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Transferring over ... LF PvP guilds


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Hey all.. as others have said, you'll be seeing these threads due to the low transfer cost.. everyone wants to come to Shadowlands!


That being said, I'm looking for a PvP guild. All I really do is PvP. I have toons on both factions that I'd be willing to move over, 1 of each AC really. But I love playing on my Op/Scoundrel and Sorc/Sage most.


Who are the active PvP guilds on either side? I'll reach out when I get some names. Doesn't have to be super hard-core group ranked, but people who like to improve their game, communicate, and play well. And usually have a couple people on.



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The only 2 pvp guilds I can even think of are Death Smile and Shifted if you want to count them, haven't pvp'd in a while so no idea what's even happening with them. I saw some recruitment posts in gen chat for new pvp guilds just formed from transfers though if you're interested in one of those.
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Imp side is good enough without pvp guilds...and I thought TDR was a pvp guild or are they inactive...personally I'm interested in what pubside pvp is like...imp vs imp is every 4 wzs here and I know there are pubs on the fleet but they are probably too busy drooling over their set pieces I guess...
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TDR is still active. Whether you can call us a "pvp" guild is up for debate though. We do a LOT of pvp, yes, but i've seen the focus shift more towards conquest since we first started. We are a more laid back group in pvp.
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TDR is still active. Whether you can call us a "pvp" guild is up for debate though. We do a LOT of pvp, yes, but i've seen the focus shift more towards conquest since we first started. We are a more laid back group in pvp.


So if youre not a pvp guild or a progression guild is it just a hang in stronghold and craft war supplies guild

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Death smile, Infinite darkness (or what's left of them), TDR, eternal, and the newer one BruceJennerIThoughtUWereAManDo from pot5 (I put that last one there because I thought the name was funny). Edited by sithBracer
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There are 3 established pvp guilds imp side, and two established pvp guilds on pub side. On the imp side: <Death Smile> : small, exclusive, slight ego problem, very difficult to approach; <The Darkness Reborn>: My guild, a laid back, very large pvp centric guild, going through a bit of a conquest identity crisis, we have top tier players but are not hardcore; <Shifted>: The so called "casual" pvp guild on the server, they have okish players, but nothing to write home about. As for guilds that might come back: <Lukewarm Tauntauns> transferred over a few players, they are in <Sick Innuendo>, There are a few new guilds that popped up, <Ascending>, <SickTwistedIndividuals>, and <God Tier> are three of them, <Solo Queue Soldiers> has/had good players, but their core moved to harbinger, and I'm not sure if they're coming back, <Mexican Cleaning Ladies> used to be a pub side guild, but was recently resurrected on the imp side, <Intergalactic Aids Support Group> has a few people in it, as does <Lethal Injection>, and <Breaking Bads> is a homegrown new guild with decent players. as for PvE guilds with good players in them, <Exit Area> and <The Chandrian> are top tier pve guilds who occasionally pvp, <Forge> and <Stay Thirsty> are slightly below them in progression, but have good players.


On pub side: There is really only one established pvp guild, and that is the recent PoT5 transfer guild <BruceJennerIThoughtUWereAManDo>, who were formerly <I AM LEGEND> otherwise known as <Wheres Rachel>. <Jeddit> has good people and has a tendency to super-queue late at night, <Triumph> was the #1 Conquest guild NA, but they fell apart, but there are still a few former members of <Infinite Darkness> in it who are good players, <Eternal> was really good, but most of the players are on hiatus until the GM returns (which is supposedly sometime soon), There are new Pot5 guilds that spawned, <SWIGGETY SWOOGITY> (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) and <HASHTAG DUNKED ON BY ALIENWARE> which is an offshoot of the previous guild. I haven't been on the pubside after the influx, so I couldn't tell you the newest guilds. As for PvE guilds that pvp, there is <For the Fam> who has a few people of note, alongside <HH> and <Shadowed>, both 16m guilds with a few decent players, <Undercon> has a few people of note, but they mostly play their impside toons, <Knights of the Olde Republic> is ok at pvp, and is a fairly regular participant in regs, <Anticlimactic> is a small stable guild whose members primarily pvp, <The Grey> is the highest progressing pubside pve guild, who have two or three really good pvpers, and their ranked team was a fairly large presence last season.


There are probably numerous guilds I left out, which is not to say they are not worth mentioning, just that they do not have the regs/ranked presence of the other guilds.


~Official Shadowlands PVP Historian~

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Well, as the GM for <Knights of the Olde Republic> for republic and <Ambition> for imperial, we welcome pvpers. We have a strong core of pvp on the republic side and we are getting to the point where I believe we will be seen as a destination place for pvp.


We are a casual raiding/pvp guild for adults. We stress friendly gaming within guild as drama is just not cool. We are also a launch guild from the original shadow lands so we have been in game since the beginning with a very stable leadership.

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Most PvP guilds aren't looking for members on the forums. Just PvP and be good. Someone will want to group.


If you're just looking for people to play regs with, then pick any of the guilds that do everything because they'll have high populations.

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