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When you get queue'd with Salty Jedi's


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When you get queue'd with Salty Jedi's




*******In order to prevent shaming these following people, I have changed their names. Remember this post is not a shaming post, it is an experience of 2 individuals that felt that this experience should be shared.


This game sometimes, get's really ridiculous because of the players. Duo queuing sometimes results in 2 other guys coming in and starts getting salty because of an UNDER GEARED HEALER . With me and Quipp, Quipp being a long time subscriber, since the start of SWTOR, and me being a semi-new player with 2 Level 50+ players (BioWare ty for 12x XP), we decided to do a Kuat Drive Flashpoint to start saving up Basic Comms for our Level 50 PvP Gear, it being more than 400+ Comms, and it was a normal queue, 2 Dps 1 Tank (Me), and 1 Healer (Quipp). With Quipp basically rushing most of the Story Quest to prepare for our PvP gear when we hit Level 50, he then chose not to upgrade his armor since Level 12. So we started, with me taking 95% of all damage and keeping our DPS from getting their health from going below 50%, while Quipp was healing me, and if needed the 2 other DPS. After 10 minutes and rushing most of Kuat Drives and taking out most of the objectives and we reach the elevator. Hell broke lose.


>>Bob: i hate playing with undergeared players

>>Quippq: Sorry

---After 1-2 minutes still hasn't responded

>>Multise: Me?

>>Bob: And has the nerve to say SP

--Possibly regarding to Quipp saying SB in the beginning because we have already farmed Kuat so many times. And in our minds since these people are using Cartel Market level cosmetic hair, we guessed that they have too.

>>Bob: it why u hide back there

--I don't know what this means.

>>Quippq: What?

>>Bob: Yes you

--Possibly talking about Quipp

>>Quippq: I'm sorry I'm undergeared man

>>Bob: No ur not

--At this point me and Quipp are confused out of our minds, with them saying Quipp was under geared but now he's not?

>>Multise: <-- ????

--Me saying that if I am the one he's talking about under geared, which is false.

>>Multise: Who are you talking about?

>>Quippq: Then what the hell are you talking about?

>>Bob: Quipp

--And now that everything is clear that Quipp is the undergeared person.

>>Multise: Whjat?

>>Quippq: ...

>>Multise: Huh

>>Multise: K

----Bob initiated a vote to kick Quippq (level 26 Jedi Consular Heal) from the group. Reason: Not geared.

>>Quippq: What did I do?????

>>Bob: U joined undergeared

--At this point Quipp and I snapped, we were so dumbfounded, as how players forget that healers aren't supposed to be DPS, they don't have to be geared as a Tank or DPS, they're there to heal the Tank, and hope that the Tank keeps aggro on the enemy that is the group's #1 Threat.

>>Quippq: So?

>>Multise: He's playing Healer Role

>>Multise: He's not main DPS

>>Quippq: I'm doing my job

>>Multise: What's your problem?

>>Quippq: I'm healing you guys

>>Quippq: Why are you guys being such a d***?

>>Multise: All a healer needs to do is heal

>>Bob: cuz i hate carrying you're weight

--Quipp just starts laughing, but then I completely wanted to shatter my whole monitor. With me taking most of the damage, I'm doing most of the work as I have to use abilities to keep aggro off our healer, sometimes DPS when they're low health, and still manage to put out some Damage, because these 2 literally did 50% of the damage while I had to do the other 50. It was literally dumbfounding to Quipp and I on how they disregarded most of the part where I was carrying them most of the time.

>>Multise: Lol bud

>>Multise: I've been taking most of the damage

>>John: and I healed myself

--Now this is what confused me, John is a Level 23, that is a Jedi that is either a Sentinel or Guardian, not completely sure, but however his class DID NOT have the ability to heal at ALL.

>>Multsie: N*****

>>Multise: I've been taking most of the damage

>>Bob: not u multise

>>Quippq: well im sorry then guys, but let us at least finish the fp

>>Multise: I've been carrying all of your a**es

>>Multise: Now let's get to the next part.

