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Is slicing worth it if you don't want to farm Yavin?


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Define "worth it".


Back when I was F2P and it was oh, back about October of 2013, back when we had to pay for new skills, I had my crewskill as Slicing, and on ImpTaris with my first SW, not even a quarter of the way through, I was of 3K short of credits being sent into escrow.


Long story short: Worth it= Make Lot of Credits? Then yes. Yavin just has a bunch of nodes. But you can always just send comps out on missions if you don't want to farm nodes.

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If you don't want to play there, then don't. Just put it out of your mind and forget Yavin.


That kinda didn't answer what I asked.



The point is, that you seem to dread having to go to Yavin, and that there isn't any real reason you'd want to go there. If it seems that bad to you, then you're gonna be miserable farming nodes on Yavin. If that is the case, then it would not be worth it to you. Right? That's why I said put Yavin out of your mind.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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Adaptive Circuitry....worth 25-30K each if you sell them...more if you craft with them


I have 5 slicers...and I don't farm Yavin...I craft Circuitry


Ha. For 25 k it flies away. Seriously, I logged yesterday on an alt, saw lots of AC for 24k, bought 2, had no more money, switched to my main, and by that time all AC for less than 30k was already gone.


Seriously, though, slicing is worth it, but if you're not farming nodes, it's more worth it if you have Synth, or Armormech, or Armstech to make implants and kits, otherwise it's just like Treasure Hunting - farm missions, sell purple mats.

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Originally posted by Kulyok:

Seriously, though, slicing is worth it, but if you're not farming nodes, it's more worth it if you have Synth, or Armormech, or Armstech to make implants and kits, otherwise it's just like Treasure Hunting - farm missions, sell purple mats.


Kulyok nailed it on the head. Yes, there are plenty of credits to be made with slicing in material sales alone. Don't want to farm Yavin? Fine. Just keep those adaptive circuitry coming so I don't have to keep stealing the listings from Kulyok, ok?

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see title.


Couple it with arch and synth. start an aug market. lots of 60s being forged means lots of chaps that need augging. ( and the kits for said augging )


Have fun :cool:


Addendum: this one combo works lovely with JKs :cool:

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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So it sounds pretty good to take, and since I don't want to craft, it seems a good choice.


And I will have the option to farm Yavin like all the other goobers if I want to :D




When i run Yavin dailies on my slicer toons I make an extra 20K per run

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I think it is and I don't even farm Yavin because as a repub it is gank central for me on PoT5.


But with that said, if nothing else the skill is self supporting. Send companions out to get lockboxes and more often than not you paid for the mission and still made a few credits to boot.


But realistically, Yavin 4 is probably about to become the new Black Hole. If crew skills increase to a new level with the new expansion, people are going to even forget that Yavin 4 exists.

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The point is, that you seem to dread having to go to Yavin, and that there isn't any real reason you'd want to go there.
I think you're totally missing the point of his question. He's asking if slicing is worth doing. He's probably seen other threads saying "yeah, because Yavin farming is so good". So he's asking [paraphrased] "so, other than for Yavin farming, is it still worth getting Slicing?" Nothing saying he doesn't plan on going to Yavin.
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I think you're totally missing the point of his question. He's asking if slicing is worth doing. He's probably seen other threads saying "yeah, because Yavin farming is so good". So he's asking [paraphrased] "so, other than for Yavin farming, is it still worth getting Slicing?" Nothing saying he doesn't plan on going to Yavin.


Pretty much this.


I don't "dread" Yavin...OK, yes I do, but it's because I'm doing the weeklies on 5 (and increasing) characters.

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I think it is and I don't even farm Yavin because as a repub it is gank central for me on PoT5.


I am surprised with the cheap transfers there are enough Pubs or Imps left on Pot5 to do much ganking. Glad to hear the old girl is still kicking.

Edited by Derfburger
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