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Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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Would also like to get an update on this. The 7-day bans are expiring soon so what is BioWare doing about it? What is the final suspension time and did you remove all credits, including those sent to alt accounts?


They are not going to say specifically what they did to each person or overall specifics. Pretend they said "Ok we found those that were moving money around trying to hide it and we perma banned all of them that made over 1 million credits from the exploit. When we found a link between characters of different accounts where it was clear the person was trying to launder the funds so they would not get caught, all accounts were banned"


So what if you were an exploiter that managed to launder the funds in such a way that you did not get caught or managed to avoid enough detection that they only found some of the accounts you set up but not all of them and are still playing the game now after your week long break? You just figured out what works and what doesn't and can use that for future exploits. If all they say is "We have located several accounts and have taken action that we feel appropriate from 7 day suspensions up to permanent bans" you don't know that you managed to slip through the cracks and avoid a perma ban because you still got caught.

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i normally dont call out the devs/forum mods.. but threads like these should be locked once actions are completed. no need for this stuff to be brought up every day by someone with a new opinion/theory/trololol.. what have you.. LOCK IT DOWN!!! :D
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Would also like to get an update on this. The 7-day bans are expiring soon so what is BioWare doing about it? What is the final suspension time and did you remove all credits, including those sent to alt accounts?


I would like to know this also .. are we about to be flooded with credits that people managed to hide and launder waiting for their ban to expire? Will the economy crash?


I have noted the lowest priced hypercrates/packs are up a good 30% on Harb for the past few days on what I would normally expect to see though this could easily be a result of a large portion of palyers being removed from the equation I had thought it might drop since they were most likely more buyers than sellers thus less buyers = more supply and cheaper prices but regardless there is a noticeable difference in pricing there.

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i normally dont call out the devs/forum mods.. but threads like these should be locked once actions are completed. no need for this stuff to be brought up every day by someone with a new opinion/theory/trololol.. what have you.. LOCK IT DOWN!!! :D


History shows that the ragers and whiners will just post more threads.

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Unfortunately with these types of things it's going to stay internal with the company. They won't comment or announce how they banned people, who is permanently banned, how many, nothing. We won't know its internal info.


Just like if you call and speak to a sup and file a complaint against someone, they handle it internally, they are not going to call you back and say "hey we decided to fire the person, thanks for reporting them".

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Unfortunately with these types of things it's going to stay internal with the company. They won't comment or announce how they banned people, who is permanently banned, how many, nothing. We won't know its internal info.


Just like if you call and speak to a sup and file a complaint against someone, they handle it internally, they are not going to call you back and say "hey we decided to fire the person, thanks for reporting them".


Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


Specifics = more than letting us know a 7 day ban was put in place to slow them down.


We will see though.

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Fact is there are players bragging about making upwards of 10 million credits on this exploit, stopping only to sleep. People are even exploiting the exploit, such as making a second account, exploiting on that one, then moving the credits to an account that did no exploits. hoping they can't be traced.


You guys worried about selling a single chair back are missing the big picture here of players who are seriously going whole hog on this raking in millions. THOSE are the guys BW is after, I trust. One guild's Facebook page discussed the whole thing in depth of exactly how to pull this off, even through the use of VPNs to disguise their origins.


I will be following this guild just to see what happens to them. Let's see how fast BW moves on this.


^ This...


Selling back 49, or 1, or 50, or even 500, is a trivial amount...


It is the people selling back 500,000 of them that are the problem...

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But seriously, holy crap. How severely borked is your architecture that you couldn't just edit the DB entry to adjust the price and made the chair unsellable instead?


Yep, the fact that this required a patch and downtime says a lot about how poorly the game was coded in the first place.


This should have been fixable in real time.

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^ This...


Selling back 49, or 1, or 50, or even 500, is a trivial amount...


It is the people selling back 500,000 of them that are the problem...


I noticed a level 9 toon on fleet that was next to the vendor. When I checked him he did not have the 100,000 credit achievement. When I came back later he had the 10,000,000 credit achievement.


Later I saw 10 hypercrates on the GTN with that toons named listed for 5,000 credits. I think he was buying them on a F2P account and then buying them cheap on his main. I was going to buy them myself and screw the cheater over, but then I thought that BW might think I was a part of it and punish me by mistake.


Should I have bought the Hypercrates for 5,000 credits? Or did I make the right call?

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I noticed a level 9 toon on fleet that was next to the vendor. When I checked him he did not have the 100,000 credit achievement. When I came back later he had the 10,000,000 credit achievement.


Later I saw 10 hypercrates on the GTN with that toons named listed for 5,000 credits. I think he was buying them on a F2P account and then buying them cheap on his main. I was going to buy them myself and screw the cheater over, but then I thought that BW might think I was a part of it and punish me by mistake.


