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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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I believe this is incorrect. A guildie of mine afk'ed the entire fight, including the orbs, in about 15 minutes. The orbs and stasis bubbles despawn after about 3 minutes, and the fight continues.


I will test this out today myself just so I know I'm not mistaken.


I agree... My wife managed to win the first time not even realizing the orbs were uses to free the others... It was after the fight we talked about how we won. I laughed, not at her, but at the fact they gave us a fight that was not so epic after all, it was just the end of that part of the story.

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I believe this is incorrect. A guildie of mine afk'ed the entire fight, including the orbs, in about 15 minutes. The orbs and stasis bubbles despawn after about 3 minutes, and the fight continues.


I will test this out today myself just so I know I'm not mistaken.


Maybe they changed it while I was gone for several months. I will go test this now.

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Just did it on my sentinel and I went afk thru it while watching the fight by not moving or doing anything and while the orbs did eventually dissapear Revan still killed me who is geared in a mix of 186's and 192's, So I'm thinking to counter that would need to be afk far away.
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It does as the NPCs have to be alive and active in order for you not to die. And Revan will knock them out if you do nothing during the orb phase.


I know that is how it is supposed to work, so it is either bugged for that particular group of people, or it was nerfed, and it doesn't do anything now

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I know that is how it is supposed to work, so it is either bugged for that particular group of people, or it was nerfed, and it doesn't do anything now


I'm thinking nerfed because I left around february and march to take a break and that's how it was then.

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OK, just tested it with my sorceror in augmented 186/190 gear. Both orb phases ended after about 3 minutes and the fight continued. after about 20 minutes it was over. I just sent in Treek and then LOS'ed behind a pillar and watched.


I don't know if luck is a factor for anyone else, but it seems that it is indeed possible to just sit out the whole thing.

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The point of OP was that the fight is too tedious because you spend a great deal of it stunned, not actually fighting.


You and branmakmuffin seem to be going out of your way to ignore that claim, focusing on things like fight difficulty, which is irrelevant to the argument.


Seriously, why are you all still arguing with those two?


drop them on ignore, if enough people do it they will have no one to talk to but each other...and that's a fate worse than banning.

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OK, just tested it with my sorceror in augmented 186/190 gear. Both orb phases ended after about 3 minutes and the fight continued. after about 20 minutes it was over. I just sent in Treek and then LOS'ed behind a pillar and watched.


I don't know if luck is a factor for anyone else, but it seems that it is indeed possible to just sit out the whole thing.


I believe it has to do with positioning and a bit of luck, I was afk but next to a pillar so I could afk and still get heals but that wasn't far enough as my sentinel still died after the orb phase.

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Seriously, why are you all still arguing with those two?


drop them on ignore, if enough people do it they will have no one to talk to but each other...and that's a fate worse than banning.


How is not being able to talk at all versus still having someone to talk to a worse fate?

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I believe it has to do with positioning and a bit of luck, I was afk but next to a pillar so I could afk and still get heals but that wasn't far enough as my sentinel still died after the orb phase.


If you want to sit back and watch the fight, all you have to do is position yourself on a pillar so you don't get knockback out of the circle. There is so much healing any damage you take is healed. If you try and los damage you will end up los the healing.

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Seriously, why are you all still arguing with those two?


drop them on ignore, if enough people do it they will have no one to talk to but each other...and that's a fate worse than banning.


They sometimes have good points, sometimes...

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According to other posters, it doesn't, as they managed to AFK through the entire thing.

And how is that "obnoxious" (although I realize you are not the OP, so maybe "obnoxious" is not a word you would use)?


Succeed or Die mechanics would be welcome addition, possibly as a replacement to one of the stuns. One stun ability would be fine, but should be used so that every class can interrupt it (or it should be avoidable).

If orbs worked as intended, they would be fine as this "SoD" mechanic. Maybe make them a bit more "action" based, like for example, having to defeat some apparition to get one kind to spawn, you have to do this before Revan finishes some channel (say "Unlimited Power"), which causes enrage and death.

If you want to lobby for a "hard more" with such mechanics, have at it. But the whole point of the quest is to allow ultra-casuals to finish the story.

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And how is that "obnoxious" (although I realize you are not the OP, so maybe "obnoxious" is not a word you would use)?
It is boring and not fun when you are stunned for a good portion of the fight. If you bypass it by AFKing, it is just stupid and not fun


If you want to lobby for a "hard more" with such mechanics, have at it. But the whole point of the quest is to allow ultra-casuals to finish the story.


I do not think having to kill adds in some arbitrary time limit is a "hard", even for the most casual of casuals. I do not say the fight needs to be changed in difficulty (unless you consider adding an option to fail an increase in difficulty), just that the fight be made more interesting than "stay here and watch" by requiring some actual user input. Having to kill adds to get the orbs to spawn before time runs out would do that, IMO.

Edited by Aries_cz
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No, what this thread is about is people who don't know how to avoid getting stunned in one of the most easiest fights in-game for the solo player.


Do try to keep up!


I don't know why I'm even bothering anymore --it's like a scab you know you shouldn't pick at, but can't resist doing so, so here goes...again.


This is not even a real fight.


It's an inane, annoying form of false longevity --something this game is packed to the rafters with-- to make a rather poorly-executed semi-interactive movie seem longer and more epic. It might work the first time or three when you don't know what's actually up with it, but that's it.


Have you solo'ed that patrolling monolith on Ziost --I mean the larger of the two with (IIRC) 500k HP, and with CC-immunity whose hits can kill you easily, even well-geared?


I've done so a few times on my main Mercs (he has a move that needs interrupting too, BTW, if you're caught in close/medium range), but I've also got a few painful repair-bills as well --that is most definitely a real fight, with a real chance of failure.


