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Crew Skills with Boost?


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It seems the lvling crew skills with only during story quests is impossible. Anyone have experience with it?


takes a bit of effort and you'll never be AT level but it can be done. especially once you get done with your capital planet and can send out your ship droid. You might be surprised what you can accomplish if you are willing to put in the effort. Its imperative that you keep companions out as often as possible and gather what you can while you level.

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takes a bit of effort and you'll never be AT level but it can be done. especially once you get done with your capital planet and can send out your ship droid. You might be surprised what you can accomplish if you are willing to put in the effort. Its imperative that you keep companions out as often as possible and gather what you can while you level.


this times one million. Keep your companions out perma and you can get the skills high pretty fast.

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It seems the lvling crew skills with only during story quests is impossible. Anyone have experience with it?


You can level crew skills quite easily by keeping your people out on missions except for the companion that is being used. However, as stated before it will be difficult to keep on level as far as node harvesting while leveling.


Just keep logging in to the toon even while you level another (I know a little annoying) and keep those companions out on missions or crafting all the time.


Though I will say it would be cool if you could que up several missions for each companion so you wouldn't have to log in to each toon as much.

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That's possible, unless you choose three mission skills like Underworld Trading, Treasure Hunting and Diplomacy at once. You can craft, gather mats(via droids and animals too), and send your companions on missions, and you'll be on-level. I've done that for numerous alts.
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I think the main problem with crew skills and the xp boost isn't that you can't level up your crew skills fast enough, but that people simply aren't doing it.


They get so engrossed in proceeding as fast as possible that they stop sending their companions out on missions and they stop manually farming nodes they come across (or at least they don't go out of their way to get one).


That's the main problem here, not that the crew skills go up too slow.

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This issue has been there since release, but obviously magnified with 12x boost.

But even without 12x, what happens is that by the time you have enough mats to boost your level to the appropriate level, you've out leveled the skill level.

For example, on Kaas, by the time youre reaching the dark temple, where a few grade 2 mats start to show up, youre already higher than anything you can make, same with The Works on Coruscant.

This continues right throughout the planets and you can never get ahead or even on par because of this lag in available mats. I brought this up on the forums very early, but it wasn't and probably still isn't any sort of priority.

The fix is relatively easy though, and that is to make/add the higher nodes earlier on each planet.

On Kaas for example, if you're keeping busy with crafting, you're ready for grade 2's by the time you've finished the missions around the Colossus, but as I said, they dont become available till the last area on the map, and even then, there's so little of it, that unless you spend a day waiting around for spawns, you will be behind on the next planet, and so on.

As others have mentioned, once you start getting some companions later in the game, you can speed it up a lot by sending them out, but unless you're an established player with plenty of credits, people will struggle with this method.

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