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Counter of people queued for ranked


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It's been over 3 years playing pvp in this game and I've characters on Harbinger, Bastion, Progenitor and Tomb of Freedon Nadd, it's really hard to get people to queue for ranked in most of these servers, even though some of these are pvp.

now.. sometimes people queue up and you get pops but most of the time you end up waiting for an hour for a pop when none Is queueing.

I think it would be a great step up if the deelopers could add a counter that tells you how many people are queued for solo/group ranked.

that would be a great thing for those who waste hours queueing for ranked and spamming pvp chat to get people t queue.


thanks a lot


Edited by SmokeStraw
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It's been over 3 years playing pvp in this game and I've characters on Harbinger, Bastion, Progenitor and Tomb of Freedon Nadd, it's really hard to get people to queue for ranked in most of these servers, even though some of these are pvp.

now.. sometimes people queue up and you get pops but most of the time you end up waiting for an hour for a pop when none Is queueing.

I think it would be a great step up if the deelopers could add a counter that tells you how many people are queued for solo/group ranked.

that would be a great thing for those who waste hours queueing for ranked and spamming pvp chat to get people t queue.


thanks a lot



Wait, Harbinger and Bastion take an hour for pops? I call bullsith on that.


Coincidentally, we had this discussion in February. And we already discussed how this would help wintrading.

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Yup, this has been mentioned several times before. Not sure if anyone at Bioware has read or acknowledged this suggestions.


Transparency is always better for the community. We know what's going on anyway.


Another game I play shows who's in queue instantly. and it helps me to stay in queue.


This game keeps it secret and I will sit in queue for about 1 min before I give up since my attention span is zero, but if I know there are a couple people in queue I will wait.


****in Bioware stop being arrogant or stupid and give us some transparency on the number in queue.

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Counters might sound nice but ....

If ranked is not popping than you already know there are less than 8 people in the queue (assuming soloranked).


Also what would happen if you only see 2 people in the queue. Will you stick around and make it 3? Or are you saying f this. Not enough people in the queue.


Many will choose the latter because of the human nature of instant gratification. We want it happen yesterday. Look at pugging operations. Finding the last 2-3 people for a 16 pug was most of the time the easiest. Only a few people are willing to sit and wait for over 15-20 minutes. You already said yourself that you want instant pops or else you wont queue (apologies if i misinterpreted).


While a counter might help finding the missing 2 or 3 people for a 4-4 ranked pop. I fear it will destroy the queue when only 2 are queueing.

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Wow, you're flat out wrong about keeping it hidden. Transparency always works out best. People will check constantly to see if they can get a pop. When the queue is low, people are just wasting a lot of time sitting there anyway.


I guess you want people to sit in queue wasting time for a while until it builds up eventually.

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Honestly, who needs a "counter".


If you see 30 people on fleet, you know not to even waste your time. But if you see at least 100 ... you probably have a good chance of some really quick pops.


And lets face reality too. Close to half the classes don't stand a fighting chance in ranked due to inherent class weaknesses. So if you have 100 people who are sixty, at least 40% aren't even going to queue ranked. That leaves you with just 60 players. Of those 60, at least another 20% aren't PVPing. So that leaves you with 48 players. Then of course some are just doing group ranked. So assume just two groups are doing that. That brings you down to 40.


With 40 players all doing PVP rank, you should have some rather quick queue times.


But cut the number down to even 75 ...


And the odds start to drop considerably for you to even queue a match.


Using the same assumptions in statistics ...


40% of 75 = 45 players

20% of 45 = 36 players

2 groups of group ranked = 28 potential players.

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Wow, you're flat out wrong about keeping it hidden. Transparency always works out best. People will check constantly to see if they can get a pop. When the queue is low, people are just wasting a lot of time sitting there anyway.


I guess you want people to sit in queue wasting time for a while until it builds up eventually.


no. it DOES make it easier to win-trade, particularly in group and particularly if it tells you which faction players are in (necessary information if 7 ppl are in Q as pubs and 2 are imp, there'd be no point in hopping in the imp Q).


I'm not saying there aren't benefits. but it's pure willful ignorance not to see how much easier that would make win trading.


ultimately, though, if you want more players in the ranked queues, you need better matchmaking. there isn't a whole lot you can do for grp matchmaking because elo requires a large player pool. I would also add that any group that WANTS to play other groups on the server can easily advertise in server-wide "private" channels that exist on every server (e.g., imppvp/pubpvp/ranked/etc.), and it takes two seconds to hop into the other faction's channel and let ppl know you're in queue. if ranked players aren't in those channels, there's something like a 99% chance that they only do ranked when you're NOT in the queue on purpose, so they're dodging you.


but there are a TON of things you could do to make solo ranked matchmaking more appealing. for example, mercs and snipers are mostly afraid to queue. they don't function well at all without heals and tanks. merc healers are also at a severe disadvantage w/o a guard.



  • matchmaking could force trinity comps before pops.
  • matchmaking could require 2018 expertise (yes yes. they're sort of doing that in next patch).
  • matchmaking could balance the classes and/or kinds of roles. for example, two sorc dps, two jugg dps, two sin dps, two sin heals in the match. too often, you'll see the two juggs and a sin or two sins and a sorc on the same team. I mean...balancing teams by rating in a queue of 8-12 ppl is far less important than looking at the classes they're playing. you realize how ludicrous it is to put the two mercs in queue on the same team? lol of course they don't queue.
  • class balance is the worst I've seen in pvp since launch, and that was difficult to judge because of the huge disparity in gear (gear gap)
  • cross server queues increase population pool and would be great for both formats, although it's understandable that it is beyond the skill/money cap of BW.
  • lastly and most obviously, cross-faction. the benefits to this for soloQ have been discussed ad nauseum. not going over it again.



that's a HUGE list of "fixes" that would encourage more participation and, thus, render the benefits of a "counter" moot. fix the problem. having a "counter" is only useful because matchmaking is terrible and is exacerbated by poor balance.

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