohoo!!!!"


But the fact is, to just hand out "the best PvP reward to date" to everyone would be a complete joke and completely spit in the face of every player that earned it fairly.

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NO, how bout we make the Dread Enhanced Rancor and the Wings of the architect purchasable for WZ comms!!!!!


You act like Bioware has never given out free PVE Rewards to people who didnt earn them. I know of at least 7 people who got 198 Mainhands and never stepped foot into HM Revan. I know people who have NIM DP Rancors that *Suprise* never stepped foot into DP.


Hell, I put in a ticket for a Resurrected Chest (Won the roll, but inventory was full. Sold stuff quickly, but then wouldnt let me loot boss) and instead they sent the Revanite one. The CS Tickets are constantly doing stuff like that.

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Because BW themselves billed it as "the best PvP reward to date" and a lot of people put in a lot of effort to achieve it.


Yes some got lucky and received it by accident and they should have had it taken away but at the very least it seems it's a relatively small amount of people. I realize everyone who didn't get one is now going to cry, "why them and not me!? Boohoohoo!!!!"


But the fact is, to just hand out "the best PvP reward to date" to everyone would be a complete joke and completely spit in the face of every player that earned it fairly.


First off, I agree the Nexu should have been removed from those who didn't earn it, but since that didn't happen...


I understand your perspective, I just don't agree with it. Also, the S1 Rancor was pretty cool until reskins of it became available elsewhere. I wonder if reskins of the Nexu were available on the Cartel market if you'd feel differently now.

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






I still have not received the Nexu on one of my characters, my sorcerer. Since S5 ended I have transferred and renamed it 2 or 3 times. Do I need to send in a ticket?

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You act like Bioware has never given out free PVE Rewards to people who didnt earn them. I know of at least 7 people who got 198 Mainhands and never stepped foot into HM Revan. I know people who have NIM DP Rancors that *Suprise* never stepped foot into DP.


Hell, I put in a ticket for a Resurrected Chest (Won the roll, but inventory was full. Sold stuff quickly, but then wouldnt let me loot boss) and instead they sent the Revanite one. The CS Tickets are constantly doing stuff like that.


Right, but some people are suggesting that the Nexu just be given to EVERYONE... Yeah, sometimes mistakes are made, but the correct response is never to just hand it out to everyone in game... For instance, those people you know who got a Dread Enhanced Rancor without ever stepping foot into NIM DP, obviously don't deserve it.... so should BW respond by giving everyone a rancor?? No.

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Do they somehow no longer have it? In fact, what will happen is they'll have the Nexu and something else.

We no longer have the time invested to earn a very specific item. Those who earned the item should be given priority over those who had nothing to do with it.

Face it, the Nexu is no longer an item that you earnt through Season 5 Ranked PVP, its now an item that players got by luckily being online an unspecified time.

You say that like it can't be both.

This feels very similar to the handful of Cartel pack errors. Those were all remedied by putting the item on the vendor. So why shouldn't the Nexu be the same way?

Common (by design) item that can't be retroactively granted to those who opened a Cartel Pack vs. Rare (by design) item that can easily be retroactively granted to those who earned the appropriate tier.


Not really comparable.

I understand your perspective, I just don't agree with it. Also, the S1 Rancor was pretty cool until reskins of it became available elsewhere. I wonder if reskins of the Nexu were available on the Cartel market if you'd feel differently now.

All the more reason to have a unique rare variant. Those who didn't get it can buy the Cartel version, which no doubt will be released in the near future.

Edited by MrRuck
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Common (by design) item that can't be retroactively granted to those who opened a Cartel Pack vs. Rare (by design) item that can easily be retroactively granted to those who earned the appropriate tier.


Not really comparable.


I think this is little simplistic as I think it is more comparable than you. Although I recognize that the omission of an item is different than the accidental awarding of one.

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.










Eric. Have you not heard of companys who do whatever they like in running video games whenever they like BUT keep the customers continously UNHAPPY?

ERIC people have invested so much time into season 5 and continous long hours giving it 100% focus to reach t1 to be able to get that nexu mount. Put time before other things in real life just to find out that you and bioware cant stick to your promise?? Question ERIC if you run over a ladt on the road will you stop to help her? Or will you continue driving and eventually get caught out. FIX YOUR MISTAKES AND STOP TAKING OTHER PEOPLE FOR GRANTED WITH YOUR LACK IN MANAGEMENT bioware.. Fix this mistake. So help me god if 3.3.1 we are all expecting some pathetic puny reward with a additude like you have eric. Took 11 days for the right players to get nexu mounts but you dont take it off the players who dont deserve it. You are disrespecting peoples passion and time/effort they invested to get this bloody mount. Why cant you make your ranked pvprs happy for once Bioware? Why do you continously stuff thinga up for us. Why cant you fix your mistake. A pathetic tiny ****in reward in 3.3.1 is not going to fix our scars of you giving free nexu mounts out. And neither are 12 year old cry babys who are asking to put a nexu om the vendor. Over 100 hrs people put in just in ranked or more. I cant stand companys who dont do what they promise. Not only that 3rd week into season six and no top 3 AC titlea yet? Please Eric must~cow focus for once on providing proper customer service and do what is rightfull which is give the proper teir players nexu mounts THAT ARE COVERED IN GOLD OR SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST ERIC I HATE YOU

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I earned the Nexu on a few toons but I personally don't care if it was awarded to others for 1 credit on a vendor. At the end of the day, I know I earned my Nexu legitimately. My personal achievement has in no way been diminished because of what someone else does or doesn't have lol.


