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Who did my jedi knight kill?


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Jedi knight story: it was the Sith Emperor but

Sith got an mail saying that rumors of the jedi killing the Emperor were false, it was just the Voice

but when my Jedi knight was on Rish during Shadow of Revan and he said he killed he Emperor, Darth Marr acknowledged that he had but only the Emperor's body, his spirit was still out there.


on Ziost during Rise of the Emperor, my jedi knight who has never even heard that some one called the Emperor's Voice ever existed suddenly claims he killed the Voice, rather then the Emperor.




I hope you do better with continuity in Knights of the Fallen Empire.

Edited by RameiArashi
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I hope you do better with continuity in Knights of the Fallen Empire.


It's perfectly coherent.


Your Jedi Knight killed the Voice of the Emperor, a person whom the Emperor was possessing and had invested a great deal of power into. Functionally, the Voice is the Emperor's corporeal body and it dying takes a lot out of him. It just so happens that killing the Emperor's corporeal body isn't enough to actually kill the entity in question. Your character learned of this from Darth Marr and Satele after it became known that the Emperor isn't actually dead. What your character knows and what you as the player know aren't always the same.

Edited by Cythereal
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A little confusing to be honest

This is what I know


Voice of the Emperor ->Emperors current possessed body


Hand of the Emperor ->Group of men or woman who can commune with the Emperor(and know his thoughts?) and perform his wishes


Wrath of the Emperor ->Emperors bodyguard/assassin/deathdealer


Iv done the jedi knight story ..playing sith warrior now,on voss tracking down the voice of the Emperor which I think is the one before the one the jedi knight kills ..have to see..and where's his real body?..no idea.

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Iv done the jedi knight story ..playing sith warrior now,on voss tracking down the voice of the Emperor which I think is the one before the one the jedi knight kills ..have to see..and where's his real body?..no idea.


The Emperor may not have a real body. From what is currently known he's a spirit that exists independent of bodies and merely possesses vessels when he desires to. If there is a real body for the Emperor, the Emperor's Hand is the only group likely to know of its existence and location.

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Darth Marr didn't say my jedi killed the Emperor's Voice. No one has ever even mentioned such a person to my jedi. So it makes no sense for him to suddenly say he killed the Emperor's Voice instead of the Emperor, as he previous stated and as Darth Marr confirmed.


THe Emper's Voice is possed by the Emperor but this person is not the Emperor anymore than the Hand or the Wrath.

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Darth Marr didn't say my jedi killed the Emperor's Voice. No one has ever even mentioned such a person to my jedi. So it makes no sense for him to suddenly say he killed the Emperor's Voice instead of the Emperor, as he previous stated and as Darth Marr confirmed.


THe Emper's Voice is possed by the Emperor but this person is not the Emperor anymore than the Hand or the Wrath.


Well the voice is pretty much a lot more the emperor than the hand or the wrath.. considering the voice is inhibited by the emperor who's using it as a vessel, whilst the other two just carry out his actions. :rak_02:

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To me, the biggest hole in that plot is Lord Scourge's vision.


I get that the Jedi Knight himself, and even the entire republic doesnt know the difference between the Emperor as an all powerful god-entity of some sort and his "voice" as a physical avatar.


But, Lord Scourge would have to understand the difference... hes been the Wrath for a couple hundred years. The Hand's explain everything to the Sith Warrior almost immediately after inducting him to the role. Its hard to imagine that over the course of centuries that Lord Scourge wasn't brought up to speed on the Voice vs True Emperor.


Scourge constantly speaks to the Knight in terms of "The Emperor". He would know if his vision was that a Jedi slays "the voice" and not the true form, and it really makes his entire story a hollow waste when he risks everything, betrays Revan AND betrays his position as Wrath and turns his back on the Sith and the Empire all just to be wrong the whole time.


So, Scourge not having some idea about the Voice vs the Emperors true nature seems like a hole in the plot to me. Even Darth Marr knows the Voice was not the real Emperor.

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I was sort of under the impression that perhaps there are multiple layers of "Voice of the Emperor." Didn't the Hand's email say the Jedi Knight killed "The True Voice?"


Killing the previous voices of the Emperor did not inflict enough pain on the Emperor to knock him into unconsciousness.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Sith got an mail saying that rumors of the jedi killing the Emperor were false, it was just the Voice


I hope you do better with continuity in Knights of the Fallen Empire.


So members of a dictatorial regime got a message saying that their glorious leader (who hasn't been seen in years) is alive and well, and reports to the contrary are just propaganda...



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Isn't there a difference between the Voice and the embodiment of the Emperor? Isn't the Voice supposed to "hear" the Emperor's will while the latter host his spirit?


Because if not the JK story is full of BS.



First what seems to be an embodiment of the Emperor wiggles a finger and a few members of the jedi Council just die/become his mindless servants and then the JK simply storms Dromund Kaas alone and kills the very same dude with the help of an astromech? Come on :rolleyes: Either the first one is actually the Emperor himself and the JK kills the Voice or it simply makes no sense at all.


