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Progression thread/DPS leaderboards


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So Camels is gone, and he announced that he will no longer take care of those threads (which is totally understandable, thanks Camels for doing this up to now), so I ask you, remaining guilds/players of BC, do you want someone else (I offer myself as that someone, but will gladly let someone else have the honour if he/she wants to) to take up those threads? Or do you prefer just letting it go and focus on your progression without really bothering about who has done what?


I personally don't mind either way. Some would say there is no point since the "race" is over, and why would we care who has cleared what, since it doesn't change what you want to do with your prog group. But as someone who was never really in the "race", I think it can be fun and useful for players/guilds who want to get their name out their as good players/raiders.


Waiting on your answers...

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I like the idea of it. I like seeing it. It sparks friendly competition among in-game guilds and as you said, gets your name out there. Granted, I haven't posted a thing in it, because I constantly forget about taking screenshots, etc. Was never a focus of mine. But meh.
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Despite my progression team having moved off BC, I'll throw my two cents your way anyway:


The Progression thread will be useful for people moving to BC, as well as new players, new raiders, and what have you. This is conditional upon one thing, and that is people posting. Of the guilds that have said they are staying on two or three guilds, and one prog team from the original 3.0 boards are staying, so it would take effort from those guilds staying to remember to screenshot and post. I would recommend to you to go for it, and highly recommend any progression guild staying on BC to post their kills.


DPS Leaderboard is unnecessary in my opinion. I say this simply because it require uploading to parsely, and parsely holds a world leaderboard, but also allows you to filter by sever, and therefore holds a dps leaderboard for each and every sever in the game. Despite saying this, I will continue to run the boss leaderboard (a functionality also provided by parsely) until people are no longer posting, so if people would rather see you restart that, go for it.

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Thanks for the input, what you said makes sense. Will probably not make a DPS dummy/boss leaderboard since parsely does it effectively, and the progression thread, even if not really active can be a good way to show server still has activity. So far I see AA, Revas and Slippery when wet who have already posted and announced they will stay. I also know Valor Alliance and Praxium have good prog groups too (2 other guilds that say they will stay), so that makes 5 groups I know about, and probably more I don't know about.


Still willing to hear other people opinions

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Despite my progression team having moved off BC, I'll throw my two cents your way anyway:


The Progression thread will be useful for people moving to BC, as well as new players, new raiders, and what have you. This is conditional upon one thing, and that is people posting. Of the guilds that have said they are staying on two or three guilds, and one prog team from the original 3.0 boards are staying, so it would take effort from those guilds staying to remember to screenshot and post. I would recommend to you to go for it, and highly recommend any progression guild staying on BC to post their kills.


DPS Leaderboard is unnecessary in my opinion. I say this simply because it require uploading to parsely, and parsely holds a world leaderboard, but also allows you to filter by sever, and therefore holds a dps leaderboard for each and every sever in the game. Despite saying this, I will continue to run the boss leaderboard (a functionality also provided by parsely) until people are no longer posting, so if people would rather see you restart that, go for it.


If I could throw in my two cents, it'd be the same as this.


If more guilds post it'd be good to have a progression thread, but of the guilds staying not many have posted. It's helpful to players getting a feel for the server and which guilds are on top of pve.

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I definitely think it would be a good idea to keep the Progression thread going strong. I know I didn't post my guild's progression cause I was waiting for us to catch up to the other groups before posting something worthy. But with the other guilds leaving it would be good to highlight the server's PvE guilds and start to build a new community that isn't as focused on a "race" but on helping each other succeed and growing the raid community on the server.
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I'm happy you for you that you have a clear and fixed definition of progression.


I'm also sorry to announce you that (I know it will be hard to take, be strong): it is not because you define progression in a certain way that everyone defines it in the same way.


Ok that's done *phew*... hope you can digest the information, I know it is quite an experience to see that everyone doesn't see the game your way. Perhaps taking a few seconds here to meditate would be an idea, I heard it helps when learning some hard news...


Now for my part, as I see progression, it is about groups progressing (progression/progressing, I think I see a link here :eek:) through content; meaning not being able to down a boss, then work on it, then eventually down it 1-4 weeks/months later, who cares? Everyone has their own rhythm, and it is not because you don't compete and just play 1 night per week that you can't progress (i.e. move towards a goal or a further or higher stage)!

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Progression is DEAD. When was the last time a group on this server completed a content cycle at gear level


Nerd Rage is real. I'm not even on this server but if they want to make a thread that shouldn't make you buttblasted. :rak_03:

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If anyone needs to meditate it's probably you. You are right, progression is about journey and not the destination. Out of the guilds left how many of the posted on the progression thread? By their own admission, many of them did not post for various reasons. When people are out looking for progression guilds they will look at your thread and stay clear. This is why bc progression is dead, rarely will you have someone come here to raid, and the people who stayed will leave when the opportunity arises
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Expecting people to come to BC for progression would be dumb, this server is all about community. Pugging is a pain and will always be. The point is, if someone wants to discover operation, he can, because there are still people that try and struggle their way through HM. Every once in a while, someone turns out to discover PVE endgame and falls in love with it. I think having a progression thread helps will help those people find the right teachers/people to play with, and not abandon because of the fail pugs they join on fleet.


I have many friends and aquaitances who left the server in order to have better options in PVE, and I accept and understand them (I thought about it a lot, but that's another subject). What I don't understand is people coming back to say this server sucks.


(also, my other post was all sarcasm, had fun writting it, though most of it is probably just in my head)

Edited by Eloi_BG
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After a guild meeting yesterday, looks like we will be staying a few weeks, but leaving is still a possibility in a not so far future, so I will not take up the thread until I can confirm if we stay
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