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Everyone's favorite topic - SGR!


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You must lead a very sheltered life. A lot of guys (perhaps vast majority) are interested in girl on girl action and quite a few women are interested in guy on guy action.


Why do you say sheltered? Doesn't the expression "sheltered" usually mean you've been kept from bad or ugly things?


I'd prefer the word clean. I AM picky about my associations if that's what you meant.


Sorry pal, but romance is part of a story. Homosexual or Heterosexual romances are often put in stories. Why? Character development and character relationships. People can't just go around the galaxy saving it from horrible, deadly threats and NOT form a special bond with each other. It happens. Tolkien did it in LOTR with Sam and Frodo, (a bro-mance, not exactly romantic in this sense but still serves a purpose) Eowyn with Aragorn (even if he did tell her, he cannot give her what she wants). Bungie did it with Halo. Yes they did. The Master Chief and Cortana have a special relationship in which they will do whatever it takes to ensure the other's survival. Bioware has done this regularly, in Mass Effect, KoTOR, and Dragon. If you are seriously bothered by the romance in this in general, that speaks volumes about your character. It's actually not a huge deal. Good day sir. :rak_03:


Thank you, I've never played any other video games or read any books in my life. What would I do without you?


I'd say leave that up to the RP'ers. Who said anything about "bothered". This is why you people can't have a conversation because you can't stop arguing with the voices in your head or something. I said they didn't really contribute to the story. And they don't. It's not like the romance portion of the companion relationships is really fleshed out or all that deep.


All the romance options of this game has REALLY done has given people a channel to cry discrimination. Everybody but straight males has a whiner movement to complain they didn't get their fair share. Yes I played out a couple of romances. BIG DEAL. Basically I hit the flirt option until I either got a black screen or a "lets getting wedding papers". That was it. The responses from the character I married are no different now, they don't get peeved off when I bump uglies with a twileck chick right in front of them, etc. There really is no point to the romances. And THAT'S MY POINT. The romances are so insignificant, such a NOT major factor in the game play then why bother?


So are you advocating to remove ranked PVP and/or HM and NiM raiding? :rak_01:


Don't know how many people use it.

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Thank you, I've never played any other video games or read any books in my life. What would I do without you?


I'd say leave that up to the RP'ers. Who said anything about "bothered". This is why you people can't have a conversation because you can't stop arguing with the voices in your head or something. I said they didn't really contribute to the story. And they don't. It's not like the romance portion of the companion relationships is really fleshed out or all that deep.


All the romance options of this game has REALLY done has given people a channel to cry discrimination. Everybody but straight males has a whiner movement to complain they didn't get their fair share. Yes I played out a couple of romances. BIG DEAL. Basically I hit the flirt option until I either got a black screen or a "lets getting wedding papers". That was it. The responses from the character I married are no different now, they don't get peeved off when I bump uglies with a twileck chick right in front of them, etc. There really is no point to the romances. And THAT'S MY POINT. The romances are so insignificant, such a NOT major factor in the game play then why bother?

How does any of this affect you? If you don't like romances, don't play them.

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I don't think it's intentionally spiteful to leave out Gay or Bi male characters. Will it bother me? Yeah, slightly, but I wouldn't boycott Bioware.


Do I think they owe us a decent Man on Man romance? Not really, Though Cytherat and Theron were rather sub-par (Though some would argue that was because they were token additions, not something the developers wanted to add).


Most people who play this game are likely heterosexual males. Probably the group least likely to want man on man in their games at all. So Flirty gay or bi males are kept to a minimum, and most will only open up about it if you push them into it. That is if they are willing to risk putting them in at all.


Maybe the new companion coming at the end of the month will have an SGR.

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Why do you say sheltered? Doesn't the expression "sheltered" usually mean you've been kept from bad or ugly things?


I'd prefer the word clean. I AM picky about my associations if that's what you meant.


Nope. When I say "sheltered life" I mean it it the more common use of phrase. Not getting out much and knowing very little of the world as a result.

