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BioWare's Favored Alignment..."Light"/Paragon Sith?


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Of the four permutations, it really seems like BioWare made the biggest "pet" out of the one that was otherwise the most dubious from a lore perspective. First, the other three:


Dark Empire/Sith: Transparently insane, explicitly consumes you, and the resulting behavior (backstab anyone and everyone for MOAR POWER, kill for fun etc.) is called destructive by none other than Darth Marr of all people. Jaesa Willsaam becomes a cheerleader ax murderer if she turns. Has by far the greatest number of counterproductive Stupid choices in the game - many of which make gameplay harder. Most of your romantic interests won't progress well if you play this way.


Light Republic/Jedi: Often described as boring or Stupid Good/Lawful Stupid to play consistently. Viciously treated in the Sith storylines to the point that many Jedi are nonfunctional as warriors and will fail critical missions opposing the Sith rather than break their teachings. Others will be flat-out blind Knights Templar who are at peace in the sense that a Terminator robot is. Plays up "there is no death, there is only the Force" to a very high level that starts to smell like a martyrdom cult where the greatest objective is to die to a Sith rather than kill one unnecessarily.


Dark Republic/Jedi: Feels out of place in the Jedi storylines in particular. They're both too high profile to get away with this and it shouldn't be tolerated. Very few Republic companions support this at all and most hate it. Even the warrior types hate it for the dishonorable nature. The ones that don't are either openly psychotic or a Sith Lord. While the Sith characters have the most random murder, there are some real war crimes over here, and a couple moments where your Dark choice amounts to "destroy planet/galaxy."


And finally...


Light Empire/Sith: Much more well supported by both companions and writing arcs than Dark Jedi. It's also not as ruthlessly slammed by opposing companions (except Dark Jaesa, if you switched alignments somewhere) to the point that a Light Inquisitor can still max out Khem Val (!) just fine so long as certain actions are avoided and one talks tough. Sith characters in particular are lectured by supernatural forces on the virtues of the Light Side in multiple places; the Inquisitor even lectures Jedi on how he's better than them. The choices in general amount to not being an idiot - capturing valuable targets alive, not killing allies for no reason, generally taking orders seriously. Obviously, going against natural type (Dark) results in less icky gameplay here than Republic players deciding to be dark, since those Light choices are out-and-out noble/humane rather than Lawful Evil, while Republic casual dark involve everything from killing defenseless people to sexual assault to the aforementioned options to destroy the world(s). Both Sith have romantic interests that work much better this way.



Edited by Canareth
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i agree with this. I always play as a light side sith inquisitor/ warrior and it seems like the story plays out better and more beneficial for everyone involved. The republic praises your restraint and the empire npcs appreciate your pragmatism.
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both my sith are lightside, my warrior is a heretic and enjoys rolling himself up in the light side, the inquisitor is just a nice person at heart and she didnt discard a few of those traits as a former slave.
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Of the four permutations, it really seems like BioWare made the biggest "pet" out of the one that was otherwise the most dubious from a lore perspective. First, the other three:


Dark Empire/Sith: Transparently insane, explicitly consumes you, and the resulting behavior (backstab anyone and everyone for MOAR POWER, kill for fun etc.) is called destructive by none other than Darth Marr of all people. Jaesa Willsaam becomes a cheerleader ax murderer if she turns. Has by far the greatest number of counterproductive Stupid choices in the game - many of which make gameplay harder. Most of your romantic interests won't progress well if you play this way.


Light Republic/Jedi: Often described as boring or Stupid Good/Lawful Stupid to play consistently. Viciously treated in the Sith storylines to the point that many Jedi are nonfunctional as warriors and will fail critical missions opposing the Sith rather than break their teachings. Others will be flat-out blind Knights Templar who are at peace in the sense that a Terminator robot is. Plays up "there is no death, there is only the Force" to a very high level that starts to smell like a martyrdom cult where the greatest objective is to die to a Sith rather than kill one unnecessarily.


Dark Republic/Jedi: Feels out of place in the Jedi storylines in particular. They're both too high profile to get away with this and it shouldn't be tolerated. Very few Republic companions support this at all and most hate it. Even the warrior types hate it for the dishonorable nature. The ones that don't are either openly psychotic or a Sith Lord. While the Sith characters have the most random murder, there are some real war crimes over here, and a couple moments where your Dark choice amounts to "destroy planet/galaxy."


And finally...


