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Begeren Colony Republic Guild Master Summit


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With all the guilds pulling out of the Begeren Colony, I feel it is time to pull together as a community. I plan on having a summit consisting of the Guild masters that are interested in saving our beloved server. The summit will go over ideas to keep and gain players for the server, organizing raids for gearing and progression, pvp cooperation events and more. We are open to more ideas and anything that will help. The current guilds participating are The Revas Colonial Alliance, Jedi Council, Peacekeepers of Crimson, The Origin, Aeternum Ascension, and Knights of Peace. Please if you are interested send Dezz'revas an in game mail. This invite is for The GM (or proxy GM if applicable) and one officer that can speak for the guild you represent. We look forward to seeing you on July 11th at 8pm pst to make our server all it can be.




Edited by ipikki_oukami
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To help prepare for this and get the best possible results, I think what needs to be addressed here is why people keep leaving the server. This isn't the first summit, and it won't be the last. That said I highly suggest opening this up to far more than just republic guilds, include imperial guilds as well. Neither side is doing good nor has done good for quite a while now, this is more of a server issue than a faction one.


Mostly, players that are looking to find a more competitive atmosphere are leaving, or to find more like-minded players to fill spots in their raid teams or PvP groups. That's about the most significant reason I know of, and its not so easily rectified, but that's what the summits for. To figure it out as a community


My own guild is leaving the server soon, but I'd like to see it do well even if I'm not around. So I'm down to still assist with or speak at this event. Though a major thing to make sure of is that whatever is discussed here actually turns into action. Otherwise you'll be in the same spot the next time a summit is held

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I'm not sure what is meant by 'doing good' for a guild on BC, my guild doesn't do prog Ops or Ranked pvp and everyone in my guild appears to have fun playing every day.

I think this notion of the whole server 'doing good' being tied in to your expectations for the people on BC to do nim ops with you is kinda ridiculous.

I think people are moving because they picked the wrong server to begin with and for us casuals that are left behind I'm sure we will have way more fun playing the way we play than the prog players banging their heads against hm and nim ops (although less because they are on harbanger now making for less headbanging!) as we always have because we refuse to treat a game like its a job.

Good luck clicking blue things on other servers HM Heroes.

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It's not that simple, though. I didn't mention HM/NiM ops, what I did mention was that a large majority of the players that do those things (and more) are the ones leaving. The guilds that did HM progression were also running quite a lot of the PUGs of casual content (OC, Dark Hunters, vVv, Intrep, etc), or being active participants in groups for it. Same goes for Ranked PvP (Infamous, STI, etc). The comment about neither side doing good wasn't about whether people do NiM raids with me or whoever, it was a reflection of the state of things on both factions: Lots of drama/friction (Not just among raiding/pvp guilds, either), not much in the way of community events, progression, cooperation and not much being done about it


If it were as simple as raiders leaving but the rest of the servers doing great this thread wouldn't be here, nor would this one say what it does. Raidings part of the game. A large number of players like to raid, casually or otherwise. Not having a healthy environment for it is counterproductive, and we know why they're leaving. There's absolutely no reason not to address that obvious and glaring issue at a Summit, and writing it off sends a terrible message to players/guilds on the server who inevitably will or already do want to do tougher content or competitive pvp


It's wrong to say you'll have "way more fun" doing x or y than someone who enjoys raiding does while progressing in operation A or B, different strokes different folks. No need to be divisive, the goal is to improve the state of things on server. I dunno if you read it but:

"The summit will go over ideas to keep and gain players for the server, organizing raids for gearing and progression, pvp cooperation events and more. We are open to more ideas and anything that will help."


There's more than you and your guild out there. Identifying why so many are leaving is a great way to go about keeping players from leaving. Alienating players that enjoy these aspects of the game or implying they never belonged isn't productive

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Thank you for your comments. The current plan is to see how many Republic guilds are interested in seeing how we can improve our server. Basically to see how much support we have for our faction. Then seek out the Guild Master Council's from Imperial side to further extend our coordination and connectivity to our community. Starting small faction based this round helps see where our faction can contribute and what ideas we can come up with to bring to the larger audience of the whole server. I am a Republic player mostly and i know a lot of the people on my faction. Starting from here helps solidify things before they have a chance to get washed by the current of the whole populaces ideas. My personal goal is to help make sure there are opportunities to have and open dialog and strengthen our community. I am a raider in a prog team, a healer in pvp matches, an rper (when i can find time) and a Guild Master that wishes to see his home server become as strong as it can be. All the while seeing the others in the community flourish and prosper.




