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3.3 Release Scam


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If their financial resources are limited, and they do splurge and spend all their CC on packs today, won't they be broke and not be able to afford the other stuff whenever 3.3 does drop?


If they can afford it later, wouldn't they have just afforded it today?


I mean, people want what they want - and BW probably doesn't care WHERE they're spending their cash so long as they're spending it.


That's my point, and that is what the devs are banking on. They know the player wants it all, whether they can afford it or not, but the devs want all of our money that they can get. So they know that if they entice poor Johnny to make a financially irresponsible decision for short term satisfaction, they will gain more profit in the long term. They know that Johnny will now be forced to obtain even more CC, so that he can again afford the race/house (which he could of previously afforded, but blew on the packs from poor impulse buying). This is more prevalent than you would think.

Edited by Holocron
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That's my point, and that is what the devs are banking on. They know the player wants it all, whether they can afford it or not, but the devs want all of our money that they can get. So they know that if they entice poor Johnny to make a financially irresponsible decision for short term satisfaction, they know that Johnny will now be forced to obtain more CC, so that he can again afford the race/house (which he could of previously afforded, but blew on the packs). This is more prevalent than you would think.


It's not BW's responsibility for someone's finances. Fortunately for Johnny he's able to get all those items with Credits if he so chooses. (Pack stuff being from the GTN from other players, SH having a credit or cc payment option and Togruta being able to be sold on the GTN which some players will do since they did it for Cathar back in the day.)

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It's not BW's responsibility for someone's finances. Fortunately for Johnny he's able to get all those items with Credits if he so chooses. (Pack stuff being from the GTN from other players, SH having a credit or cc payment option and Togruta being able to be sold on the GTN which some players will do since they did it for Cathar back in the day.)


Bioware doesn't run off of in game credits. Besides how do you think those things get offered for credits in the first place (house aside)?

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.


Change the title to 3.3 Release Conspiracy lol. Don't get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy, but I was expecting another whining thread about 3.3 being delayed.

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Bioware doesn't run off of in game credits. Besides how do you think those things get offered for credits in the first place (house aside)?


Way to miss the point. You were trying to claim that BW is trying to scam poor Johnny for all the real money he has when he has credit options to use for next week if he chooses to use all his cc option this week. And Johnny isn't the only player playing and other people are GTN Gurus, looking to get Johnny's credits for the items they paid CC for.


BW is still going to get money regardless of if Johnny buys extra or not. This is not a scam.

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Take off the tinfoil hat and go outside.


People who want the pack and not the stronghold and/or Togruta would have bought the pack.

People who wanted the stronghold and/or Togruta but not the pack would have bought the stronghold and/or Togruta.

People who wanted all 3 would have bought all 3.


It doesn't matter if they buy them now or buy them later, BioWare still gets the money either way.

And yeah, if they were truly trying to maximize expenditures, they'd have released the pack last week to bleed those coins away in advance of the stuff coming in 3.3 so people would have to buy more.

Pushing back 3.3 at the last minute really has no impact on what people were prepared to spend anyway.


so wrong it's funny.


No it would, in fact, affect total sales. he's right in that part at least. I don't buy the conspiracy theory at all as to why it was postponed. But THAT much of his post/point is true. All those things at once is going to cause less sales total then releasing them separately.


He's full of it, and I agree with you that much. But don't kid yourself or make things up to justify busting his "theory"

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.

While that makes sense, I fail to see how it qualifies as a scam :rak_02:

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.


FFS! This is just.. ..Sigh..

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That's my point, and that is what the devs are banking on. They know the player wants it all, whether they can afford it or not, but the devs want all of our money that they can get. So they know that if they entice poor Johnny to make a financially irresponsible decision for short term satisfaction, they will gain more profit in the long term. They know that Johnny will now be forced to obtain even more CC, so that he can again afford the race/house (which he could of previously afforded, but blew on the packs from poor impulse buying). This is more prevalent than you would think.


