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Telling other players not to queue for PVP


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there's no doubt this is poor sportsmanship and terrible server citizenship. But, I'm wondering if it should be reported as harassment? It kind of seems like a fad lately and maybe people are saying it to be funny? But, the folks they are telling not to PVP pay just as much per month and have just as much a right to enter warzones. Further, how could they get better with getting into the contest?


Telling people not to queue for PVP matches <-- Do I report this AND is it harassment? Serious question.

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there's no doubt this is poor sportsmanship and terrible server citizenship. But, I'm wondering if it should be reported as harassment? It kind of seems like a fad lately and maybe people are saying it to be funny? But, the folks they are telling not to PVP pay just as much per month and have just as much a right to enter warzones. Further, how could they get better with getting into the contest?


Telling people not to queue for PVP matches <-- Do I report this AND is it harassment? Serious question.


It is kind of poor form but I'm not sure it's harassment.

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Ranked or regs? :D


Either way: its rude yet simply left at face value, I don't see where they are violating any rules to just say it, and I can kind of understand. Hell; every time I get a reg arena on my slinger I apologize to people on what it likely going to happen if I don't quit the match.

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Just don't tolerate that kind of behavior. If you see somebody doing this to a newer player, call them out for it. Defend the new guy. Constructive tips are cool, destructive behavior is not. Edited by teclado
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Back when I was still on my Gunnery Mando I was asked a few times not to queue in ranked. Frankly, I didn't blame them because quite honestly this class is toast in rank play until it gets some form of focus break so I didn't take the polite and some times less than polite remarks personally.


But is it poor form? Yes. But is ranked setup to generate this poor sportsmanship? Absolutely.


The problem isn't with the players, it is with the game as far as I'm concerned.

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Back when I was still on my Gunnery Mando I was asked a few times not to queue in ranked. Frankly, I didn't blame them because quite honestly this class is toast in rank play until it gets some form of focus break so I didn't take the polite and some times less than polite remarks personally.


But is it poor form? Yes. But is ranked setup to generate this poor sportsmanship? Absolutely.


The problem isn't with the players, it is with the game as far as I'm concerned.


At the same time, that is the gamble of solo rank q. But in regs every spec can be viable, arsenal merc can wreck in wz's:D

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The problem isn't with the players, it is with the game as far as I'm concerned.


No, it's the players...


Look poor game design is no reason to be an ******.. A person either is one or is not one, game design just gives them the excuse to behave as one.


As far as the OP goes, just put them on ignore and keep doing whatever. Even if you end up in a PvP match with them, they'll either rage quit or get over it, but you won't have to see them run their mouth.

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Back when I was still on my Gunnery Mando I was asked a few times not to queue in ranked. Frankly, I didn't blame them because quite honestly this class is toast in rank play until it gets some form of focus break so I didn't take the polite and some times less than polite remarks personally.


But is it poor form? Yes. But is ranked setup to generate this poor sportsmanship? Absolutely.


The problem isn't with the players, it is with the game as far as I'm concerned.


I find it lame that players do this because many end up rerolling to fotm and then we get into a situation like now where Mercs/Commandos and Snipers/GS basically don't exist in ranked. Yeah, those classes are weak at the moment. It doesn't mean you blame the dude playing what he wants to play.

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Depends on the siduation and how it is done I would say, and if you had to block the person because they where being an ****** about it only to have them continue on by swaping to other characters in the process of the harassment. Other wise, if you pay just as much as anyone elese they have no right to tell you what you can and can not que for if there not paying for your sub. I have had such issues with people where I one time accidentally qued ranked and wasnt paying attention when it poped because I was taking my blood sugar reading being diabetic.. only to have someone pull the stunt above... and force my hand into reporting them for the harrassment. If I had done such on purpose it would be one thing, however I did not..
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I find it lame that players do this because many end up rerolling to fotm and then we get into a situation like now where Mercs/Commandos and Snipers/GS basically don't exist in SOLO ranked. Yeah, those classes are weak at the moment. It doesn't mean you blame the dude playing what he wants to play.


There fixed it for ya.

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Back when I was still on my Gunnery Mando I was asked a few times not to queue in ranked. Frankly, I didn't blame them because quite honestly this class is toast in rank play until it gets some form of focus break so I didn't take the polite and some times less than polite remarks personally.


But is it poor form? Yes. But is ranked setup to generate this poor sportsmanship? Absolutely.


The problem isn't with the players, it is with the game as far as I'm concerned.


Going to call BS on this, there are multiple mandos and mercs that people are happy to see on their team, only trolls call out good mercs and mandos while good players understand that a merc that is capable of kiting and enetting the focus target is a strong asset.


Classes are not equal, and it's easier to win in solo queue on a fotm class, but if you are being asked not to play you're either having a bad night or you need to work on your play.

