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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Transparent satellites - anyone seen this bug before?


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I have seen instances where large swaths of the map have been invisible. It allowed me to see through them, but also forced me to use my memory to prevent from crashing. Another time the game showed the green sats in my UI as red sats, and the scores were reversed. It seems odd little graphical bugs such as these come up from time to time in the game. Fortunately they seem to be few and far between.
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It's a client bug. Your computer couldn't load specific textures. Happens no matter the power of the computer or the game requirements. All that can be said, sadly, is "it happens." If the issue persists, take steps to correct it. Debug the game, submit a ticket, maintain your computer, stuff like that.
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Satellite was physically there, i could crash into it, couldn't see the gray hashmarks of obstructed targets.



I have never seen this bug before. It concerns me, but I'm more disturbed by the name of the guy your target has targeted in that first screenshot.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I have never seen this bug before. It concerns me, but I'm more disturbed by the name of the guy your target has targeted in that first screenshot.


This is definitely disturbing. Quite disturbing indeed.

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I had an almost opposite bug happen a couple days ago on Denon sat A. I was on my Legion & a SF coming from lower pub spawn managed to protorp lock, fire, & hit me although I used the sat to LoS us. Only the 1 ship was in range of A, so I knew where the lock was coming from, I moved to a blocked LoS, but the tone never stopped & he fired just as if I'd been out in the open the whole time - was not fun to watch the almost-slow-motion approach of the torp. The protorp didn't kill me but it sure was a WTH ??!!! moment.


Edited by Enurrsha
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I have never seen this bug before. It concerns me, but I'm more disturbed by the name of the guy your target has targeted in that first screenshot.


He is also in the large reticle in my second screenshot. Quite disturbing indeed.

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Deleting the bitraider folder fixed it. Closed.


Sounds like it may have to do with the failure that is streaming launcher. (You can see when you're using the streaming launcher when there is an "ST" visible on the launcher.)


Just in case, I'll leave this here:



My reason to switch to the normal launcher was the streaming launcher downloading 2-4GB of data for each patch, even if the patch was only 30-40MB in size. While using the normal launcher I never experienced problems with invisible satellites (or other invisible things) or wrong colored gsf ui like described by others.

Edited by Danalon
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