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When did it become ok to roll need on set pieces you're wearing?

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I did a pug tos couple weeks that I had to carry super hard. I had every intention of just destroying the 192mh if I won it on revan just to spite the dps I had to carry.


Luckily for them my loot rolls blow.

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Youre calling normal gearing strategy "behaviour."


The best way to get BIS mods and especially enhancements is through set pieces because you get to directly choose what you get. Its perfectly normal.


Even if they are rolling on it for an alt, guess what, thats fine. As long as someone isnt violating the loot rules, they can roll on things and immediately delete them if they want to. You lost the roll, they won it. Deal with it.


That said, its a pug. If you dont like the loot distribution rules in the pug, stop complaining about it and dont join. Go form your own pug and make your own "fair" rules.

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When TFB came out, everyone pretty much accepted that, if you had the set piece, you didn't roll need on it.


Same with S&V, DF, and DP.


I hardly ever saw anyone rolling need on sets they already had.


However, with Ravagers and TOS, all of a sudden it seems ok to roll need on set pieces whether you have them or not.


I know, "don't pug", blah blah blah, but I'm in a small guild and I'm kinda forced to pug at times. Why is this behavior all of a sudden ok with people?


If your guild is so small or inactive that you are forced to pug you should probably find a new guild so you don't have to pug its a complete waste of time, especially if you don't get a drop you need

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I did a pug tos couple weeks that I had to carry super hard. I had every intention of just destroying the 192mh if I won it on revan just to spite the dps I had to carry.


Luckily for them my loot rolls blow.


>tfw you do 4.5k on lurker and still see enrage.XD

Edited by FerkWork
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When I pug an operation with total strangers, I don't do it to gear someone else's toons. Pretty sure it's the same for most people.


My time worth as the same as the next guy's time. One set piece per is the most fair and it doesn't exclude anyone on lame reasons. And just because I see an 178 on your character during the op doesn't mean crap. For all I know, you already have a 198 set piece in your inventory, and even if you don't , so what ?

It's a pug. We're all the same. Noone should be entitled to more gear, nor anyone should be forbidden to get any. If you want priorities for you, make a guild run.

Kinda bugs me people going to a pug op with the mindset to deprive others their chance of loot.

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If nothing is said and agreed upon then yes, everyone can roll on whatever they like.


There used to be some kind of "consensus" about this years ago in this game but that is long gone to my knowledge.


Always set lootrules and make sure the master looter is trustworthy

Edited by Icestar
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The main incentive to pug is the 1/8 chance to win set bonus. Otherwise, I don't see why I should waste time and lockout of one toon to gear someone else's toon. Set to Master Looter, determine loot rules (one set bonus piece per person, rest free roll is the rule for pug ops I lead) and let the numbers decide. If you win rolls, good for you. If you don't, deal with it, or pray to rngesus for better future rolls.


I don't mind giving the loot I won to someone who needs it, but let that happen on my own incentive.

Edited by iusCogens
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on this tier in the server i play, prevailed the consensus about ''one token each'' implant/relic may or may not count.

doesn't matter if you already have a piece or not. all groups run master looter and i'm really happy with the system.

i can gear an alt with set pieces with a geared char instead of having to run with an undergeared one to be able to roll.

it's better, old ops round robin runs where crowded with ninjas who needed on everything, especially if they were tank or healer...

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if you really want to help them, need and then trade with them. Otherwise you just increasing "cancer" people's chances :)


Atleast i don't make community even more cancerous. And people like these just going to my 100+ ignore list. And it actually works. I haven't seen ninja looters for 2-3 weeks.


Actually it's first mmo where ninja looting is taken like a normal thing. it just shows how bad community is.

Edited by onegoldpls
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Atleast i don't make community even more cancerous. And people like these just going to my 100+ ignore list. And it actually works. I haven't seen ninja looters for 2-3 weeks.


Actually it's first mmo where ninja looting is taken like a normal thing. it just shows how bad community is.


Well, then maybe you can explain to me how it isn't "bad community" that someone, who uses his playtime for playing operations with pugs, doesn't have the right to get something out of it too?

How is it fair, that the worth of time spent for the group isn't equally rated for every participant? How it isn't ninjalooting to deny a player the right to roll on loot from the start?

Why should someone with less gear get more than the others automatically, just because he is there and the other get less just because he was there once before?

How isn't the whole drama about ninjalooting in this case in fact hypocrisy, that tries to hide the true intentions of getting rid of as much competition for loot as possible?


If a player is expected to come with the character needing the piece, he will come with it and roll for the item, how is that different from him coming with a well geared character and roll for exactly the same item?

The reasoning behind the "1 player =1 token" rule is, everyone is contributing, so everyone should get something out of it. Not the character is important, but the player behind it. Not the character gets loot, the player gets it.

And it's the players decision which character he wants to use and for which of his characters he'll use the token. If you are running combined run to RAV and TOS, the new trend on my server, there are even more than eight tokens, one for each player for sure with a good chance to get a second piece. Everyone gets something useful for his characters, how is that ninjalooting?


