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Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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It's not like its real currency, why so serious?:cool:


cause it can break the economy of the servers. Imagine if everyone did this what the prices of items in the GTN would be.


Satele's Boots and chest on JC ranges between 8 to 20 Million if this exploit was left alone and unpunished those prices would skyrocket because everyone would have the creds to buy them at that price.

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Clearly, there's no danger in BUYING the chairs. You gain nothing from BUYING them, it's only when you buy tons and then sell them back to the vendor that you actually gain something out of the ordinary.


Bioware may have issues, but they're not so arbitrary and punitive to nail someone for doing exactly what they intended in putting the chairs up for 1 credit each.


Hell, unless they automate the process entirely, I doubt they'd ban someone who overbought by half a dozen over the limit, and sold them back as excess.

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It's not like its real currency, why so serious?:cool:


Yeah it isn't real currency, but exploits like that let the in game currency inflate boundlessly, making everything on the gtn cost more and making the game economy and therefore general play environment worse for everyone who doesn't use the exploit.

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I assume we're allowed to buy the chairs for the time being as long as we don't sell them back for the exploit? My guild stronghold could use a lot more decorations and this would be a good way to get some cheap ones. In addition I was wondering what was up with The Bastion (US) server's announcements yesterday? There were around 10 and all of them had differant times, usually contradicting eachother.


So I take it that we are to either waste the Chairs or is there a charity for the ones we have and can't use because we have our Strongholds full of them?

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Funny that....... the credit vendors have been exploiting, harassing, and filling G chat with their garbage for months (years). They worry about a 99 credit exploit and threaten the loyal user base for that? Guess we should have just paid them royalties like the credit vendors are.
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Funny that....... the credit vendors have been exploiting, harassing, and filling G chat with their garbage for months (years). They worry about a 99 credit exploit and threaten the loyal user base for that? Guess we should have just paid them royalties like the credit vendors are.


Other person that needs to learn basic math skills.


Buy them for 1 credit so pay 10k get 10k chairs then sell them back and get 100 credits per chair




Repeat this process say 50 times you got 50,000,000 repeat it another 50 times you got 100,000,000 get the picture yet or should I continue?

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I like how when I went and purchased my 50 chairs. It took a shift click, buy spam click to use and gone in 20 seconds. Yet I was curious why 10+ people were gathered around. I even said in chat that it was an exploit. They KNOW that it is too. Yet I know they are buying and selling. I hope they get banned, what a stupid move. They were told and now they are using it. I see people I recognize. They don't do stronghold. They don't even have a hypercrate rep. So they would have no idea about it unless they read it on the launcher.


Goodbye I hope, or maybe just clean them out of ALL credits. Even previous ones. Then leave them 50 credits per char to buy chairs. :D


SImple logic behind the exploiters. They want to buy something off GTN. They get the creds they need to do so from the chairs. They assume that BW won't take away said item, and won't take away the creds that seller of said item gained from the sale. So they are looking at a 3-7day suspension(assuming things go according to how they did in Ziost).


10mil creds= 1lvl 60 grinding ALL dailies for ten days. So that gets them the achieve for 10mil and items from GTN. They then have a vaca from game for 3-7days. They see this as a win. At least that is how an ex-guildie explained it to me.


Personally I abhor cheating and enjoy my game interaction too much to do it. But I can see why ppl are. Hopefully BW will sufficiently punish them so that it won't seem worth it in the future.

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Where is this vendor


Cartel Bazaar.


If you don't know already I doubt anyone here who follows the rules is going to tell you.


Why not? There is nothing wrong with buying the chairs. They've said in past Dev posts that they intended to sell them for 1 cred. So people should be informed where they can go to get their cheap deco.

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There are better ways to make money, namely, killing gold mobs in the Black Hole, they drop 1,000s of credits and respawn very fast.

The BH round was a great farming spot prior to 2.0 but only offered like 200k-300k credits per hour and has become overfarmed now that a lot of players know about it. There are way better farming rounds now but obviously I won't disclose them since I don't want them to be overfarmed as well.

