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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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Please oh please make a REEK mount. Those beats with the three horns. Be awesome!


Or some kind of motorcycle looking vehicle would be awesome!!


More hyrotti mounts if I spelled that right.


A hover board :)

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I apologize for my English, Google translator :t_confused:


I may be a bit off topic but still ... continue reading until the end


1. add to the game a new mount for each of the last boss in each operation (of course in the updated old operations for level 65 and new operations are the same) in the nightmare mode (both Brontess) and add to each MOUNT good animation, as in movement, and when you press Ctrl + Z (for example, mount a Karagga's Palace may be the one which moves the last boss, and the animation is such at which it is ejected from a mechanical mouse and they run to the nearest player or players, if there radius and explode, but if not then just randomly run and explode)


regarding the operations and mounts


1.1 Karagga's Palace - where the last boss moves, animations such as I have described above

1.2 Eternity Vault - Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (when moving is characterized by grit and character will sit inside), animation - lobbing rockets at random points around you

1.3 Explosive Conflict - walker at the last boss, animation - firing cone in front of him on the ground

1.4 Terror from Beyond - I can not come up yet, because there the mount is good, but still need a new same

1.5 Scum and Villainy - Thrasher, animation - he begins to growl

1.6 Dread Fortress - do not know what it is, because there are 2 good mount

1.7 Dread Palace - Kell Dragons, dragon, animation - it makes the front of the green puddle

1.8 Ravagers - Sparky, animation Brutalize

1.9 Temple of Sacrifice - one of the Sword Squadron, a person has to sit inside it while traveling, animation - firing in a random player close to Rain of Missiles


What about animation movement mounts must still consider


2. increase the movement speed of mounts to 200% at level 65


3. To make the mounts on which you can move not only one person but to several (2, 3, 4 and 8 and can, whatever it was convenient to get to the boss until someone in the AFC :jawa_smile:)


these changes will increase the interest in the passage of the operations in the nightmare mode, it is possible attract new players and increase in profits as a result :sy_auction:


it is necessary to add animation not only mounts and weapons and armor, so it looks much better


respect of the cartel mounts store ... then I would like to see more diversity, not rework the old mounts, of which is already very much, and that they had been with the animation of movement and animation Ctrl + Z, and that they both were interesting rather than just moving incomprehensible wing flying box from one side to the other :jawa_mad:

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For example the Animals from Ep. 2 such as:


1. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Reek The Reek

2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Acklay The Acklay

3. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nexu The Nexu ( not only for PvP players...)

or from Ep.1

1. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Eopie an Eopie


Star Wars is an Science Fiction Universe so why there is no opportunity to fly with fly-mounts?

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Here is a pretty decent list of some (in my opinion) bloody awesome mounts :D

I know some of them have similar counter-parts that are already in the game but that doesnt mean they wouldnt be awesome to have as a mount, and for some listed below you could have pub and imp exclusives! (e.g a Tuk'ata could be exclusive to the Empire seeing as how they're from Korriban or have Razoronn exclusive to the republic seeing as how they're from Ord Mantell)

(PS I like & prefer living/organic mounts to vehicular/mechanical ones) (you might able to tell by my suggestions)

Mount Suggestions:

- Wraid (similar to Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Wraid)

- Acklay (sit on its back, roughly between middle and front set of legs?)

- Sand Tusker (sit on its back, with saddle and have toons legs hang off just above head?)

- Gundark (similar to Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Gundark)

- Sand Demon (similar to Acklay?) {this creature is from the Sith Warrior & Jedi Knight storyline}

- Vorn Tiger (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Vorn Tiger)

- Raghoul (maybe something big similar in size to the Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but looks like the eyeless?)

- Giant Womp Rat (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Giant Womp Rat)

- Kath Hound (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Kath Hound)

- Lurkers (same as Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a lurker)

- Kintan Crushers (similar to Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Kintan)

- Bormu (sitting on its head? or have like some sort of saddle to protect rider from its spikes)

- Colicoid (sitting on its neck just behind antennae?)

- Savrip (similar to Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Savrip)

- Gapillian Grazer (same as Ice Tromper/Bantha mounts but a Gapillian Grazer)

- Vine Cat (same as Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Vine Cat)

- Asharl Panther (same as Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Asharl Panther)

- Razoronn (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Razoronn)

- Mawvorr (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Mawvorr)

- Shaclaw (probably need a seat/saddle attachment on its back)

- Guid (similar in size to a Rancor/Vorantikus? could be like the limbering Guid in Battle of Ilum fp?)