On the other hand the Voice met by the Wrath is weak sauce, hardly a threat like the JK story seems to portray it.


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At the end of Makeb Mar says that the emperor is dying if not dead which makes it sound like he isnt even sure whats happened only that the Emperor is quiet.

Then after the battle of Rishi if your knight says they killed him Mar tells you that the voice is what you killed and that you wounded the Emperor more so than anyone else has.


So i think that yes the knight didn't kill him but you did do some damage.

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I still haven't finished the story yet but I think the voice of the Emperor on Voss and the previous voices have been possessed at a certain point of time and the Emperor has left their bodies Edited by NUTMANIAC
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OK here's the timeline regarding the Emperor and his Voice(s). Spoils everything up until Ziost.



-Revan's attack (Revan novel)- Revan confronts the Emperor in his true body with the Exile and Scourge. Scourge gets a vision of the Knight and realizes (or assumes) Revan can't win. He betrays Revan, by killing the Exile. Revan is imprisoned, Scourge becomes the Wrath and the Emperor begins using Voices a proxy bodies because he now fears assassination and still requires a corporeal form.


-Many Voice bodies are used throughout the centuries.


-The Knight and posse are captured by the shadowed exposed brain looking Voice. (Knight Chapter 2 End)


-Baras' plan involves trapping the Emperor who has taken a Voss Voice in Sel-Makor's lair. This works for a time but the Warrior (now the new Wrath) is able to free him by killing the Voss body. This weakens the Emperor somewhat but not as much as the Knight will because he was trying to escape anyway. (Warrior Chapter 3)


-The Knight confronts and kills a human Voice in the Dark Temple. This brings the Emperor to the brink of death, likely because he was fully resisting and thus invested in the body and perhaps starts to change how his incorporeal spirit operates. (Knight Chapter 3 end)


-The Emperor awakes fully again in Shadow of Revan, due to the intense conflict between the Revanites and the Republic and Empire. He apparently no longer requires a body to operate and leaves for Ziost.


-The new incorporeal Vitiate is now apparently able to mass-possess people in an ever-widening area, while not suffering any drawbacks when they are killed, instead feeding on their deaths. He eventually kills the whole planet (somehow) and leaves for parts unknown, while also hinting that his previous plans to consume the entire galaxy may not be the case anymore (or it was never the case).


So the Knight killed a proxy body that almost killed the Emperor for real. But because this is an MMO and we will eventually need another multi-million HP thing to wail on for hours in groups of 8 or 16, he wasn't quite dead and has now become a cosmic horror.


Edited by CrutchCricket
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OK here's the timeline regarding the Emperor and his Voice(s). Spoils everything up until Ziost.



-Revan's attack (Revan novel)- Revan confronts the Emperor in his true body with the Exile and Scourge. Scourge gets a vision of the Knight and realizes (or assumes) Revan can't win. He betrays Revan, by killing the Exile. Revan is imprisoned, Scourge becomes the Wrath and the Emperor begins using Voices a proxy bodies because he now fears assassination and still requires a corporeal form.


-Many Voice bodies are used throughout the centuries.


-The Knight and posse are captured by the shadowed exposed brain looking Voice. (Knight Chapter 2 End)


-Baras' plan involves trapping the Emperor who has taken a Voss Voice in Sel-Makor's lair. This works for a time but the Warrior (now the new Wrath) is able to free him by killing the Voss body. This weakens the Emperor somewhat but not as much as the Knight will because he was trying to escape anyway. (Warrior Chapter 3)


-The Knight confronts and kills a human Voice in the Dark Temple. This brings the Emperor to the brink of death, likely because he was fully resisting and thus invested in the body and perhaps starts to change how his incorporeal spirit operates. (Knight Chapter 3 end)


-The Emperor awakes fully again in Shadow of Revan, due to the intense conflict between the Revanites and the Republic and Empire. He apparently no longer requires a body to operate and leaves for Ziost.


-The new incorporeal Vitiate is now apparently able to mass-possess people in an ever-widening area, while not suffering any drawbacks when they are killed, instead feeding on their deaths. He eventually kills the whole planet (somehow) and leaves for parts unknown, while also hinting that his previous plans to consume the entire galaxy may not be the case anymore (or it was never the case).


So the Knight killed a proxy body that almost killed the Emperor for real. But because this is an MMO and we will eventually need another multi-million HP thing to wail on for hours in groups of 8 or 16, he wasn't quite dead and has now become a cosmic horror.



