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200k War Zone coms


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Yeah curious as to what would make you think or gave it away? I didn't see anything out of the ordinary with it.


OP, HOW in the world do you play with your bars taking up that much space?!?! :eek::eek::eek::eek:


I got used to playing like that.

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it's not photoshop. its dedication

What makes you say that? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious. It's certainly doable, by transferring comms from all his other toons.

Yeah curious as to what would make you think or gave it away? I didn't see anything out of the ordinary with it.

Sorry!!! I should have winked ;) I was only kidding...:o


I'm absolutely SHOCKED you hit 200k...it's unimaginable to me - and I PvP more than most. I've had the full Dark Reaver set since before they claimed only 2% had it, and I'll likely NEVER hit 200k. It's a helluva accomplishment!

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That pic is totes legit. Just an every day occurrence in the life of Vlad.

Oh come on, how stoopid do you think I am? You can't possibly be serious because everyone knows that bears don't wear sunglasses. Duh...

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Wow...you're quick lol. Well played milady /bow


Well, I'm sitting at my desk trying not to go crazy cause of the diet I started, stupid real food. What is my doctor thinking? Cookies are real food! Cookies are sith food, sith much remain stronk! So I too can get 200k comms.

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