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How does a light-sided Inquisitor work?


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A LS inquisitor can also be someone just as serene as a Jedi but rejects the restrictions of the Jedi code. You can directly tell a Jedi at one point "I am more in tune with the light than you ever will, and I love, too!"


My Inquisitor agreed with Ashara that both the Jedi and Sith codes are incomplete. The Force is not something that can be distilled into five or six lines, and must be explored by each person on their own merits and abilities.

Edited by Cythereal
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A LS inquisitor can also be someone just as serene as a Jedi but rejects the restrictions of the Jedi code. You can directly tell a Jedi at one point "I am more in tune with the light than you ever will, and I love, too!"


My Inquisitor agreed with Ashara that both the Jedi and Sith codes are incomplete. The Force is not something that can be distilled into five or six lines, and must be explored by each person on their own merits and abilities.

Where can you say that?

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Where can you say that?


Don't remember exactly where, it's been a long time since I leveled my inquisitor. I think it's part of a regular planetary story where you go up against a Jedi who rails against you for being an evil Sith and you shut him up by revealing nope, you're attuned to the light.

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Don't remember exactly where, it's been a long time since I leveled my inquisitor. I think it's part of a regular planetary story where you go up against a Jedi who rails against you for being an evil Sith and you shut him up by revealing nope, you're attuned to the light.

Blast. I need to know, so I can cite it.

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I RP my FemQuizzie as being light-sided because after all her horrible treatment while she was a slave, she developed a very keen sense of empathy (along with a taste for dark humor). So she is much more likely to avoid torturing and tormenting someone just for fun because she remembers what it was like when she was in that position, and she swore she would never do it to anyone else if she could help it.


She also has a keen sense of self-reliance and a strong survival instinct (again, courtesy of her time as a slave), so if someone is just deliberately being a ******* toward her, or trying to make her submit to them, she's a lot more likely to be willing to shock them into submission. Ain't no Sith got time for dat.


That's kinda how I play as mine as well. She's a compassionate individual (shaped quite a bit by her background), but she isn't afraid to demonstrate that she's a Sith Lord if the situation calls for it. I think that develops a strong sense of loyalty out of subordinates, people she's helped, and others.


She and Ashara mesh quite well.


I think I'd have a hard time rolling a DS Inquisitor as a result of the first impressions given by my Darth Imperius. LOL

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I think it's with the Organa Jedi on Alderaan if you play that whole chain Light side. I can definitely see where it would be said.

Do you have to be romancing Andronikos to get it? Because I haven't seen it.

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"It's a lie. Fear is a lie. Passion, a lie. Fears gives only temporary powers, and passion is easily manipulated. Real strength in the Force comes when one is no longer afraid."

―Kel'eth Ur


While my SI tended to be light-sided before her training, this is what cemented it. She would probably be regarded as something more like a grey Sith or Jedi, because she doesn't ascribe to either side's ideas about emotions: one side revels in them, the other denies them. She keeps a more balanced approach: she doesn't deny her emotions, but she does keep a handle on them. She doesn't view the Force as light or dark sides, either, but as a whole. She doesn't argue with other Sith about their views - she just does her own thing, not looking to make disciples, or gather a following, doing good things for the people of the Empire wherever she can.

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Blast. I need to know, so I can cite it.


Just finished that quest line 30 mins ago. Its on Alderaan, as part of the Inq class story. You talk to a female Rist noble who loved a Jedi. You arrange a meeting between the two in a cavern and have that conversation. You do not need to be in a relationship.

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She would probably be regarded as something more like a grey Sith or Jedi, because she doesn't ascribe to either side's ideas about emotions: one side revels in them, the other denies them. She keeps a more balanced approach: she doesn't deny her emotions, but she does keep a handle on them.

I think what you're describing is more Jedi-like than you think. The Jedi (particularly in the films) talk about their feelings and emotions all the time. They don't deny or hide from their feelings, they just don't allow those feelings to overrule their better judgement. In character, of course, there's no reason why a Sith would know this - they've been lied to about the Jedi since they were born, so they're bound to have a skewed perspective on the Jedi philosophy. The Jedi Knight story has a perfect example of this in Lord Praven.

