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Looking for endgame on republic side? Aeternum Ascension is staying on server!


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Greetings fellow BCers,

Hya/Nemio here from Aeternum Ascension. As a lot must have realised, many PVE endgame guilds are leaving the server, which is threatening to kill raiding on this server (both progression and casual). We do not want to let that happen; PVE on BC was anounced dead over 1 year ago when lots of top progression guilds quit the server, AA and a few other guilds made sure it didn't die, we will do the same again.


In order to accomplish that, we will be recruiting and willing to take in new and experienced raiders in, to teach them the operations (current and old ones, for people new to them), get people gear, run casually and/or start some progression groups.


We currently have 1 prog group that runs once a week on HM TOS/Ravs on Mondays, 1 that does old NiMs (more or less of a prog group, but certain skill is required) on Tuesdays, and casual SMs runs every other day, with an imperial night . (Note that we raid around 8 PST all the time, as it is the time where most people are on. Lots of us also join PUGs or do HM FPs and such at others times, but there is less activity).


That being said, we will be opening new groups for Prog and SM runs if we have people that are interested, and we will be going through a schedule change in the next few weeks, so now is a perfect time to join.


What about PVP? We have a few pretty good PVPers and GSFers around, but it is a secondary thing in our guild, as operations have priority 1.


We also have a teamspeak, guild flagship, +10% exp boost and make top 10 in conquest nearly every week.


Feel free to visit and apply on our website (in my signature), ask questions here or in-game (look for the names in my signature, or for Shred, or anyone with an AA guild tag). Come and join us and make BC proud!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you require that toons be part of the guild to do HM Ops? My VG Tank is HM ready however my guild is still not quite there, I would like to go ahead and start the HMs and when guild gets ready I can run them on my alts and already have the experience. Let me know your thoughts on this. You can also reach me in game. My Tanks name is Hazzik. Thanks.
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Hey, I'm the guy from yesterday, Hya'tiv :cool:

So yeah that could work, we are running a lot of HMs to get guildies in them to see if they like it these days, so is a good time to try out with us, added your tank to friends list so I can invite you when we have a spot

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a super casual player at this point (I've played almost consistently since beta), but after a bit of a break I'm interested in playing and raiding again. I am more of a story mode kinda person these days (burned on on progression), and don't have a set schedule I play on since I'm a restaurant server at night and my schedule changes constantly.


That said, I am looking for a guild and it would be nice if I could find one that does progression but also does random raiding throughout the week that I can jump in on when I'm available. Really I'm just looking for a guild that isn't part of the Great Vortex of Suck (TM) (ie: players that understand basic game mechanics and rotations), but still has a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.


My main toon is Stavrogin, so if you see me online I'd love to have a chat.

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We did our best to try and get new people that had the same interest as us in PVE endgame, but after more than a month, we have abandoned and are relocating to a server that fits better what most of us want to do. Not an easy thing to leave BC, but the lack of interest of the general community in medium-to-high level endgame left us with no choice (I hate saying this, but trying to pug 1 DPS for SM TOS and not finding one in like 30 mins is bad, not even talking about trying to get a filler for a few bosses of a HM run). There is still PVE going on, not denying it, but a larger pool of players will be nice.


Wishing you all the best, had years of fun here!



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To be more precise, while most of our regular players will be moving in the upcoming days, not everybody in the guild is transferring. There are a number of players who can't or won't transfer for a number of different reasons, so the guild will continue to run here in Begeren Colony.


I will keep a couple of characters in BC to try and help our guildmates that will stay in the server and to give a hand to the community in general. I'm hopeful BC will pick up in the near future.

Edited by Deluxe_
Correcting a couple of typos
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Since some insist on staying I will leave 2 chars on server too.


All what Hya said is true, we have to move to be able to do what we like, I thank the few people that showed interest in joining AA and I hope you can find the ops you are looking for.


Goodbye BC, we had good times but is time for us to part ways.

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For those that want to stick around, consider joining Organized Chaos. I still have a few folks and I need to build us back up after the "great server transfer sale". I'd just welcome some more friendly, competent people in our gchat!



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