It's a long, tense --even gruelling-- battle right from second-one to the end, and win or lose, it's gonna be close;


Near constant kiting and quick re-positioning (to keep range), whilst watching the terrain to keep from getting stopped by terrain-features required. If you get "hung up" whilst kiting at the wrong time, that's it, you're probably done.


THAT is what the solo Revan fight should be:


Intense, requiring focus and at least some class/role/spec and tactical knowledge, basic battlespace-awareness, and use of same.


As well, the way the Revan "fight" is, is also profoundly immersion-breaking, at least for me, but that's probably a topic for another thread.

Edited by midianlord
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I don't know why I'm even bothering anymore --it's like a scab you know you shouldn't pick at, but can't resist doing so, so here goes...again.


This is not even a real fight.


It's an inane, annoying form of false longevity --something this game is packed to the rafters with-- to make a rather poorly-executed semi-interactive movie seem longer and more epic. It might work the first time or three when you don't know what's actually up with it, but that's it.


Have you solo'ed that patrolling monolith on Ziost --I mean the larger of the two with (IIRC) 500k HP, and with CC-immunity whose hits can kill you easily, even well-geared?


I've done so a few times on my main Mercs (he has a move that needs interrupting too, BTW, if you're caught in close/medium range), but I've also got a few painful repair-bills as well --that is most definitely a real fight, with a real chance of failure.


It's a long, tense --even gruelling-- battle right from second-one to the end, and win or lose, it's gonna be close;


Near constant kiting and quick re-positioning (to keep range), whilst watching the terrain to keep from getting stopped by terrain-features required. If you get "hung up" whilst kiting at the wrong time, that's it, you're probably done.


THAT is what the solo Revan fight should be:


Intense, requiring focus and at least some class/role/spec and tactical knowledge, basic battlespace-awareness, and use of same.


As well, the way the Revan "fight" is, is also profoundly immersion-breaking, at least for me, but that's probably a topic for another thread.


No I haven't tried and the whole point of the Revan fight is to let people see the conclusion of his story without having to worry too much about not doing it. That's why it's packed with NPCs who help you. A World Boss on Ziost is just that a world boss meant for a bunch of people. In the Revan fight that bunch of people is you and the NPCs that join you.


Also you have include the final fight in temple of sacrifice as part of the Revan conclusion. So you get your Raid fight (if you get a group for it) and you also get your story component (for those who don't get a group for TOS).


Revan had a satisfying and epic conclusion between those 2 together.

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It is boring and not fun when you are stunned for a good portion of the fight. If you bypass it by AFKing, it is just stupid and not fun

I just did it. Fight took 7 minutes, approximately 30 seconds spent CC'd (even with a tank character, Marr gets a lot of the aggro). Granted, this is only 1 sample, but that is not what I would call a "good portion." And of course if the quest is not fun, why even do it? Just to have fuel to complain about it on the forums?


This is not even a real fight.


It's an inane, annoying form of false longevity --something this game is packed to the rafters with-- to make a rather poorly-executed semi-interactive movie seem longer and more epic. It might work the first time or three when you don't know what's actually up with it, but that's it.

Then why do it, if that's how you feel about it? As I posted way back in the thread, I don't like raiding so I don't raid. I also don't come to the forums to complain about how raid mechanics don't suit me.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I just did it. Fight took 7 minutes, approximately 30 seconds spent CC'd (even with a tank character, Marr gets a lot of the aggro). Granted, this is only 1 sample, but that is not what I would call a "good portion." And of course if the quest is not fun, why even do it? Just to have fuel to complain about it on the forums?


Because those of us complaining want it to be fun and not tediously boring?

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Because those of us complaining want it to be fun and not tediously boring?

And what about the people who like it the way it is?


And, yet again, personally I play a game to have fun. If I find a part of it "tediously boring" I skip that part. What's stopping you from not doing this quest after the 1 time you need to do it to complete the story?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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And what about the people who like it the way it is?


And, yet again, personally I play a game to have fun. If I find a part of it "tediously boring" I skip that part. What's stopping you from not doing this quest after the 1 time you need to do it to complete the story?


Absolutely nothing. I don't find it nearly as tedious as some others seem to be, but I would like it to be more fun.


I find grouping tedious, so I skip that part. So I forever have the Oricon story sitting on my mission log as a result. *twirls finger*


I have suggested a way that could possibly make the fight less "tedious", and more fun (at least, to me). *shrugs* Apparently it was a stupid idea.


Or maybe they could just release an Enemy Within HM, like the Flashpoints. Then you still have your original fight exactly as it is, and then there would be a more interactive fight for others.


And you can still say " nah, not gonna run it."

Edited by LyraineAlei
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I just did it. Fight took 7 minutes, approximately 30 seconds spent CC'd (even with a tank character, Marr gets a lot of the aggro). Granted, this is only 1 sample, but that is not what I would call a "good portion." And of course if the quest is not fun, why even do it? Just to have fuel to complain about it on the forums?


It is only one sample, yes, it has been a while since I did the quest, but what I recall, I was pulling so much more aggro than Marr did (even when dropping it, but I am in 192/198 mixed gear), so I spent a good deal of time Choked or Knocked down.


However, I am in the same boat as LyraineAlei, I do not mind the quest, but I would love to see it more "lively". I think that adding some more mechanics to it would make it more fun, and it wouldn't need to increase the difficulty in any major way.


But, at least thanks to this thread, I learned it can be safely AFKed, good to know when I will be bringing another character through SoR. Also, I do not think that this thread will lead to any changes in the fight itself, but it could show BW that while SOLO option for story is awesome, it should at least try to be fun.

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