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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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Actually... what they stated was "cutscenes/convos/choice wheel". They can in fact cover a lot of ground in an hours worth of this. Taking their class story arcs at release as a reference point... an hour of cutscenes/convos/choice wheel time would require on the order of 10-12 hours productive game play in game in support of advancing the mission(s). I'm sure on subsequent runs...when the player knows the terrain and the challenges.. it would be more like 4-6 hours of productive game play in game.
lets take makeb, SoR and ziost as a reference point instead.

more like minutes of gameplay now isnt it?


this will be a glorified quest line, nothing more. the quest might be interesting but it certainly won't take much time to finish.

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lets take makeb, SoR and ziost as a reference point instead.

more like minutes of gameplay now isnt it?


this will be a glorified quest line, nothing more. the quest might be interesting but it certainly won't take much time to finish.


I disagree. If no double or 12x xp is in play... I fully expect that hour of cutscenes/convos to ~ = 10-12 hours of game play the first time through.


for starters..they have made it clear they are changing their model again.... going to chapter based story content on monthly updates (a la TSW) AND putting said story behind the subscriber wall.


Time will tell which of us is correct here. I simply prefer to look toward the positive rather then dig deep dark ditches of pre-emptive negativity based on negative speculation.


Now... many players will ONLY play story content to get to level cap.. and with the 5 levels cap increase here.. those players will indeed run out of story to play in the first couple of chapters I expect. Which means these players will likely never touch nor appreciate the many chapters beyond that. Players that enjoy story arcs for story arcs sake.. will be fine though. Perhaps this gets mitigated if they add faction building mission content to the subsequent chapters.


And by the way.... the story arcs 1-50 were nothing more then glorified quest chains themselves. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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lets take makeb, SoR and ziost as a reference point instead.

more like minutes of gameplay now isnt it?


this will be a glorified quest line, nothing more. the quest might be interesting but it certainly won't take much time to finish.


Oh, I don't know... Makeb was 70 minutes of cutscenes.

Took me more than 70 + a few minutes of gameplay to finish.


But guessing about the gameplay time is pretty much impossible. For one, stealthers will have a much shorter gameplay time if they want. They can just stealth past most of the enemies, drastically shortening the gameplay time.


Which is why I've focused on the cutscenes time.

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I disagree. If no double or 12x xp is in play... I fully expect that hour of cutscenes/convos to ~ = 10-12 hours of game play the first time through.
Oh geezus...that's a HUGE number. That would be PER chapter...we would have nearly 90 hours of new gameplay/questing/stories upon FE's release if that were true.


I hope you're right and that we do get something like that, but I don't think we'll get 9 hours of true content. I'm not trying to be negative either...just realistic.

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I disagree. If no double or 12x xp is in play... I fully expect that hour of cutscenes/convos to ~ = 10-12 hours of game play the first time through.
thats fine, i prefer to stay in reality based on how SHORT all content has been since makeb.

And by the way.... the story arcs 1-50 were nothing more then glorified quest chains themselves. ;)
except there were 8 difference class stories with how many planets?


this expansion is nothing more than another oricon or ziost. short and stupid.

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thats fine, i prefer to stay in reality based on how SHORT all content has been since makeb.

except there were 8 difference class stories with how many planets?


this expansion is nothing more than another oricon or ziost. short and stupid.


Oh, have you played it all the way through already? Damn, that was fast.

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Oh geezus...that's a HUGE number. That would be PER chapter...we would have nearly 90 hours of new gameplay/questing/stories upon FE's release if that were true.


I hope you're right and that we do get something like that, but I don't think we'll get 9 hours of true content. I'm not trying to be negative either...just realistic.


Since I trust that you won't sink to the low level of lying through your teeth, like I suspect some others here would, what was the gametime it took you to play through Makeb for the first time? (including all the cutscenes. I hope you didn't just spacebar them. But if you did, please add that to the answer)


Because Makeb "only" has 70 minutes of cutscenes (roughly). So judging from that and then looking at the total playtime, we can get a guestimation of the total playtime for a chapter (roughly of course, we have no idea of how it's laid out)

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Bottom line here is you choose not to believe them when they said they were going to go back to making a great story. Fair enough.

