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the inherent unfairness of bombers


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it still doesn't address the fact that a bomber pilot just has to drop his mines and let the AI do all the work for him.


Echoing what others have said above: to me, bombers that do this are free kills. And bombers that rely on this "strategy" (or lack thereof) are a dime a dozen.


The truly skilled bomber pilots are a much rarer breed, and those guys can indeed prove very tough to take down. As it should be. Same with any other class of ship: higher skill = harder to kill.

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It only "rules" against bad players that don't know how to beat it. Against good players you are a free kill. :o


Bombers - low skill floor, super high skill ceiling

Gunships - medium skill floor, high skill ceiling

Scouts - high skill floor, high skill ceiling


If you say so, I go un-killed in many matches but I'm glad you have me and how my matches go all figured out...

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If you say so, I go un-killed in many matches but I'm glad you have me and how my matches go all figured out...


Not being killed in many matches is not that hard, but please tell us about your matches. How many did you play? What ships du you fly? What level of skill do your opponents usually have? Maybe we'll see then why you came to the conclusion bombers are too strong.

Edited by Danalon
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Going back to this...

That's why I reject community norms on ticking. You don't need unwritten rules, if you can counter/answer with an exploded bomber.

Community norms on ticking aren't needed because it's unfair to new players (pretty much everything is in GSF, and an ace zooming around farming them is arguably worse than a tick they can't kill), much less due to it being effective (lol) or even the cheese factor of mines inside each other (that's actually easier to deal with than staggered mines, gameplay>making sense out of game). It's just so new players don't get the wrong idea and learn bad play.


Standing still has a place in bomber play, but to be honest it's far less useful than the goofy "Drakolich bounce". Bombers are so sluggish when starting from a standstill...

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Not being killed in many matches is not that hard, but please tell us about your matches. How many did you play? What ships du you fly? What level of skill do your opponents usually have? Maybe we'll see then why you came to the conclusion bombers are too strong.


I fly only bombers, I play enough to get my weekly most weeks, some nights the opponents are really good, some nights they suck, on nights with good opponents I tend to get killed a bit, I never said bombers were too strong just that they rule, not sure what else to say about it...

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I fly only bombers, I play enough to get my weekly most weeks, some nights the opponents are really good, some nights they suck, on nights with good opponents I tend to get killed a bit, I never said bombers were too strong just that they rule, not sure what else to say about it...


If you only fly bombers and the average players on your server are roughly the same as on the servers I played then I can understand why you think bombers "rule". However, my guess is you're vastly underestimating the strength of a well played scout or gunship.

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Well after reading though all of that a few times, lemme throw in my 2 cents


Bombers have a very low skill floor, it doesn't take much practice or knowledge to contribute with a bomber. go to sat, press buttons and let them do the fighting for you. It works, easy req I win


When I first flew a bomber, I thought that too.


.......I quickly learned better.


As said many times here, Ion railgun is the death of you and don't think that a battlescout can't melt you in 2 seconds like they do anything else (For the record, I'm using a mastered Legion, haven't used razorwire or decimus enough so I'm not about to pretend I know what i'm talking about on that one)


You have no missle breaks (less you are T3), Line of sight is your only real defense against gunships without a teammate intervening.


2 Gunships take your hiding spots away, your dead

Railguns cleaned out your mines? flashfire can swoop in and melt you.

T1 bomber swoops in? you are probably losing that fight.


the mines and drones might be automated, but its not like they oneshot everything around them. further they stand out, any gunship can pop them fast and a scout can go and rush the drones.


"bombers largely don't have to rely on the human error factor."

yes, it does. in Dom, yes all they HAVE to do is sit on the sat. they can easily do much much more then that with simple strategic positioning of mines/drones and actually using their own guns on anything that gets close


in TDM, whole different game for bombers.

my first TDM game in a bomber, I had no clue what the hell I was doing and got flagged for non-contributing fast.

