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New interview makes me think we're not getting old companions back...

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I do not see myself playing imp side ever again if Lana becomes a companion. Even my Sith wants to kill her, lol. I hope I can kill her. That would be so much fun.


*LOOKS AROUND* They already confirmed that Lana is the first person you recruit in the expansion. Also that it is not imp or pub, or separate classes anymore, its just one story. You will meet her on every character at the beginning.


But then, the way they said it, the example they gave may present an opportunity for her to leave your team and/or something else happening. So you probably might not have to keep her if you don't want her.

Edited by Scorpiova
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so im confused, do people think they are getting rid of the whole rest of the game? cause otherwise youre assuming then that if you complete the initial storyline with the initial companions and have them doing missions with you and doing crafting and then what you hit level 60 and a box pops up that says "would you like to proceed to new content? warning: this will delete all of your companions?"


maybe I missed a news post somewhere

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so im confused, do people think they are getting rid of the whole rest of the game? cause otherwise youre assuming then that if you complete the initial storyline with the initial companions and have them doing missions with you and doing crafting and then what you hit level 60 and a box pops up that says "would you like to proceed to new content? warning: this will delete all of your companions?"


maybe I missed a news post somewhere


They have said several things that indicate that we will lose our current companions, and part of the expansion will be following storylines that will get some (but not all) of them back. As such, they are also re-working the crafting system as that will obviously be affected by the loss of those companions.

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Got to page 3 or 4, I think.


Reading posts up to that point is kinda interesting. Companions should be who they are. If your a dark Jedi dealing with a LS companion, they either one, attack you or two, leave you. A psychotic bounty hunter should either be shooting Mako or Mako shooting that BH or leaving. It doesnt fit a character to stay with those that are against their own agendas or likes or personalities. I will not want a companion to end up like they are right now. Scourge and Rusk would hate my Knight, even though gifts were used, the conversations up to chapter 3 and finishing the story should had put them at odds to walked away or attack my knight. One of the two, not stick around cause they just fill gaps to do crew skills and so on, cause used gifts to make that beneficial. Its not part of the story and therefore Im against keeping companions that dont want to sit around some crazed or loved PC.



Boils down to:


Companions responses were very strong and yet no consequences of said actions that they opposed. Sucks. They arent their own, granted the slave for the warrior or inquisitor is a different matter all together.

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If your a dark Jedi dealing with a LS companion, they either one, attack you or two, leave you. A psychotic bounty hunter should either be shooting Mako or Mako shooting that BH or leaving. It doesnt fit a character to stay with those that are against their own agendas or likes or personalities. I will not want a companion to end up like they are right now.


They originally designed deep consequences around companions. I don't know if they'd actually leave on their own, but I know the devs had said they could be killed.


It didn't go over well (I guess you'd call it "killer's remorse") and was changed. BioWare's allowed you to kill off companions in some of their other games, but I don't think it's one of those things that really translates as well to an MMO where you can't load a previous save, and 2 years later you're still living with the consequences on your "main". People like choices with consequences, but at the same time, don't usually like feeling as though they have to start all over because they made a choice they now regret.

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I can happily see a few being dropped - Skadge, Qyzen, Zenith, Broon, hell If I get to go Ramsay Bolton on Quinn I'd be overjoyed on my DS Male Jug, the most important ones for me to get back are the love interests, Blizz and Gault. I just hope BW let us go dark on a couple of the LS based comps like we did with Jaesa. I don't know about anyone else but seeing the likes of Kira, Nadia and Ashara go full tilt sith would be awesome - wouldn't you go a bit dark if the person you were goin out with got turned into an ice-cube by some randoms?
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I think this is the first time I've been afraid of an expansion. I really wish they would just sit down and explain how things are going to shake out. Too vague on too many points. :mad: I want to be excited. I really do! But I can't with so much at risk.


I wouldn't say afraid, but defiantly aware of the possibility of un-subbing. I think this quote for Dulfy, in reference to the new Bothers Short-Story, explains it well:


Decent read, but I still have a hard time accepting that a random army comes out of nowhere and beats both the republic and the Sith simultaneously in a matter of a couple years. Seems like lazy writing, more akin to fanfiction than in game continuity. Maybe they will prove me wrong but I'm worried.


While things like that story, the solable/scalable FPs and return/death choices for old companions and acquaintances are quite enticing, i'm very afraid this wont be TOR anymore.

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They originally designed deep consequences around companions. I don't know if they'd actually leave on their own, but I know the devs had said they could be killed.


It didn't go over well (I guess you'd call it "killer's remorse") and was changed. BioWare's allowed you to kill off companions in some of their other games, but I don't think it's one of those things that really translates as well to an MMO where you can't load a previous save, and 2 years later you're still living with the consequences on your "main". People like choices with consequences, but at the same time, don't usually like feeling as though they have to start all over because they made a choice they now regret.


Well that seem awfully schizophrenic of them, don't it? Personally i think, it would bring so much depth to the game. And tension. But we cant have depth in a MMO, now can we.


I'm not always happy with some of the choices that ive made in TOR, but that risk makes your class story choices exiting sometimes. The best times are when the game stumps you out of nowhere and you start fighting with yourself. How much more memorable would Quinns.... uhm Spoiler be, if you could permanently kill him for his SPOILER.