What was all the content that lead up 3.0? Wasn't that all great story content? What was Ziost?


FE may be a great story...but in the past, we'd get a great story AND additional repeatable content.

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Since I trust that you won't sink to the low level of lying through your teeth, like I suspect some others here would, what was the gametime it took you to play through Makeb for the first time? (including all the cutscenes. I hope you didn't just spacebar them. But if you did, please add that to the answer)


Because Makeb "only" has 70 minutes of cutscenes (roughly). So judging from that and then looking at the total playtime, we can get a guestimation of the total playtime for a chapter (roughly of course, we have no idea of how it's laid out)

15 days...between an excessive number of mobs, an argo range the size of Texas and a PvP server where some d-bag Imp farmed me...it took me 15 days :(


Fine...tbh, 70 minutes sounds realistic...I'd believe that. Makeb only took me 2-days to finish, but I ran it with my normal group of guys, so we went faster than most do I think. If it's anything near the size of Makeb, I'd be thrilled...I just don't think we'll get another full hour per month. Bioware's problem has always been in making new content fast enough...I don't see how they could possibly release 9 "Makeb's" in October...

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15 days...between an excessive number of mobs, an argo range the size of Texas and a PvP server where some d-bag Imp farmed me...it took me 15 days :(


Fine...tbh, 70 minutes sounds realistic...I'd believe that. Makeb only took me 2-days to finish, but I ran it with my normal group of guys, so we went faster than most do I think. If it's anything near the size of Makeb, I'd be thrilled...I just don't think we'll get another full hour per month. Bioware's problem has always been in making new content fast enough...I don't see how they could possibly release 9 "Makeb's" in October...


To be fair we have no idea how long this has been in the works. We have been promised something "cool" back when Forged Alliances started and I believe it was stated that it's the beginning of a brand new storyline - who knows, maybe the little updates were made just to buy time to work on KotFE?


Because I refuse to believe they suddenly got a call in the morning from EA and made the whole thing in a week :rak_03:

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I doubt we're gonna see a planet the size of Makeb from stuff BW has said it sounds like they've decided that more compact locations are more popular then big sprawling planets


If we get Ziost-esque instances on planets we already visited - I'd buy that, no need for new planets if we can visit more of the old ones :)

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To be fair we have no idea how long this has been in the works. We have been promised something "cool" back when Forged Alliances started and I believe it was stated that it's the beginning of a brand new storyline - who knows, maybe the little updates were made just to buy time to work on KotFE?


Because I refuse to believe they suddenly got a call in the morning from EA and made the whole thing in a week :rak_03:

I very sincerely hope you're right. I'd love to be wrong and under estimate what they can do.

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15 days...between an excessive number of mobs, an argo range the size of Texas and a PvP server where some d-bag Imp farmed me...it took me 15 days :(


Fine...tbh, 70 minutes sounds realistic...I'd believe that. Makeb only took me 2-days to finish, but I ran it with my normal group of guys, so we went faster than most do I think. If it's anything near the size of Makeb, I'd be thrilled...I just don't think we'll get another full hour per month. Bioware's problem has always been in making new content fast enough...I don't see how they could possibly release 9 "Makeb's" in October...


Well, we don't really know how long they've worked on this, to be fair.


And the size of makeb isn't really that large, it's sectioned off into smaller pieces and then spread out over a larger area, if it was squeezed together without using that "separated floating islands" gimmick, I think it wouldn't have been much larger than Rishii.


I doubt we're gonna see a planet the size of Makeb from stuff BW has said it sounds like they've decided that more compact locations are more popular then big sprawling planets


Like I said above, I think makeb is only an illusion of size.

But yeah, I think you're right in that they'll have more compact locations instead.