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They should include SGR for a few reasons:


1) The new canon has a SGR character and this is BW. They are usually very SGR friendly.

2) SoR is an idea of how KotFE will be romance wise. There will be SGR, they have already made a lot of players happy with the options.

3) SGR brings money in and does not take it away. Players who are heterosexual and possibly homophobic, still play regardless of SGR in the game. They just avoid it and then come on here to troll you.

4) The fact of "romance" being insignificant to the story is hogwash. 1-50 it was very important and with SoR it was a nice addition that most players enjoyed. Personal stories enjoy the romance or the choice to not choose (which was available).


Ultimately, SGR will occur in KotFE because SoR had it. They aren't going to have those who SGR theron/lana and not have that be known in the expansion. They would not include the hetero romances and leave out the SGR that clearly already occurred, it would be a BAD move on their part THAT would make mroe players angry than anything.



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1) The new canon has a SGR character and this is BW. They are usually very SGR friendly.

2) SoR is an idea of how KotFE will be romance wise. There will be SGR, they have already made a lot of players happy with the options.


There.... is? Really? Is it in the CGI Clone Wars series, or Rebels? I find that unlikely since they're technically "kid's" cartoons and bigoted people would **** a brick if there was SGR in a cartoon. It must be a book, then... but there's only what, three or four canon novels now? Tarkin, A New Dawn, Lords of the Sith, and... Dark Disciples just came out this week.


Anyway, I guess Lana Beniko and Theron Shan are doomed to playersexuality :p


EDIT: Looking it up, it seems like there are still canon comics (even if Chapters doesn't carry them anymore). In there?

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and bigoted people would **** a brick if there was SGR in a cartoon.


Hmmm. Legend of Korra by Disney had the main character in a lesbian relationship and true love, and walked off into the sunset with her. No one shat a brick.


People are far more okay with homosexuality than Fox news would have you believe.

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Hmmm. Legend of Korra by Disney had the main character in a lesbian relationship and true love, and walked off into the sunset with her. No one shat a brick.


People are far more okay with homosexuality than Fox news would have you believe.


I did not know that. I don't really watch much TV.


Also, while I'm well aware certain American channels hate homosexuals, my comment was of a more general bent. There's a lot of people that like to cry about anything gay.

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There.... is? Really? Is it in the CGI Clone Wars series, or Rebels? I find that unlikely since they're technically "kid's" cartoons and bigoted people would **** a brick if there was SGR in a cartoon. It must be a book, then... but there's only what, three or four canon novels now? Tarkin, A New Dawn, Lords of the Sith, and... Dark Disciples just came out this week.


Anyway, I guess Lana Beniko and Theron Shan are doomed to playersexuality :p


EDIT: Looking it up, it seems like there are still canon comics (even if Chapters doesn't carry them anymore). In there?


There is a new book coming out, canon, that has a SGR character. I forgot the title to it.


I wouldn't say Lana or Theron are doomed, I enjoy their characters. My biggest problem with this thread is that people are trying to say, " I don't want SGR in this game" which makes zero sense. As IRL, you simply avoid it. Of course, most of these people are trolls, but the fact remains.


Luckily, SGR is here to stay and they can do nothing about it but whine and keep subbing to pay for the game we enjoy.

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...your agenda ... pandering to the lowest, loudest, most deviating. ...political/emotional agendas...a social outcast....




Quite a little collection of buzz-words.


Your hatred is showing!


Allow me to inject another cliché: homophobe.


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they're too worried about trying to inject their political/emotional agendas from a life as a social outcast into everyone's video game hobby.


You're projecting so hard I think I could hang you from a classroom ceiling and use you to run a powerpoint presentation.

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You're wrong. People always have a logical reason to oppose anything. It's not just your opinion that matters, one day you'll learn that when you get a dose of the real world. And yes, it had everything to do with the topic at hand, the weirdo degenerates are the entire reason we're having this discussion. It's the whining and crying in the forums that is turning this game into another instant gratification with a side of whining about politics. They'll be wanting transgender characters next because, you know, the romances are such a HUUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEE freaking part of the game that they're worth petitioning the freaking company over to make a political statement.

