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Daily and Weekly rewards nerf


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Anyone else think this was unnecessary?


Warzone Weekly and Daily Missions have had their Warzone Commendation rewards increased. 100 up to 150 for the Daily, and 300 to 400 for the Weekly. This affects all Warzone Daily and Weekly Missions.


That's a 25% nerf for the daily quest, and a 33% nerf for the weekly. Why was this done if the goal was to increase rewards and get people into better gear?


Basically the current daily rewards are 100 reg comms and 100 ranked comms, which equals 200 comms. Weekly grants 600 comms.


Why is this nerf being disguised as another increase?




P.S. And before someone comes in and tells us all the prices are going down -- yes, very aware. The reason for the prices going down is to make sure people can gear faster. When the quests that reward us are nerfed and the comms we accumulated over months are removed, I'm having doubts as to whether their intentions are true. After all, actions say otherwise.


I'm just wondering if this is a miscalculation, an error, or did devs really think we wouldn't notice a nerf worded as an increase? I think we need to get together with the devs on terminology, such as what an increase means or what Quality of Life means.

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Anyone else think this was unnecessary?




That's a 25% nerf for the daily quest, and a 33% nerf for the weekly. Why was this done if the goal was to increase rewards and get people into better gear?


Basically the current daily rewards are 100 reg comms and 100 ranked comms, which equals 200 comms. Weekly grants 600 comms.


Why is this nerf being disguised as another increase?




P.S. And before someone comes in and tells us all the prices are going down -- yes, very aware. The reason for the prices going down is to make sure people can gear faster. When the quests that reward us are nerfed and the comms we accumulated over months are removed, I'm having doubts as to whether their intentions are true. After all, actions say otherwise.


I'm just wondering if this is a miscalculation, an error, or did devs really think we wouldn't notice a nerf worded as an increase? I think we need to get together with the devs on terminology, such as what an increase means or what Quality of Life means.


Its fine given the price reductions it doesn't really matter does it?.

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Does it? Of course it does. It's misleading.


If they came out and said, we are lowering the price of all gear so we feel quests now give too many comms, we are therefore lessening the amount they give.


No, they always go the deceptive route and try to sugar coat things and not rock the boat and so on, and it always garners even more backlash because of dishonesty.


This is a flat out nerf, by 25 and 33%... and if it is correct the way it is written in the patch notes then why is it listed as an increase?

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Overreacting much? Yes, they removed ranked comms, yes it sucks its 1:1 conversion, no this is not a nerf to the daily and weekly......Prices of gear is going down and they are increasing the amount you get from the quests. You "could" convert your ranked comms down I suppose and if you want to look at it from that perspective then yes its a nerf......but no one in their right mind wasted ranked comms like that.
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Exhumed armor Item costs 1000 currency prior to change

Daily Reward gives 200 currency prior to change


Exhumed armor Item costs 325 currency after change

Daily Reward gives 150 currency after change


Prior to the change the reward bought .20 of an item; after the change reward buys .46 of same item. Where is the nerf?

Edited by Master-Nala
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There's nowhere that says that they still aren't going to award the additional comms that (used to be) ranked. So it's possible it is actually still an increase. The ambiguity is a little annoying, though; it's pretty unclear.


I had this exact same question.


Is the reward going 100 reg + 100 ranked ---> 150 total,

or is it going (100 reg ---> 150) + (100 ranked ---> 150) ---> 300 total?


It doesn't matter all that much, but it would still be nice to know.


Also, for anyone saying if the total is 150, it's not a nerf, I have to disagree. Just because the total value is worth more to the comparative cost of the gear, fewer comms is still fewer comms. And decreasing the quest rewards seems to go against the purpose of the patch, which increases all other forms of rewards.

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Two trains of thought on this as expected...


One side is fine with whatever, and as long as gear is cheaper nothing else matters.


I'm on the other side of this where I expect transparency and honesty from those you hire/rent a service from. If we are going from 200>150 comms, or 600>400, why is this called an increase? Is this like the healing nerf that was called quality of life change?


Are we just on different pages here as far as terminology goes? Why not just be honest about it and call it what it is. Why be so surreptitious about it?


Or is there more info here that is not released, as a poster asked about, is there a second half of this reward that's not being mentioned or is this a nerf advertised as a buff?


Once again, this is totally unrelated to gear prices, we all know those prices are going down. This is just a question on pvp quest rewards and why they are being false advertised.

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Overreacting much?


No, I don't.


I run casinos. And you learn very quickly to appreciate direct answers and straightforward information. Lies and deceit, as well as going about things in a very round about way all the time gets under my skin very fast. I have no respect for it.


Too much to expect?

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If we are going from 200>150 comms, or 600>400, why is this called an increase? Is this like the healing nerf that was called quality of life change?


Because you're not going from 200 to 150.....You're going from 100 to 150. Just because you "could" transfer ranked comms down to reg comms doesn't change the fact that they were two different currency used to buy two different things. Its not a nerf in terms of rewarded reg comms. Its is an increase, especially given the decrease in gear prices.