And I also think they'll re-use alot of the locations in a way.

I mean, we know we're going back to the planet in chapter 3 some time later, and while I don't think they'll re-use the locations from chapter 3 when doing that, I'm sure they'll cut down alot of time and effort by re-using alot of the props and backgrounds.

So my theory is (and this is just a theory) that they'll be re-using some of the old planets, but with new areas.

That way they can cut down on alot of production time by re-using the same models and enviroment, but setting it in a different area of the planet.

For example, we might go back to Tatooine. But instead of anchorhead, mos illa and the areas between, we might be going to another part of the planet. But they'll still use most of the resources from the locations already on the planet.


Clever use of resources like that can certainly speed up the process of pushing out one chapter each month.

And since they could also re-use alot of the new areas we see in the first 9 chapters, that means we will still be getting "new" areas alot of the time.


Anyway, that's just my take on it.

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I very sincerely hope you're right. I'd love to be wrong and under estimate what they can do.


Right now all we can do is hope, with the complete lack of info what ele is there to do than to dream big? :p


I know I'm sticking with this game whatever may come, I just wish we won't see another mass exodus because who knows how long will it take then until EA pulls the plug :(

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Right now all we can do is hope, with the complete lack of info what ele is there to do than to dream big? :p


I know I'm sticking with this game whatever may come, I just wish we won't see another mass exodus because who knows how long will it take then until EA pulls the plug :(

I'll be right there with ya. I'm not going anywhere either...but I know I don't speak for everyone.

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Since I trust that you won't sink to the low level of lying through your teeth, like I suspect some others here would, what was the gametime it took you to play through Makeb for the first time? (including all the cutscenes. I hope you didn't just spacebar them. But if you did, please add that to the answer)


Because Makeb "only" has 70 minutes of cutscenes (roughly). So judging from that and then looking at the total playtime, we can get a guestimation of the total playtime for a chapter (roughly of course, we have no idea of how it's laid out)

70mins of cutscenes per character and one decision tree?


i honestly cant recall how long makeb took, i do recall i finished it on the first day, and completed it the second time on the second day. merc then sorc.

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To be fair we have no idea how long this has been in the works. We have been promised something "cool" back when Forged Alliances started and I believe it was stated that it's the beginning of a brand new storyline - who knows, maybe the little updates were made just to buy time to work on KotFE?


Because I refuse to believe they suddenly got a call in the morning from EA and made the whole thing in a week :rak_03:

we were also promised something "better the x server queues"


bw likes promises.

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What was all the content that lead up 3.0? Wasn't that all great story content? What was Ziost?


FE may be a great story...but in the past, we'd get a great story AND additional repeatable content.


Nah I heard a lot of gripes about those story wise, and general disappointment. I think that's what they mean when they say get back to great story telling, i.e. the original stuff. Guess we'll see.


Ziost wasn't an expansion, you'd have to ask what was SoR or what was RotHC as far as I understand it.


Anyways I think everyone agrees the original story was the great story of the game, with the expansions being getting away from that in comparison, and now they claim they will be getting back to it. Again, we'll see if they can live up to that lol.

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Nah I heard a lot of gripes about those story wise, and general disappointment. I think that's what they mean when they say get back to great story telling, i.e. the original stuff. Guess we'll see.


Ziost wasn't an expansion, you'd have to ask what was SoR or what was RotHC as far as I understand it.


Anyways I think everyone agrees the original story was the great story of the game, with the expansions being getting away from that in comparison, and now they claim they will be getting back to it. Again, we'll see if they can live up to that lol.

Ziost was an expansion. It had a HUGE story component to it.


And the original stories weren't as great as you claim...some were, most weren't. I didn't go crazy over any of them. The best story of ANY MMO - is MINE!

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Ziost was an expansion. It had a HUGE story component to it.


And the original stories weren't as great as you claim...some were, most weren't. I didn't go crazy over any of them. The best story of ANY MMO - is MINE!


Was Ziost marketed as an expansion?

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