I set my drones up too far away and mines in bad positions. If thats not Human Error I dunno what is.


"his damage and kill count are being wracked up by an artificial intelligence that never gets a twitchy finger, or can't press tab or r fast enough."

Ok maybe I play mine wrong or its just a Legion thing as the supporter, but I never get remarkable damage or kill scores (like 30-40kish damage at best, usually much lower)

or maybe its just POT5, don't really have enough bombers to make a bomberball out of more often then not.


honestly I can't see a bomber getting huge scores solely by the AI's work, not counting lemmings not knowing what mines are.


Human skill can effortlessly make a difference with bombers, another example from my vast experience of GSF


There is no way you'd just run into a mine, its a glowing red ball for frig sake

After escaping and then WINNING a joust against a T2 scout, I was in bad shape (and quite high on myself) and flying away from the battlefield so I can Hydrospanner and resume sniping at said battlefield

Suddenly, 3 seeker mines come from nowhere and finish me off.


they glow red, I couldn't have missed them, short of nasty lag.

in retrospect, I realized they were ABOVE and/or below me and behind a asteroid so I didn't see them til they were coming at me. I walked right into a minefield and didn't even realize it til I was dead.


so yes there is more to playing a bomber then riding the AI, only bad bombers who want to eat my railgun think otherwise.


"the AI should be retooled to make the mines act more like a companion on the ground game"


What Like Gradius Options............actually that does sound AWESOME, I'd like to see something like that on a strike fighter. like someone piloting side-mounted guns.


" overpowered as node guards."

uhhh, thats the idea. much like how Gunships are overpowered at sniping and scouts are overpowered at dog-fighting. Area Denial and support is their job. teammates around a node like support and like enemies away from it, what do you expect them to do with a job description like that?


ok maybe that was more then 2 cents, I'll stop here

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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they don't have to target anything. they aren't punished by a twitchy wrist or anything. their mines and drones know when anything is in range, regardless of a camera view... all they have to do is drop mines/drones and then fly around trying not to die while an error-free computer AI does all their killing for them. if that's gonna be the case, then the AI needs to be retooled so that it misses as much as a human being would. because we aren't perfect. we are fallible. Edited by Telos
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they don't have to target anything. they aren't punished by a twitchy wrist or anything. their mines and drones know when anything is in range, regardless of a camera view... all they have to do is drop mines/drones and then fly around trying not to die while an error-free computer AI does all their killing for them. if that's gonna be the case, then the AI needs to be retooled so that it misses as much as a human being would. because we aren't perfect. we are fallible.


The Scout is inherently unfair because it can turn faster and run faster then all the other ships in the game. The bomber is inherently unfair because despite being the slowest and easiest to hit, it doesnt have to be in line of sight to kill you. the Gunship is inherently unfair because it can hit you from far out side your range.



Depending on how you want to call it all ships that are good are "inherently unfair" the Bomber's mines and drones ability to hit is countered by other ships just doing more raw damage and that it has next to no mobility to catch anything, nor can it freely move these things which are its primary source of damage. Not to mention all of its primary means of damaging (drones and mines) are massively easier to kill and thus eliminate then any other thing in the game able to cut off the only thing that makes a bomber threatening in a manner of millisenconds and finish off the bomber in a couple seconds after that if the player IS NOT using his SKILL to avoid you with the slowest and most combersome ship in the game.

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"they don't have to target anything. they aren't punished by a twitchy wrist or anything"

Drones target and can be Line of sighted as such, mines by their very working do not. Humans can get over a Twitchy wrist.



" if that's gonna be the case, then the AI needs to be retooled so that it misses as much as a human being would."


....ok, how much does "A Human" miss? 54%? 70%? 39%? I've seen some pretty ****** and pretty good humans out there.

I hope you see the problem here, I really can't make it more obvious.


also, drones are one thing but why would a Mine miss under any conditions, THAT just makes no sense.


