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So, are (Lorewise) the Empire and Republic going away?


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Hello everyone! As a die-hard Imperial, I have my personal concerns about both factions' fates in the Coming expansion. As a Roleplayer, these concerns are amplified by my characters personal commitment to the Empire. So, my question for you all is, do we know what is happening to the Republic and Empire in the next expansion? I feel there are a few routes that the story could go through:


  • The Empire and Republic merge together in a desperate attempt to halt the new threat. ( I would rather this not happen, my faction pride is too strong to work with those -other- people!! )
  • Both factions are dissolved, and we are thrown into galaxy wide anarchy... ( This is the worst outcome to me, as with the first route, there is hope that the two will eventually seperate again... Here, there is just no more story with the factions, and an end to the great lore they had going... )
  • Finally, there is the chance that both survive, albeit in a weakened state.


So, which route do you think the story would go down? As it stands, this uncertainty is killing me, and making me stress quite a bit about my RP characters future as an Imperial Trooper. Thanks everyone!

Edited by Thelyssani
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Hello everyone! As a die-hard Imperial, I have my personal concerns about both factions' fates in the Coming expansion. As a Roleplayer, these concerns are amplified by my characters personal commitment to the Empire. So, my question for you all is, do we know what is happening to the Republic and Empire in the next expansion? I feel there are a few routes that the story could go through:


  • The Empire and Republic merge together in a desperate attempt to halt the new threat. ( I would rather this not happen, my faction pride is too strong to work with those -other- people!! )
  • Both factions are dissolved, and we are thrown into galaxy wide anarchy... ( This is the worst outcome to me, as with the first route, there is hope that the two will eventually seperate again... Here, there is just no more story with the factions, and an end to the great lore they had going... )
  • Finally, there is the chance that both survive, albeit in a weakened state.


So, which route do you think the story would go down? As it stands, this uncertainty is killing me, and making me stress quite a bit about my RP characters future as an Imperial Trooper. Thanks everyone!


More information is still needed.

However, the news we have so far:


Empire and Republic are hit really hard, not extinct, but not what they were due to the Zakuul invasion. It is unknown if they are truly "destroyed" or just merely rekt. Probably jsut had a good spanking is all.

This sets up us working together again and trying to get rid of this new threat.


We still don't know, patience

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I'm hoping what you are saying is true, but again, I guess time will tell. Out of curiosity, where is everyone getting the information about the story from? Was there an interview that I missed or something?
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I'm hoping what you are saying is true, but again, I guess time will tell. Out of curiosity, where is everyone getting the information about the story from? Was there an interview that I missed or something?


Google Swtor Dulfy and go through the articles. You will find 2 interviews thus far and I'm sure reddit has some stuff.


I'm indifferent if the republic/empire gets destroyed. Would be a cool story twist for everyone to be reduced to nothing.

However, that would be a MAJOR undertaking and I doubt it will happen. So far they have stated we are remaining on our respective factions (pub/imp).


I would like to see a galaxy affected by such an invasion, the trailer shows Tython (presumably), Korriban, Hoth, and Alderaan being attacked. That covers nearly every part of the galaxy, especially the Republic's inner core. As such, I would like to see a galaxy in ruins from this or at least some parts of it being destroyed.


For example,

Is there still rebellion fighting on Balmorra? LOL

Tython/Korriban destroyed?

Were the capital worlds hit at all?

I'm sure the Zakuul invasion would go for the fleets, considering how far in they attacked. Are the fleets different now?


I could understand them not changing everything because 1-50 is still in game, but at least do something for people who have seen the same galaxy for years.

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Google Swtor Dulfy and go through the articles. You will find 2 interviews thus far and I'm sure reddit has some stuff.


I'm indifferent if the republic/empire gets destroyed. Would be a cool story twist for everyone to be reduced to nothing.

However, that would be a MAJOR undertaking and I doubt it will happen. So far they have stated we are remaining on our respective factions (pub/imp).