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It is kind of poor form but I'm not sure it's harassment.


if the person is trolling ranked by not having an AC or stance or purposely dying or w/e, then flaming them is warranted. flaming someone simply because he isn't a good player or is playing a weak spec is the definition of harassment. I'm assuming there's more than just one person saying not to queue once. and I'm also assuming it's a lot more emotionally charged than a simple "don't queue for ranked."


edit: the "don't queue" lines are usually accompanied by words very clearly designed to insult/offend.

Edited by foxmob
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Are you the 60K tank in full pve gear that I told not to queue? Because if so, you shouldn't queue until you go buy some 162 or less item level gear for like 40 basic comms (which you earn in like 2 quests while leveling - you should have tons extra). Oh, if you are that tank, learn to put your guard on someone. Anyone. Really, anyone. And taunt for the love of god. You use that in PvE sometimes yes? Well it's very good in PvP too.


Or, are you the Sentinel that I saw yesterday stacking alacrity and surge augments? I told him to fix his gear before queueing too, referred him to the forums for how to gear, and basically let him know to just stack power.


There are some real idiots out there.

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Telling someone how to gear for bolster (which needs to happen a lot) and to just stop playing are two different things.


Telling someone not to PvP isn't constructive or helpful in any way. So I would call it harassment in that regards. Also PvP is life :D and telling someone not to live is just not cool yoes.

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And taunt for the love of god.

It's not just for tanks.....


I scream at DPS specs that have these to do so as well, Vanguard, Shadow, Knight... I mean really how hard is it to pop a button while waiting on the GCD....


In arenas when 2 DPS and a Tank all have AOE taunt you rotate those things... lol

Edited by Psychopyro
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In fairness, DPS PT and Sin AOE taunt is changed to a defensive ability (+30% defense for PT, -30% dmg reduction for Sin)..


Only applies to PvE... PvP still reduces targeted player damage output by 30% when not attacking you. at least for sin/shadow, don't play PT/Vanguard so not 100% sure on their AOE taunt...

Edited by Psychopyro
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Only applies to PvE... PvP still reduces targeted player damage output by 30% when not attacking you. at least for sin/shadow, don't play PT/Vanguard so not 100% sure on their AOE taunt...


No, it does apply to PvP. I'm talking about the "Nefarious Methods" passive in Hatred, which causes Mass Mind Control to reduce damage towards the Assassin by 30% for 6 seconds.


AP Powertechs have a similar passive called "Sonic Defense" which makes it so activating Sonic Missile increases defense chance by 30% for 6 seconds.


Both disciplines use their AOE taunt as a defensive because of those passives.


EDIT: I'm not saying they lose their taunt effect, but players aren't going to waste a defensive to AOE taunt.

Edited by TheJollyRogers
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Here's the thing. Regardless of whether you think it is harassment or not, it is for sure bad behavior.


Not everyone that plays this game has thick skin. Do some people have thinner skin than others? Absolutely. BUT, that doesn't excuse the jerks from being just that: jerks.


There is a reason the ranked scene is so dead atm on certain servers (and how pvp servers go to die). I could list the obvious reasons (ie. trolls and win traders) but instead I will just stick with the simple truth that negativity DOES effect the pvp community especially hard.


Why is that? Because after very little content over the years for our pvp community, who the heck would want to stay and play with a bunch of jerks? Because they're for sure not staying for the content.


So, when people tell others to stop queuing because their bad and what not, yes, the pvp community gets hit pretty hard. Because these people are essentially killing the ranked scene with their ****titudes (****+attitude). People want other players to queue solo ranked, but they don't want people to queue solo ranked. See the situation we run into? It makes no sense.


Do I think its a ban-able offense? Absolutely. If I think that one less jerk is going to help the pvp community by getting rid of the cancer, then for sure i will report for inappropriate behavior. Will anything happen? I doubt it.


Now, if this game had some sort of tribunal or quick response time from the devs on issues like this, we might have a significantly less toxic pvp community. There is a simple answer: short time bans that get worse after several occurrences.


you may say to me, "But then our pvp community will be getting banned constantly and we will run into the same problem with long queue times."


You may be correct, but in the long run, I believe we'll have a greater change for the better.


Lastly, telling people not to queue because they don't have the gear is an entirely different story. but I digress, 3.3 will fix that problem.

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No, it does apply to PvP. I'm talking about the "Nefarious Methods" passive in Hatred, which causes Mass Mind Control to reduce damage towards the Assassin by 30% for 6 seconds.


AP Powertechs have a similar passive called "Sonic Defense" which makes it so activating Sonic Missile increases defense chance by 30% for 6 seconds.


Both disciplines use their AOE taunt as a defensive because of those passives.

Forgot about that passive, my bad.


But, Infiltration does not get that passive, that one is tied to blackout (and it's only 25%). Even at that point, 45sec is hardly a huge DCD just from personal use. For me, it just apples the 30% DR to everyone, not just me. Besides 2 resilience + 2 heal stims, +LOL AOE DoT heal, + decent self heal, +FiB heal makes it expendable. In the middle of a large group, rarely do I see anyone singling out my shadow for focus, though yes it does happen and at that point, I probably used it for the DCD anyways.

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