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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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It's really hard to figure out what their complaint is.


No actually it isn't the original complaint was that the fight was to easy and that BW tried to make it appear harder then it really is by loading Revan up with a crap ton of knockdowns and stuns which in the end makes the fight obnoxious not hard.

Edited by Anaesha
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One of the absolute worst, laziest examples of utter **** game design from incompoWare, which is saying something. But then, comically excessive CC is a thing in this game, and always will be, sooooo....yeah.


You can literally AFK this whole fight except for the orb-running parts (Just did it a few days ago to see if I could. And did.)


What an intellect-insulting joke.

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Add me to the pile of people that loathe the fight due to all the gratuitous CC. If it was a group encounter I could see it, because then players could coordinate and rotate out who CC's what and when. But as a single player fight it's just silly. Especially given the fact that the CC has no effect whatsoever on your chances of success/failure, since as has been proven by folks that regularly AFK it, you can't fail it at all. Edited by HazardousMatt
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When I do it, Marr, for example, is stunned, choked, knocked back, etc., as much as my character is (more depending on the type of character). It's interesting that the game let's you play as Darth Marr. It doesn't let me do that.


For you, the OP and anyone else who finds it too tedious, don't do it. "Problem" solved. I find raiding tedious, so guess what? I don't do it.


Or would y'all be happy if they put in a button labeled "Click here to defeat Revan?" Would that be simple enough?



You do understand that the point of this quest is to allow non-raiders to finish the storyline, right? After that, it's an entirely optional weekly. Hey, if it's too non-epic you, run the op instead.


Or, they could have dome what game designers with talent try to do, and make it solo'able, but actually dynamic, fun, and challenging.


Tedium =/= challenge. What part of this is so hard to understand?


This fight is especially piss-poor on a Merc, because our interruption's cooldown was quadrupled compared to what it used to be, because clueless, completely out-of-touch, second-rate devs just decided "reasons."


Most of the companions I care about already have their ilvl192 Devoted Allies mainhands, so I won't need to do it too much more often, but one of these times, I'm actually going to time it on my stopwatch, length of dull semi-interactive movie --pardon: Fight-- vs. length of time stunned/CC'ed/otherwise completely unable to do anything.


Brilliant *********** game-design, I say. Brilliant!



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They can make it so the OP just walks in the instance and gets rewards if the OP isn't capable of completing the fight. I had ZERO issues completing it SOLO multiple times. I'm not trying to be rude but that fight is ridiculously easy and I'm not a raider. I'm a baddie.


Try actually reading what is written next time.


I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



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I am so sick of the stun mechanic! It's over used in, I think, EVERY MMO, & the Revan fight is the worst. Not hard, but so annoying. Why do they all do this? This one is more annoying in that if you use your 'get out of stun free' ability, he promptly does it to you again, so you're stuck there, lying on your back, while nothing really happens. Just - irritating! It feels like a developer cut & paste ability, carried over from every MMO ever. (If there's one that hasn't over-utilized this mechanic, I'd like to hear about it!)
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The only time I've died in this fight is when it bugged out on me. (I lagged out and when I got back in, everybody that wasn't my comp or Revan disappeared.) I agree the amount of stuns are excessive and that they need to dial them back a notch.
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It's not a difficult fight, it's pretty much impossible to fail...but...


Is it really necessary to spend half the fight on your back or floating in the air due to force choke and knockdowns? I mean it's at least every 10 to 15 seconds he spams one of those attacks.


A quote I often use in MMOs...


Tedium is not difficulty.


Gunslingers and snipers bro.

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This fight is especially piss-poor on a Merc, because our interruption's cooldown was quadrupled compared to what it used to be, because clueless, completely out-of-touch, second-rate devs just decided "reasons."

My main is Merc and it's simply not a big deal. If you want the comms, do it. If it's too onerous, forgo the comms and be content.

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I admit, I farm Revan each week on several alts for comms. By my choice. I also farm Koan Island, Directive 7, so forth, for credits and miserable gear to strip into my legacy gear to mail to my cybertech, also tedious but more because they take a long time in a non-artificially-inflated time sink.


But I do wish I didn't spend half or more of the fight in stuns. Doesn't the guy have any other attacks?


While, yes, there is an arm's length of a list of things BW should fix instead, I think Revan should have a longer CD on those blasted stuns, or more attacks in general.


/fnishes Death From Above before dumping threat and letting Torian be the meat shield with Marr while waiting for the blasted interrupt to finish cooling down.


Oh, someone said Satele dies on them? Really? Worst she ever got was stunned for ten seconds and then the buff was back.

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Oh, someone said Satele dies on them? Really? Worst she ever got was stunned for ten seconds and then the buff was back.


I know this used to happen frequently before they fixed it. I have not personally seen since then, but then again I always release Satele and Lana first, as they are the healers. I'm guessing they are talking about when they are pinned on the pillars when you release them.

Edited by Psychopyro
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My main is Merc and it's simply not a big deal. If you want the comms, do it. If it's too onerous, forgo the comms and be content.


You're not funny anymore. Or even relevant, for that matter.


Find somewhere --else-- to go.

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I've done it just fine on my Merc as Arsenal. Stop being bad and learn to play better, Arsenal is like super easy.


I didn't say I couldn't do it, just that it's annoying, and I've little reason to anymore. That's like, the whole point of this thread?


Do try to keep up!

