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Lay off the Noobs with the attitudes pvpers


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Look I already know this will become a flame war that's your choice. I'm a longtime gamer have been gaming my entire life. so I already know how these forum things go. However some of you big bad Pvpers need to lay off us noobs. I've been seeing this a lot more as I delve into the pvp in this game and to put things nicely this game is in the worst condition that I have ever seen pvp before. the classes are unbalanced. once you hit 60 almost everyone but you has pvp gear and you get wrecked even with the bolster. My point is though ************ at us noobs is not making pvp better. its only going to hurt you. in the long run the less people playing pvp the more you are going to have these situations where your getting wrecked by people who have full pvp sets. I mean really who wants to go to a constant you die fest to just get *****ed at by your teammates - who gear set aside aren't as good as they want to act or as smart. I have been playing pvp styled games for over ten years I can take a death or two. its just the constant bitterness of the "pvpers" that is starting top turn me against it. add in the very broken fotm classes and its not a enjoyable experience in the least. not to say I haven't meet good pvper's just the bad ones are enough to make me turn my head to the whole thing. it's one thing to say you need to do this to help you. its another to be a *** about It and be like you need to just give up on life or quit playing if you cant do this or that. Really that's how you loop new players in?


TL DR? You pvpers need to extend the red carpet to noobs instead of talking crap. maybe then something can be done about the rest.


Consider this a psa because unless It is a constructive comment I will not reply.

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To be fair ive been solo pug farming gear for almost 2 days now on my fresh 60 and its just making me fall asleep. I can't wait til 3.3 makes at least the reg gear farm somewhat nicer so more people can be contenders.


Atm tho i just defend nodes and snooze while i wait for the trickle of comms to come in and ignore the salt. Its not exciting but i also know if i try to be somebody on someone who is geared im just gonna get rekt and hear and infinite neckbeard speech on how i should be geared for pvp n what not and some awesome statement i don't care for. lol

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Shame to hear this. I have pvp'd on this game for a while now and I understand if a new player is just starting to get geared. Although, there are a lot of players who just refuse to get pvp gear and always q in pve gear. So you might be just getting confused with those kinds of players. Just deal till u have gear. TBH it really is not that long of a wait for reg gear atm. Ranked gear is just stupid tho.
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If you want constructive comments, you should start with one. Your post is terribly written and all over the place.


Most players don't harass bad players. Honestly, at this point anyone who has been playing long enough doesn't blink an eye at players in sh*tty gear, because most are used to it. There are certain players who do, and those people are mostly bums.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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Look I already know this will become a flame war that's your choice. I'm a longtime gamer have been gaming my entire life. so I already know how these forum things go. However some of you big bad Pvpers need to lay off us noobs. I've been seeing this a lot more as I delve into the pvp in this game and to put things nicely this game is in the worst condition that I have ever seen pvp before. the classes are unbalanced. once you hit 60 almost everyone but you has pvp gear and you get wrecked even with the bolster. My point is though ************ at us noobs is not making pvp better. its only going to hurt you. in the long run the less people playing pvp the more you are going to have these situations where your getting wrecked by people who have full pvp sets. I mean really who wants to go to a constant you die fest to just get *****ed at by your teammates - who gear set aside aren't as good as they want to act or as smart. I have been playing pvp styled games for over ten years I can take a death or two. its just the constant bitterness of the "pvpers" that is starting top turn me against it. add in the very broken fotm classes and its not a enjoyable experience in the least. not to say I haven't meet good pvper's just the bad ones are enough to make me turn my head to the whole thing. it's one thing to say you need to do this to help you. its another to be a *** about It and be like you need to just give up on life or quit playing if you cant do this or that. Really that's how you loop new players in?


TL DR? You pvpers need to extend the red carpet to noobs instead of talking crap. maybe then something can be done about the rest.


Consider this a psa because unless It is a constructive comment I will not reply.


Well I have a few questions.


