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when the game first launched, it had millions of subs, but quickly became fastest ftp

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Here's what I have learned from MMOs...


There will always, and I mean always, be a group that flies through content and unsubs. 99% of the time, that group will come back once content is released.


Now, I do expect some of our raiders to unsub because of zero content. In fact, some of my friends already have which is extremely unfortunate. :(


I do think, and I'm only speaking for myself, the story players will stick around. I will remain subbed until the end of Season 1, at least. Of course, I have multiple characters and plan to take all of my girls through the story.

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Here's what I have learned from MMOs...


There will always, and I mean always, be a group that flies through content and unsubs. 99% of the time, that group will come back once content is released.


Now, I do expect some of our raiders to unsub because of zero content. In fact, some of my friends already have which is extremely unfortunate. :(


I do think, and I'm only speaking for myself, the story players will stick around. I will remain subbed until the end of Season 1, at least. Of course, I have multiple characters and plan to take all of my girls through the story.


oh yeah, of course. story is a very important part of the game. its potential has no limits.

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After the first three months, I stopped playing because I was frozen in carbonite.... When I woke up, I found out this game will have TONS of new story element coming, more like a deep KOTOR game.... WOW!


The real reason I think many left, we wanted KOTOR 3, not a grind fest time sink based on a old MMO formula. I know many that made the comment, I wish they made KOTOR 3.


What we have now, is KOTOR 3 with ongoing stories every month, without the typical MMO sludge that slows us down and still has many MMO aspects, to me, this is a WIN WIN... The OPS guys, just need to be patient.


Just to be clear, I ENJOY OPS, but I see the bigger picture as well...

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obviously did not understand the sarcasm of my post! but, if you want, i can make you dinner with the dread masters! :rolleyes:


Sorry, I pulled a 'only read the thread title'. In fairness, though, plenty of people are asking this question in seriousness, so you can see how I got roped in. :p

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So you're saying the inclusion of an ops would completely change that? Kind of hyperbole, don't you think?


IT seem that yes, better end game would have helped things given Bw's response to the launch problems. There were other problems of course but the big one in BW's eyes: To much reliance on story and not good end game grouping content. AND I'm not sure OPS that are scaled up but that old can be considered good end game content.


You can read about it here.


Edited by Quraswren
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will history repeat itself in october? or will fate be different this time around?


p.s. this is not meant to be a serious post



SW:TOR launches with 600 hours of story and 2.5 million people. Majority of people did not want to stick around for the said 600 hrs, over 2 million left.


KOTFE will launch with 20 hours or something of story content.


There is math to be done here


ps I'm being srs enough!

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IT seem that yes, better end game would have helped things given Bw's response to the launch problems. There were other problems of course but the big one in BW's eyes: To much reliance on story and not good end game grouping content. AND I'm not sure OPS that are scaled up but that old can be considered good end game content.


You can read about it here.




End game OPS had nothing to do with the original guild I was in at launch leaving.


ILLUM was the fiasco that drove us away. Even though there has never been another attempt to fix the planet, I come back sub for three months and play sporadically Level a new toon and vanish again

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End game OPS had nothing to do with the original guild I was in at launch leaving.


ILLUM was the fiasco that drove us away. Even though there has never been another attempt to fix the planet, I come back sub for three months and play sporadically Level a new toon and vanish again


Then your guild was such a minority even BW wasn't concerned for you other than their attempts to fix Ilum but they could not. Either way, it sounds like your play style would have you jumping games no matter what.

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SW:TOR launches with 600 hours of story and 2.5 million people. Majority of people did not want to stick around for the said 600 hrs, over 2 million left.


KOTFE will launch with 20 hours or something of story content.


There is math to be done here


ps I'm being srs enough!

Have you played the content? How can you be absolutely sure that it'd take 20 hours to get from chapter 1 to 9 of KotFE? You don't. so you make "speculations" that it could take 20 hours, but you can't say it will take 20 hours, since you don't know that. Edited by talonmke
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Constantly evolving story.


Read next time please.


Apparently you weren't around for launch when the original dev team said the game within a few years would have 100's of new planets and tons of updates stories and that the entire dev team would stay on board for years after launch and we would see new updates all the time........ We all saw how that worked out.

