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Limit Solo Mode


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If I understand correctly, we will be able to do solo mode fps more than the first initial time? If I understand incorrectly, someone please correct me.


My concern is that this is yet another step away from keeping this game an active MMO. If the developers keep making things solo-able, what's the point of having this an MMO? They should be rewarding people for coming together. For instance, FF14 has a really good community. I've rarely run into rude people. People are rewarded with commendations by other players for congeniality and/or good work, and if players get enough, they get awards like special mounts or titles. There is also world content that people participate in together. It's generally a fun environment to be in that emphasizes group work.


So I have some suggestions to fix this.


1) Only have solo mode available for one time access for flashpoints. It doesn't need to be the first time if you want to run through it with your friends or guildmates, but if you want to record your story or just watch it yourself, you have the opportunity.


2) Change the rewards for old weeklies. Nobody can do the Section X stuff unless they get lucky. I'm not saying to make it even for all weeklies, but change it up so that running them still makes sense for veteran players. For example, the new reward could be something like 10 basics, 5 elites, and 2 ultimates.


3) Queue times can be horrible, so make the fps and ops cross-servers. I would also add to put an approximation timer and roles up so that someone can see approximately how long their queue might be and also see what roles are missing. Many times I've given up on the group finder, but if I had seen that all we were missing was a healer or another dps, I might hang in a bit longer ( on the other hand, if I've been waiting long and I see nobody else is in the roles, I can drop confidently).


I hope something of this gets implemented. The game feels more like single player as it goes on and the game devs cave in to the people who are complaining because they can't solo something that is supposed to be for group content.

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i am curious why you think that limiting solo play will help. i play solo, and limiting my play will only make me stop playing sooner. i am not going to, all of a sudden, start to team.

it seems to me that the people that want to team will.

i can fully get behind number 3, to help to speed up the ques for those that do wish to team.

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Dear Bioware, i dont like you to do things that will affect my playstyle. Im special, make sure everyone has to be able to help -me- do what -i- want.


Everyone else is just here to be a non AI companion for me to get what i want done anyhow.


Sincerely, self entitled player.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Dear Bioware, i dont like you to do things that will affect my playstyle. Im special, make sure everyone has to be able to help -me- do what -i- want.


Everyone else is just here to be a non AI companion for me to get what i want done anyhow.


Sincerely, self entitled player.


That is not what I meant at all, and your attitude is unnecessary.


And it's that bolded part that is the problem; your attitude singles out a huge problem. If everyone wants everything solo, they should just make this a single player game. But it's hard to do flashpoints because everybody is so self-involved. I'm just trying to get this community to actually be more like a community, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Dear Bioware, i dont like you to do things that will affect my playstyle. Im special, make sure everyone has to be able to help -me- do what -i- want.


Everyone else is just here to be a non AI companion for me to get what i want done anyhow.


Sincerely, self entitled player.


Nonono, see, what they really want is for people to play exactly like they do, whether it affects their playstyle or not.

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i am curious why you think that limiting solo play will help. i play solo, and limiting my play will only make me stop playing sooner. i am not going to, all of a sudden, start to team.

it seems to me that the people that want to team will.

i can fully get behind number 3, to help to speed up the ques for those that do wish to team.


And why do people solo? I know I do because I'm tired of running into inconsiderate people. My ideas are to try to get people to start being less like jerks and more friendly. Reward players for playing great or having a good attitude. If more people were less douchey, wouldn't that encourage more people (perhaps even you) to group? And if the game is going to have group related things in their weeklies (like heroics), then shouldn't Bioware encourage players to work together more?


It's not like I'm asking for Bioware to eliminate all solo-able material, but if they are going to have an MMO, they should do things to support building a community.

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If you can't get Groups for content that's your problem not mine so don't force me or anyone else to play content in groups because you fail at getting a group


Wow. Nice attitude. I'm not trying to force anyone to play a certain way, but this is an MMO... maybe you should go play a single player game if you are so against playing with others.

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1) Only have solo mode available for one time access for flashpoints. It doesn't need to be the first time if you want to run through it with your friends or guildmates, but if you want to record your story or just watch it yourself, you have the opportunity.


So you want to encourage grouping by taking away other players' options and choice to solo flashpoints and make them worse off? That is screwed up and you are pretty selfish.

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So you want to encourage grouping by taking away other players' options and choice to solo flashpoints and make them worse off? That is screwed up and you are pretty selfish.


They can play it solo. I'm trying to encourage group play in am MMO. I know. What was I possibly thinking. And I'm not selfish. People who play this MMO and insist that everything should have a solo mode are being selfish.

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Wow. Nice attitude. I'm not trying to force anyone to play a certain way, but this is an MMO... maybe you should go play a single player game if you are so against playing with others.


If you haven't noticed this game is an MMO but at the same time it's also more solo oriented then any other MMO on the market and yes you are trying to force those of us who don't want to do FPs with other people for what ever reason by trying to get BW to limit how often we can do it solo.