Bolster sucks and how it is implemented is a massive failure on BW's part since it is very anti-intuitive and the bolsterizer is no where near the PvP terminal. However, before jumping into 60 PvP did you read up on how bolster works?


If not, why not? There is a thread at the top of the PvP forums that explains it pretty well.


Next, did you PvP at all in the lowbie/midbie brackets to learn how each map is played or did you wait until 60 and jump in dry hoping to figure it out as you went?


Do you or do you not call out in ops chat when/if you're guarding a node and you get attacked? Quickest was to be at the end of an insult is to lose a node with the excuse "I couldn't call out, I was stunned!!"


Did you ask anyone for help before jumping into PvP so that you might have some idea of what might be expected?


Most PvPers that I know will provide answers with civility if asked and will attempt to point you in the right direction concerning bolster, WZ objectives, gearing, and the like.


Remember, it's not all on the experienced PvPers to hold new player's hands when they jump into 60 PvP. A little bit of effort, besides just hitting the queue button, should come from the new player as well.


The number of players that are unwilling to put forth that effort is staggering and most experienced PvPers are pretty jaded after being told to "**** off" countless times.

Edited by DariusCalera
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I have to agree with the OP. The rudeness the PvPers have towards the rest of the community is mind blowing. They demand BioWare to do this, and do that, then they turn around and yell at the rest of us for not stopping a cap when we've called multiple times, or because we aren't geared and didn't get the full warzone gear reward they must have received for hitting level 60. Or take those PvPers that talk smack to the other team after roflstomping them to the ground instead of giving out pointers and tips. There have been countless times I would be whispered saying that I sucked in a warzone, then added to there ignore, becuase heaven forbid I joined the warzone late and my team is about to loose, yet somehow the loss is still my fault. It's no surprise BioWare doesn't add more PvP content that often, you guys don't deserve it, the way you are treating everyone. You want more PvP content? Drop the attitude towards others and actually help them by showing them what to do, help them gear etc. Yes, we have forums with loads of guides and what not, but how many F2P/Pref status players actually take the time to read any of them? They don't really have a point to, not like they can post anything. Heck, they might not even know where to look.


My advice to the OP:


Depending on your characters level, if you are 50+ use the classic level 50 gear and relics, this will give you the 2018 expertise. Once you hit 53, you can use the level 53 mods and still get the 2018 bolster till you hit 60 and slowly get your gear. I use the classic level 50 relics because they still take affect with in a PvP area unlike the level 55 ones.

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Sucks you had a crappy experience, I've made multiple threads about how toxic the community is. Unfortunately doesn't look like things are going to change. The part of the PVP community that mainly brings out this behavior is the ranked community. Then they wonder why they have nobody to play with, both The Harbinger, and now The Shadowlands which are the two "most populated" when dealing with ranked pops on the NA side have people asking people to queue ranked in gen chat all the time. At this point the most I can say is find yourself a group of friends or a good guild and surround yourself with them. Also use voice comms if thats your thing, I tend to find when I'm voice chatting with friends in regz it's easier to block out all the crap that is spewed. Other than that the gear disparity is going to be less of an issue with the commendation changes coming in 3.3, keep your head up OP if you enjoy PVP enough to put in the time to get geared and get better with your class than thats the most anyone else can ask of you.
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It's no surprise BioWare doesn't add more PvP content that often, you guys don't deserve it, the way you are treating everyone. You want more PvP content? Drop the attitude towards others and actually help them by showing them what to do, help them gear etc.




Yeah, that's why.

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I'm glad to see this went over better than I had hoped. to say the least I was more than a little ticked when writing that post. to answer some of the questions


1. Jimmajamma. not all the comments are always directed at me I've had a total of three directed at me in the 3 months I've been playing. most of these comments go towards others but it still bothers me. also I apologize i'm no English major and in anger that gets worse. judging by what you said best I get those kinds of people on the ignore list.



Well I have a few questions.


" Bolster sucks and how it is implemented is a massive failure on BW's part since it is very anti-intuitive and the bolsterizer is no where near the PvP terminal. However, before jumping into 60 PvP did you read up on how bolster works?"