I would like to see a galaxy affected by such an invasion, the trailer shows Tython (presumably), Korriban, Hoth, and Alderaan being attacked. That covers nearly every part of the galaxy, especially the Republic's inner core. As such, I would like to see a galaxy in ruins from this or at least some parts of it being destroyed.


For example,

Is there still rebellion fighting on Balmorra? LOL

Tython/Korriban destroyed?

Were the capital worlds hit at all?

I'm sure the Zakuul invasion would go for the fleets, considering how far in they attacked. Are the fleets different now?


I could understand them not changing everything because 1-50 is still in game, but at least do something for people who have seen the same galaxy for years.



I think they could add new sections to old planets lvl 60-65 plus sections

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I would like to see a galaxy affected by such an invasion, the trailer shows Tython (presumably), Korriban, Hoth, and Alderaan being attacked. That covers nearly every part of the galaxy, especially the Republic's inner core. As such, I would like to see a galaxy in ruins from this or at least some parts of it being destroyed.


I would like there to be an entirely new galactic map for the character who is in the new expansion ie. future. Planets would be the same, but different. Everything would be in its old place, but changed. Ruins in place of palaces and new soldiers everywhere.. you get the idea.


There could be an item or icon somewhere that would let you gate back into the past if you wanted to play the <60 game and of course back into the 'future'.



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I would like there to be an entirely new galactic map for the character who is in the new expansion ie. future. Planets would be the same, but different. Everything would be in its old place, but changed. Ruins in place of palaces and new soldiers everywhere.. you get the idea.


There could be an item or icon somewhere that would let you gate back into the past if you wanted to play the <60 game and of course back into the 'future'.




Seems like a lot of work/money

But I would prefer that though

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I would like there to be an entirely new galactic map for the character who is in the new expansion ie. future. Planets would be the same, but different. Everything would be in its old place, but changed. Ruins in place of palaces and new soldiers everywhere.. you get the idea.


There could be an item or icon somewhere that would let you gate back into the past if you wanted to play the <60 game and of course back into the 'future'.




They aren't doing this. According to the articles it's very simple: the new locations exist in the new point in the timeline. All old locations are remaining the same at the same points in time they're currently at. Play through 1-60 just like it is now, then the new stories and locations take place after the in-story time skip.

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They might do what WoW did when its Cataclysm expansion came out


Whats that?


They aren't doing this. According to the articles it's very simple: the new locations exist in the new point in the timeline. All old locations are remaining the same at the same points in time they're currently at. Play through 1-60 just like it is now, then the new stories and locations take place after the in-story time skip.


That was my point precisely. If you would transport to the new timeline, old maps could be replaced b the new. Like zoning to a new instance or a new dimension. I never meant that something would be removed.

Edited by Karkais
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That was my point precisely. If you would transport to the new timeline, old maps could be replaced b the new. Like zoning to a new instance or a new dimension. I never meant that something would be removed.


They're not making hundreds if not thousands of new maps as post-expansion versions of existing maps.

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As fellow roleplayer, I think it would be kind of cool lorewise if it turned into a scenario where the remnants of both the Republic and Empire had to go into hiding for fear of being hunted down by the Zakuul Empire. The once great Sith Empire reduced to small, scattered groups of Sith plotting their revenge, the Jedi having to retreat from their temples and train their padawans in secret, and the remnants of the Republic and Imperial fleets having to fight using guerrilla tactics to strike against the Eternal Empire because they no longer have the resources for a direct conflict.


We definitely don't have enough information to confirm or deny any of this, but if the changes are so drastic enough, it will fundamentally change the way our characters view and act in the galaxy, and that is SO COOL!


I can hardly contain my excitement for the future of SWTOR and the amazing stories that are out there just waiting to be created.

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They might do what WoW did when its Cataclysm expansion came out


Doubt it as story would be too greatly effected.


Beat case is the ability to travel back to pre-expansion time by something on the fleet, ship or ability.