That's exactly MY point, and which you're failing to grasp.

If Johnny can afford everything, he would have bought them all in one fell swoop, whether it was fiscally irresponsible or not.

If Johnny can't (literally can't,) then when he presses "buy CC," it'll give him an insufficient funds warning.

The type of person you're describing can either afford everything, and so they'd buy it whenever, or isn't disciplined enough to sort out their finances, and they'd also buy it whenever.

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Way to miss the point. You were trying to claim that BW is trying to scam poor Johnny for all the real money he has when he has credit options to use for next week if he chooses to use all his cc option this week. And Johnny isn't the only player playing and other people are GTN Gurus, looking to get Johnny's credits for the items they paid CC for.


BW is still going to get money regardless of if Johnny buys extra or not. This is not a scam.


The problem is he wants those things now, not in two days when people finally start listing things on the GTN. You see, his "have to have it now" impulse kicks and he can't wait, plus we both running on the assumption that Johnny even has the credits in game to buy everything he is wanting. That was the point I was alluding too. A normal person with self control would plan their purchases accordingly, which may mean this OR that, but not necessarily both. Bio's job is to try and get you to do both.

Edited by Holocron
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Well, I think there should be austerity measures put in place for these poor poor people who can't afford CCs above and beyond their allotted amount each month. As for the rest of us, we can continue to do as we please of course, since we understand how to manage our financials properly and can afford such luxuries. But THOSE people should be forced to only be allowed to spend a certain amount of CCs per month, then they might learn proper budgetary restraint.
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The problem is he wants those things now, not in two days when people finally start listing things on the GTN. You see, his "have to have it now" impulse kicks and he can't wait, plus we both running on the assumption that Johnny even has the credits in game to buy everything he is wanting. That was the point I was alluding too.


Again, that's not BW's responsibility. That's Johnny's responsibility. Johnny's problem would be self control, not w/e supposed malicious intent you think BW is doing. Also credits are ridiculously easy to obtain in this game, so that's also on Johnny for not having self control to save up his credits in-game to be able to buy the stuff he wants.

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.


Hang on...I need to grab my tinfoil hat.

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Most of their revenue is from subscriptions so I don't even see why a ruse like this would even be worth it. :rak_02:


They make more money the cartel shop then they do in monthly subs. They pretty much state such in their investor meetings.

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Again, that's not BW's responsibility. That's Johnny's responsibility. Johnny's problem would be self control, not w/e supposed malicious intent you think BW is doing. Also credits are ridiculously easy to obtain in this game, so that's also on Johnny for not having self control to save up his credits in-game to be able to buy the stuff he wants.


So there is the rub, you are right it is not Bio's responsibility, but everyone is feeling the results because they want every Johnny's money. Hence my op.

Edited by Holocron
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Conveniently, a couple of hours before said release? Has Bioware been known for catching bugs before releases in the past?


Its highly likely they were aware of it for days and were unable to fix it prior to the deadline. This is not uncommon when you are writing 100's of lines of code. Now go put your tinfoil hat back on.

Edited by Raansu
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They make more money the cartel shop then they do in monthly subs. They pretty much state such in their investor meetings.


Crap I forgot my tin-foil hat.... Ok, now that I have that on I can just take your word for it I guess.... go ahead... keep going.

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Well, I think there should be austerity measures put in place for these poor poor people who can't afford CCs above and beyond their allotted amount each month. As for the rest of us, we can continue to do as we please of course, since we understand how to manage our financials properly and can afford such luxuries. But THOSE people should be forced to only be allowed to spend a certain amount of CCs per month, then they might learn proper budgetary restraint.
I think I like this idea very much. It made me chuckle ... "austerity measures." :D Brilliant.
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So there is the rub, you are right it is not Bio's responsibility, but everyone is feeling the results because they want every Johnny's money. Hence my op.


Or.... BW discovered an issue with the patch and delayed it so they could fix the issue like they told us.

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