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Sick and Tired ..............


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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!
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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


Then maybe you shouldn't be doing them.


Deciding if you are going to spacebar through the cut scenes or not should be done BEFORE YOU START THE FP Otherwise you need to just shut it and run the FP!!

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And... why are you in such a hurry anyway. Need to hurry up and run around on the fleet? Is there a stronghold deco that needs placing immediately? OR, do you just hate being away from dailies for any length of time?
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Wow guess none you read the actual post! I want to play the game not watch a movie.


There's Championship Golf, Miniature Golf, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders and then there's Kotor 1, Kotor 2 and this. They aren't all the same thing to everyone that plays them. Your perspective sounds very inconsiderate and selfish (your way is "the only way" and the only thing that matters is your appeasement?) Although I can't remember the last time I didn't hit space bar in cut scenes with other people, your'e inspiring me to stop using it

Edited by Savej
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Wow guess none you read the actual post! I want to play the game not watch a movie.


You know that story is part of the game, right? In fact, we're getting an even bigger chunk of STORY with the new expansion.

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Once again you need to READ the post before you comment. I'm asking for the option to queue up for FPs without storyline, ffs read it before you say anything.


They all read it but the fact is the STORY that those cut scenes embody is an integral part of this MMO they understand this you apparently don't.

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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.
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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.


Did it ever occur to you that the person who wants to watch the story might be NEW and hasn't seen it before?


You're being selfish in your request and as I said before if you don't want to watch the cut scenes then you need to ask the group at the start of the FP if it's ok to spacebar through them.

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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.


Spacbarring your way through story sections already exists. This sort of thing should be worked out ahead of time with your group if you're going to skip through the cutscenes. Since a solution already exists in-game, adding more work for a complete removal doesn't make any sense.

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OP I think everyone read your post. Most just either don't care or don't see what the big deal. Unless the FP is Esselles, how long can the dialogue be anyways. You may have put in the post that you want an option for HM FP to have skipped cut scenes, but the way your wrote the OP seems very selfish.


Anyways your request is something that likely isn't going to changed. However there's a cool little option in the game when you can actually chat with real people and decided to skip story parts prior to starting a FP. If you're doing GF all day, I have no sympathy.

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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!
Continue to get angry then, since I doubt Bioware will do anything that you want them to do. If you want to "hurry" through the Flashpoints, that's your right, but you must respect the other players' wants too. With this particular post, it sounds like you are a selfish person. Get over yourself and just do the flashpoints without throwing a tantrum. Edited by talonmke
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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


Pro tip spacebar it select your option and chill that 20 seconds aint gonna break your life homie

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....../facepalm Unbelievable.


So if your in a flash point with a group, and 3 people want to watch the cutscenes but you don't, then what. Should your option force those who want to watch into not watching it?


If your going to provide a "suggestion" for improvement, then instead of just whining and complaining about it, actually provide "Constructive Feedback" and specifically state how it can be better not that it just needs an option but how "YOU" would like it to work and consider you may be grouping with other players so I highly doubt they'll put in a feature that forces everyone to skip the cutscenes just because you don't.


So again, please provide some actual constructive feedback on how you think it should work.

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Yes, this is a repost of my comment on your other thread because it seems like you have a problem understanding words that disagree with you.


Really, why are you doing flashpoints 400 times? It's the most inefficient way to get xp these days, especially if you are a sub. The drops aren't worth it either. If you're farming for decorations, you should be soloing, and if you have an issue with the cutscenes while soloing, well, I don't know what to tell you.


But mostly: Why are you doing flashpoints if you hate them?

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OP you have 2 choices (really 3 but you will not like the 3rd)


1) Ask politely at the start if everyone can spacebar (I know for myself and many others when some PUG jack@#% screams SPACEBAR SPACEBAR SPACEBAR, thats when I stop space baring and enjoy the cut scenes to the fullest). Ask politely and most (not all) groups will agree. And those that don't will tell you up front when you ask.


2) Only run in pre made groups that all agree to spacebar (your best bet and course of action)


3) accept you can not do anything about it and stop whining.


Every player has the same right to play the content they want.

So when you pug you will get groups that watch the cutscenes

Its not a huge deal as cut scenes really dont add much time to the flashpoints (other then Black Talon and Esseles) so there is no reason to flip out over it.


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