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I think what you're describing is more Jedi-like than you think. The Jedi (particularly in the films) talk about their feelings and emotions all the time. They don't deny or hide from their feelings, they just don't allow those feelings to overrule their better judgement. In character, of course, there's no reason why a Sith would know this - they've been lied to about the Jedi since they were born, so they're bound to have a skewed perspective on the Jedi philosophy. The Jedi Knight story has a perfect example of this in Lord Praven.


It's almost as though both sides are complex and can be home to many different points of view that can't be easily distilled into simple codes. There are Jedi who discipline themselves to never feel emotion, and there are Sith who don't allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. In KOTOR2 it was called the Jedi Civil War because so many people couldn't tell the difference between Jedi and Sith, and with good reason: there's not a clear line between them, just a blur of different philosophies and points of view.


For every Sith like Lord Praven, there's a Jedi like Nomen Karr.

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My Inquisitor is light sided. How I RP her is, she was kidnapped when she was a young girl, 5-10 depending. Her slave owner was an old crusty man, he didn't treat her unkindly, he didn't do anything icky to her

ie sexual

. He treated her fairly, but she WAS a slave. Her parents and her 4 sisters always tried to find some way to find her, hoping she wasn't dead or anything. They found she was still alive and doing damn well for herself when her sisters were older and they were powerful people (Cypher Nine, The Wrath, Havoc Squad Commander, and Grand Champion of the Great Hunt). So my Inquisitor was never evil. She HATED being a slave in the reasoning she was taken away from her family and forced to work and forced to go to Korriban cause she could use the force.


So now, while she's on the Dark Council, married to an ex-Pirate and has her own apprentices, she tries to make the Empire a better place if possible. (Course now that she's gonna be a popsicle for five years and her crew/family are missing, she's not too happy)


It's possible to be compassionate. Everyone in the immediate Elric family are Light Side 5. They care about family, good friends, and helping others if possible. Doesn't matter if their Sith, Jedi, or Non-force users.

Edited by Eanelinea
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My Inquisitor agreed with Ashara that both the Jedi and Sith codes are incomplete. The Force is not something that can be distilled into five or six lines, and must be explored by each person on their own merits and abilities.


I love that random Click-Me dialog where Ashara recites a combination of Sith and Jedi code lines as if they were all part of one oath.


In the Sith Warrior storyline, a light sided Sith Warrior actually gets a LOT of discussions with Jaesa about being a light sided Sith (and they are not alone).

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  • 2 weeks later...

All this is reminding me of Jedi Academy, which my husband has me play back in college.


I spent like 80% of the game only taking lightside abilities, except for force choke, because it was the only way to get stormtroopers to drop their weapons and surrender. And Luke and Master Katarn both lectured me about that choice...


And then I finally do a mission with my master and HE'S THROWING LIGHTNING AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE.


Damnit Kyle.

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All this is reminding me of Jedi Academy, which my husband has me play back in college.


I spent like 80% of the game only taking lightside abilities, except for force choke, because it was the only way to get stormtroopers to drop their weapons and surrender. And Luke and Master Katarn both lectured me about that choice...


And then I finally do a mission with my master and HE'S THROWING LIGHTNING AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE.


Damnit Kyle.


Oh gods, Force Choke in that game. I never thought of using it to cause troopers to drop their weapons, I just jerked the mouse and chucked them somewhere. It's not ME killing all those troopers, it's gravity. And gravity must be obeyed, it's the LAW.

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Light and Dark is a fiction. The Force is not a person, its a force,, it's not a moral agent. It can't have light and dark sides any more than the wind. We don't like tornadoes or hurricanes destroying peoples homes or business so we call that bad, but the wind doesn't choose to either fly your kite or blow your house over. It's just there. Same with the Force.


Revan is the closest we have to a Force user who's not weakened by these silly notions of light and dark.. Its not the abilities that are good or evil, its the uses to which they are put. The Jedi are like liberals who think guns are evil when a gun is just a tool, its the person using a gun to commit murder who is evil. The Jedi think the Force is either good or bad when its just a tool to do good or bad things with.


A "light side" inquisitor uses the Force to defend the Empire against the aggression of the Republic without being unnecessarily cruel or vindictive.

Edited by RameiArashi
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