Light Empire/Sith: Much more well supported by both companions and writing arcs than Dark Jedi. It's also not as ruthlessly slammed by opposing companions (except Dark Jaesa, if you switched alignments somewhere) to the point that a Light Inquisitor can still max out Khem Val (!) just fine so long as certain actions are avoided and one talks tough. Sith characters in particular are lectured by supernatural forces on the virtues of the Light Side in multiple places; the Inquisitor even lectures Jedi on how he's better than them. The choices in general amount to not being an idiot - capturing valuable targets alive, not killing allies for no reason, generally taking orders seriously. Obviously, going against natural type (Dark) results in less icky gameplay here than Republic players deciding to be dark, since those Light choices are out-and-out noble/humane rather than Lawful Evil, while Republic casual dark involve everything from killing defenseless people to sexual assault to the aforementioned options to destroy the world(s). Both Sith have romantic interests that work much better this way.




Well personally I really enjoy the stereotypes.

I've tried different alignments on different factions but I mostly enjoyed playing as neutral. Not really taking the alignment points into consideration, just the choice.


I'm kinda irked by light side sith, even though they're interesting. Gotta agree that lots of the dark side choices are just blergh, I prefer making the most beneficial decisions, true sith don't kill for the sake of killing, it's petty!

Edited by DarthSagan
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Nah, I play mostly pure dark chars and fine with this. Also I really doubt there are many, as u claim, light side decisions that are "pragmatic" or "useful" — mostly those are all 'bout flowers picking and statements like OOOOH MY IM SO BAD NOW I UNDERSTAND I WAS SO BLIND NOW IM GONNA BE A SERVANT OF DA LIGHT IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY OH MY!. This is hardly a "pragmatic" statement I suppose. Personally I think of most light side Sith as traitors that must be eliminated by my Wrath. :p Edited by TGaP_Andrey
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Nah, I play mostly pure dark chars and fine with this. Also I really doubt there are many, as u claim, light side decisions that are "pragmatic" or "useful" — mostly those are all 'bout flowers picking and statements like OOOOH MY IM SO BAD NOW I UNDERSTAND I WAS SO BLIND NOW IM GONNA BE A SERVANT OF DA LIGHT IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY OH MY!. This is hardly a "pragmatic" statement I suppose. Personally I think of most light side Sith as traitors that must be eliminated by my Wrath. :p


well i guess it's pragmatic the way I play. Personally i always make decisions that benefits the empire so even though my sith warrior/inquisitor is fully alligned to the light, i do make quite a bit of dark side choices on the way. I always choose to spare or help fellow sith and imperials even if it means makin dark side choices like executing boris ulgo for darth viktus or lieing to the mystics on voss for darth severin. I usually spare republic soldiers/jedis but i always execute criminals and bad people. By the end of my story, especially as a sith inquisitor, i feel that my character made alot of allies, strengthened the dark council/empire and is also well liked by everyone especially darth marr.

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Nah, I play mostly pure dark chars and fine with this. Also I really doubt there are many, as u claim, light side decisions that are "pragmatic" or "useful" — mostly those are all 'bout flowers picking and statements like OOOOH MY IM SO BAD NOW I UNDERSTAND I WAS SO BLIND NOW IM GONNA BE A SERVANT OF DA LIGHT IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY OH MY!. This is hardly a "pragmatic" statement I suppose. Personally I think of most light side Sith as traitors that must be eliminated by my Wrath. :p


well i guess it's pragmatic the way I play. Personally i always make decisions that benefits the empire so even though my sith warrior/inquisitor is fully alligned to the light, i do make quite a bit of dark side choices on the way. I always choose to spare or help fellow sith and imperials even if it means makin dark side choices like executing boris ulgo for darth viktus or lieing to the mystics on voss for darth severin. I usually spare republic soldiers/jedis but i always execute criminals and bad people. By the end of my story, especially as a sith inquisitor, i feel that my character made alot of allies, strengthened the dark council/empire and is also well liked by everyone especially darth marr.

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Well, in my opinion, it's the most interesting path, and the one that's done in the fewest games; being a basically good person working for the more villainous faction isn't exactly common.

Totally agree :) LS sith is my favorite, all others I tend to do a mix based on personality.

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Dark Side Consular just doesn't come off well, especially in the first Chapter. After that, I don't remember it being all that bad, but not all that great.


Dark Side often times comes off as just murderously dumb :p A few feel justified though.


Trooper is the worst though. Kill a few to save many is a DS choice. Save a few to risk many is a LS choice. Then later on, when you really want to save the one and risk the many, it's a DS choice when it even says it just means the others /might/ not make it. Even the first FP on Rep side has it as a DS to sacrifice the few for the many (twice!).

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It would be interesting to try a Sith Warrior playthrough that is purely pragmatic, but I'd be willing to bet it would mostly darkside choices. A lot of Lightside choices are actively detrimental to the Empire, with such choices as needlessly sparing enemies and at one point even actively fighting alongside House Organa to defend their front.
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pragmatic SI I think would def end up light sided


Balmorra: Do I kill this kid and risk pissing off his well connetced father and Sith uncle as well as potentially make the completion of my mission harder by losing my main ally on this planet all for a Holocron that *might* lead me to something useful? (And as it tuns out, what you get for going ds is utterly worthless vendor trash.) Admittedly, keeping the scientist is more pragmatic.


