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Warzone AFK exploiters


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Well I just encountered my first one and it appears they've been doing it since early start :(


I didn't believe it so I spent half my time looking for the bugger and there they were standing behind a crate.


Roll back these exploiters and ban them from Warzones... They do it because they can get away with it and take the poop... don't let them!

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Other than causing you to lose a pretend internet game, they do nothing else. Stop crying and deal with it. If that's how they want to spend their $15 bucks a month, that's their choice.



That leaves you with 4 options:


1. Pay their sub and tell them how to play the game (bad move)

2. Quit the game (Good move. Less queue time for me.)

3. Shut up and deal with it. (also acceptable.)

4. Cry on the forums about it. (Does nothing except tell the players unaware of of this how to do it causing more AFKers.)


^^This is one of the few people actually operating in reality around here. AFKers spend money to be here. The practice chaps my backside, but from the perspective of someone running a business they are really not much different from people who choose to RP. It's a way to play, and they pay to be allowed to do it.


The only real option is to incentivize people to actually play.

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^^This is one of the few people actually operating in reality around here. AFKers spend money to be here. The practice chaps my backside, but from the perspective of someone running a business they are really not much different from people who choose to RP. It's a way to play, and they pay to be allowed to do it.


The only real option is to incentivize people to actually play.


Except it is interfering with other people's enjoyment of the game. As some else said, you're free to go afk out by yourself in the middle of nowhere, but when you do it in a warzone, you're making the experience worse for everybody else on your team which can cost the game subscribers if it continues unchecked. The thing keeping me playing at the moment is fairly competitive warzone matches, if it becomes whoever has less afkers wins, I will stop playing since that's not in any way fun.

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As long as Bioware forces me to PvP from 10 on up with fully geared 50s, there are a lot on Grigga, (Red & Vicious) I'm going to take it easy when it 's a farmfest. Don't like me sitting in a corner? Too bad. I'm at my keyboard sending my companions on missions. Don't like that? I'll run straight into the nearest red, let them kill me, take the 60 seconds to rez, then the 60 seconds to join the battlefield.


If it's apparent our team isn't a bunch of simpletons fighting in the middle trying to rack up dps scores, we usually do well and I have a fun time playing with other pvpers win or lose. However, if I get stuck with a bunch of simpletons, their either going to learn to play or they'll play a man down and there's no choice but to accept it. Had a GM ask me today if I was afk. Since I was at my pc I simply said no, got up and ran to a red, died and that was that. Don't really care if a bunch of irrelevant forums jockeys approve or not as it has zero effect on me. It's Bioware's mess, not mine. If they want to rush their launch to make Christmas sales and leave out the basics of PvP battlezones, they have no choice but to deal with the consequences. Did you know you can leave a BZ and re-queue again right away? There's no excuse for that.

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if I get stuck with a bunch of simpletons, their either going to learn to play

Sorry, but I lol'd.


Also, you have a problem playing against 50s, but you won't actually try to level to even the playing field. Sounds to me like you're just trying to make excuses.

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^^This is one of the few people actually operating in reality around here. AFKers spend money to be here. The practice chaps my backside, but from the perspective of someone running a business they are really not much different from people who choose to RP. It's a way to play, and they pay to be allowed to do it.


The only real option is to incentivize people to actually play.


Thats the thing, it's not a way to play because they aren't actually playing. They are sitting there leeching the reward off of the team, and doing absolutely nothing for it. This game (and MMO in general) is based on effort and reward.


Bots won't be allowed in any respectable game because it benefits the player while requiring no effort at all.


Tell me how this afk situation isn't exploiting?


Oh and give up the $15 a month argument. We are all paying $15 a month and the difference is, the AFKers $15 "experience" is degrading mine. So here I am trying to get the situation fixed.

Edited by Zynellan
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While I agree, they also have to be careful. I consistently get kicked out when I enter a huttball game after it has already begun to replace someone else. If you get placed at an unlucky time (ie so that the gate comes up just as you get to it), you get removed. Kinda blows, they could at least give new players a special buff to get through the wall, as they haven't died yet and shouldn't be waiting anyways.


But I agree, something has to be done about the idiots who stand in the corners. I reported one when he was level 10 and I ran into him today at level 31... obviously working out for him.

