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Poll: Which Server should be "The" Server for Group and Solo Ranked?


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Krea, it's possible to vote multiple times in the poll. Just thought I'd point it out :) But it's still the Binger! 'Cause... Binger is awesome, that's why.


Yes, it's set that way because I know a lot of a players who share a computer, (siblings, husband/wife) that also have their own accounts. Though I also posted this on reddit and in different subforums, so I doubt duplicate votes count for very much.

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Idc which server wins the poll. I care about the discussion that comes afterwards. I want to see where people with group ranked teams will go.

It doesn't really matter, and that's what I don't get about discussions like this. It's been done before, and failed, because people just want to feel good about themselves. You could have all the group ranked teams in NA transfer onto one server for the alleged competition, but if there came along an actual good team everyone would stop queuing within a few weeks. That's what happened in Season 2 and in Season 3 on Harbinger when <Are you even Prestige> and <U Havin a Giggle Mate> (respectively) decided to queue after Season 1 when all the POT5 teams left that server and some of the Bastion teams moved to Harbinger as well. People would simply stop queuing, they'd have to beg in ranked chat for half an hour to finally get one or two teams to queue against them who would run nothing but double Madness because that's the only chance they stood of actually winning.


If your servers already have ranked popping on a frequent basis...like Bastion, or JC, or TEH...why leave? It's kind of pointless.

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It doesn't really matter, and that's what I don't get about discussions like this. It's been done before, and failed, because people just want to feel good about themselves. You could have all the group ranked teams in NA transfer onto one server for the alleged competition, but if there came along an actual good team everyone would stop queuing within a few weeks. That's what happened in Season 2 and in Season 3 on Harbinger when <Are you even Prestige> and <U Havin a Giggle Mate> (respectively) decided to queue after Season 1 when all the POT5 teams left that server and some of the Bastion teams moved to Harbinger as well. People would simply stop queuing, they'd have to beg in ranked chat for half an hour to finally get one or two teams to queue against them who would run nothing but double Madness because that's the only chance they stood of actually winning.


If your servers already have ranked popping on a frequent basis...like Bastion, or JC, or TEH...why leave? It's kind of pointless.


Actually, we all went to Shadowlands and I see literally everyone from the solo/group ranked scene from the Bastion on Shadowlands, as well as some people from harb and POT5.

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Actually, we all went to Shadowlands and I see literally everyone from the solo/group ranked scene from the Bastion on Shadowlands, as well as some people from harb and POT5.


You're missing the point. You see all those people now. But how long will it last? A season? A month? If that?

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You're missing the point. You see all those people now. But how long will it last? A season? A month? If that?


Does it matter? Instead of being doom and gloom about it, we can just enjoy the most swift and balanced pops in 2-3 seasons while they last. Even if it lasts a month, it's better than what we had just yesterday. Gotta take the small victories.

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Does it matter? Instead of being doom and gloom about it, we can just enjoy the most swift and balanced pops in 2-3 seasons while they last. Even if it lasts a month, it's better than what we had just yesterday. Gotta take the small victories.


Except, I'd rather not wipe out all the other servers just so one server can have half a season of half-decent pops.

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Except, I'd rather not wipe out all the other servers just so one server can have half a season of half-decent pops.


Too late, the census taker says "literally everyone has already moved from all servers!" :)

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Except, I'd rather not wipe out all the other servers just so one server can have half a season of half-decent pops.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I swear. First people complain that pops are low and almost non-existent on certain servers. Then we consolidate to one server and now it's an issue that all other servers will be wiped out?


I give up lol.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I swear. First people complain that pops are low and almost non-existent on certain servers. Then we consolidate to one server and now it's an issue that all other servers will be wiped out?


I give up lol.


Yes, it's a no win situation. However going for the "super ranked server" (read dead server walking) is way worse than before.


But whatever, I've bookmarked this thread, and in a few months when you're here whining about how dead ranked is, I'll post a thread that says "I told you so" with a link to this.

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Yes, it's a no win situation. However going for the "super ranked server" (read dead server walking) is way worse than before.