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Since Cata destroyed all of the old maps permanently and that would be a massive financial waste for this game I doubt we'll ever see that happen. It might be that we just open new areas of the same planets though. it would be something similar to how we see Section X as part of Belsavis currently. Plenty of space not on the current maps for all the planets.
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What I am hoping is that in this new expansion the state of the Republic and the Empire are so decimated that neither truly exist as a faction of anything more than a combined resistance force. That would set the stage for The Outlander, as the "chosen one", to work towards building either a new Republic or a new Empire depending on what choices you make.
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Well, considering that characters will be thawed out of carbonite as part of new story, save to assume that even if Republic and Empire are here, they're nearly gone. Or they may be destroyed, but a lot of people are still fighting against IE and each other (resistance movements, government in exile, etc). Edited by Shadowsentinel
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Maybe its just how they are establishing a 3rd faction for competitive Pve and PvP.


Although you never know.


They stated they wont make a 3rd faction many times :(


I dont think imps and pubs would be destroyed, the republic definitely needs to outlive all of these events, and to have in-game balance empire will probably survive too.

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They stated they wont make a 3rd faction many times :(


I dont think imps and pubs would be destroyed, the republic definitely needs to outlive all of these events, and to have in-game balance empire will probably survive too.


There are three thousand years until movies. There is plenty of time for Republic to be destroyed and then recreated.

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There are three thousand years until movies. There is plenty of time for Republic to be destroyed and then recreated.


Since this game isn't considered cannon anymore they don't necessarily have to adhere to the Republic existing centuries later at all. At the same time, Chancellor Palpatine did make the comment in Episode 2 that the Republic has stood for one-thousand years, and while this was thought to refer to the Ruusan Reformation, there's so much time in between the Bane era and the Old Republic era that the Republic could have not even been in existance for thousands of years.

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The idea that the Republic existed for centuries is because Obi-Wan said "For over a thousand generations the Jedi were guardians of peace in the Old Republic" in A New Hope. If the game is still in continuity with movies, then the Republic should still stand for centuries. If even the movies are irrelevant to TOR then Obi-Wan And Palpatine's statements can be disregarded and they can do whatever they want. Edited by OldVengeance
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Since this game isn't considered cannon anymore they don't necessarily have to adhere to the Republic existing centuries later at all. At the same time, Chancellor Palpatine did make the comment in Episode 2 that the Republic has stood for one-thousand years, and while this was thought to refer to the Ruusan Reformation, there's so much time in between the Bane era and the Old Republic era that the Republic could have not even been in existance for thousands of years.


That's not strictly true. The Legends continuity (formerly, the EU) can do whatever it wants, so long as it doesn't contravene what is still canon. Whatever Bioware does with TOR, the Republic can never truly fall, and the Jedi cannot go extinct (as they essentially do after Palpatine takes power), or it violates the statement from Ep. II where Palpatine says the Republic has existed for a thousand years, as well as the statement from Ep. IV where Obi-Wan says "for a thousand generations" (which is between 20,000-30,000 years total) there have been Jedi acting as guardians of peace in the galaxy.


The Republic certainly is brought to its knees, however; you'll note that the Prequel Trilogy Republic uses the same symbol that the Empire in TOR does. If anything, I expect that by the time Bioware shuts off the servers for TOR, the Empire and Republic will have merged. We may even in some way see it in KOTFE.

Edited by Diviciacus
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The only reason the Sith Empire has that symbol is because the designers wanted it to be the recognizable logo of the the "Empire" just like the Original movies. It doesn't matter that it's a different empire. Both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire just play the role of "The Empire." Edited by OldVengeance
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The only reason the Sith Empire has that symbol is because the designers wanted it to be the recognizable logo of the the "Empire" just like the Original movies. It doesn't matter that it's a different empire. Both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire just play the role of "The Empire."

Not entirely true. Way back in pre-release, the devs implied that there was a reason why the Sith Empire had a lot of the traits of the Clone Wars era Republic, such as the Coruscanti accent being the TOR-era Sith accent, why the Sith Empire's ships greatly resemble the later Republic/Imperial Navy ships, and the Sith Empire's symbol.


I do think unity may be a possibility. No idea how it'll happen, but given how things have been going, it's not completely out of the question.

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