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People are forgetting the ritual on Nathema. The Emperor's real body is guarded by the Hand. That's their primary purpose: safeguarding the Emperor's true body, which was rendered immortal by the ritual. However immortal it is, it's obvious the Emperor feared the body's destruction after Revan's attempt in the novel. That's when he begins using Voices, but his true body still exists. It's rather obvious the Emperor's body on the end of Chapter 3 for the JK quests isn't his true body, as it is a human one, rather than a Sith pureblood body. If people didn't notice that, they simply weren't paying attention to the game as a whole, where it is rather clearly established Vitiate created a xenophobic empire, whose superior species is not human, but rather the Sith purebloods.
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Then why are there so many humans in sith ranks even in the dark council. Marr is human and he is the ruler of the empire or at least the most powerful of the humans and many others are humans also in the council. So if they are considered the superior specie why do humans actually rule the empire?

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Then why are there so many humans in sith ranks even in the dark council. Marr is human and he is the ruler of the empire or at least the most powerful of the humans and many others are humans also in the council. So if they are considered the superior specie why do humans actually rule the empire?


Because membership in the Dark Council is based purely on personal ability and to a lesser degree on politics. There have been pureblood members of the Dark Council, and there's a good chance Darth Imperius/Oculus/Nox is an alien. The Council's membership changes frequently - Darths Arkous and Sovrawn are purebloods who briefly rise to the Dark Council before they're killed during the Forged Alliances story arc. Vowrawn's another pureblood on the Council before the Emperor's Hand force him into hiding.


And no one actually knows what race Marr is in TOR.

Edited by Cythereal
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Because membership in the Dark Council is based purely on personal ability and to a lesser degree on politics. There have been pureblood members of the Dark Council, and there's a good chance Darth Imperius/Oculus/Nox is an alien. The Council's membership changes frequently - Darths Arkous and Sovrawn are purebloods who briefly rise to the Dark Council before they're killed during the Forged Alliances story arc. Vowrawn's another pureblood on the Council before the Emperor's Hand force him into hiding.


And no one actually knows what race Marr is in TOR.

According to the novel anihilation Marr is a human if wookipedia is to be believed. Now most are humans not sith pureblood but humans in the council in ranks of the Darth in the ranks of lords in the ranks of just sith in the ranks of apprentices and pretty much every structure of the empire. The superior specie are humans in the empire not sith pureblood. Also the last voice of the emperor was human.

Now also if he was sith why was his mother not force sensitive are not all sith pureblood force sensitive?

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Then why are there so many humans in sith ranks even in the dark council. Marr is human and he is the ruler of the empire or at least the most powerful of the humans and many others are humans also in the council. So if they are considered the superior specie why do humans actually rule the empire?


I'll say it again. People simply don't pay attention. From very early on in the Sith storylines it is established the Empire as a whole views aliens as inferior. The humans who pretend to be superior, early on in the game, only do so because they do have Sith blood.


Overseer Tremel brings the Sith Warrior into the Academy earlier because Vemrin, the intended apprentice to Darth Baras, is of mixed blood, "the invisible rot that's eating away the Sith Order" (his own words). Lord Abaron offers a quest where the Acolyte must use a device that probes the blood purity of those it targets. That is, how much Sith blood is found amongst the Overseers on Korriban. He concludes there's little purity left, and he mourns it. And Overseer Harkun brings in a Sith pureblood amidst the Acolytes for Lord Zash, when she specifically asked for a group of slaves, because he wants Zash's apprentice to be of pure blood, not some lowly slave. Lord Renning, in his research, proposes that the Sith species, and therefore those descended from it, are the highest manifestation of the Dark Side's will on living beings, therefore they are superior to all other beings.


There are several other instances where the Sith revisit this concept, like in that quest on Tatooine, where you hunt for a Jawa Force-sensitive. The Sith who aids you says that if people discover that "a lowly creature such as a Jawa can master the Force, then people would believe the Sith weren't special." That's racist xenophobia. Same with the heroic quest on Nar Shaddaa where you kill young aliens who were being trained as Jedi.


Now, the Empire only begins to change its views on blood purity after the Great Galactic War, where the population of Sith-blooded individuals began to dwindle from the casualties of the war. The lore files on Sith training specifically state that it was only recently (considering the beginning of the game as a reference point) that "aliens were allowed into the Academy". Aliens here refers both to non-human species and to humans not descended of Sith bloodlines.


Another clear vision of this concept comes in the Red Reaper flashpoint, where Darth Malgus' "grandfather" (the Sith Lord who trained Malgus' master) returns after being thought killed, with a host of Sith purebloods on his back, with the clear intention of purging the Empire of all inferior species: both aliens and those with dilute blood, such as the Sith-blooded humans in the Empire. After you defeat Darth Ikoral, Malgus muses on how the Sith must evolve and adopt a new paradigm, that the days when the Sith concerned themselves with blood purity has passed. But that only happens 20-30 years after the Empire returns to the known Galaxy.


Before that, blood purity was a very valued concept, and precious few exceptions exist at the game's beginning. It's needless to say the Emperor predates the beginning of the Great Galactic War by, say, at least 1400 years. He hails from a time where there were only Sith purebloods in the Sith Empire.


So there's no way to consider that a human body can be the Emperor's true body.

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