Nar Shaddaa: Do I just copy Paladius or do I do something new, more impressive to win his followers over? Do I alienate my new cult or keep manipulating them into worshipping me so it'll be easier to use them when I want to? Do I risk making the guy I need to get my groundquake betray me by torturing him instead of offering him a good deal or simply mind controlling him (the latter being the neutral choice)?


Tatooine: I... don't even remember alignment choices there lmao, only big difference I remember between my ls and my ds SI was that the latter was a bit more of a jerk to Andronikos.


Alderaan: Do I manipulate Lady Rist and possibly Normar Organa and potentially make my mission easier or do I just threaten and kill my way through? Do I alienate an important ally of the Empire and endanger the Empire's efforts on this planet, or do I ingratiate myself to her so I may call in favours from her should the need arise?


Nar Shadda -- getting the saber: Her father might not have been but this woman clearly displays some amount of loyalty to my family, believing that I would eventually come and claim the lightsaber. Do I punish her for another's actions or do I reward that loyalty and possibly gain another servant? (Throw lightning at and kill Gyl Rozen though, he's a useless jerk and had it coming. Let his mooks leave because there's no reason to bother fighting them.)


The ghosts could go either way. You can make the argument that making the pact is the safer choice since you don't risk pissing off a bunch of ancient Sith Lords, but they do screw you over either way.


Taris: I need this Padawan's assistance. Do I risk alienating her and making her hate my gust by sending assassin's after her, or do I offer her a holocron, present myself as nice and non threatening and guilt trip her a bit so she's more inclined to help me?


Quesh: Do I kill this Sith merely to gain a feeling of satisfaction or do I recruit him as an ally in my feud against Thanaton (and get some nice tips of where do go for food and drink on some planet whose name I've forgotten. Thank you new Sith friend.)?


Hoth: ...I don't remember what the moral choices there were it's been too long.


Belsavis: Do I let this insane machine lose or... do I just get what I need and then leave, keeping some of the last surviving Rakata that have not regressed to savagery as my allies?


Voss and Corellia I don't remember the exact choices for any more either, though I think the ls ones tended to be more useful in the Kaggath... Frying Harkun or not and however you handle the quest where you get the chips for the silencer seem like largely personal preference to me. Going ls during the Silencer test seems more pragmatic since you end up with one of Thanaton's Lords indebted to you and he does actually join you.


Rishi: Ls is in service of the Empire, ds is being sefish (which fits with the ls SI getting a title based on being known for serving the Empire :p) and considering the precarious state of the Empire I think ds sounds like it could turn out much worse than just waiting a while till you have more resources to spare to pursue the project.


Sith Warrior I think would turn out mostly neutral if played purely pragmatically and lean one way or another depending on whether they enjoy being dickish to people just because (eg taunting the spy on Balmorra before killing him).

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My main is a dark side Inquisitor, and he can be pretty ruthless when someone royally pisses him off. However he is not so fallen that he is a crazy axe murderer. He makes his decisions based off of whether or not they will harm the Empire. For example: saving a fellow sith instead of destroying a bunch of machines that can be dealt with later. Ultimately though, if regardless of alignment, if you piss of my Nox, you are gonna die
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I started aLight Side Inquisitor just for the sake of being against the cliché of Sith = Evil.


In a similar sense, I made a Jedi character ( a red-skinned male Twi'lek, in fact ) which I make look like a totally dark side Jedi or Sith - but is to 100 % Light Sided. Reason : Again : A play with clichés.

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I absolutely agree with the OP here. My main is a LS SI and a lot of the decisions seem based on the good of the Empire as a whole. There seems to be a common thread here that a lot of DS choices are just kind of sickening....like killing people for no reason. I mean, I know "the force shall set me free" and all that, but does freedom equal madness? I mean c'mon.


Imagine if The Empire Strikes Back was part of this game, and your character played Vader. Once you've captured Han and Leia and Lando, the DS choice would be to kill them. He did a lot of bad things in the movies, but why didn't he kill them here? And if you think sparing them and torturing them would be a DS option (it is torture in Han's case and detainment after all) then what would the LS choice be? Let them go? Then Luke wouldn't show up at all! The entire reason for him being there would be gone!


I understand how DS choices are supposed to be ultimately self-serving and ruthless, but how can you make so many bloodthirsty, ridiculous choices and not see how obvious it is that these decisions hurt your position more than help? I mean they're Dark Side Force Users, not retarded people.

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