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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorc Healer in need of serious buff


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nonsense but ill reply anyway................sorcs are getting a wee buff soon nothing too big and they'll be right in there. They are weaker BUT they are much easier to play with little force management but its going to get harder. The healing in this game is in a gr8 place........in pvp with focus all classes come down fast simple as.
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Where is my orbital Strike?!


Due to recent nerf of FQ/FS, we are considering returning the lost dps elsewhere for sage sorc healers. In a soon coming patch Orbital Strike (prenerf version ofc), Smash (prenerf version ofc), Twin Saber Throw (requirement: sage/sorc will strip opposing players' lightsaber for this attack), Fusion Missile (instacast), Carbine Burst :rak_03: will be made available for all sages/sorcs. We are still considering allowing sages/sorcs to use legacy abilities without Heroic Moment and companion requirement so they are usable in wzs. We are looking forward to sage/sorc feedback about planned changes (we dont give **** if others think they are OP)

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If a buff is needed depends on the team you get, I guess.


If support = good, then no buff necessary.

If support = bad, then ... well, Healers can't facetank. Except Operatives, who just stealth out, then. :D Or duel you to death. :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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  • 2 weeks later...
how am i whining...?


I'm just stating sorcs aren't as good as operatives in 4s...? da fk?


I've never once stated sorc heals aren't viable, stop putting words in my mouth kid


reading is hard for peasants


My my. Aren't we *****ly today?

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Vs. pressure comp an Operative is probably "best"


Vs. burst a Sorc is probably "better".


I don't really know of a situation where Mercs excel, I guess they are good at both but not the best?


Mercs are great healers......if the other team totally ignores them and lets them freecast which happens about 0.01% of the time.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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