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SW:TOR launches with 600 hours of story and 2.5 million people. Majority of people did not want to stick around for the said 600 hrs, over 2 million left.


KOTFE will launch with 20 hours or something of story content.


There is math to be done here


ps I'm being srs enough!


Love to know where you get the "20 hours" from......

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SW:TOR launches with 600 hours of story and 2.5 million people. Majority of people did not want to stick around for the said 600 hrs, over 2 million left.


KOTFE will launch with 20 hours or something of story content.


There is math to be done here


ps I'm being srs enough!


Maybe, as a poster above said, people came wanting KotOR III, and left because there was too much grindfest in that 600 hours. I'd say each class story is MAYBE 20 hours at most. The devs recently gave us the ability to do ONLY class story, and whaddaya know? It turned out to be the most popular feature, people flocked to the game in droves, and they're saying that most of those people ONLY participate in story content. Seems to me like maybe they might be onto something.


Sorry you didn't get to use your talking heads buzzword again.

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IT seem that yes, better end game would have helped things given Bw's response to the launch problems. There were other problems of course but the big one in BW's eyes: To much reliance on story and not good end game grouping content. AND I'm not sure OPS that are scaled up but that old can be considered good end game content.


You can read about it here.



I get that you other players are not happy about the no addition of ops within the beginning release of swtor, but I'm not convinced that Bioware is done with ops. Why scale up the old ops, in addition if they were completely done with them? Whats the point? It might appease some of the old raiders if they made some of the old content challenging and relevant again, but not much for the old player. I think they are counting on a fairly large wave of players who might give them a try and are making an effort to make these ops more accessible and having more enticing rewards so its not as "scary" to new players who may have minimal experience. Then maybe a new operation might be a more worthwhile endeavor.


I can understand not being happy about that. You have the full right to unsubscribe if you want to. Come back when the new operations come out or do not at all if you are fed up with SWTOR. There is a world of MMOs that might content a raiders type such as yourself and a new line of SW games if you're a person who like their star wars fix. Maybe try FFXI, Raasu tells us its all the rage. I'm slightly intrigued, though Anime fantasy games are not really my thing.


I do think there is a difference between what Bioware is doing at launch than what Bioware is doing now. Yeah the MMO players might very well devour the story only content (though we have no idea exactly how long a Chapter is, nor if there is any significant variation between a class or a faction interaction, etc the things RPG fans will play to see out different outcomes), which I think Bioware is counting on, and threw out further hooks by offering a chapter every month starting in Janurary ending somewhere in 6 months, which they promise another round of such content.

Edited by Nickious
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Have you played the content? How can you be absolutely sure that it'd take 20 hours to get from chapter 1 to 9 of KotFE? You don't. so you make "speculations" that it could take 20 hours, but you can't say it will take 20 hours, since you don't know that.


How long did it take you to get through makeb and SOR content combined?


I wouldn't expect FE to be beyond that in play time. If you played them both, you'd get what 12-15 hours of game time then done with story.


20 hours seems a bit generous for 9 chapters when you know the first 2 are catch up chapters for new players.

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SW:TOR launches with 600 hours of story and 2.5 million people. Majority of people did not want to stick around for the said 600 hrs, over 2 million left.


KOTFE will launch with 20 hours or something of story content.


There is math to be done here


ps I'm being srs enough!


Because you do not understand why many left... We wanted KOTOR 3 and found the game to be way too much of a time sink at that time, it was NOT fun to level. By the time I finished the JK story, I was ready to never play a MMO again. Why do you think they are "streamlining" the 1-50 content? Because they also did their homework and know the better formula to use for a Bioware MMO, not base things on an old MMO formula, that honestly, most people hate about MMO's to begin with.... The darn grind and time sink garbage....


They use to think, you keep subs by making things take forever... That is exactly what drove people away from this and others MMO's. Friends I know that played this game all complained they wanted KOTOR 3, Not a single one complained to me about lack of end game.


WoW works because it came out at the right time in history and many people invested a ton into it, so they continue to return to it. Newer MMO's are all better off with making their own identity, and for BW, that is focus on story.


I know people that would play this game if it was NOT a mmo, I constantly hear that... "I hate MMO's, to much grind". No matter how much they love Star Wars, some people will simply never touch a MMO. I was one of those people....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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