"Sorry, I thought he was in range so I blew myself up."

--The mine I wasted to me.

and a ROBOTIC drone having vastly superior aim to a Human makes perfect sense too, I really can't think of any justification from any angle for mines and drones not having perfect accuracy, unless you want to simulate mechanical failures....


Bombers that rely solely on the AI to do their job is an easy kill, they can ride that AI all day long. it isn't saving them


"we are fallible."

We are not Drones or mines, so why should we make them as fallible as us?

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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they don't have to target anything. they aren't punished by a twitchy wrist or anything. their mines and drones know when anything is in range, regardless of a camera view... all they have to do is drop mines/drones and then fly around trying not to die while an error-free computer AI does all their killing for them. if that's gonna be the case, then the AI needs to be retooled so that it misses as much as a human being would. because we aren't perfect. we are fallible.


That is beyond untrue.


  1. Bombers need to worry about placement - if they **** up placement, they die.
  2. Bombers need to worry about environment - If they **** up their positioning, they die.
  3. Bombers need to actually dogfight - If they can't handle a ship getting up on them, they die.
  4. Bombers need to worry about gunships - If they let a gunship free fire at them, they die.
  5. Bombers have to use their primary weapons - If they never use their primary weapons, they die.
  6. Bomber Pilots are human, they are subject to human error just the same as everyone else, that's why bombers die.

For less skilled pilots, the game equates to rock paper scissors.

  • If you hate bombers, roll gunship. (Rock is beaten by paper)
  • If you hate gunships, roll scouts (Paper is beaten by scissors)
  • If you hate scouts, roll bombers (Scissors is beaten by rock.)


For more skilled pilots, it goes like this:

  • You're a gunship ace in a t1 gunship? You beat everything in TDM and Dom.
  • You're a Scout ace in a t2 Scout? You beat everything in TDM and Dom.
  • You're a bomber ace in a mine bomber? You win Dom matches and struggle in TDM
  • You're a bomber ace in a drone bomber? You get to support your team in both TDM and dom, but your drones rarely get you kills, and if theres a half decent ("Par," "sub Ace," or Mid-Ranged) scout or gunship in the match you struggle.
  • You're a striker ace in any striker? You struggle in everything.


Bombers aren't overpowered. Their auto-target feature isn't overpowered either. They are balanced in a game where Scouts and Gunships can kill anything, but have to be wary of the area-denial specialist actually doing its job. Bombers can be avoided, gunships and scouts can't. You usually can out run bombers, you usually can't outrun a railgun or a power - to - engines scout.


Bombers do one job well in TDM -> Tactical Support. They can prevent you from flanking, and support their team by healing and rearming their scouts, or laying a minefeild around their gunships.


In dom matches, it only takes 2 ships to destroy any bomber and all of its support. One ion railgun gunship, and one <Put any Ship here>


Bombers are neither overpowered nor unfair. If you believe they are, you really need to fly them in competitive matches and see just how useless they can be.

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That is beyond untrue.


  1. Bombers need to worry about placement - if they **** up placement, they die.
  2. Bombers need to worry about environment - If they **** up their positioning, they die.
  3. Bombers need to actually dogfight - If they can't handle a ship getting up on them, they die.
  4. Bombers need to worry about gunships - If they let a gunship free fire at them, they die.
  5. Bombers have to use their primary weapons - If they never use their primary weapons, they die.
  6. Bomber Pilots are human, they are subject to human error just the same as everyone else, that's why bombers die.

For less skilled pilots, the game equates to rock paper scissors.

  • If you hate bombers, roll gunship. (Rock is beaten by paper)
  • If you hate gunships, roll scouts (Paper is beaten by scissors)
  • If you hate scouts, roll bombers (Scissors is beaten by rock.)


