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  1. It's been over 3 years playing pvp in this game and I've characters on Harbinger, Bastion, Progenitor and Tomb of Freedon Nadd, it's really hard to get people to queue for ranked in most of these servers, even though some of these are pvp. now.. sometimes people queue up and you get pops but most of the time you end up waiting for an hour for a pop when none Is queueing. I think it would be a great step up if the deelopers could add a counter that tells you how many people are queued for solo/group ranked. that would be a great thing for those who waste hours queueing for ranked and spamming pvp chat to get people t queue. thanks a lot Equinøx
  2. guys i have one problem...i am 52 and i still have to do mods for my gears... the problem is...i need planetary commendations... i should get them from flashpoints but i get only classic comms now... how can i get them now? gimme some valid options... i was thinking to go warzones and by the comms by the vendor in the warzone with warzones commendations... idk give me some alternatives. thanks nick
  3. thanks a lot for the answer but where do i find these particular hilts?
  4. hey thanks to the answer.. now i posted one link where you can see what i mean thanks again
  5. hey guys i'm new in swtor.. i just wanted to ask one thing i've seen that some players have really particular lightsabers that emit a really strange glow. now.. i was just wondering if that weird glow is made from the lightsaber or from the crystal that they are using... some help? thanks already for the answers yeah right i should put an example.. here it is http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/swtor-silver-blue-color-crystal.jpg
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