In any case, this exploit allows players to get upwards of 20 million credits per hour, limited only by how fast you can click, and unlike any of the planetary farming rounds, it is easily macroable. So anyone saying this is not a major exploit is not aware how much credits you can make with this.

Edited by Jerba
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So I take it that we are to either waste the Chairs or is there a charity for the ones we have and can't use because we have our Strongholds full of them?


Why did you buy more than your stronghold could hold? You could delete the item, and assuming you didn't buy thousands of the chairs, you'd only lose a few hundred credits. I was simply trying to clarify how they would decide who to punish, because I would like to buy 50 for my guild, and maybe 50 for myself.

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Hey folks,


In today's patch, we placed Temple Chair (Basic) onto the Esstran Exports vendor for one credit. After bringing the servers live today we noticed that currently, you can sell the Chair back to the vendor for 100 credits. Obviously, this is not intended. As stated before, when these issues arise we want to make sure we get out in front of it as quickly as possible and are open with you about what is being done.


For the time being, please do not buy and sell the Temple Chair (Basic) in this manner. This behavior is considered an exploit. We will be addressing this issue as soon as possible. Once fixed, we will investigate and then take appropriate action for use of this exploit.


Thanks everyone. I will pass on update as I have them.




Can we still buy the chair? As in buy 50 of them to use as decorations? I want to buy the chair at 1 credits, obv, and decorate Nar Shaddaa exterior with a bunch of them. I might as well have 50 in case I need that many.


So will I get flagged if I buy them. Just buying them? lol Just want to be certain my account won't explode the minute I interact with the vendor. :p

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Cartel Bazaar.




Why not? There is nothing wrong with buying the chairs. They've said in past Dev posts that they intended to sell them for 1 cred. So people should be informed where they can go to get their cheap deco.


Because it seems somewhat suspicious maybe? Considering the purpose of this topic asking a question like that sounds like you want to know so you can use said exploit not so you can just buy the item for personal use.

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Funny that....... the credit vendors have been exploiting, harassing, and filling G chat with their garbage for months (years). They worry about a 99 credit exploit and threaten the loyal user base for that? Guess we should have just paid them royalties like the credit vendors are.


Some people just....do...not....get it

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So why do you allow players to sell this item on the GTN? We shouldn't exploit the vendor but you encourage players to exploit one another?




Deflector shields for 800K+ but if i do it with a bot automated its bannable?


I get it, you can get a bunch of creds in like 30 mins, but still that guy made a good point.:D

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Meh the chair isn't aesthetically pleasing to me. I sold mine on the GTN when I got mine the legit way. That money went to a Covert Gateway. ;)


Meh I won mine of the Monolith. It's decent but nowhere near my favorite mount. Considering it's going for like 8 mil on my server no thanks.

Edited by FerkWork
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Really Eric?.... you guys should have tested this patch out before releasing it officially.... this is really gonna screw up inflation. If you guys are seriously gonna ban people for selling chairs, then there is a serious problem and you knuckleheads are allowing this to happen.
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Really Eric?.... you guys should have tested this patch out before releasing it officially.... this is really gonna screw up inflation. If you guys are seriously gonna ban people for selling chairs, then there is a serious problem and you knuckleheads are allowing this to happen.


Have you ever programmed anything? I do Basic, Java, Html, and the ammount of work it takes to make a game like swtor run astounds me. I couldn't make something nearly as good in one hundred years, every little thing takes an amazing ammount of work. A simple glitch or missed exploit every now and then really isn't very bad, you should allow them a little more lax, no one's perfect.

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They should pull down the servers and fix this NAOW :D


Another note tough, what if someone exploted the credits and bought stuff of the GTN? Lets say the seller(who did not exploit) earned lots of credits this way, will they be able to rever that?

Edited by jankiel
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Why is this still in the game as of 1830 PST? Expecting people to not exploit this based on the honor system or fear that you may have the capability to track them, which I doubt you do, is pretty silly.


You don't think this game logs every transaction you make with a Vendor, the GTN, or via Mail? Go ahead and use the exploit but don't coming complaining here when you get your *** in trouble for using it.

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