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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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It's pointless to argue we're getting less content or less story content than before. We're getting more, we're just not getting the content you, and other raiders (and PVPers) would like to have, which is not so cool for you, but conversely, for a player like me?

We're getting less CONTENT. We got plenty of story in past updates...you're just pretending we didn't.

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Oricon didn't honestly have that much? And the whole conclusion was locked behind operations, which a lot of people don't do.


Like... KotFE is giving us more story focused solo content than any other expansion there's been so far. It doesn't give us operations right off the bat, yeah, but they said they wanna add those later so it's not like they're off the table forever.


It's pointless to argue we're getting less content or less story content than before. We're getting more, we're just not getting the content you, and other raiders (and PVPers) would like to have, which is not so cool for you, but conversely, for a player like me? The Dread War's barebones story where most of it is locked behind operations? Was utterly useless. (Unless the dread seed mission chain up to the heroic is utterly amazing, I haven't done that yet because... from what I hear I can't solo the heroic and finding other people who wanna do it is a pain and I hate seeing the beginning but never the end :/) Czerka's story content was like... what 7 minutes maybe? 10?


This is a *huge* story update. It doesn't have much group content, at least right now, but the difference isn't in the amount of content we get, but the kind. This setup is perfect for people like me but lacking for people like you, while Oricon and the Dread War in general was good for people like you, but lacking for people like me.


Agreed. Well said.


I think most people who vehemently claim that "all content has been story" are not really playing the game for story. They probably spacebarred through everything anyway.


Hell, someone called KDY "story content", when it includes 2 cutscenes that are both under 4 minutes long and can't be repeated on the same character.

Hardly "story content" in my book.

No more than calling Makeb a PvP expansion because "you can PvP on makeb".

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Loved the youtube video, nice to know Romances will play a part.


Thank god I didn't cheat on anyone lol. My Commando is married to Elara, Smuggler to Akaavi. As for everyone else, one advanced class are all swept up with Lana, while the other advance class characters aren't. That way I can explore the romances of possible new companions.


Just had to read the faq to get a verification on the whole Chapter thing. First 9 chapters will be available right of the bat, while the other 7 will be released monthly? Fantastic news! And when I've done all the available chapters with all the characters I want, I'll have Gears of War and Battlefront to tide me over to the rest!

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Now, suddenly, we lose all of that but the single general story? And were not supposed to be upset or disappointed. I get why the story lovers are happy, but why do you have such hostility to those of us that play the game for more than that? It makes no sense.


"We" are not the ones being angry and venting out on others. I once said it and I will repeat again: I was sitting quietly when other crowds ate their piece of cake. Now that it's my turn to get a piece everyone hopes it's rotten to the core and uneatable. Wouldn't you be pissed?


I'm not as half as vocal as others out here but I am trying to defend something I like from haters on most part, not everyone is logically and without emotion posting their arguments like you do :)

Edited by Asheris
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Hell, someone called KDY "story content", when it includes 2 cutscenes that are both under 4 minutes long and can't be repeated on the same character.

Just like FE will be...you won't be able to repeat any of it on the same character. Length doesn't determine if it's a story segment or not.

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By that logic level 1-50 class stories are repeatable as well, therefore we will never run out of content.


Stop deluding yourself please.


Of course it is, every story is repeatable for the right audience, so seem to be other in-game activities. Some like to grind the same boss mechanic for weeks and some like to go through a story with all their alts, is that hard to understand? :confused:

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You know this whole thing is really simple and i do not get why people are angry at others for being let down by this.


At release this game was positioned as an MMO. From that date till now it has been a story driven MMO based around the individual class based stories of the players. With some recent expansions that was lessened to a degree to more of a generla story. Either way in addition to that we also have had FPs, Ops, PVP, and other world events, as you would expect from any MMO. Some areas may have been neglected some from time to time, but they were there.


Now, suddenly, we lose all of that but the single general story? And were not supposed to be upset or disappointed. I get why the story lovers are happy, but why do you have such hostility to those of us that play the game for more than that? It makes no sense.


1-2 hours of story, maybe twice that is supporting game play... maybe, maybe, 8 hours of actual gameplay in a month.


...and please dont play the free card, were paying a sub.. over the course of the rest of the year were talking about 75-90 bucks.... hardly free anything. I dont mind paying that, its isnt much, but on principal you dont ask me to pay for an MMO, and give me an RPG single player game. Do you pay filet mignon menu prices for a burger?


I'm glad some of you are happy, i was at first till we got the fine print... now, im furious, i feel cheated... whatever iti s they are being tihght lipped about had better be huge, and they better loosen those lips really fast to give me something to hold onto to convince me to wait for the rest of this content.


The bottom line, they didnt have time or staff to do it all so they picked thier battles and chose story, whcih is all very nice and fine for those who only play that way, but the rest of us have a lot of other options to look at with our sub dollars and time.


I'm sorry, but what is it that you really want?


I mean really? This game is not a top of the line MMORPG in the sense of it's raids or pvp. I don't think anyone in their right mind disputes that. What this game was built on and what this game is sold as is an MMO with a ton of BW story (oh, and lightsabers). In the last week, all anyone has done is complain to the point that I think we ought to go ahead and make a post about donating boxes of tissues for everyone out there who A) sees their companions as some sort thing beyond a digital doll that doesn't talk to you, B) can't just wait for a second for the entire OPs and FP system to be redone in such a way to breathe new life into it, C) scream about not having save points, because apparently surprises like those in Empire Strikes Back are not things they can handle.