For more skilled pilots, it goes like this:

  • You're a gunship ace in a t1 gunship? You beat everything in TDM and Dom.
  • You're a Scout ace in a t2 Scout? You beat everything in TDM and Dom.
  • You're a bomber ace in a mine bomber? You win Dom matches and struggle in TDM
  • You're a bomber ace in a drone bomber? You get to support your team in both TDM and dom, but your drones rarely get you kills, and if theres a half decent ("Par," "sub Ace," or Mid-Ranged) scout or gunship in the match you struggle.
  • You're a striker ace in any striker? You struggle in everything.


Bombers aren't overpowered. Their auto-target feature isn't overpowered either. They are balanced in a game where Scouts and Gunships can kill anything, but have to be wary of the area-denial specialist actually doing its job. Bombers can be avoided, gunships and scouts can't. You usually can out run bombers, you usually can't outrun a railgun or a power - to - engines scout.


Bombers do one job well in TDM -> Tactical Support. They can prevent you from flanking, and support their team by healing and rearming their scouts, or laying a minefeild around their gunships.


In dom matches, it only takes 2 ships to destroy any bomber and all of its support. One ion railgun gunship, and one <Put any Ship here>


Bombers are neither overpowered nor unfair. If you believe they are, you really need to fly them in competitive matches and see just how useless they can be.


You forgot Strike Fighters... A Decent pilot with a Pike or a Clarion can decimate bombers easily, especially if they have max upgraded secondary weps like Concussion Missiles and Proton Torps.... Just saying..

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I didn't forget strikers, I overlooked them intentionally. Strikers are considered non-meta and underpowered for a reason. Encouraging people to kill bombers with strikers will only get them trapped in a minefeild.


Don't misunderstand, I *love* strikers. The Pike and it's counter part are my favorite ship behind the warcarrier. I've used them often, even in competitive matches. I broke 30 kills in a pike once (not a match i was proud of, was nothing but me and 15 first-timers.)

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Interesting thread. Wish I'd found it sooner, cuz now I can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said.


Except maybe this:


Conduct an experiment for yourself. Play a bomber. Pick one and stick with it. In 5 matches, sit there and let the AI do it's thang. Don't manually engage any enemies. Record your results. In 5 more matches, play your bomber correctly - place your drones/mines and then engage any enemies who come near your nest as best as you are able. Record your results again.


I promise you, if you are a player of even mediocre skill, the numbers will agree with all the above pilots telling you that only fail bombers drop drones and afk.

Besides that, I think you'll have a lot more fun in the second set of matches. And your team will be more likely to win.

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Well, obviously I disagree with all the points OP brings up.


1)- Bombers absolutely do have to rely on a human error factor. By dropping area defense items, they are only capable of striking at foes that come into the defensive area, and then either make a mistake or a choice to be hit. The fact that bombers don't rely on twitch or aim can be spun as "cheating", but the fact is, bombers don't have the same armaments as the ships that DO rely on these sorts of things. A bomber who drops a mine behind you and wins has outplayed you. The fact that he didn't have to hold you under his nose is a testament to the fact that his ship class can't really do that.


2)- Pretending that only one flight style and only one strategy is valid, is always gross. The most common complaints about bombers are that they don't need to do what a scout does to win, ignoring the huge fact that they cannot. The fact is, the bomber is not meant for that role. This kind of disdain for other flight styles is the biggest issue facing anything that isn't whatever the chosen style of the complainer. OP goes into this with "doesn't address the underlying issue, which is that the bomber pilot is riding the game's AI, not having to target anything. just drop mines and wait." That's not an issue, though. If the drones would chase, or actually had AI (they do not), then this would be an issue, but as it is, any pilot can choose to not be in range of the drones or mines. A giant nest of them might not be something that a scout can solo, but that's also a very good check on the flexibility and power of scouts, especially a lone scout who can trivially cheese blasters and missiles already. The bomber isn't "riding" anything, he's defending an area. Leave the area, remove the static defenses he puts in place, or destroy the bomber. It's certainly intended to be a real weakness of the highly maneuverable and bursty scout, and as such, it is definitely a good addition to the game.