Those who didn't earn tier 1 and got a Nexu will will probably never earn Tier 1 in future seasons and those who did earn tier 1 will likely continue to earn tier 1 in future seasons. Not sure how what one person has diminished anyone else's achievement.


How is this any different than people who buy Nightmare mounts? Does seeing someone else with Wings, which is arguably the most unique and only non reskinned mount to date, diminish the achievement of finally downing NiM Brontes for the first time? I'd say no, but if it does then maybe you're doing the content for the wrong reason.

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Eric. Have you not heard of companys who do whatever they like in running video games whenever they like BUT keep the customers continously UNHAPPY?

ERIC people have invested so much time into season 5 and continous long hours giving it 100% focus to reach t1 to be able to get that nexu mount. Put time before other things in real life just to find out that you and bioware cant stick to your promise?? Question ERIC if you run over a ladt on the road will you stop to help her? Or will you continue driving and eventually get caught out. FIX YOUR MISTAKES AND STOP TAKING OTHER PEOPLE FOR GRANTED WITH YOUR LACK IN MANAGEMENT bioware.. Fix this mistake. So help me god if 3.3.1 we are all expecting some pathetic puny reward with a additude like you have eric. Took 11 days for the right players to get nexu mounts but you dont take it off the players who dont deserve it. You are disrespecting peoples passion and time/effort they invested to get this bloody mount. Why cant you make your ranked pvprs happy for once Bioware? Why do you continously stuff thinga up for us. Why cant you fix your mistake. A pathetic tiny ****in reward in 3.3.1 is not going to fix our scars of you giving free nexu mounts out. And neither are 12 year old cry babys who are asking to put a nexu om the vendor. Over 100 hrs people put in just in ranked or more. I cant stand companys who dont do what they promise. Not only that 3rd week into season six and no top 3 AC titlea yet? Please Eric must~cow focus for once on providing proper customer service and do what is rightfull which is give the proper teir players nexu mounts THAT ARE COVERED IN GOLD OR SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST ERIC I HATE YOU


Eric has nothing to do with this - the fact that you don't realize that reveals your opinion to be uneducated, and thus irrelevant.

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I do not see why you don't give everyone a way to earn this mount at this point. It is no longer a mount of the gold tier anyways so you might as well make it available to public, unless you do go back and take it away from people who did not earn it. Its kinda like when an item is not in a cartel pack and you sell for one credit. The mistake is done and the best way to address in my opinion is do let everyone earn it.
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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






They took an awesome mount and will give a crap decoration or another useless pet. Great job as always.

You guys take incompetence to a whole new level.

Edited by Capote
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They took an awesome mount and will give a crap decoration or another useless pet. Great job as always.

You guys take incompetence to a whole new level.

Would be classic Bioware if they'd give something silly like a ugly decoration or a pet - something which is PvP'ers don't have the slightest interest in.

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Would be classic Bioware if they'd give something silly like a ugly decoration or a pet - something which is PvP'ers don't have the slightest interest in.


You can bet that's what is coming, and they'll even announce it as something incredible: "and for the gold tier pvpers we came up with an awesome new reward: a nexu pet!"

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Eric. Have you not heard of companys who do whatever they like in running video games whenever they like BUT keep the customers continously UNHAPPY?

ERIC people have invested so much time into season 5 and continous long hours giving it 100% focus to reach t1 to be able to get that nexu mount. Put time before other things in real life just to find out that you and bioware cant stick to your promise?? Question ERIC if you run over a ladt on the road will you stop to help her? Or will you continue driving and eventually get caught out. FIX YOUR MISTAKES AND STOP TAKING OTHER PEOPLE FOR GRANTED WITH YOUR LACK IN MANAGEMENT bioware.. Fix this mistake. So help me god if 3.3.1 we are all expecting some pathetic puny reward with a additude like you have eric. Took 11 days for the right players to get nexu mounts but you dont take it off the players who dont deserve it. You are disrespecting peoples passion and time/effort they invested to get this bloody mount. Why cant you make your ranked pvprs happy for once Bioware? Why do you continously stuff thinga up for us. Why cant you fix your mistake. A pathetic tiny ****in reward in 3.3.1 is not going to fix our scars of you giving free nexu mounts out. And neither are 12 year old cry babys who are asking to put a nexu om the vendor. Over 100 hrs people put in just in ranked or more. I cant stand companys who dont do what they promise. Not only that 3rd week into season six and no top 3 AC titlea yet? Please Eric must~cow focus for once on providing proper customer service and do what is rightfull which is give the proper teir players nexu mounts THAT ARE COVERED IN GOLD OR SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST ERIC I HATE YOU


Next time you cry about the devs ignoring the pvp forums... Just remember you made this post

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Might be a slap in the face to those who earned their mount but I was never supposed to get one and I ended up receiving 2! I got one on a character whose last ranked game was in second week of season 2 and the other on a character that has never seen a ranked game.


The mount isn't really anything special to me but I guess I'll use it if I got it.

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I do not see why you don't give everyone a way to earn this mount at this point. It is no longer a mount of the gold tier anyways so you might as well make it available to public, unless you do go back and take it away from people who did not earn it. Its kinda like when an item is not in a cartel pack and you sell for one credit. The mistake is done and the best way to address in my opinion is do let everyone earn it.


What kind of logic is this? You plebs should just get good and earn a mount the right way. :cool:

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.








Wow really why don't you just give everyone a Nexu now there is 3/4 of the community that has one do you really think that is fair that the others didn't get one I believe that would be unethical for SWTOR if you didn't . You could allow Nexu purchasable for warzone comms from the Vendor.

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