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Poll: Which Server should be "The" Server for Group and Solo Ranked?


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We had plenty of actual teams on the Bastion that should have been in ranked queue, they were geared enough, they were good, but they never did it, why not? Most night i saw at least half a dozen 4's teams that should have been in ranked queue, running around in regs farming non geared people and me as a solo player happening to be on those teams.. claiming noone was in queue... well no kidding noone was in queue you are all farming regs.


A lot of that is the epeen factor. The top teams didn't play each other often in the past because, frankly, they don't like to lose. I know of two teams currently on The Bastion that are likely the best in the game. However, they almost never play each other...even when one team blatantly issues a challenge to all and publicly announces queue time availability. When one of the heavyweights are around trying to drum up opponents, other top teams conveniently aren't available or decide not to log for a few weeks. lol


However, it's probably a good thing. The last time two of the top teams on The Bastion went head to head, the whole thing ended in a DoS fiasco. Epeens are sensitive things, and when they get hurt, it's almost guaranteed to turn into a massive dramafest.


The amusing thing is that if you put together a fresh team for the first time, do some advert for Group Ranked, amazingly, those teams will suddenly appear in queue. *shrug*

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A lot of that is the epeen factor. The top teams didn't play each other often in the past because, frankly, they don't like to lose. I know of two teams currently on The Bastion that are likely the best in the game. However, they almost never play each other...even when one team blatantly issues a challenge to all and publicly announces queue time availability. When one of the heavyweights are around trying to drum up opponents, other top teams conveniently aren't available or decide not to log for a few weeks. lol


However, it's probably a good thing. The last time two of the top teams on The Bastion went head to head, the whole thing ended in a DoS fiasco. Epeens are sensitive things, and when they get hurt, it's almost guaranteed to turn into a massive dramafest.


The amusing thing is that if you put together a fresh team for the first time, do some advert for Group Ranked, amazingly, those teams will suddenly appear in queue. *shrug*


Exactly the point... how would adding more teams change that? are they all expecting the rest of us to just walk into the trap to get farmed?

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They died because of the low team count causing all but the top teams to die out. Moving teams to the save server just causes the same thing to happen, except worse because instead of every server having a couple top teams, you have one server with a couple top teams and the rest have zero teams.


Whether it's one server or 100, having only 2 teams to actually go against each other is just as dead.

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So you guys used a poll where anyone can vote multiple times to decide where to switch? Seems legit.


Fact of the matter is, West and East coast will never truly merge into one, people on each side of the US can't play on anything but the near coast without massive ping.

Edited by UberDuberSoldat
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So you guys used a poll where anyone can vote multiple times to decide where to switch? Seems legit.


Fact of the matter is, West and East coast will never truly merge into one, people on each side of the US can't play on anything but the near coast without massive ping.


I'm on the east coast and perceive no ping differential between east and west coast servers.

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So you guys used a poll where anyone can vote multiple times to decide where to switch? Seems legit.


Fact of the matter is, West and East coast will never truly merge into one, people on each side of the US can't play on anything but the near coast without massive ping.

The poll isnt the end all be all that some are projecting it to be.


Regardless of which server came out on top and the hyperbole going around of "everyone has moved due to X poll". Some people will stay on their servers regardless, others will go to where their ping is the best. Let the dust settle, check the leader boards once they update and let's see how many people really moved and if they leave.


To avoid what occurred previously with 8's we need the community to help foster a welcoming attitude and to accept new people that want to learn. Team 4s is a good spot to do so, since with Tank and heals more classes have are acceptable for ranked vs solo queue which is good for PvP and cuts down on some of the Sin/Sorc sausage fest.


What would be helpful is for PvP guilds to form that have a varying degree of skilled players, so new players can learn from players with more experience, by playing regs with them, asking questions about tactics and counter play, and hopefully become better players while forming their own 4 man teams bolstering the queues and creating a range of elo for teams of varying skill to play.


Instead of what has previously occurred, taking the path of least resistance just to have the shiny.

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The poll isnt the end all be all that some are projecting it to be.