" it still doesn't address the fact that a bomber pilot just has to drop his mines and let the AI do all the work for him."


Well, a scout pilot just has to shoot missiles and blasters and let the combat engine do all the work for him too. And the scout doesn't even need to worry about constantly hiding out of LOS, because he has two missile breaks instead of zero. Each ship is meant to be loaded with different advantages. If you brought this logic to the bomber, you would have to make him as maneuverable and fast and evasive as a scout- and I'm sure glad this isn't how the game is designed.


"all they have to do is drop mines/drones and then fly around trying not to die while an error-free computer AI does all their killing for them"


You've been called on this one too. This is a lot like saying "all scouts have to do is fly into melee range and pop cooldowns and win". The thing it is missing, is everything. The bomber has to:

1)- Choose a node that he can help at.

2)- Actually get to the node uncontested.

3)- Watch for all possible attacks, time cooldowns and manage resources. Bombers have weakish shields, terrible boost, and the lowest weapon battery in the game, so this is more intricate than on the other ship types.

4)- Deploy strategically so that mines won't get instantly picked off by good scouts on deploy and before arm, and so that a single gunship doesn't render him totally useless.

5)- Maintain LOS versus the most dangerous targets, and try to use mines to push back the melee targets.

6)- Ensure that well positioned enemies don't stay that way, or face a swift death.

7)- Constantly be aware of a large sphere and all lines of effect within it.

8)- Nose to target and kill any enemies that allow this to happen for any reason, despite having crappy turning and mediocre weapons.

9)- Maintain awareness of backpooping mine launch and where the mine will land. Deploy mines successfully to either hit an enemy, force an enemy action, or guard an area.

10)- Maintain awareness of enemy location in the event that a manually detonated mine could hit that enemy, and do that.

11)- Constantly have an action plan for each missile type that could be locked on, as you sure ain't breaking any of them.


If you are having problems with bombers that do what you say, the issue is with you, not them. If you think all bombers just float around and poop mines, then the issue is probably that you don't even understand what you are watching in the first place.


3)- Pretending that the game has AI is always a favorite. "they drop mines that are controlled by an AI" is how OP puts it. No, they don't. The mines and drones do exactly the same thing in exactly the same way, exactly every time. A drone will always shoot at the first target that comes into range and LOS, and will continue doing that until it is destroyed, the target is destroyed, or the target leaves LOS. A mine will detonate the moment an enemy comes into its trigger radius and is within LOS. These are not "bots" or "AI". They are just as predictable as a missile or blaster. Once deployed, a mine is a simple obstacle that behaves in the same exact way every single time. OP doubles down on this fallacy with "they never miss. they know whenever anything gets within range". The fact that railgun drones don't roll on the to-hit table is a perennial complaint, with players on both sides of the issue, but the nice benefit about this is that a scout can't just press immune. Some things need to be able to pierce evasion, and if everyone keeps picking the things that do, it's probably because evasion is too prevalent in that meta. But it should be pointed out that as obstacles, they can't be outflown. If you could just do some trick that made it so that a drone couldn't shoot you, everyone would just learn the trick to cheese the AI aiming, and then drones would have no power over a good player. To top it off, if drones were rebalanced around some AI that could be outflown, they would need to become a lot more powerful when they DO hit, meaning that they would become non-threats to good players (deleting the role from advanced play) and ludicrously overpowered versus newer player (widening the skill gap). Making them aim and having that, too, cheesable by a scout, would be terrible. It's excellent that these things can eventually swat scouts out of the air that both fly into their area, don't hide, stick around long enough to take real damage, and don't attack them.