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I didn't say I couldn't do it, just that it's annoying, and I've little reason to anymore. That's like, the whole point of this thread?


Do try to keep up!


No, what this thread is about is people who don't know how to avoid getting stunned in one of the most easiest fights in-game for the solo player.


Do try to keep up!

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No, what this thread is about is people who don't know how to avoid getting stunned in one of the most easiest fights in-game for the solo player.


Do try to keep up!


I don't know how this is even an issue. Marr and Jakarro are tanks. You can have a tank companion. PEBKAC?

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No, what this thread is about ...


Wow. I don't always agree with you, Reno, but at least I could always give you points on reading comprehension.


Sorry, but you fell over on this one.


The Cliff's Notes: no one here says the fight is too hard. Literally, Reno, the exact opposite. It is too easy.* Any final fight in an expac should not be winnable by being AFK. That's not playing a game, that is chosing to alt tab out of a QTE.


*A second complaint is that the use of stuns and CC are merely there to try and disguise the QTE-nature of the event. Again, no one says the stuns and CC make the fight too hard. The OP and some others are asking that Bioware, in the future, to not use so many stuns and CC, not because it makes the fight too hard, but because it makes a fight like this one stupid. Stuns and CC, in a fight you cannot AFK, that are forcing the player to use interrupts are good. This is just lame. Why? Because you cannot fail it. The stuns and CC are an attempt to disguise that and nothing more.


TL;CANNOT READ GOOD: The amount of stuns and CC, in this fight, are simply an illusion to disguise the fact that you cannot fail and that makes this fight lame.

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Wow. I don't always agree with you, Reno, but at least I could always give you points on reading comprehension.


Sorry, but you fell over on this one.


The Cliff's Notes: no one here says the fight is too hard. Literally, Reno, the exact opposite. It is too easy.* Any final fight in an expac should not be winnable by being AFK. That's not playing a game, that is chosing to alt tab out of a QTE.


*A second complaint is that the use of stuns and CC are merely there to try and disguise the QTE-nature of the event. Again, no one says the stuns and CC make the fight too hard. The OP and some others are asking that Bioware, in the future, to not use so many stuns and CC, not because it makes the fight too hard, but because it makes a fight like this one stupid. Stuns and CC, in a fight you cannot AFK, that are forcing the player to use interrupts are good. This is just lame. Why? Because you cannot fail it. The stuns and CC are an attempt to disguise that and nothing more.


TL;CANNOT READ GOOD: The amount of stuns and CC, in this fight, are simply an illusion to disguise the fact that you cannot fail and that makes this fight lame.


Don't waste your time, certain people prefer to argue with strawmen rather than the other poster.

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The Cliff's Notes: no one here says the fight is too hard. Literally, Reno, the exact opposite. It is too easy.* Any final fight in an expac should not be winnable by being AFK. That's not playing a game, that is chosing to alt tab out of a QTE.


Ever heard of this one ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_knowledge


Maybe those who are constantly saying that it is too easy are just too good players, too well skilled players ?


Most who post here are either membery of progression guilds or pure raiding guilds, or any other high-tier group that's so much skilled in terms of raiding that they top casuals by FAR.


And to me, this means that the most skilled players have the greatest appearance here in the forums - the casuals not that much.


And then there is the question who gets catered by Bioware : Currently it's the Progression Guilds, the Raiding Guilds, judged from the threads about newer HM OPs (Progression Guilds and Raiding Guilds don't even care about HM FPs, since they believe that they are just "trash" and don't need to get looked at even the tiniest bit, cynically said).

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Wow. I don't always agree with you, Reno, but at least I could always give you points on reading comprehension.


Sorry, but you fell over on this one.


The Cliff's Notes: no one here says the fight is too hard. Literally, Reno, the exact opposite. It is too easy.* Any final fight in an expac should not be winnable by being AFK. That's not playing a game, that is chosing to alt tab out of a QTE.


*A second complaint is that the use of stuns and CC are merely there to try and disguise the QTE-nature of the event. Again, no one says the stuns and CC make the fight too hard. The OP and some others are asking that Bioware, in the future, to not use so many stuns and CC, not because it makes the fight too hard, but because it makes a fight like this one stupid. Stuns and CC, in a fight you cannot AFK, that are forcing the player to use interrupts are good. This is just lame. Why? Because you cannot fail it. The stuns and CC are an attempt to disguise that and nothing more.


TL;CANNOT READ GOOD: The amount of stuns and CC, in this fight, are simply an illusion to disguise the fact that you cannot fail and that makes this fight lame.


Sorry but you need to re-evaluate your own reading skills. The OP and anyone who does agree with him finds the fight too hard because they do not know how to properly avoid the stuns in the easy fight. If the OP and anyone that agrees with them didn't find the fight hard they wouldn't have made this thread complaining about something that's easily avoidable.


Pro Tip: He only stuns you if you do any amount of significant threat. Simply auto attack and run behind a pillar and afk until the orb phase and repeat.


TL;CANNOT READ PAST THE SECOND GRADE: It's not that hard to avoid his stuns in such a faceroll fight, Learn to play.

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The Cliff's Notes: no one here says the fight is too hard. Literally, Reno, the exact opposite. It is too easy.* Any final fight in an expac should not be winnable by being AFK. That's not playing a game, that is chosing to alt tab out of a QTE.

So they want it harder, and the CC makes it ... less non-easierer? Or something? :confused:

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