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How effective is putting a referral link in a signature?


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I always quote my signature when people ask me to click theirs.


And in most cases its someone who has not been in the game as long as i so by principle, they don't even qualify for me to click, "how did you refer me when I arrived first?"

Edited by Quentori
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I always quote my signature when people ask me to click theirs.


And in most cases its someone who has not been in the game as long as i so by principle, they don't even qualify for me to click, "how did you refer me when I arrived first?"


I've actually thought about including something of a disclaimer like yours with my referral link but I think people would just perceive me as just trying to be self-serving. It is true though, the person referring gets far more out of this deal than the person clicking the link. If you click someone link, you should do it because you think they are helpful and you like them. Don't just click some random's link.


Anyways, at first I didn't really perceive that putting my link in my signature would net me much CC from people clicking, but you would be surprised how many people click. I've gotten 16 people who clicked my link since I put it up around May 31st of this year. I've made around 9k CC I reckon. I haven't had some people click my referral for some time, but I'm still sitting pretty on around 5k CC right now.

Edited by Nickious
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I didn't think it was effective at all...but I haven't spammed my link on Facebook in a while, and I still managed to pick up several referrals. I can only assume it's either from here, or from people stumbling across months old links on FB.


Some folks swear they can stay in CC's sheerly by the link in forums...YMMV though.

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I've had mine in my signature for two months and only have two (2) clicks. :(


I don't know how people are getting so many but I'm also not a post-fiend so maybe that's why.


I think the secret is, make sure to post a lot whenever they make announcements - that's what brings people to the forums, and if your link is visible, it's going to get clicked.

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Just curious. I've clicked when one back when my subscription lapsed and I wanted a free one. :D


This isn't against the rules of posting, is it?


I put a referral link in my signature about a month ago. I don't post very often but so far have had a few people click on it.


Just be sure to clearly mark it as your referral link and don't use something like "click here for free CAKE" or similar. Making a thread with "click here for my referral link" is also a big no-no.

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im doing this as a trial run, if i dont see anything at the end of the year, thats 31st dec 11:59.59pm my time in the uk, then the 1st of jan comes, its getting removed. i dont expect much or anything to come from the sig so as it is, just a trial to see what happens.
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I'd say very. I started doing it a few months ago, and I've netted probably close to 100K CCs. I had the mount and all the pet rewards in under a week.


You've probably given people a lot of good advice! :) I got some extra coins, but, of course, nowhere near.

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Referral clicks are impossible to predict really. I didnt get any for a long time, then in a span of about two weeks i got 5.


Posting things might get you clicks, but its hard to say what will get peoples attention.


It kinda stands to reason that you won't get many clicks if you're saying the game's going to die soon or that it totally sucks, though :D

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