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I really hope Bergen colony stays like many others I have fun feelings from this server. I like the laid back feeling of the server and how many guilds work together for a common goal to have fun. I know dez and several others on the server who like this laid back l feeling and plus having fun proging at certain times of the week or Radom pvp nights just for the lols. these things I hope never go away and the people I share with it too.
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I just want to say that my guild, Fire of elysium, has a prog team and is starting a second team as well. We should do something because most of the people I play with in BC are good people and I would hate for us to be split up mostly because we have been together since launch . I don't want to merge with an other server mostly because my guild have spent the last 3 years building our friend ship and our in-game content. I also dont want to go to an other server because right now Harbinger is too big. Yes there are more pops for everything but waiting for a world event or bosses takes for ever. Also from what I have seen Harbinger has alot of stability problems because it is over populated. Lastly If there is a merger or if we move to another server I would not want to see people get lost. That happened the last time we merged and many of them left the game because of this. DEZZ ill let my gm and other guildies know and you can most likely count us in to be at the summit. :)
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I think a group of guilds on BC getting together to help one another is one of the best things we could do to keep this server alive and well, as it seems currently the majority of the guilds that are considered "Progression" are either working on leaving or have already left. Not to mention the overwhelming number of PvP players leaving the server.
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I've tested out a few servers minimally, and I have to say -- subjectively -- that no community compares to the BC community, regardless of its faults. Sure, PUGs can suck a lot of the time. Yes, getting a decent group together for an Op can take ages and be extremely tedious, because the skill just tends to not be there collectively outside of an established group.


But, the potential is there for this server to work together in building its fellow players up. I am all down for teaching people anything I can if they are willing to listen or ask for help. Hell, I had to work my a** off to get to this point because this was my first MMO.


Being that I understand what its like to not be at the level of some of these hard core progression groups, Ranked PvP players, etc...It makes me want to help that much more. So, let's make sure this Summit accomplishes something! :)


BC 5Eva.


- Lurilla.

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Yes this summit if for The Republic. There are some Imperial Guild Master Councils we still need to make contact with before we can proceed with a full server summit for Guild Masters.We apologize if that excludes your guild this time around but plans are in the works to get the whole server together soon. Edited by ipikki_oukami
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It's wrong to say...


Sorry I just don't see BC as 'doing bad' and never have, our worst moments rep side were things like people trolling people pugging sm ops in fleet gen chat with 'why not nim?' and guilds bashing other guilds about prog, so I believe the attitudes of many of the players whom have recently left are all that I ever saw wrong with BC to begin with and I think our community will be far better off without them.

I know a very popular custom chat channel that is already 100% better now that they are gone.


I wish all of you well and hope your Summit brings you the answers you are looking for.

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The server is not going bad in a whole, it is only going bad, or should I say less interesting, for people that want to enjoy high level endgame (HM ops and ranked PVP), since the pool of players has decreased significantly. I know most players won't notice much difference apart from less e-peen contest in general chat.


I know a very popular custom chat channel that is already 100% better now that they are gone.

Hahaha totally agreed

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I am Chionesu Bakari GM of Jedi Council,

My guild will be there to show our support, in my place will be my third in command Cathana and

Council member Le'andre


make sure to join the Senate chat channel by typing

/cjoin senate


GM Chionesu Bakari

Jedi Council

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The current guilds participating are The Revas Colonial Alliance, Jedi Council, Peacekeepers of Crimson, The Origin, Aeternum Ascension, and Knights of Peace.


WarBird Squadron is interested in attending.




CAG, WarBird Squadron

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This is Gilrlob GM of the Origin, we will stand strong on this server and will attend this summit. My guild has been on this server for 2 years, we will not leave, now my guild is mainly RP but PVP is one of loose secondary's. PVP,PVE,RP must all stay alive in order for this to work we must work together, we can keep this server strong. Glory tp the Origin and Guilds that attend this summit.

-----Grand Master Gilrlob

-----Origin GM

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I'm Hamlinius GM of Legion of the Jedi I will be at the summit. the Legion is primarily an RP guild, but we have members who foray into other areas. Myself I Fly GSF. The Legion has been around since about 6 months after the game started. I joined it about 6 months later. and have been the GM for 2 years. We aren't going anywhere. I've been part of this Senate from the start, and look forward to seeing you guys there. Long live Begeren Colony, Long Live the Legion, and Long live SWTOR!
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I Am Crimsonas , Grandmaster of PoC (peacekeepers of crimson) and me and my acting battlemaster will attend the summit! Since my guild is RP/PVP/PVE/CONQ and if we work together we can keep everything everything together and provide shorter wait times and faction/serverwise we can keep the server alive and theres no way ill be leaving the server been active for 2yrs now n my guild around 18months so see you all there!



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