Should I have bought the Hypercrates for 5,000 credits? Or did I make the right call?


Whatever your morals dictate.


I would have bought them and reported everything i observed and what I bought, if they let me keep them sweet, if not no harm done and the cheater caught.

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Action is still ongoing it seems, I got a slap on the wrist today (though, to be honest, I don't think I actually was in violation of the ToS as quoted, as I neither intended not did indeed get an unfair advantage from my action, which is what the ToS says :p ).


Still, will be interesting to see what happens in the next few days...

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Should I have bought the Hypercrates for 5,000 credits? Or did I make the right call?


I think you made the right call not to buy them. It is obvious what they were used for so now you gave Bioware a better chance to track them down instead.


I do not know how deep they went in their tracking but the less interruptions the better

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Any exploit credits that are going to be removed will have already been so.

It's not as if you can hide the credits offline or off-server, whichever character/account has the credits they are stored on a BW server somewhere.

The 7 day bans are expiring, so as people log in they will be checking to see if their credits are safe or not. If they are, then they are now as good as clean.

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I am curious about this too. especially if a single gtn transaction successfully safes the credits for the exploiter. And of course what the punishment is of those account cought using the ban.


If it is soft (non perm ban) the next exploit will be used by even more players... That reminds me of the joke company trion and archeage.

Edited by Neglience
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Bioware, I'd like an answer why I got an email send to me saying I exploited it. I DID NOT exploit. All I did was buy 50 chairs, unlock them all (I am pretty sure you can find this out by checking) and then found out I already had one so I sold it back.


Are you seriously going to say I exploited this? For ONE FRIGGIN CHAIR decoration? I never bought any more chairs on that server or on any other, which I am pretty sure you can check as well. Come on, its 100 credits... are you seriously so narrow minded?

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Hey everyone,


I wanted to give an update on the actions being taken against players who took advantage of the Temple Chair exploit.


The following actions, in varying combinations, are being levied against exploiting accounts:

- Warnings

- 7 Day Suspensions

- Removal of all credits on the account

- Permanent suspension


We are also going to continue our analysis, and may take additional actions. We are looking to wrap up all the final actions soon.


Thanks to everyone who did not participate in this exploit, and those who reported its existence to us!



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Well, im still waiting to know which further actions have been taken amd to what extent. If no further information and action about this are taken, one would think next time can use an exploit instead of being there standing, resisting temptation to get easy credits while a bunch of cheaters become rich and get the best items ingame, and get away with it. So yeah this issue is still alive and some of us are still waiting to know more about it.


Ahhh makes sense, I suppose ill stick around to find out info as well...

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does this include credits obtained by "legal" means? if so, I think I would rather be permanently banned haha

I'd hope so, that's a nice punishment. Though accounts with a lot of credits will feel it worse than casual players who barely have a million credits.

What happened to items/unlocks bought with credits? Are they removed as well?


I am concerned that there's no mention of alt accounts. I've seen quite a few level 10 players on the vendor so this was definitely a thing. Hopefully, they're able to track this and take action on the main accounts as well.

Edited by Jerba
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Hey everyone,


I wanted to give an update on the actions being taken against players who took advantage of the Temple Chair exploit.


The following actions, in varying combinations, are being levied against exploiting accounts:

- Warnings

- 7 Day Suspensions

- Removal of all credits on the account

- Permanent suspension


We are also going to continue our analysis, and may take additional actions. We are looking to wrap up all the final actions soon.


Thanks to everyone who did not participate in this exploit, and those who reported its existence to us!




Tait, you seriously get a warning if you sold back ONE Chair decoration? That was my case, and I find that rather unfair. Please reverse this.


And like you are seriously going to permanent ban anyone who exploited this much more ... you would kil the game. But then again ... its Bioware ... they have made worser judgment calls.

Edited by SebastiaanZ
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So you have the balls to call people, who genuinely bought 51-99 chairs(for one reason or another) and dumped the excess to a vendor, thieves? Even thought every time you do something like a 1credit decoration you screw something terribly and you have to hotfix it? That's a Sith ton of rude, guys! Skadge would be very proud with you!


And a free tip, that I didn't steal from anybody(or did I?):

Make a list of how those items should be put into the game. With bullets, print it and tape it to the desk of every employee who has anything to do with it. Or to your one inept QA. Hell, print them each one copy for every such item, give them a pen and make them tick out the bullets that have been taken care of and make them all double check each others work.


Stop messing with people who just want to play your game. And take the last sentence in regards to every aspect of the game you are working on.


Thank you,

Galaxy's most wanted exploiter, Bounty: 4851 galactic credits.

Edited by Ethior
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