*I never looked it up I thankfully had guild mates to explain when I asked why I died so easily in PvP when there is supposed to be a bolster.


"Next, did you PvP at all in the lowbie/midbie brackets to learn how each map is played or did you wait until 60 and jump in dry hoping to figure it out as you went?"


*I have pvped since i started playing and could join in. I fully understand the mechanics of each map. even without guides it only took me seeing the maps 1-2 times to figure that out. i have toons at a few varying levels as well all of which i pvp with.


Do you or do you not call out in ops chat when/if you're guarding a node and you get attacked? Quickest was to be at the end of an insult is to lose a node with the excuse "I couldn't call out, I was stunned!!"


*as i play classes of more a support role Scoundrel/dps sentinel i try not to wander from the main group. i certainly have no issues saying where help is needed if i recognize the need or if i need help on a node however in the rare chance i'm guarding.


"Did you ask anyone for help before jumping into PvP so that you might have some idea of what might be expected?"


*been playing pvp based games for years. not much to be expected that i haven't already done or seen elsewhere. Mwo is a harder game by far and i played that three years..


"Most PvPers that I know will provide answers with civility if asked and will attempt to point you in the right direction concerning bolster, WZ objectives, gearing, and the like."


*current issue is not about asking but about forced info with crap comments attached behind"


Remember, it's not all on the experienced PvPers to hold new player's hands when they jump into 60 PvP. A little bit of effort, besides just hitting the queue button, should come from the new player as well.


*I don't expect that in the least. but if one is going to tell you how to play they should do so nicely

no need to add salt to an already open wound from a beat down.


"The number of players that are unwilling to put forth that effort is staggering and most experienced PvPers are pretty jaded after being told to "**** off" countless times."


*I have personally seen that attitude as well out of people being given advice and not the go jump off a bridge because you suck kind of advice I've seen quit a lot since i started 60 "regs" (correct term for non ranked i'm unsure?) so in hindsight of my angry post i will admit it goes both ways


3. Volthammer. - I avoid ranked like the plague i may be new to Swtor but i'm hardly new too gaming and i'm not going to put myself in that position when i am just now starting to save for PvP gear. i will join ranked when i'm geared and only then"



To everyone else who did not have a direct question thanks so much for the kind words and support. i will keep at it. i mean who honestly has fun smashing bot's all day I'd rather fight live players. and my apologies again. i was very irked earlier to say the least.

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Yeah, there are some rather toxic individuals out there who feel so inclined to berate everybody else. All you can do with those people is just shake your head and move on. Here's to hoping you have many encounters with the rest of us. Cheers! :D
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If the PVE crowd can demand that people "MUST KNOW TACTICS, MUST HAVE XYZ GEAR" then surely us PVPers can ask for a moderation of this? I do not demand that people are in full DR with augments and stims from the get go, but I get bloody annoyed when I see ~1200 expertise at level 60. It brings down the whole fracking team.


A few days ago we had a match with 5 people in 1200-1500 expertise gear and 3 of us in 2018. And seeing that we actually won that match, I can only imagine what kinda horrible gear the other side must have been sporting.


I will however never blame someone for not quite knowing the game. It might annoy me that people don't know how to pass the ball in HB and I will tell them not to leave a node unguarded, but rarely do I take out my frustration on people. Serves no purpose.


Use level 152 gear in all slots. There. You know have 2018 expertise and won't explode. (Yes I know you can do better combinations than pure 152, but lets keep it simple.)

Edited by Lundorff
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162 with 148 mod/enh on the MH/OH. Don't ask why, just do it. I am actually planning to see how a full Arcanum set bonus holds up against the geared folks in L55. Went through a few L55 Ops to get the 6 pc bonus set, heh. To be honest, some classes in the PvE set bonuses don't do too too badly. (Shrug) I don't know, it stopped bothering me a long time ago. Edited by DomiSotto
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Best thing to do for a pvp'er is to get a thick skin, you'll always get an idiot who likes to talk a load of crap in warzones....lots of them do it purely because that's what they're like online. One of the amazing things I find is the way people start complaining and going off on a verbal rampage when they completely fail to see the team makeup of the opposite team is just better.