Is there some sort of artistic integrity that A. can be found only in complete heteronormativity, and B. which this game had to begin with? Because all I see is people asking for that which they find fun.


Also, there's nothing wrong with transgender characters.

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I haven't seen a single valid reason why extra content or options should be added for like 5% of the population. If 5% of the population was demanding housing, or a different mount system, whatever, everyone would be riding their butt about how unimportant 5% of the population is to the grand scheme of the game and thus no money or development time should be wasted on what they want. Let it be a political movement and ohhh lordy yes!!!


Again, I would like to repeat that this isn't adding NEW content, it's integrating an option into existing game development. It does not require "added effort". If the writers are told, just write in some SGR scenes and they are recorded along with the rest of the dialogue, there is NO incremental cost or time involved.


If they don't do SGR, it was a deliberate choice.

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As a reminder to all: hate speech is taken very seriously by us.


If a user is found participating in it, they will be permanently banned (i.e. no warnings will be issued, no temporary suspensions, they will simply be outright banned).


Please keep in mind that our goal is to create a fun and safe environment for all of our community.


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ohnoes. My post got washed away in that. Ah well. I'll just add a brief bit for sake of jumping back into the topic :)


Looking at it from a less biased point of view, SGR shouldn't be put in or excluded just for the sake of putting in or excluding it. It needs to make sense for the character, as player-sexual characters can be awkward and writing/character depth can suffer for it. Some characters just wont be into you. It doesn't stop me from adoring Elara Dorne in secret, but I get it.


That said, I really like the idea of SGR so I'm hoping it's included, even if it feels a bit player-sexual. Theron kind of felt player-sexual (but then again I do not know the character as well as many), however I enjoyed it far more than I enjoyed the other romance options that were available, and I'm fairly certain people who had no romance options at all (as far as I'm aware) prior to SoR probably enjoyed having him as an option as well.

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The thing is, the possibility is allowing characters extreme sexuality (same-sex only, or opposite sex only) might be an excuse to only ever add straight characters in future; and a gay character or lesbian character that literally NO-one would be caught dead romancing, and as below, it does kill the maximisation of possibilities.


And on that note, even though we, the player, know that whoever is player-sexual, that could be less relevant to the player character in question. It makes sure the right hand and left are totally unrelated to each other, so to speak; none of your characters know that your alts are undergoing an assembly-line-type of romance, only the player would know but that in itself is not a reason not to have player-sexuality.


I don't want to find that all the female romance options I like the notion of turn out to be straighter than straight, like Akaavi; though I completely understand where you're coming from and do sympathise, to a degree, given that some people IRL are indeed certainly exclusively gay/lesbian/straight, by their own admission, so it makes sense that the same might well apply here.

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You're projecting so hard I think I could hang you from a classroom ceiling and use you to run a powerpoint presentation.


Great line!:jawa_biggrin:


Also, there's nothing wrong with transgender characters.


I completely agree, to that end, I'd like for there to be an appearance designer option regarding gender changes; might have a bit of a Saints Row feeling to it though...

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One of my biggest bugbears with the possibility of adding non-playersexual companions in the expansion is that every single female companion in the entire game at present is romanceable by men, and the only female companion we know of in the expansion is romanceable by both men and women right now. Even light-side Jaesa agrees to marry a male Sith Warrior and bear his children if you don't romance Vette.


I fear we'd get something like "Lord Scourge, Zenith, and Talos can now be recruited by any class and are romance options for men only," while lesbian representation would be stuck with, if anything at all, a token new lesbian companion who has every chance of being someone as repulsive in personality as Skadge.

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I fear we'd get something like "Lord Scourge, Zenith, and Talos can now be recruited by any class and are romance options for men only," while lesbian representation would be stuck with, if anything at all, a token new lesbian companion who has every chance of being someone as repulsive in personality as Skadge.


