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10 Good
  1. I have been playing as a sorc healer for 1 and a half year and I can easily say that sorc healer is definitely going thru its period of time esp. when it comes to getting marked in pvp. All other klasses have other methods of avoiding stuns and movement impairing effects while sorcs has a measy little force run that doesnt do any real saving not to mention bubble is all we got which is very unfair compared to ambush and entrench snipers got. And oh boy, the huge force management issue that we have, I dont even know where to begin but almost every class has a way of restoring action with one click and no preparation but sorcs has to make sure we dont get any force regen debuff every now and then with that no good consumption skill. I think sorcs are becoming the next marauder.
  2. As you may have realized, there is a consensus among top mara players that this class is just fine. These people are usually old players and they don't care whether the ordinary folk can play it or not. They usually have a good team and know the class as good as the devs and they probably are really good gamers too but make no mistake, they'll only tell you to "L2P" but wont share their "secret formula". Marauder is the only class right now that 9/10 players cant play it in pvp but I have a feeling those 10% actually get some kinda satisfaction from it, otherwise some form of helping hand would have been in order. Hell, I've even seen players who say UR is just fine in a way as if they think It could even be further-nerfed for all they care. Go play another class, and I mean any class will do. Yes some classes are harder to play but with the right spec, I guarantee that none will give you the pain of playing a marauder. PS: dps-wise the class is really fine, it's the current mechanic of the game and the lack of good pvp-skills (not team utility skills like blood-thirst etc.. and besides force camo in carnage) that **** it as a pvp class.
  3. And Assassins (along with sorcs) have the best dot spec of all SWTOR where lethality is considered one of the worst dot spec pvp-wise (I suppose one of the few dot specs that are still cleansable). So it's only fair to put concealment at a clear inferiority to deception?
  4. Oh, so everything a conc. op does, a deception sin (which is exactly the sister class/tree as I know) does better? So what's the point? or is this how BW-logic works?
  5. Hey folks! I'm interested in rolling an op/scoun. dps for pvp nowadays, how's the state of their concealment/scrapper tree pvp-wise (both ranked and regs) and how do they compare with their sister class deception sins? Thanks in advance for any opinions and advice for a fun stealth xp. PS: Also I've heard that 2.7 put them at a considerable disadvantage wrt dec. sins, is that true?
  6. >The mara is a friggin tank >friggin tank >tank >TANK you could have said mara is the best healer in this game and I would be less surprised. do you even play a mara and have you ever seen a post nerf mara? they are pretty much farthest thing away from being a tank much less taking damage head on if you want to survive a brutal carnage in pvp you have to be extra careful and have your healer back you up (I am saying these not as a mara only but as a sorc healer) right now its like all they can do properly is hit and run
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