How many times have we seen team mates complaining in Alderaan Civil War about how people suck when we have no healer and no stealth whereas the enemy has multiple stealth and healers.

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If you want constructive comments, you should start with one. Your post is terribly written and all over the place.


Most players don't harass bad players. Honestly, at this point anyone who has been playing long enough doesn't blink an eye at players in sh*tty gear, because most are used to it. There are certain players who do, and those people are mostly bums.


I personally don't care about the gear... for as long as you actually help the team one way or another.

Play the Objective, guard it, attack it... bring back orbs, cap & defend nodes, guard the ball, carry it... do what you can, the rest, it's not up to you.


What I have a problem with is the constant trolling...

People acting stupid, spending more time typing than focusing on what's going on around them.

************ about everything instead of refocusing and working harder.


**** ups will happen, we're but human *********** beings after all.


TL;DR -> Skill > Gear (Sort of) Just PTFO, help out and if at the end of the day you've done well, we'll notice and perhaps even give you a nice pat on the back.

Edited by NinjaScroll
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almost -all- the "pro" pvp players ive ever met are shockingly dire at PVP


reading up on a rotation on the forums, using someone else's macro, stacking your team with rerolls based on patch notes so you can "win" this month doesnt make you good. it makes you a min/maxer. theyre not the same thing



you play an un-optimised team and win, THEN youre good.



so where they get their delusions of granduer from i will never know


(and for the record, the "pvp" in swtor is a joke anyway arenas != real pvp )

Edited by Lindraskada
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There's more than enough posts and videos explaining how to gear yourself for PvP and when 3.3 hits, it will be even easier. If players can't be bothered to do a little research, they deserve to be farmed.


Farmed not insulted and cursed. :)



Best thing to do for a pvp'er is to get a thick skin, you'll always get an idiot who likes to talk a load of crap in warzones....lots of them do it purely because that's what they're like online. One of the amazing things I find is the way people start complaining and going off on a verbal rampage when they completely fail to see the team makeup of the opposite team is just better.


How many times have we seen team mates complaining in Alderaan Civil War about how people suck when we have no healer and no stealth whereas the enemy has multiple stealth and healers.


SO much of this. Pug without healers vs double premade...

Lone Pro-PvPer: "We lost all our nodes let's switch in enrage mode on my teammates!" :o

Edited by Glower
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If the PVE crowd can demand that people "MUST KNOW TACTICS, MUST HAVE XYZ GEAR" then surely us PVPers can ask for a moderation of this? I do not demand that people are in full DR with augments and stims from the get go, but I get bloody annoyed when I see ~1200 expertise at level 60. It brings down the whole fracking team.


You think only your team gets the low expretise people? No, the other team also is bound to have at least one such player so it's no big deal. The difference with pvp and pve is that in pvp you and one friend of yours can win a match as they are mostly objective based. In pve two people cannot make up for the rest no matter how hard they try.


And even if...no need to take out on anyone, just play the match, win or loose - it hardly matters as the win ratio is always 50/50 in the end :)


I'm not excusing anyone here especially since the "pve crowd" often calls for things far above the requirements for the ops, even for "pug standards". :p

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You think only your team gets the low expretise people?


Umm... did you read my entire post?


No, the other team also is bound to have at least one such player so it's no big deal.


But you don't know that! In fact I would bet that most victories are based on the teams with best gear. You would have to be really terrible to lose a fight against someone with half your expertise, assuming everything else were equal.


The difference with pvp and pve is that in pvp you and one friend of yours can win a match as they are mostly objective based.


We most asurely can not win a match, regardless of how objective oriented we might play, if half the team has terrible gear. True you don't need any particular type of gear to cap a node, but you can not hope to hold it with 1200 expertise vs. 2018.