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You whining like a girl with a skinned knee is interfering with my ability to play, should you be banned for it?


AFKers have been in every single MMO ever made, they can't be stopped no matter how much belly aching you do.


Look, I understand where you people are coming from. I used to be one of those ban afker types until I realized that even if you fix this way to AFK, they'll find another. I also realized it really didn't bother me as much as I forced myself to think it did.


You're not going to win every warzone, AFKers or no AFKers. Learn to accept that fact and I promise you're ability to play won't be as affected as you think it is.


I have played an online game where known repeat afkers had their characters reset to level 1 and lost any items or currency they recieved by being lamers. It just depends how much resources and time BW is willing to put into it or if they care at all.

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The sad thing here are people trying to say their deserve to play anyway they want. Which is true to a point. They pay $15 a month to play like all of us. So why is it in MMO's if you go rampant with swearing and all in shouts and trolling in game you go to a ingame "jail"? Because their actions aren't acceptable.


Now you take those AFKer's and say "oh it's their way of playing then let them". But look at it this way. I join a warzone for the fun of a good match. A good match isn't 5-6 vs 8 because of afker's. So say those 5-6 agree with me and we decide to quit playing this game. that's $75-90 less that BW makes off it's players. Do you really think that BW will really sit back and let themselves lose almost $100/month for ONE person to playy warzones? I know they wont. No respectable business will.

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Simple solution: roll an oppositie faction alt and kill the afker....or politely let your competition know about the easy kill...


That's hardly simple.


And why would they want to kill the afker? The afker is helping them win.

Edited by Zynellan
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I defend peoples' right to do what they want with their subscription.


You getting mad about it is like getting mad over an old lady doing 30 in a 65, you're not going to change her ways by throwing a tantrum over it.


Defending someone's right to play the game as they choose is a fine idea, but when those choices devalue my 15 dollars I take issue as I'm sure many others do as well. I might also add that defending people that are purposely exploiting goes beyond respecting players rights and to me, is shameful.

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AFKers have been in every single MMO ever made, they can't be stopped no matter how much belly aching you do.


Actually Rift has pretty much stomped this out. You don't see afkers there any more, at least extremely rarely.


As for you defending them, you smell like a troll. So I'll ignore the rest.

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After opening a ticket on an afk'er, updating it twice, and convincing others to do the same, I received the first ever non-generic response to a ticket.


"Matter Resolved" was the response once they closed the ticket. I haven't seen the afk'er since. Thank you BioWare :) Hopefully the rest of you get your afk'ers "resolved" soon as well!

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I got a reply "matter resolved" but still 2 days later the person is afkin warzones.


Well that's unfortunate :\ I was hopeful that maybe Bioware threw out like a 7 day ban or something. They really need to step up and make examples of people now before it becomes even more common.

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Perma-ban Shalum on Tyranuss Academy server. A smuggler who is playing game just staying in stealth mode in the corners and laugh at other people while they die. And his argument is "Blame BioWare for not fixing this not me". If only i could see him even via a camera i would force choke him immediately and fall to the dark side. I don't care about the dark and light side anymore i just want to kill him, like in RL. Nope, i don't care about the prison time anymore either.


funny you make threats over a game that could be taken seriously too by the person and you could be banned or worse might want to re-think that statement in a calm manner. Although as for me i do find it funny even with the patch recently if u loose your not gaining as much theres your fix. I afk all the time and the worst part is in hutball if your looseing 4 to 0 i doubt the 2 ppl who helped be4 going afk will make a difference so stop crying in no way is a afker, o i'm sorry idk what would be the term for i'm not afk i'm just here laughing. The last i checked it's not afk so your reports are useless and therefore calling ppl bots who aren't won't do anything and if there not spamming keep on rageing it's like trolling and your getting mad over it.

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AFK exploiters should either be banned from warzone. Otherwise, they'll ruin the whole thing for everyone.


how so are they at your door? in your house perhaps? stealing off you? nope sorry move along. Now if they hacked your account maybe i can see where you would be upset but they aren't they pay you pay if it's that upsetting that you lose 1 game and i'm sorry with hutball being the prime least on empire your going to lose regardless if ppl are afk or not so your complaint is irrelevant.


win some lose some welcome to life we missed you.

Edited by PROGOD
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