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I saw a post that likened this to mass effect 2, but that was a different game. A sequel yes, but a new game. This would be more like dragon age awakening, where it's an expansion and you're the same character except nothing you did matters. Oh sure they bring back one or two familiar faces to placate you, but deep down you know that someone just decided that all of that hard work you had been doing in the main game was suddenly just gone and/or useless. Awakening seriously was the most upsetting expansion to a game ever that it ruined dragon age for me. I really hope this doesn't turn out the same.
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As long as M1-4X, Elora Dorne, and HK-51 are still around for me...maybe Aric...but idk about him.


I'd be happy with those choices, but HK better stick around for all my classes. I spent a LOT of money on him. (Well, other peoples' money - thanks for all the referral CCs!)

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I'd be happy with those choices, but HK better stick around for all my classes. I spent a LOT of money on him. (Well, other peoples' money - thanks for all the referral CCs!)


I think it's apparent enough that paid companions aren't going anywhere.


Something tells me Yuun will be one of the killed-off npcs....talk about useless.

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Yeah, I doubt BW would be that silly to get rid of Treek and HK. Then again they have mentioned HK-55 so who knows...


If HK-51 gets upgraded to HK-55 and everyone gets him free after I spent - geez, probably 7K CC unlocking him across all my toons, I'd be pretty cheezed off.


On the other hand, if we get TWO HK droids, that'd be cool. Especially if they bicker back and forth on the ship.

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If HK-51 gets upgraded to HK-55 and everyone gets him free after I spent - geez, probably 7K CC unlocking him across all my toons, I'd be pretty cheezed off.


On the other hand, if we get TWO HK droids, that'd be cool. Especially if they bicker back and forth on the ship.


I could see how you'd be cheezed off but I'd be okay with it if it meant not having to pay to unlock him again. Unless they still have a unlock fee and it's just a cosmetic upgrade.

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Yeah, I doubt BW would be that silly to get rid of Treek and HK. Then again they have mentioned HK-55 so who knows...


Assessment: HK-55's are a more recent HK model, hence their operational parameters provide a rate of efficiency and refinement earlier models lack.


Extrapolation: Taking the above into account, it is fair to assume the HK-51 unit is an obsolete model by today's standards, and the HK-55 unit will be MORE than a suitable replacement.


Conclusion: HK-51 and HK-55 will engage one another with EXTREME PREJUDICE, with the latter unit emerging as the clear victor.



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I am more concerned with how they will go about redoing bonuses for 10k affection etc. Do we suddenly all lose 1% acc or do we keep them all and the new people are crap out of luck, or do they just give everyone the bonuses for nothing? wish I knew so I could figure out if I want to rush affection on all of my alts or not.
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I could see how you'd be cheezed off but I'd be okay with it if it meant not having to pay to unlock him again. Unless they still have a unlock fee and it's just a cosmetic upgrade.


Yeah, but I doubt I'm ever going to start another alt, so it's not saving me an unlock fee. Don't forget - MMOs are all about making ME, personally, happy.

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Assessment: HK-55's are a more recent HK model, hence their operational parameters provide a rate of efficiency and refinement earlier models lack.


Extrapolation: Taking the above into account, it is fair to assume the HK-51 unit is an obsolete model by today's standards, and the HK-55 unit will be MORE than a suitable replacement.


Conclusion: HK-51 and HK-55 will engage one another with EXTREME PREJUDICE, with the latter unit emerging as the clear victor.




But the cows. :(


Yeah, but I doubt I'm ever going to start another alt, so it's not saving me an unlock fee. Don't forget - MMOs are all about making ME, personally, happy.


False: MMOs are all about making ME, personally, okay.

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Well, you can almost surely forget Raina Temple.


I contacted the voice actress who did her lines, and apparently Bioware hasn't called her yet it seems, and if they haven't, they won't now I guess, so one with probably already confirmed not to return, I wonder how many others...




Male Agents have been screwed in companion romances despite the great story they have, at least LS, Empire loyal Agents, I hate Kaliyo because she's the total opposite of that...

Edited by RickShan
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Well, you can almost surely forget Raina Temple.


I contacted the voice actress who did her lines, and apparently Bioware hasn't called her yet it seems, and if they haven't, they won't now I guess, so one with probably already confirmed not to return, I wonder how many others...




Male Agents have been screwed in companion romances despite the great story they have, at least LS, Empire loyal Agents, I hate Kaliyo because she's the total opposite of that...


Unfortunately, she was silent throughout SoR, so that is hardly surprising. Seeing my main male Sniper romanced her instead of Kaliyo as well, I feel your pain.


Same thing with my Gunslinger really, seeing he chose to romance Akaavi, yet she was ALSO silent throughout SoR, unlike Risha; same with Jaesa Willsaam, unlike Vette.

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I will be very upset if I cannot recruit my old companions again, it would be a complete breakoff from many peoples RP cast.


Honestly, if we need to chose between no story continuation to old comps and just have them as they are, or not get them at all, I'm fine with leaving old companions mute for the rest of expansion as long as I can still summon and have them around.


I spent good amount of credits (and even CC) to dressup my companions. Removing that effort put into them would be a big "Fck you" from bioware.

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