- Wampa (same as Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Wampa)

- K’lor’slugs (could stand on the back and hold reins that wrap around head or neck?)

- Tuk’ata (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Tuk'ata)

- Akk Dog (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but an Akk Dog)

- Exoboar (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but an Exoboar)

- Subteroth (not too sure where or how our toons could be seated/placed, maybe in a back standing saddle?)

- Skar'kla (not too sure where or how our toons could be seated/placed, maybe in a back standing saddle?)

- Yara (same as Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Yara)

- Krakjya (similar to Varactyl/Sleen mount but a Krakjya)

- Makrin Creeper (sit on the piece of ground above the body? on a pillow or chair of some sort maybe?)

- Terentatek (same as Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Terentatek)

- Under Lurker (same as Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but an Under Lurker)

- Vrblther (not too sure where or how our toons could be seated/placed, maybe in a back standing saddle?)

- Large Lobel (similar to Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but a Large Lobel)

- Thrasher (The S&V boss but a scaled down version)

and finally... :rolleyes::cool:

- Kell Dragon (could be similar to a Varactyl/Sleen mount but larger! :D maybe as large as an Ice Tromper?)


I would also like to make a note of the fact that i would have suggested flying creature/animal mounts (e.g Thranta / Baspoor Glider / Bogwing) but i thought that might create more issues or debate than necessary, but seeing as they added jet-packs i figured they are worth a mention but as an actual suggestion i am not so sure. However that being said it would be freaking awesome if they were able to be actual mounts in game. :D If it helps, the idea of flying mounts (in my opinion) isn't being able to fly off to unimaginable heights but maybe have the player's toon sit at the same height as they do for Rancor/Vorantikus mounts but have them insteand sit on a flying creature like a Thranta? and the Flourish could be that the wings move in a flapping motion? :o


Any comments, further suggestions or thoughts/ideas welcome! :)

Thank you

Edited by Scars_Remain
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I hope a dev sees my post within the many interesting wishes raised in this thread.


Unfortunately, I suffer from strong headaches when I play games in which an up-and-down movement occurs. This happens mainly in first-person-games. For example, I really liked the game "XIII", but it made me throw up, because the camera was moving up and down (very slightly) while walking/running.


I don't know why this occurs, but it happens in Swtor, too: when I have beast-mounts. I won the nightlife event rancor last year after spending many, many hours at the slot machine. I was sooo happy. Then I mounted it and immediately got a headache. :( The same happens with every other beast mount. The reason is that there is a very slight up-and-down-camera-movement with beast mounts.


I therefore cannot play any of these mounts. No problem! I want to have them all nonetheless and I collect mounts.


What I would like to ask for is a continuation of mounts like the Gurian series. That is my favourite series in this game. It is small and I see my character fully and standing. I prefer minimal mounts like that. The original Czerka mounts are very similar to it. And I like mounts which do not hurt my character's backs (because of the bending down) like the Amzab or the Hyrotti do. ;)


The Joko-series is also very nice. Basically, every speeder which makes my chars stand on them and I can fully see my chars, that's the kind of speeders I will actually use. I will collect all speeder you offer and I love the big variety there is. Please continue to provide some of the minimal speeders with standing chars position and I am all satisfied. Thank you. :)

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Would desperately love an Acklay. Especially something like a Yavin-corrupted "Ashfall" Acklay. A big dark, deadly skittering creature for my sith lord to charge into battle on. But even just a standard big green bug-demon-creature. It would make me very happy. :D
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ok my list is simple for the most part. but reading through the list i wanted to add them to my list as well so it is as follows.


1. Thranta

2. Kell Dragon

3. Thranta

4. Vorn Tiger

5. Thranta

6. Nexu

7 Thranta

8 love the idea of being able to color your speeders with dyes.

and finally wanted to make sure i mentioned the Thranta ::laughing::


thanks for the consideration.

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Trinthan and Trinthan prowler - Just saw this last Night


Size - in relation to character height make the new non-combatent pet the size of a Saint Bernard or golden retriever.

Love the small/cute representations of pets but would like them larger with some stature. It would give questing with a pet/buddy feeling, much like (sorry to mention this) wow hunters.


As always, thank you for a great game!!!!

Edited by Khrisnsla
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