If you truly thought they would increase the reg comm count to match the conversion of ranked comms then you're out of your mind, especially since ranked comms were NEVER intended to be converted down to begin with. That entire design was supposed to be temporary back when 8v8 ranked came out and was going to be removed once season 1 started. Obviously that never happened but its still recognized as a separate currency.


I run casinos.


lol ya sure you do....

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No, I don't.


I run casinos. And you learn very quickly to appreciate direct answers and straightforward information. Lies and deceit, as well as going about things in a very round about way all the time gets under my skin very fast. I have no respect for it.


Too much to expect?


Yeah, there's a concerted BioWare conspiracy to screw you out of your WZ commendations. :rolleyes:

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pretty sure the daily should be 200 wz coms which 1:1 conversion for the 100rwz we got and weekly should be 600wz which 1:1 conversion of the 300rwz coms we got. Edited by Kyuuu
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Since no one else did, I checked.


Commendation gains were indeed nerfed:


-Daily provides 150 WZ comms, instead of 100(+50) WZ comms + 100 (formerly) Ranked WZ comms

-Weekly provides 400 WZ comms, instead of 300(+100) WZ comms + 300 (formerly) Ranked comms

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I run casinos. And you learn very quickly to appreciate direct answers and straightforward information. Lies and deceit, as well as going about things in a very round about way all the time gets under my skin very fast. I have no respect for it.

[Force Persuade] You want to go home and re-think your life. :rak_04:

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Because you're not going from 200 to 150.....You're going from 100 to 150. Just because you "could" transfer ranked comms down to reg comms doesn't change the fact that they were two different currency used to buy two different things. Its not a nerf in terms of rewarded reg comms. Its is an increase, especially given the decrease in gear prices.


If you truly thought they would increase the reg comm count to match the conversion of ranked comms then you're out of your mind, especially since ranked comms were NEVER intended to be converted down to begin with. That entire design was supposed to be temporary back when 8v8 ranked came out and was going to be removed once season 1 started. Obviously that never happened but its still recognized as a separate currency.




Also, since a few people seem to want to argue, the second daily still offers 150, which is a straight buff. Even if you're defaulting to trading rComms for normal comms, then you're still getting 300 comms daily, pre 3.3 and post 3.3

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Overreacting much? Yes, they removed ranked comms, yes it sucks its 1:1 conversion, no this is not a nerf to the daily and weekly......Prices of gear is going down and they are increasing the amount you get from the quests. You "could" convert your ranked comms down I suppose and if you want to look at it from that perspective then yes its a nerf......but no one in their right mind wasted ranked comms like that.


Indeed I let bioware give me a 1:1 trade. ;)

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Also, since a few people seem to want to argue, the second daily still offers 150, which is a straight buff. Even if you're defaulting to trading rComms for normal comms, then you're still getting 300 comms daily, pre 3.3 and post 3.3


Now this is actually good news, that helps things a bit. They did not say they were keeping both dailies. Hope it's true, can't play for a couple more days due to work. :(


Otherwise this IS a nerf, whether people make apologies for bw or not. And your words don't hurt me guys, be rude if you want to. I'm calling BW out for not being direct and spinning things; if you're fine with that, nothing the rest of us can do about it.


But personally, I want them to be honest. And I will start a thread every time they are not.


Happy hump day.

Edited by Monterone
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Now this is actually good news, that helps things a bit. They did not say they were keeping both dailies. Hope it's true, can't play for a couple more days due to work. :(


Otherwise this IS a nerf, whether people make apologies for bw or not. And your words don't hurt me guys, be rude if you want to. I'm calling BW out for not being direct and spinning things; if you're fine with that, nothing the rest of us can do about it.


But personally, I want them to be honest. And I will start a thread every time they are not.


Happy hump day.


  • Its not a nerf.
  • They are not spinning things.
  • Nothing about this update was dishonest.

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  • Its not a nerf.
  • They are not spinning things.
  • Nothing about this update was dishonest.


Great argument.


Anyways, what had to be said was said... sorry I rained on your parade guys, I know a couple of you won't ever admit something was less than fair if done by BW. :(


BW, please don't sugar coat things for us, just be direct and if you feel lesser rewards are the way to go, then just say it that way, please.

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  • Dev Post
Hey all, the direct answer to this concern is that we want to change the behavior of why players play Ranked. We want to get away from the idea that Ranked is a path to quicker/better stats/gear and rather it is solely about competition between characters that are at the end of their PvP progression. That is why we removed Ranked Comms, changed the Dark Reaver gear to cost Warzone Comms and changed the Daily and Weekly quests to grant Warzone Comms. We understand that players were using these Ranked quests to gear up (that is what they were intended for) and that changing them takes out that Comm income. However, we feel that with the very large price reduction of the PvP gear and removing the need of the 1:1 ratio conversion of Ranked to Warzone Comms the path to gearing up in PvP is in a much better place. Please provide feedback on this change but I want to make it clear that there is no hidden agenda from us on these changes. Thank you.
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