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Everything posted by pest

  1. Summoning's are hap-hazard on the best of days, don't be so hard on yourself.
  2. That would be funny as hell! I do believe we would be completely over-run by Jawa's though.
  3. Title says it all, looking for a guide to get my Healer ready for any healing mission. thanks in advance.
  4. I am getting a "log in server unavailable" message.
  5. Cannot log in, listed as offline, no notice as to what's going on. Soooo, what's going on?
  6. Maybe its just how they are establishing a 3rd faction for competitive Pve and PvP. Although you never know.
  7. See that torhead has shutdown, are there anyothr talent calculator's out there?
  8. pest

    Server down:-(

    Jung Ma Down, Jung Ma Down! Just in case no one else noticed:-)
  9. pest

    Server tranfers

    I just went and double checked, ther is a paid transfer option but its listed as "unavailable at this time". Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you but I knew I had seen it somewhere. Maybe its something they plan to add later?
  10. pest

    Server tranfers

    Your post is kind of vague, are you asking about "free transfers"? The option to pay for one is in your account menu. I dont see them offering free transfers anytime soon since they just launched the free to play option. But then again they have shown a tendency to do things that do not make sense.
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