4)- "they only shoot at what the pilot tells them to shoot at, or whatever attacks it" This idea is not entirely terrible, but it would require some pretty serious buffs to the drones, as well as a UI rework to add "sic pet on target". It would definitely reduce the ability of a new player to contribute with a bomber, and an advanced player would generally do better with this model than the current one. Certainly, it makes no sense for a drone to not attack targets, however- the whole point of the drone is to attack enemy players. A player being "in combat" with something has a meaning in the ground game, but no direct mapping here. Having them do what they do is the best answer.



5)- Bringing strike fighters into this. "but as it stands right now, it's just too dangerous for a strike or a scout to get close enough to the bomber to do anything". First, I wouldn't say this- a strike has some decent game against anything a bomber has to offer. Two of the three strikes even have the undertuned EMP missile, which wreaks havoc with mines, drones, and the bomber that loves them. Dropping a taunt totem actually seems like it would be interesting, but at the end of the day, strike fighters being bad is not a problem of bombers being too good. You can hold the strike fighter up to literally all things in the entire game and say "ok, it's weaker, bring the thing down to the strike". But we *KNOW* that isn't the answer- strikes suck. Buff strikes. Thankfully, the devs are actually looking into buffing strikes, so that's pretty great.


6)- Forgetting the rest of the meta. "as long as the mechanic for capping a node is proximity, a ship specifically designed to keep other ships away from it needs a hard counter" Kiko answered this (and the above) in top form, as did Caederon, but I'll say it too- bombers have numerous counters already. The crappy EMP missile really can pressure a bomber, but railguns, ion in particular, really crap on their parade. They remove drones from out of range, remove mines from anywhere, and ignore any defenses the bomber might personally have aside from "go hide under a rock".




"The Scout is inherently unfair because it can turn faster and run faster then all the other ships in the game. The bomber is inherently unfair because despite being the slowest and easiest to hit, it doesnt have to be in line of sight to kill you. the Gunship is inherently unfair because it can hit you from far out side your range."


Tune compresses the real message into basically a dense poem. This is exactly right.

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ive played bombers. all you have to do is find a little nook somewhere, so that anyone that wants to kill you has to come at you from one way, drop your **** and chill. if something actually does come in and try to kill you, you can always just weave in and out of the many many objects flying around and wait for help, while your AI does all your work. meanwhile, whoever as actually attacking you, has to deal with a human pilot and an AI that never misses.


ive been playing with emp missiles a bit lately. don't hit hard, but at least i have a fighting chance so i can get close enough for lasers. get em mastered with the engine ability debuff and gunships won't be able to barrel roll away anymore, either.


my disdain for bombers has inclined me to build a ship exclusively for hunting them. gimped vs all else. don't care. hate. them.

Edited by Telos
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ive played bombers. all you have to do is find a little nook somewhere, so that anyone that wants to kill you has to come at you from one way, drop your **** and chill.




Ok. Just play a bomber and win all the time. Should be easy, right? I expect you'll have a massive win/loss ratio with this strat. Come back and tell us how this works. I'm sure everyone in here correcting you for pages has no clue what they are talking about.



my disdain for bombers has inclined me to build a ship exclusively for hunting them. gimped vs all else. don't care. hate. them.


It's called Type 1 Gunship, and it's not gimped versus all else. If you want to play anti-bomber roles for your team, that's great. But you don't need to do some crazy stuff, just go get your ion aoe and remove their ability to support their team. They'll need to call scouts on you if they want to stand a chance.


But since bombers are so EASY, why not just always play them and win every game? Don't say "don't like the playstyle", if they are as ludicrously broken as you say, you should be able to demonstrate that by rolling a bomber and just obliterating the enemy teams.


I await your well documented entire games on youtube.

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ive played bombers. all you have to do is find a little nook somewhere, so that anyone that wants to kill you has to come at you from one way, drop your **** and chill. if something actually does come in and try to kill you, you can always just weave in and out of the many many objects flying around and wait for help, while your AI does all your work. meanwhile, whoever as actually attacking you, has to deal with a human pilot and an AI that never misses.


