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Will Bioware Add Same-Gender Relationships to Class Companions with KOTFE?


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I'm curious considering that they are going back to the class stories and improving them. Obviously we've only known they're improving it game play wise, but think its possible they may be allowing you to romance your class companions in same sex relationships?


Obviously to get this you'd probably need to re-create a class. I'd like to see this happen of course. I kinda wonder if it's as simple as taking the female character to male companion or male character to female companion dialogue and unlocking it for the same gender.

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I expect they'll add it for some of them. The whole "player-sexual" experiment that they did with DA II didn't seem to work so well, and they went back to giving each party member/companion a fixed preference.


No reason to believe that they won't continue this tradition with Swtor, since they've done so in the last couple BW games (ME3 and DAI). The original companions might stay straight, but some of the new ones (such as Lana) will definitely be SGR.

Edited by Callaron
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Considering they don't have Lucas Arts breathing down their necks or need to go to them for a green light on anything they do it's very possible that they will add SGR into the game more then they have already.
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I expect they'll add it for some of them. The whole "player-sexual" experiment that they did with DA II didn't seem to work so well, and they went back to giving each party member/companion a fixed preference.


No reason to believe that they won't continue this tradition with Swtor, since they've done so in the last couple BW games (ME3 and DAI). The original companions might stay straight, but some of the new ones (such as Lana) will definitely be SGR.


ME series especially 3 was to little to late and quite honest i feel the same with many of the companions to, new ones i like but it would seemed forced for old ones and i dont think it would be any good.

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Given that Theron, Lana, and two (that I can remember) NPCs from Makeb were SGR, I'd expect it.


Of course, if Lana is the only one returning that could be an issue. Unless they make these "new" companions SGR friendly.

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If by class companions you mean the old companions, probably not. In the past, it was stated that they would not be adding SGRA to existing companions. However, its very possible they'll have SGRA for KoTFE companions.
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This SGR is getting quite old, you people need to realize you aren't taking over the world and that there are still morally sound people and families in this world who would like to keep things as NORMAL as possible especially in video games that their kids play.


Morally sound people okay with Kaliyo being a cheating, backstabbing terrorist and a murderess.

Morally sound people not okay with Kaliyo being bisexual.


Sounds about right.


I'm a guy, and I don't even play female chars, but Kaliyo was obviously written as going both ways. Malavai Quinn is another definite candidate, given his Eton schoolboy vibe.


It doesn't make sense for some other companions, like Kira or Corso.

Edited by clearsighted
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The only reason not to be against SGR is because of homophobia in which case I have absolutely zero pity for your "plight". Queer people have had to deal with your bs for long enough now.


Nor are only certain kinds of people queer, so saying that it doesn't fit certain companions is silly as well. Kira being into women as well doesn't work any less than Kalixo (and considering that Kira is actually a moral person, she'd actually be better presentation instead of falling into the tired Depraved Bisexual stereotype).


And incidentally, people who like more than one gender? Exist and have a "fixed sexuality" just as much as gay or straight people. And the expression player sexual needs to die.


As far as the actual topic goes? I... won't expect them to add SGR to old companions -- at least not for the 1-50 content, I could see it for when you re-recruit them in KotFE, but I do expect new companions who are romanceable to be bi/pan (they might even surprise me by going the DA:I route and actually have gay companions as romance options).

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I expect they'll add it for some of them. The whole "player-sexual" experiment that they did with DA II didn't seem to work so well, and they went back to giving each party member/companion a fixed preference.


No reason to believe that they won't continue this tradition with Swtor, since they've done so in the last couple BW games (ME3 and DAI). The original companions might stay straight, but some of the new ones (such as Lana) will definitely be SGR.


All the LIs in SWTOR are already player-sexual anyway. Attraction is more than just gender, you know... And with species in the mix here, as well as DS/LS alignment. The fact that all LIs are romantically interested in the PC regardless of anything (except gender), makes them player-sexual. (It means that all LIs in any Bioware game from the very beginning of them as a game making company are player-sexual.)


Anyway, I'll point out Kaiden for an example of an LI from a ME game that "became" bisexual in ME3 (he was all along, obviously, but was less confident/certain about it in the first game...)


(I'm still bitter about Ashley Williams remaining straight, though. Don't think I've forgiven you for that, Bioware!)