Regardless of which server came out on top and the hyperbole going around of "everyone has moved due to X poll". Some people will stay on their servers regardless, others will go to where their ping is the best. Let the dust settle, check the leader boards once they update and let's see how many people really moved and if they leave.


To avoid what occurred previously with 8's we need the community to help foster a welcoming attitude and to accept new people that want to learn. Team 4s is a good spot to do so, since with Tank and heals more classes have are acceptable for ranked vs solo queue which is good for PvP and cuts down on some of the Sin/Sorc sausage fest.


What would be helpful is for PvP guilds to form that have a varying degree of skilled players, so new players can learn from players with more experience, by playing regs with them, asking questions about tactics and counter play, and hopefully become better players while forming their own 4 man teams bolstering the queues and creating a range of elo for teams of varying skill to play.


Instead of what has previously occurred, taking the path of least resistance just to have the shiny.


I agree on everything mainly, I just don't understand all the desire to pick a server. There is a west coast and east coast PvP server. There's nothing to decide besides which you prefer better for ping or other reasons. The only next step is to organize guilds like you said.


Going to Harb or RP is a waste of time because not all PvP'rs will transfer to those, both for OW-PvP and staying away from RP'rs. At the end of the day only so many people come to the forums, you need to recruit ranked players from the genpop, and that can only seriously be done on regular PvP servers

Edited by UberDuberSoldat
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I'm on the east coast and perceive no ping differential between east and west coast servers.


ive tested it multiple times, and every time i get about 25 ms to the WC servers, and about 80-85 on the east.

i ind it hard to believe you could have the same pink to either coast unless you are in the central states or are sitting on the backbone links.

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The poll isnt the end all be all that some are projecting it to be.


Regardless of which server came out on top and the hyperbole going around of "everyone has moved due to X poll". Some people will stay on their servers regardless, others will go to where their ping is the best. Let the dust settle, check the leader boards once they update and let's see how many people really moved and if they leave.


To avoid what occurred previously with 8's we need the community to help foster a welcoming attitude and to accept new people that want to learn. Team 4s is a good spot to do so, since with Tank and heals more classes have are acceptable for ranked vs solo queue which is good for PvP and cuts down on some of the Sin/Sorc sausage fest.


What would be helpful is for PvP guilds to form that have a varying degree of skilled players, so new players can learn from players with more experience, by playing regs with them, asking questions about tactics and counter play, and hopefully become better players while forming their own 4 man teams bolstering the queues and creating a range of elo for teams of varying skill to play.


Instead of what has previously occurred, taking the path of least resistance just to have the shiny.


No one implied the poll was the end all be all for the community. By the way, the people who moved didn't really move for regs, we moved for Ranked, and it was the best decision I could've made. Solo AND group ranked was popping for 12 hours on Shadowlands. Pub and Imp is EXTREMELY balanced in solo queue. I saw a lot of high ranking players on pub and impside in my matches, so I was getting paired against similarly skilled opponents which felt Great! Had a lot of close games last night, wouldn't trade it for anything.


As far as PvE vs PvP server, who cares? Everyone who cares about OWPvP can manually flag on a PvE server and the only people who are whining about going from PvP to PvE are the ones who liked to gank non expertise PvE Heroes for the luls. If I have to trade a dead OWPvP for amazing competition in Ranked and the ability to do Group ranked randomly without having to organize it, I can just get a group, queue and get a pop, then I will move, which is what I did.


Also, a lot of people are whining about hastening the death of other servers, but I heard that ranked was still popping on those servers too, so I don't see what the fuss is about.


I'm just glad the a lot of the high ranked players are all on one server finally so we can have some of the most amazingly close matches I've seen in almost 3 seasons of Ranked. For once, elo is working as intended.

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ive tested it multiple times, and every time i get about 25 ms to the WC servers, and about 80-85 on the east.

i ind it hard to believe you could have the same pink to either coast unless you are in the central states or are sitting on the backbone links.


I'm in SE Virginia. Ping is probably a bit different, but I can't notice it.