But whatever, I've bookmarked this thread, and in a few months when you're here whining about how dead ranked is, I'll post a thread that says "I told you so" with a link to this.


Sure, but when have I ever whined about ranked being dead? I play more than swtor, if ranked isn't popping during my time of day I just play GW2 lol...or better yet, Oldschool Runescape :rak_03:

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Yes, it's a no win situation. However going for the "super ranked server" (read dead server walking) is way worse than before.


But whatever, I've bookmarked this thread, and in a few months when you're here whining about how dead ranked is, I'll post a thread that says "I told you so" with a link to this.


Is that what you did the last time? Blamed it on the people who did move for why 8s died? Seems to me, a lot were just coming to POT5 then for team ranked and right after they did, the devs announced the removal. it was already dieing before anyone tried to make that happen, just like now how group ranked is pretty dead already.


I'm sure it will be convenient when it continues that trend, to blame players again. Lets keep blaming players trying to make something out of the game as the reason things fail. That's a great idea because at least you will always be right when they can't save it alone.

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Is that what you did the last time? Blamed it on the people who did move for why 8s died? Seems to me, a lot were just coming to POT5 then for team ranked and right after they did, the devs announced the removal. it was already dieing before anyone tried to make that happen, just like now how group ranked is pretty dead already.

How I remember it happening was Legend basically collapsed/split and...another team or two whose name escapes me right now all merged together to form one all-star POT5 team (I wish I could remember atm, that's going to annoy me...Mudclot was on the team), who then rolled every other team on the server easily and so people stopped queuing. I still have no idea why but Bastion teams decided to transfer over to POT5 (instead of vice versa) to test themselves against this supposedly great guild only to have Don't Panic and hey im mvp from Bastion dumpster them repeatedly, because the top 2 teams in NA were on the Bastion and really there was no reason to transfer in the first place. That was towards the very end of 8v8s of course, but other servers ranked scenes died earlier for similar reasons.

Edited by Aetrus
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How I remember it happening was Legend basically collapsed/split and...another team or two whose name escapes me right now all merged together to form one all-star POT5 team (I wish I could remember atm, that's going to annoy me...Mudclot was on the team), who then rolled every other team on the server easily and so people stopped queuing. I still have no idea why but Bastion teams decided to transfer over to POT5 (instead of vice versa) to test themselves against this supposedly great guild only to have Don't Panic and hey im mvp from Bastion dumpster them repeatedly, because the top 2 teams in NA were on the Bastion and really there was no reason to transfer in the first place. That was towards the very end of 8v8s of course, but other server's ranked scenes died earlier for similar reasons.


So they were dieing before anyone even attempted to transfer, right?

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So they were dieing before anyone even attempted to transfer, right?


They died because of the low team count causing all but the top teams to die out. Moving teams to the save server just causes the same thing to happen, except worse because instead of every server having a couple top teams, you have one server with a couple top teams and the rest have zero teams.

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They died because of the low team count causing all but the top teams to die out. Moving teams to the save server just causes the same thing to happen, except worse because instead of every server having a couple top teams, you have one server with a couple top teams and the rest have zero teams.


i wonder though if this will be the case regardless? Whether you have 5 teams or 50... if its always the same 2-3 winning wont that affect the queue? The general assumption is that having more teams will create competition, i wonder if thats really true? We are assuming/hoping that there are more evenly matched players, but if that wasnt the case on one server, adding quantity doesnt add quality.


We had plenty of actual teams on the Bastion that should have been in ranked queue, they were geared enough, they were good, but they never did it, why not? Most night i saw at least half a dozen 4's teams that should have been in ranked queue, running around in regs farming non geared people and me as a solo player happening to be on those teams.. claiming noone was in queue... well no kidding noone was in queue you are all farming regs.


I hate to be all negative but there was never a lack of players to queue, there was a lack of desire to queue as far as i can see when all those who should have been in queue, were certainly geared enough to be in queue, were running the right classes to be in queue... were not in queue.

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