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4.0 Juggernaut Ability


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Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut




Needs more moves that increase damage reduction or Defense. Allow for more damage reflecting opportunities or skills as well as increase chances to guardian leap.



This class doesn't need a buff. I can't tell you what they need more since they are clearly balanced.


Shii-Cho Focus/Rage

Make this class into a blend between defense and offensive because right now it's no different from Vengeance minus the DOTs. Instead of DOTs it has spike damage, but it is still a dps spec? Why not a hybrid spec.

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Did you forget to title each one as to which spec it would be for? I can see Zen Strikes/Rampaging Slashes for Vigi/Veng and the same with Force Blast/Wrath Unleashed, but not RB/RS that looks like a Tank ability...


Also, those are great concepts for abilities... Again, such talent is not being put to use as a class designer...


fixed :p

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Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut




Needs more moves that increase damage reduction or Defense. Allow for more damage reflecting opportunities or skills as well as increase chances to guardian leap.



This class doesn't need a buff. I can't tell you what they need more since they are clearly balanced.


Shii-Cho Focus/Rage

Make this class into a blend between defense and offensive because right now it's no different from Vengeance minus the DOTs. Instead of DOTs it has spike damage, but it is still a dps spec? Why not a hybrid spec.



It's no different from Vengeance? Son, they are so different it's like comparing Bill Cosby to a polar bear. You sure you just weren't playing Vengeance with Shii-cho on?

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Let's see some ideas.

My idea is that you are way to late with this post mate.

The chance that bioware will implement ANY new ability suggested in here is really really small. There isnt much development time anymore in between today and early access.

I'm for 99% certain that bioware is close to finishing their internal alpha tests regarding the new abilities.


This feeling is strenghend by bioware telling us that the new abilities are all focussing around mobility. Which heavely suggests they are at least past the 'hmmmm lets think, what ability shall we give class x'-brainstorm phase.


You could ofcourse make suggestions for 5.0.

For 4.0 ...... nope ..... sry .....

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My idea is that you are way to late with this post mate.

The chance that bioware will implement ANY new ability suggested in here is really really small. There isnt much development time anymore in between today and early access.

I'm for 99% certain that bioware is close to finishing their internal alpha tests regarding the new abilities.


This feeling is strenghend by bioware telling us that the new abilities are all focussing around mobility. Which heavely suggests they are at least past the 'hmmmm lets think, what ability shall we give class x'-brainstorm phase.


You could ofcourse make suggestions for 5.0.

For 4.0 ...... nope ..... sry .....


My idea is that your reply to my post is regarding nothing at all to the subject. Stay on topic...mate.

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He's sort of right because at this point, there aren't going to be any changes made. This expansion is just another money grab.


Point of the thread was to see the ideas the players have for a 4.0 ability, not to see if the devs wanted to select something to use.

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Point of the thread was to see the ideas the players have for a 4.0 ability, not to see if the devs wanted to select something to use.


Same ideas we have for a while.


- Fix the class (including spec) and give them purpose.


- Give them new moves so we can feel like actual Force Users.


- A force pull instead of taunts.


However, we know bioware won't do any of this.

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Same ideas we have for a while.


- Fix the class (including spec) and give them purpose.


- Give them new moves so we can feel like actual Force Users.


- A force pull instead of taunts.


However, we know bioware won't do any of this.



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Had an idea years back about Force Rage similar to the one from Jedi academy.


Force Rage would slightly increase your movement speed, power and maybe alacrity for a short while. However at the cost of reduced defenses, DR penalty or even minor health loss (similar to undying rage). Straight buff for PvE and not so op ability for PvP as triggering at the wrong moment will be the doom of you. Could have a different effect in Soresu.


Essentially, Undying Rage from Marauder is the SWTOR version of Force Rage. (It has changed a bit over time with the removal of the health loss, etc, but still is functionally similar.



I remember playing Academy the day it released. It had brilliant fight mechanics, that I would love to see in a game like SWTOR someday. It also was an early Xbox Live title, and I was lucky enough to meet up with a few new friends, that like me, were trying to find every tick and mechanic of the game. We started before most people, and were good early on, which gave us a bit of godlike fame. We were very much care bears though, and would protect anyone getting picked on, and often spent time teaching others.


BTW Never liked or used Rage, always ran a Mix of light/dark abilities, enough to have strong pull/push to keep from getting thrown off a cliff and to counter force manipulations, also a bit of drain for groups, some saber and some choke. My main offense were my dual blades or using the environment to dispatch someone off a cliff.

(Miss that game, might have to dust it off because of your post.)


BIOWARE would be smart to look at older games like Jedi Academy, as some of the mechanics could be implemented in SWTOR and might offer other ideas for Abilities/Powers. (Even though the game appeared to be realtime, many of the mechanic would work just fine in the SWTOR engine with a synchronized GCD - which was in Academy, but hidden from the users.)

Edited by MartinSPT
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forward aoe cone force lightning like what you get in jedi outcast / academy when it's fully upgraded. Give it bonus damage on weak and standard foes. As sorta a trash mob killer.


Really just any lightning attack from the finger tips. Juggs are way past due having it at this point. Damn you malgus and lord scourge.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Breaks PVP.


Here's my suggestion for a new Juggernaut ability(s)


If they are going the replacement route:




Zen Strikes / Rampaging Slashes: Attacks the target with a brutal series of Lightsaber Blows, can be used on the move. Shares a cooldown with Master Strike / Ravage


Focus / Rage


Force Blast / Wrath Unleashed (replaces Blade Storm / Force Scream): Blasts the target and buffets them with the power of the Force, and empowers the user with the purity of the Force, reducing damage taken by 8% for 5 seconds. Any targets near the target hit by Force Blast are also hit by a weaker blast dealing 60% of the original damage.




Righteous Blade / Retaliatory Slash (replaces Riposte / Retaliation): Bisects the target, dealing high threat. In addition to being procced in the same ways that Retaliation and Riposte are procced, RB/RS can be procced during Force Leap.


I love the idea for Vigilance/Vengeance. seeing how its the spec that use MS/Ravage the most out of all the JK/SW specs. It should get a new skill replacement for it, that lets us use it on the move.

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I want my Jugg/Guardian to be more lightsaber based. I think vengeful slam / vigilant thrust looks cool, but it reminds me of just being a smash monkey all over again. I don't want to be a caster, I would make a sorc or merc for that, I want people to tremble when they see us and I want my Jugg/Guard to be the black knight / samurai type of fighter. I would have preferred for furious strike to be in the vengence spec, impale should hit hard since you are delivering a killing blow.


I realize that pvp balance is difficult yet I want my Jugg to be feared like Malgus and Vader were. In the arena the Jugg/Guards are left for last because we are seen as not being a threat. It's funny how the survival/damage trade off doesn't happen since my Jugg has less survival than my Mara yet I don't hit near as hard. I understand all the mobility issues and with 4.0 coming I think it's going to get worse before it gets better in that aspect so I want our abilities to hit harder. We aren't able to kite and burst like a PT or vanish out and start the fight all over like sin, so I want the trade off of being that when I"m slowed yet walking towards a target that target is dropping everything they can on me because when I get close just one attack from me will bring them to their knees.

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