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No one implied the poll was the end all be all for the community. By the way, the people who moved didn't really move for regs, we moved for Ranked, and it was the best decision I could've made. Solo AND group ranked was popping for 12 hours on Shadowlands. Pub and Imp is EXTREMELY balanced in solo queue. I saw a lot of high ranking players on pub and impside in my matches, so I was getting paired against similarly skilled opponents which felt Great! Had a lot of close games last night, wouldn't trade it for anything.

I was on Shadowlands for...almost 6 hours today. Getting constant pops on both sides was definitely nice, although everyone I talked to - Dacri, Zhorred, Dunamir, myself, all agreed that the pubside was pretty weak and it was noticeably more difficult to climb the ladder on pubside. Maybe it had to do with when we were queuing on that side, I'm not sure.


If I have to trade a dead OWPvP for amazing competition in Ranked and the ability to do Group ranked randomly without having to organize it, I can just get a group, queue and get a pop, then I will move, which is what I did.

My original point was working off the assumption that this PvP megaserver move was motivated because of group ranked and the desire to get that popping more. I'm saying that that 'group ranked anytime!' kind of feel is only going to last until a dominant team or two emerges. And then queues will dry up because getting wrecked in solo queue feels totally different than getting wrecked in group ranked. With that in mind, I didn't see the point of potentially killing your home servers' PvP scene in favor of something that in all likelihood is fleeting.


Also, a lot of people are whining about hastening the death of other servers, but I heard that ranked was still popping on those servers too, so I don't see what the fuss is about.

Yeah it was weird, yesterday on Ebon Hawk ranked was totally dead. But this morning group ranked was popping and tonight solos happened as often as on Shadowlands. On Jung Ma there were six group ranked teams last night, two of whom hadn't queued up since before 3.0 hit. I think they felt more comfortable knowing they weren't going to get annihilated by the better teams because the better teams had left, IDK.


I'm just glad the a lot of the high ranked players are all on one server finally so we can have some of the most amazingly close matches I've seen in almost 3 seasons of Ranked. For once, elo is working as intended.

I mean, competitive solo ranked matches are really important, I agree. But like...how about that Bioware storytelling?


EDIT: And Kakarrot is a confirmed hacker if he doesn't notice a difference between east and west coast servers. :p I get between 35-55 on EH/JM/SL and 70-120 on Bastion.

Edited by Aetrus
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I wanted to second what Krea was saying and to alleviate anyone's possible doubts about Shadowlands, solo pops start at around 2:00PM and go to about 4:00AM, grouped ranked starts whenever teams get together really, I saw about 6 or 7 different teams in queue all decent players, no one was getting "farmed". The best teams in the game are on SL right now and they aren't scaring anyone away, if you want to be competitive this is the server to be on and with practically free transfers you have no excuses. Just imagine how the queues would be if the ebon hawk/bastion/jung ma stragglers came over, it would be reminiscent of pre-season 1 Pot5 with back to back instant pops.
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Looking forward to seeing if we get any new faces in the Bastion ranked scene now that everyone is gone.


I queued for 30 min solo ranked last night with no pop (DPS sorc). I hadn't been queuing for ranked this season but with the regs comms cap increase I figured I should do ranked to earn my OH and other 174 gear that I'm missing rather than convert reg comms to ranked comms.

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Actually, we all went to Shadowlands and I see literally everyone from the solo/group ranked scene from the Bastion on Shadowlands, as well as some people from harb and POT5.



Edited by dlcman
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It doesn't really matter, and that's what I don't get about discussions like this. It's been done before, and failed, because people just want to feel good about themselves. You could have all the group ranked teams in NA transfer onto one server for the alleged competition, but if there came along an actual good team everyone would stop queuing within a few weeks. That's what happened in Season 2 and in Season 3 on Harbinger when <Are you even Prestige> and <U Havin a Giggle Mate> (respectively) decided to queue after Season 1 when all the POT5 teams left that server and some of the Bastion teams moved to Harbinger as well. People would simply stop queuing, they'd have to beg in ranked chat for half an hour to finally get one or two teams to queue against them who would run nothing but double Madness because that's the only chance they stood of actually winning.


If your servers already have ranked popping on a frequent basis...like Bastion, or JC, or TEH...why leave? It's kind of pointless.



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