Get over yourselves or go home or something. If you don't like it, stop subscribing. That's one of the best things about a subscription model MMO is that your wallet votes better than it would in an f2p. Crying about it on the forums while explicitly ignoring that BW is doing this so that the MMO will survive and grow, not the other way around, which will ultimately shore up more cash and more devs to make future OPs doesn't help. Crying about it while not even offering a single example of how to fix the OPs system in a way that gets fresh blood into it to help people feel a part of a larger community doesn't help.


RAIDers are the worst. They'll kick you from a group if you're new. They'll complain on the forums about nothing even if they get an OP. Then they'll cry and moan the moment nobody wants to hang with them in an OP because of time constraints (see life for more information) and for the first reason thus rendering their OPs obsolete.


There are at least 3 months until this thing hits. They're already promising you OPs thereafter. Would it hurt too much to wait and see versus running to the forums like a wounded dog and going on about it without a clue as to how this is all going to go down?

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We're getting less CONTENT. We got plenty of story in past updates...you're just pretending we didn't.


People have been clamoring for Personal/Class story, You know this TUXs, and that's what we're finally getting a strong focus of. Not some generic story where your the side character while some evil npc is the main focus.

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Lemda felt like a kiss and that is all sort of thing. Theron felt like a ftb and looked that way in the videos on yt. But it seems like that SoR won't have a serious effect, in so much as you won't lose your spouse over it, but choices after that could mean you do.


With that, I hope they give a bit of a warning. "This is an annoy the spouse flirt" or "This is a ruin marriage flirt"


Also, to go with what you said, if they have their own stories and personalities and that's why you don't want to reroll, and if you have a problem with the choices they made, then I'd say that goes along with going with their personality and story you gave them. They cheated, they have to live with it. If they cheated and it wasn't part of their story/personality, why'd it happen then? :p


to your last paragraph - what constitutes cheating? as far as flags are concerned, I'm pretty well aware of what cheating in real life is :p I didn't exactly get a warning that harmlessly flirting with various npc's but not taking them up on their offers would mean the end of marriage. after all - all it meant before was an annoyed spouse (I actualy run with Risha as ground-side companion on my flirty smuggler, plus half the time I'd flirt becasue annoyed Risha=hilarious Risha)


to your second paragraph... do they have those flags separated out right now? becasue they are talking about your spouses knowing what you did with Lana and/or Theron. (all I did was pick a few flirts that sounded appropriate - basically compliments)


so yeah... until I know how they flagged these things? I'm going to feel just a bit of trepidation. because like I said, its perfectly in character for my smuggler to flirt, but never follow through. I would not call it cheating by any stretch of imagination.


@ Reno. you do realize that there ARE NO class specific stories in Fallen empire right? watch the video again. we are NOT getting individual stories. we are getting a SINGLE story that will, hopeful have enough class flavor to make it re-playable. but we are not even getting Rishilike class specific quest.

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People have been clamoring for Personal/Class story, You know this TUXs, and that's what we're finally getting a strong focus of. Not some generic story where your the side character while some evil npc is the main focus.


??? If you're choices matter, then the story isn't really generic. If they do this right, everyone should have different outcomes at crucial moments in the story.

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They are repeatable tho. Just because you have to make a new character of that class doesn't negate that.

That's ridiculous, even for you. Repeatable means you've done it before and are doing it again - no new character...and you know that. Stop being absurd.

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That's ridiculous, even for you. Repeatable means you've done it before and are doing it again - no new character...and you know that. Stop being absurd.


What? So if you do a flashpoint/op on an alt it's completly different content? Are you for real? :eek:

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People have been clamoring for Personal/Class story, You know this TUXs, and that's what we're finally getting a strong focus of. Not some generic story where your the side character while some evil npc is the main focus.

This is as generic it gets Reno...it fits Jedi, Sith, Troopers, males, females, dark, light...generic. ZERO specifics.

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What? So if you do a flashpoint/op on an alt it's completly different content? Are you for real? :eek:


That's true actually about the class stories. I have repeated the consular on a male versus my female character and played it different just to see the outcome. Don't see how it's not repeatable content. It's not quickly repeatable, but that's not the argument, I assume.

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This is as generic it gets Reno...it fits Jedi, Sith, Troopers, males, females, dark, light...generic. ZERO specifics.


Except those which your class already determined via story, except those by which choices you made determine the later outcome of consequences to your character, and except those choices that your character makes in the new content.


No, it won't be class specific content like in the old game, but it won't be generic either, because with enough choices the possibilities become larger and the lack of conformity among characters becomes evident.


Honestly, there's no game out there like what they're promising to do with KotFE (or at the very least, MMO). I'd sit and wait and see.

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Except those which your class already determined via story, except those by which choices you made determine the later outcome of consequences to your character, and except those choices that your character makes in the new content.


No, it won't be class specific content like in the old game, but it won't be generic either, because with enough choices the possibilities become larger and the lack of conformity among characters becomes evident.


Honestly, there's no game out there like what they're promising to do with KotFE (or at the very least, MMO). I'd sit and wait and see.

Lots of assumptions...keep dreaming.

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What the hell are you talking about? I never EVER suggested anything that stupid.


Repeatable means you've done it before and are doing it again - no new character


So it's clear as day. If stories are not repeatable because it's a new character than doing anything on a new character is something new.

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So it's clear as day. If stories are not repeatable because it's a new character than doing anything on a new character is something new.


Is this your first MMORPG or do you have much experience with them? Cuz you're posting like the answer is both.

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