This is what i'm afraid of, too; getting a lesbian character far more effective than ipecac...

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One of my biggest bugbears with the possibility of adding non-playersexual companions in the expansion is that every single female companion in the entire game at present is romanceable by men, and the only female companion we know of in the expansion is romanceable by both men and women right now. Even light-side Jaesa agrees to marry a male Sith Warrior and bear his children if you don't romance Vette.


I fear we'd get something like "Lord Scourge, Zenith, and Talos can now be recruited by any class and are romance options for men only," while lesbian representation would be stuck with, if anything at all, a token new lesbian companion who has every chance of being someone as repulsive in personality as Skadge.

I have to wonder what makes Lord Scourge less repulsive than Skadge, to be honest.


But I don't think they'll design an LI to be flat-out evil; Akaavi seems like the closest to that, and that was only when Risha was another option.

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But I don't think they'll design an LI to be flat-out evil; Akaavi seems like the closest to that, and that was only when Risha was another option.


Jaesa (dark side and thus a full romance) is as evil as it gets, though like Akaavi there's a LS love interest to contrast her.


And my point is that every female companion in the game at present and that we know about for the expansion who isn't an ewok or droid is a romance option for men. Even every female NPC women PCs can flirt with is bisexual. I'm worried that if Bioware goes the non-playersexual route we'd end up with a token lesbian who's completely intolerable as a person, like Sera in DAI, rather than someone like Traynor in ME3.

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The thing is, the possibility is allowing characters extreme sexuality (same-sex only, or opposite sex only) might be an excuse to only ever add straight characters in future; and a gay character or lesbian character that literally NO-one would be caught dead romancing, and as below, it does kill the maximisation of possibilities.


This is actually a very good point, and I can agree mostly with this. However, this still leaves me with the concern that dialogue can get a little awkward or the romances can feel unequal. Dragon Age 2 had an example where this comes up. To me, Anders feels like he leans towards male characters and has a stronger relationship with them due to the admission of a past male lover to a male character. This past lover isn't mentioned at all to a female character. While this isn't known unless a player romances him a character of both genders, DA2 was not an MMO. Any piece that feels unequal could be cause for more issues or negative feedback, and depending on how it is done it could also create points in the story that feel lacking for other genders. Since MMO's can be huge time sinks some players may feel obligated to romance someone as a different gender than intended due to this, or feel obligated to skip the romance entirely. This is pretty much what happens for a lot of players that only like their same gender romance options right now, and would cause a scenario where this doesn't really feel "solved". Imagine if a very large vocal population took issue with someone else having a slightly better romance with their favorite love interest. What a mess that could be. :p


I'm getting a bit off track here. Basically as long as things like the Anders scenario above are (mostly) avoided I would be willing to compromise with everyone being an SGR option, even if it seems a little awkward for their character at points.

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Also, there's nothing wrong with transgender characters.

Strictly speaking, no. But, because there's no way to know if someone is transgendered without either them telling you or taking off their pants, they'll never be included in TOR, simply due to the ESRB rating of T. In some future game yet to be released which is more realistic (that is, in regards to sexuality; think DA or Witcher, ignoring any sexism), I can see such a character occurring.


One of my biggest bugbears with the possibility of adding non-playersexual companions in the expansion is that every single female companion in the entire game at present is romanceable by men, and the only female companion we know of in the expansion is romanceable by both men and women right now. Even light-side Jaesa agrees to marry a male Sith Warrior and bear his children if you don't romance Vette.


I fear we'd get something like "Lord Scourge, Zenith, and Talos can now be recruited by any class and are romance options for men only," while lesbian representation would be stuck with, if anything at all, a token new lesbian companion who has every chance of being someone as repulsive in personality as Skadge.


No she doesn't because you can't romance LS Jaesa at all. She shuts your *** down, just like a proper Jedi would.

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