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How the hell Cipher 9 have beaten Jadus?


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Cipher 9 didn't actually beat Jadus, they just held him off long enough for their force field to spring into place.


Still a little far-fetched, but not so much as a relatively new operative defeating one of the most powerful Sith lords at the time.

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Could be Force-resistant enough to successfully hold Jadus off that long. Don't forget: Force-resistance does not equate Force-sensitivity. And Cipher 9 is not just some Joe Shmoe agent - same as all the characters we play. Edited by TikkyLightmaker
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By the only power greater than the Force- the power of plot!


On a more serious note, one of the biggest themes of the agent story is that Force-users are fallible and do illogical and even self-defeating things with their shenanigans, while the regular people under then are just trying to do their jobs and achieve victory. So it makes sense that the agent can resist and eventually thwart a Sith. The mistake was making Jadus so ******. If he had been a bumbling, ineffectual Sith, or even just a typical one the point would've come across much better.


I've said it before that Jadus and Baras should've switched. Baras is a pretty poor excuse for a Sith, I wouldn't bat an eye if the agent was able to pull one over him while Jadus would've been a worthy master and foe for the warrior.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Well, the Agent didn't just save both the Empire and Republic 2 Chapters later single-handedly... It's not like it's the same person or anything...:rolleyes:


And as someone already mentioned, she was just holding Jadus off for her team to do the boring stuff before the ship blew up. I'm pretty sure Jadus was just toying with her too, the writer of the Agent story was hellbent on making sure that we knew that we could NOT take on Jadus, only slow him down. I'm sure if he hadn't gotten a tad bit overconfident he could have just fried Cipher 9 the moment she walked onto the bridge.

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According to the people in the Empire, the Sith from the Dark Council are the 12 most powerful sith in the galaxy, second only to the emperor, but as players we learn that their power is often overstated.


The Warrior and the Inquisitor defeat many DC members as part of their class stories and many other DC members are killed as part of the main story.


In the case of the Agent, Watcher 2 repeatedly mentions how powerful Darth Jadus is to drive the point home that the agent can't defeat him in a fight to the death, so what actually happens is that Cipher 9 holds Jadus off long enough to set up a trap and restrain him, but as far as we know, if the it was a fight to the death, Jadus would have killed Cipher 9.

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This should really be in the "spoiler" section. Anyway.


From a game mechanics perspective, Cipher Nine fought Jadus because he was the surprise plot twist antagonist of Chapter 1. Your character had to reduce his HP to zero (three times!) as part of the actual gameplay and mechanics boss fight.


In "reality" (that is, lore-wise), all your character does is dodge a metric ****ton of Force-lighting while trying to a) get the ray shield online with Watcher Two's help, and b) not **** their pants in fear.


The disconnect in-game between what you have to do because it's a video game bossfight, and what your character does in the story is where people get confused.


The Warrior and the Inquisitor defeat many DC members as part of their class stories and many other DC members are killed as part of the main story.


They... actually don't.




Darth Baras isn't on the Dark Council initially - he ends up on it due to events in the Warrior story (I think Warrior Quesh? It's been three years since I did the Warrior 1-50), but inexplicably so and crucially, not through his own personal power. He succeeds Darth Vengean but shouldn't. Baras is not Vengean's apprentice, and if you go by the rule of how the Inquisitor ends up on the council, after slaying Vengean, the Warrior should have ended up on it.


The Inquisitor only even interacts with Thanaton, and you only actually even interact him then because your blood-feud started before he was on it. (Ignoring the last two minutes of both classes where you're having a conversation with the Council.)




As for slaying other members of the Dark Council, that all happens on Corellia or in post-vanilla TOR. Which is to say, by level fifty or above, player characters are equal in strength to the average Council member. By 60, the Force-users could perhaps go toe to toe with someone like Jadus or Marr - we are more or less treated as equals in SOR. And it wouldn't surprise me if by 65 in KOTFE we are either forced to do so (keep in mind that canonically, Jadus isn't dead but imprisoned by the council; the Eternal Empire's slaughter could conceivably allow him to escape) or need to slay someone who did.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Cypher Nine did not beat Jadus, S/he merely held him off (This is the same for which ever part you pick that causes you to fight him) for enough time for the plan to work. Also addingg in the factor that Jadus was only playing with the agent at that point, since if he was seriously fighting, there is no question that he wound have killed the agent, remember that he still wants the codes and this beating was probably to show the agent why he should join Jadus.


With the death of the other council members, it's been a while since I played the inquisitor's story, but didn't the council kill Thanaton for you? Because they realised what a pathetic sith he was?


And funny thing about Baras, if it wasn't for him, Jadus would have been killed by the emperor for the stuff he pulls.

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Darth Baras isn't on the Dark Council initially - he ends up on it due to events in the Warrior story (I think Warrior Quesh? It's been three years since I did the Warrior 1-50), but inexplicably so and crucially, not through his own personal power. He succeeds Darth Vengean but shouldn't. Baras is not Vengean's apprentice, and if you go by the rule of how the Inquisitor ends up on the council, after slaying Vengean, the Warrior should have ended up on it.




Baras succeeded Vengean because he was actually his apprentice.


Edited by Senrie
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Since the cat is out of the bag the agent was still ****** even if he tried to resist as much as he could. While the Sith warrior did killed Baras's master it was with the help of the other apprentice of Barass and yes the other one was weaker as we proved later even with his supposed immortality it was still 2 against one and a few dozen other sith. I guess a council member is not that strong after all.
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I mean, Jadus is inferior only to Vitiate, and Cipher, with all due respect to his skills, just an officer (there are many of them if he's only "9" :D). He's even not force sensitive.


I always thought of my agent as being just slightly force sensitive but not enough to be bothered to turn into Sith.

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