It's selfish to try and make us conform to your way of doing things. If you want to spend hours on fleet spamming LFG (insert FP name here) more power to you I on the other hand would much rather do it solo.

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Choice = good.

No choice = bad.


That is all.

If you want to find someone to play a FP with you, you can always group finder, you can always ask guildies. Still. It's just soon people have a choice between dealing with noob pugs and/or elitist attitudes (and the possibility of finding friends for later) and.... not.

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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And why do people solo? I know I do because I'm tired of running into inconsiderate people. My ideas are to try to get people to start being less like jerks and more friendly. Reward players for playing great or having a good attitude.

How are you planning to determine who gets rewarded? What are the criteria for "a good attitude"?


Gating people from their preferred content isn't likely to predispose them to happy, friendly group play. You may get a few players joining the group finder or broadcast PuGs, but the rest will probably still solo (grumbling all the while) -- or leave.

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How are you planning to determine who gets rewarded? What are the criteria for "a good attitude"?


Gating people from their preferred content isn't likely to predispose them to happy, friendly group play. You may get a few players joining the group finder or broadcast PuGs, but the rest will probably still solo (grumbling all the while) -- or leave.


It's up to the player. Players give out commendations not the devs. It's the simplest way. :)


I don't feel like I'm gating anybody from content. They can still do it solo, but it would only be once. All I'm seeing is older content being left behind. They even changed the CZ weekly to not include the fps. Hardly anyone is at CZ when I go anymore. It just makes the game feel dead.

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One reason that people aren't doing as much FP's (and especially Heroics) is because of the never-ending 12xEXP.... You can run from level 1 to 60 without doing a single FP or Heroic.


I'm just doing it because of the social points, but it's becoming increasingly harder to find people to add to group.

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It's up to the player. Players give out commendations not the devs. It's the simplest way. :)

Friends and guildies will be able to reward each other just because. They still have no incentive to group with random strangers.


The system does give griefers an incentive to group, though -- there are players who would PuG an entire Flashpoint just to deprive others of their expected rewards.


Unfortunately, some people simply don't play nice.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but myself.


My schedule is so insane it's not even funny. There are weeks I work 16 hours, 7 days a week, and barely have enough time to breath. Other times, I work during the day, others at night, and sometimes I have to work a third shift.


This is why I solo. It isn't necessarily because I don't want to group. In fact, I have friends (who have a more routine schedule than me) who I would love to group up with. It just isn't possible. Therefore, I really don't have any other choice but to play solo. I wouldn't have to time to sit in que for FPs. I love that they are allowing us to solo now. It finally gives me the chance to take part in more "content" in the game.


This isn't to say that I want the game catered specifically to my play-style of soloing everything either. It will be nice to finally have that option.

Edited by Amadahy
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In the past I've also said that I think they should have kept the Solo-Mode as a one-time-per-character deal. I do like the Solo-Modes being added and now expanded - players should have the option to play through FPs for the story by themselves - but when it comes to 'seeing the story' pretty much all other missions are one-time deals, and I don't see why that shouldn't be the case with the Solo-Mode FPs, too. I just think replaying FPs would work best as a Group Content setup, so that it can help ensure a we have sizeable enough player pool that group play remains viable.


That being said, I am willing to see how the new setup in KotFE works out, where all FPs have a bolster and allow grouping with a much wider range of levels through the Group Finder. If that does the trick by itself, then I'll be much more comfortable with the idea of repeatable Solo-Modes for the FPs.


Realistically, though, now that they've given players a repeatable Solo-Mode with the Forged Alliances and SoR FPs, I doubt they're going to ever 'take it away'... that sort of thing tends to not go over so well.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I have no problem with those who want to group, but I don't want to be forced to group if for some reason I'm feeling selfish and don't want to talk or play with others. I do group content, but about 95% of the time I'm soloing. It's easier for me to be able to actually hurry it along to MY speed or take my sweet *** time doing content whether than being forced to group for ****.


If I want to be forced to group, I'll go back to Everquest 1.

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So, you have every right to enjoy the type of playstyle you enjoy. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But then, everyone else has the right also. And, if people enjoy group play, they will group up, whether there is a solo option or not, correct? Because we are free to play the way we enjoy?


So why would you want to take or limit a playstyle for people? And no, adding soloable content does not make this a solo game. It simply adds options. As odd to some as it may seem, people do enjoy both group and solo play within the same game world. It's one of the great things about most MMO's. Options within a shared game world.


If people have to be forced to group by removing soloable options, wouldn't that mean that they don't truely enjoy group/social play? But if they group up even though they could solo, wouldn't that in turn mean you have a group of folks who truely enjoy group play?

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Wow. Nice attitude. I'm not trying to force anyone to play a certain way, but this is an MMO... maybe you should go play a single player game if you are so against playing with others.


Maybe you should go play another game that meets your grouping needs.

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