Ya wanna know how to deal with that strategy? You don't. You just ignore it.


The only nooks where you can chill like that on Dom maps are out of the way, and do nothing to help your team. So, if they go hide in their hole like that, avoid them and go win the game by taking/defending sats. And no, you can't just pop mines/drones and "hide" anywhere on a sat. Anyplace that is over/under that gives you a good nook is easily destroyed whenever someone attacks from the top/bottom.


In TDM, if you do that, I'm going to ignore you and go kill everyone else on your team to get points. I don't need any specific person to die in order for me to win, I can rack up points on any of them. Let the little bomber go play with his drone in a corner all match by himself and get close to zero req.


In order for an AREA DENIAL ship (bomber) to be effective, you have to deny access to an area other pilots actually care about... and those areas are not ones you can really pop n hide in.


And, another thing you seem to have overlooked for your own part (but I see not for bombers), is your team.


if something actually does come in and try to kill you, you can always just weave in and out of the many many objects flying around and wait for help, while your AI does all your work.


Yeah, you know how he's "waiting for help" if he's alone? That's what you should be doing too. It's not a 1v1 game, it's a team game. Run with at least 1 other pilot, kill the drones/mines (it's not difficult to do at all), and then rip open the bomber. Even more effective if there's a gunship giving you support from a distance picking off mines/drones. Teamwork: It's not just so the other team has someone else to shoot at.

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This idiot is still going on about it?

We may as well rename this How To Kill Bombers: The Topic and he still keeps this up?

I think his entire experience with bombers is flying headfirst into Bomberballs, which would explain a lot really.


For frigs sake learn to read man.

Or don't this is fun to read actually.

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10 seconds is a long time in GSF, 1 min is even longer.

What are the cooldowns on mines again? I forget. What are the cooldowns on drones? Can't seem to remember. I'll have to guess.


Lets see. So... Railgun drones, ID Drones, and rocket drones have a cooldown of ~60 seconds. Right?

Repair drones over 1min I think.

Most mines are, like, ~13 seconds or so, yea, that sounds right.


Now, it seems to me that the incredibly long cooldown times on drones and mines might be a problem for bombers. As if a bomber lays a drone, and you kill it as they lay it, they have to wait a full minute to lay another. Now, if they have an old drone up, they may be able to quickly lay another - which you coud kill and make them wait a full min before laying another. What is that bomber going to do for that min, which again, is a long time in GSF. Think maybe they are just going to give up, run away super slowly? Lol. No. They have to keep fighting, and fight without their drones. Mine bombers have things a bit more easy, but their cooldowns are still exceedingly long. So they have to manage their resources and they still have to fight when their cooldowns are blown


Fighting on a bomber is exceedingly difficult. You have the slowest ship, with weak sheilds, and a low blaster pool, going up against qualified dogfighters and space superiority craft. Bombers are the second most disadvantaged class behind strikers. The only thing that makes them playable is their drones and mines which have exceedingly long cooldowns


You simply don't understand the game, and refuse to listen while we explain it. Bombers aren't OP. We have explained why countless different ways. I am willing to teach you in game and show you how and why they aren't OP. Just make a republic character on bastion and /who Defiant and ask someone for an invite. If we are both online at the same time, I will group with you and teach you how to use - and how to kill - bombers.

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Ya wanna know how to deal with that strategy? You don't. You just ignore it.





Lol, yes. I love the guy who just sits there inside of a star destroyer with two mines and a hyperspace beacon, while the battle rages on the other side of the map. How can anyone stand to do that? That's gotta be some kinda diagnosable mental condition.

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Ya wanna know how to deal with that strategy? You don't. You just ignore it.





Lol, yes. I love the guy who just sits there inside of a star destroyer with two mines and a hyperspace beacon, while the battle rages on the other side of the map. How can anyone stand to do that? That's gotta be some kinda diagnosable mental condition.


how is anyone stupid enough to ....don't answer that

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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