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  1. I was here before tacticals, I'll still be here after. They are neither here nor there for me. I won't cry about time spent getting items, because, they were there to get...now they wont be. No biggie. I don't care about the removal of Nightmare Crystals. Used them only twice in my entire ~decade of playing the game. So, cool. My only hope is that the content is properly tuned so it's not a massacre and I'm not hemorrhaging credits on repair bills. Oh...and that the story is fire. \o/
  2. Any other server, I have no problem. But for some reason, I keep getting booted within moments every time I log in to Jedi Covenant. Am I the only one with these issues?
  3. I've tested out a few servers minimally, and I have to say -- subjectively -- that no community compares to the BC community, regardless of its faults. Sure, PUGs can suck a lot of the time. Yes, getting a decent group together for an Op can take ages and be extremely tedious, because the skill just tends to not be there collectively outside of an established group. But, the potential is there for this server to work together in building its fellow players up. I am all down for teaching people anything I can if they are willing to listen or ask for help. Hell, I had to work my a** off to get to this point because this was my first MMO. Being that I understand what its like to not be at the level of some of these hard core progression groups, Ranked PvP players, etc...It makes me want to help that much more. So, let's make sure this Summit accomplishes something! BC 5Eva. - Lurilla.
  4. Good to hear! If you are interested, then while in game, feel free to whisper any of the following people: Lurilla, Serra-quinn, Yundara, Nordanos, Iecoola, Acalath, or Dezz'revas. Or, you could just let me know your toon name and I'll find you.
  5. Who is The Revas Colonial Alliance? Revas has been around since the very beginning of SWTOR. We follow the true path of Revan (not Shadow of Revan; its blasphemous). We are a PvE/PvP/RP guild and partake in every aspect of the game. Currenly, the guild has two Progression teams and is rounding out a Ranked PvP team. We have a Guild Flagship, Stronghold, Bank, and awesome leaders within our ranks. Do you need help learning your class/spec? No problem, we have someone for that. Want to do Operations and you never have before? No problem, we will help you. Ultimately, there is something in Revas for everyone. What is Revas looking for? RIght now, Revas is looking for people of all classes/levels/experience. However, we will point out that players interested in Operations and PvP are lacking in our ranks. We want to fill those spots up! If you feel this pertains to you and you are looking for a guild, please post here or whisper the following people in game: Lurilla / Serra-quinn / Nordanos / Yundara / Iecoola / Acalath / Dezz'revas.
  6. I like the idea of it. I like seeing it. It sparks friendly competition among in-game guilds and as you said, gets your name out there. Granted, I haven't posted a thing in it, because I constantly forget about taking screenshots, etc. Was never a focus of mine. But meh.
  7. Glad you agree. Thank you, you as well
  8. The Revas Colonial Alliance will be staying put. Some of us will probably use a free 60 elsewhere, but, we aren't going anywhere. Also, in regards to progression dying with DH, OC, and DWBI being gone...there is no truth to that. Perhaps the speed of progression wont be the same, but that is neither here nor there. If it's progression you want, those three guilds are not the only options. So do not fret about progression. BC will be just fine. Now, 'scuse me while I go continue progression without DH/OC/DWBI. <3
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