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I vote for Lord Cytharat in that case. :D






Wasn't Cytharat actually gay? I only have one female character impside and... that was the one where he died (dammit, Torian, next time I'm not listening to you just cause you have more experience with this being a Mando thing!), so I didn't pay much attention to that, but I've heard he only goes for male PCs? Which would mean they've technically already included a gay LI (sort of)? So it... might actually be more likely than I thought and I have to retract my statement, though Cytharat's romance (and I guess Lemda's as well?) was disappointingly barebones. (If there wasn't the potential for him to die during Makeb I'd totally vote for bringing Cytharat back, I loved that guy, he was awesome.)

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I... won't expect them to add SGR to old companions -- at least not for the 1-50 content, I could see it for when you re-recruit them in KotFE, but I do expect new companions who are romanceable to be bi/pan (they might even surprise me by going the DA:I route and actually have gay companions as romance options).


Yes, that is what I mean. They have the opportunity to record new voice content for them so why not throw in a same gender relationship while they are at it. It is optional so those that can not stand it can leave it alone and those that like it can pursue it, everyone happy :tran_smile:

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Wasn't Cytharat actually gay? I only have one female character impside and... that was the one where he died (dammit, Torian, next time I'm not listening to you just cause you have more experience with this being a Mando thing!), so I didn't pay much attention to that, but I've heard he only goes for male PCs? Which would mean they've technically already included a gay LI (sort of)? So it... might actually be more likely than I thought and I have to retract my statement, though Cytharat's romance (and I guess Lemda's as well?) was disappointingly barebones. (If there wasn't the potential for him to die during Makeb I'd totally vote for bringing Cytharat back, I loved that guy, he was awesome.)


Yep, he's gay. Lemda is bi.

So if they wanted to go that way, they could easily make it so that he survived. I think he even dies off-screen, though I'm not sure about that. (I never actually let him die)

But I killed him twice!!! :D:p


Good! Then you know how he dies! :p

Edited by Callaron
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Yep, he's gay. Lemda is bi.

So if they wanted to go that way, they could easily make it so that he survived. I think he even dies off-screen, though I'm not sure about that. (I never actually let him die)


Nice :D


And... IIRC it was pretty clear that he dies (and also very sad. Such regret. Wasn't even IC in hindsight <.<). If they go super out of their way to show choices mattered by bringing potentially dead people back if you didn't kill them, Cytharat would be high on my list of NPCs I wanna see again.

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This SGR is getting quite old, you people need to realize you aren't taking over the world and that there are still morally sound people and families in this world who would like to keep things as NORMAL as possible especially in video games that their kids play. It is a game. Leave it at that. Im sure I will get reported for voicing my opinion but I am not harassing anyone or using any bad language. You will cry the discriminating card but I feel like I am being discriminated against not being able to voice my opinion over this matter. Let BW make the game the way they see fit. If disney introduces this kind of behavior into the SW universe then a lot of people will be done with it.




YOU feel like you're being discriminated?? Don't even go there gay people have been hung, beheaded, beat up, killed. Just for being born a certain way. YOU should not be talking about being oppressed. There are killings at pride festivals from people like you. You are probably a white straight man you are not oppressed in the slightest. Get off the forums if you're gonna spread hate like that.


being gay IS NOT A BEHAVIOUR. You are born gay and that's it. Some gay people are feminine, some are masculine. ITS NOT A BEHAVIOUR. Sit down sir. You're dismissed

Edited by NoahRedden
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Nice :D


And... IIRC it was pretty clear that he dies (and also very sad. Such regret. Wasn't even IC in hindsight <.<). If they go super out of their way to show choices mattered by bringing potentially dead people back if you didn't kill them, Cytharat would be high on my list of NPCs I wanna see again.


Ah, I wasn't sure how much they showed of his last stand. I was originally going to let him die on my Sorc, but my DS Sith are too much about the big picture... couldn't justify letting a valuable asset go to waste like that. (true loyalty's not all that common of a trait among Sith after all)


My scumbag bounty hunter that only cares about himself will do it instead. (Once he finally gets there. :p)

But yeah, it'd be cool to see Cytharat make a return in the expansion for those that didn't kill him.

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Don't resort to personal attacks just attack the logic and reasoning behind it thats how you snap a mind:rolleyes:


Better yet, don't respond to those who drag real-word controversy into a game. Talk about how and why it would affect the story, for good or for ill, and leave the real-world stuff "out there".

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