If not for this "new" common rule, (in fact on my server this isn't new, but almost tradition since the release of oricon and the change of legacy gear around that time), there would be no reason to ever play my tanks or healers in pugs again, after having equipped them. As tanks and healers always find groups easily, they are full equipped very fast. If i'm expected to come with the character needing the piece, i would join the masses of dps already searching.

But i'd prefer coming with my tank to get a group going, than waiting for hours on my dps that needs the equipment and watching people search for tanks. A win win situation for me and the group.


Both ends get something out of it, the pug groups have more good equipped tanks, healers and dps available who'll join them, > there are far more groups running and as most players come with their best character, the chance of success and dead bosses increases.

Every participant gets a piece of gear out of it, now please explain where this is unfair or ninjalooting?

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Atleast i don't make community even more cancerous. And people like these just going to my 100+ ignore list. And it actually works. I haven't seen ninja looters for 2-3 weeks.


Actually it's first mmo where ninja looting is taken like a normal thing. it just shows how bad community is.


Are we talking about the same game and same community? I'm lost here. I haven't seen ANY ninja looting in end game ops EVER (and I don't count lvl 50 an 55 at this point). A 100+ ignore list, omg... You're like that guy from the anecdote: "honey be careful, there's a guy on live news, he's going on the wrong lane!" "You won't believe this, there are hundreds of them!"

Edited by power-alex
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Are we talking about the same game and same community? I'm lost here. I haven't seen ANY ninja looting in end game ops EVER


It is probably because there are different opinions on what a ninjaloot actually is here in SWTOR. In this game it can be that someone rolls on something they should not, or take two items instead of one or simply take everything possible.


Back in the day when the boss kill was open loot for everyone it was a different thing, I remember Anarchy Online where all bosses became open market unless someone locked the boss by opening it and holding it.

Edited by Icestar
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It is probably because there are different opinions on what a ninjaloot actually is here in SWTOR. In this game it can be that someone rolls on something they should not, or take two items instead of one or simply take everything possible.


Back in the day when the boss kill was open loot for everyone it was a different thing, I remember Anarchy Online where all bosses became open market unless someone locked the boss by opening it and holding it.


Ninja looting is taking (stealing) items through master loot or other means which one would not be entitled to take following the group's agreed upon loot rules.


Nothing else is ninja looting.


Rolling Need on items in a Need / Greed group without agreed upon rules, rolling Need for a companion or vendor in a Need / Greed group without agreed upon rules, rolling Need multiple times a run in a Need / Greed group without rules, none of these are examples of ninja looting.


Call them rude or greedy or whatever, but it isn't ninja looting.


Besides, anyone can create a group and set their own rules - no one is stopping anyone. Just don't expect many to join a group if the rules are of the idiotic self serving 'you can only roll on items you do not have' type.


Oh and anyone with 100+ players on their ignore list is probably the type of player most DO NOT want to group with anyway - I can't imagine how anti-social and 'my way' focused one must be to find 100+ players to ignore.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Ninja looting is taking (stealing) items through master loot or other means which one would not be entitled to take following the group's agreed upon loot rules.


Nothing else is ninja looting.


Rolling Need on items in a Need / Greed group without agreed upon rules, rolling Need for a companion or vendor in a Need / Greed group without agreed upon rules, rolling Need multiple times a run in a Need / Greed group without rules, none of these are examples of ninja looting.


Call them rude or greedy or whatever, but it isn't ninja looting.



That is my point, the term ninja looting has changed so much since it first emerged. Read the posts here and you will find that players here in this game actually use ninjalooting eventhough it originally is not.

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Atleast i don't make community even more cancerous. And people like these just going to my 100+ ignore list. And it actually works. I haven't seen ninja looters for 2-3 weeks.


Actually it's first mmo where ninja looting is taken like a normal thing. it just shows how bad community is.


I wouldn't take this guy too seriously btw, it's 630am here and I've been really sick for the last three days but I'm pretty sure he's guy who called nerfs for UL SM. It's my first mmorpg too but I managed kill it kill it multiple times pre-nerf and hm and I'm far from an elite player, it's just that I listen and do hm with a guild

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Well, Toborro's Couryard, 16 people, first HM, and then SM - me = getting nothing except Commendations, of course, despite using "greed" for what "I'd like to have" and "need" on decoration items because everyone uses "need" for decoration items nowadays, even if they sell it afterwards on the GTN.


Basically, it's the same old story over and over again and again for me. Because of my bad roll luck it doesn't even make sense for me to join any operation anymore - because I can fully predict what will happen.

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Basically, it's the same old story over and over again and again for me. Because of my bad roll luck it doesn't even make sense for me to join any operation anymore - because I can fully predict what will happen.


That is not a healthy mindset. With this attitude you're just torturing yourself.

I play because it's fun and any loot is just a bonus.

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