In pve two people cannot make up for the rest no matter how hard they try.


Exactly the same in PVP. You might not see it this way, and yes you could get lucky and the other team also have terrible expertise, but that is a risk no one should have to endure. There is NO excuse for entering level 60 PVP with terrible expertise.


And even if...no need to take out on anyone, just play the match, win or loose - it hardly matters as the win ratio is always 50/50 in the end :)


I PVP for the compation, the fun and most asurely to bloody win. :D


I apologize if this post comes across as angry or similar. It's not intended as such. I am just really passioned about this very subject. In fact I blame EAware far more than any individual player. The bolster system is extremely counter-intuitive, but at level 60 I think it's fair to demand a slight bit of self-awareness from the players. Just spend 10 minutes and buy some crap green gear from the GTN, and you will be leagues better than with 1200 expertise.

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But you don't know that! In fact I would bet that most victories are based on the teams with best gear. You would have to be really terrible to lose a fight against someone with half your expertise, assuming everything else were equal.

Well, I assume it's true - I cannot know for sure. I would also assume that victories are based on who gets the better premade/more ranked players but that is a totally different matter not concerning the expertise issue :)


The same goes for what I mentioned - sure, you cannot win when you and your friend are pitted against a premade but you sure as hell can win over a pug with just two organised people - I do that all the time with my bethotred! Just the two of us can keep 3-4 of our enemies on their node and even without taking it - we give time needed to cap the other ones by our team. It won't work when the matchmaking system fails like it does most of the time :rolleyes:


Playing a tank/healer or any other combo in pve we wouldn't be able to fill every role in an ops to make it work that way - that is waht I wanted to say :D


*sigh* I do get why people get very emotional over pvp, it's a competition of sorts and sure - people want to win, that is why they play. Problem is many don't know how to loose and blame those that, even without the magical 2018, probably did more than most could expect.


YES, I do hate brainless folks that don't do the effort of looking around and coming to a conclusion. I hate people that need to be babysitted and won't do crap about learning game mechanics but on the other hand I still feel burning hatred for those that feel the need to vent it out on random people without knowing the whole story/who sists on the other side of the screen.


And do not worry - after months of pvping I am all but immune to throw a tantrum at someone over a forum post - nor do I wish to cause any turmoils :)

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I got for a few days to lvl 60 and not once did anybody call me on my bad gear (PVP server). Actually I got a bunch of MVP votes. The OP is probably bad not because of his gear but how he plays. If one goes to "sleep" by a pylon or whatever else to guard and does not call incomes or does not know the mechanics of a map then he deserves the backlash.

Tell me, do you look around when you noticed 5 of your are fighting 2 peeps and immediately check on the other node even if no report comes? Trust me, 5 is not needed for 2. Also if 3 more are not there its probably because they are attacking the other side...

Do you look at doors in VS at all times even when fighting?

Do you read the chat to respond fast when called?

Do you know how to brake off from a fight and help the other side even if you are engaged?

And so on.


Anybody going into a map at lvl 60 with no understanding of the map or the basics of what he has to do is an ***, why? The entire team suffers because of him and he does not give a damn. If he would give a damn he would have first documented himself a bit of what he has to do before joining.

Edited by Xanas
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almost -all- the "pro" pvp players ive ever met are shockingly dire at PVP


reading up on a rotation on the forums, using someone else's macro, stacking your team with rerolls based on patch notes so you can "win" this month doesnt make you good. it makes you a min/maxer. theyre not the same thing



you play an un-optimised team and win, THEN youre good.



so where they get their delusions of granduer from i will never know


(and for the record, the "pvp" in swtor is a joke anyway arenas != real pvp )


How the hell making sure you have all the possible advantages to win makes you "less good"? When a competition exists one will use the best possible scenarios to give himself an advantage. Team composition being as optimized as possible makes perfect sense. You claiming that one needs to handicap himself to be "good" is complete nonsense.

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