>>Multise: And be done with this

>>Multise: please

>>Quippq: ^^

>>Quippq: rip

----The vote to kick Quippq has failed because of insufficient votes.

>>Bob: losers

>>Quippq: rip 2x

>>To Bob [Whisper]: Stop playing the game because you're butt hurt >_>.

Sometimes, these people get so unbearable it's discouraging to play the game. If people aren't confident enough that some of their teammates are not capable of doing their role, what's the point of playing Flashpoints, unless you're doing a 4 man. It's completely mind boggling how some of the community is filled with these ignorant Elementary-Middle school aged people, not saying that some of these people are not ignorant at all, but in the most part. Most of the people we have encountered that are in this age, are completely ignorant. Annoying. And disheartening how a game like SWTOR could come to a point where basically, it's a 10 year old kid in RuneScape, trying to get an online girlfriend.


--In order to prevent shaming upon these 2 individuals I have removed the images until I have edited their names

Edited by multigo
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This entire post is against the rules, you are naming and shaming and could land you an infraction. Sorry they were mean to you, but you will always encounter these people in an mmo. Better to ignore and move on.


Thanks for the heads up appropriate measures have been taken on the post.

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Sounds like your jedi knight was having to use medpacs to stay alive because he wasn't getting sufficient healing.


T-T It was impossible thought, we were on the first Level of Kuat Drives, and I was using taunt left and right T0T.

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despite the fact it was KDY and there is bolster.....being heavily undergeared is always a sign of retard, sorry.

when you do solo quests its up to you what to wear but in group content you should always wear as good gear as you can afford. Its not a matter of effectivness in KDY but a matter of respect to other people in fp with you.

I'v met a lot of people in terrible gear in ops, HM fps....wearing low lvl greens, wrong gear with wrong stats, no relics etc.... its freakingly irritating. And mostly not because they're useless but 'cz of their attitude.


Wish BW implement gear check before letting people into queue.


p.s. pretty sure your friend's been blamed because your group was too slow. and that's the reason that "Bob" started to check people's gear. it is always slow when you have even 1 heal in your group and you had heal and tank and instead of spliting damage amongst group you probably tried to full-tank it and your friend did mostly healing, not dpsing...

KDY demands fast kills and rush not standard tank-heal-dps gameplay. Having a healer is ok but he should dpsing and throw a little heal when smbd's near death and tanks better respec to dps tree.


so in short....tell your friend get decent gear and you'll be meeting less salty jedies. Better for all. And all that "saving" basic comms is hillarious. it requires only 6 comms to get 1 good blue gear piece of your level and you get 20 or 30 for 1 KDY run (daily) and the same amount for normal fp run.

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despite the fact it was KDY and there is bolster.....being heavily undergeared is always a sign of retard, sorry.

when you do solo quests its up to you what to wear but in group content you should always wear as good gear as you can afford. Its not a matter of effectivness in KDY but a matter of respect to other people in fp with you.

I'v met a lot of people in terrible gear in ops, HM fps....wearing low lvl greens, wrong gear with wrong stats, no relics etc.... its freakingly irritating. And mostly not because they're useless but 'cz of their attitude.


Wish BW implement gear check before letting people into queue.


p.s. pretty sure your friend's been blamed because your group was too slow. and that's the reason that "Bob" started to check people's gear. it is always slow when you have even 1 heal in your group and you had heal and tank and instead of spliting damage amongst group you probably tried to full-tank it and your friend did mostly healing, not dpsing...

KDY demands fast kills and rush not standard tank-heal-dps gameplay. Having a healer is ok but he should dpsing and throw a little heal when smbd's near death and tanks better respec to dps tree.


so in short....tell your friend get decent gear and you'll be meeting less salty jedies. Better for all. And all that "saving" basic comms is hillarious. it requires only 6 comms to get 1 good blue gear piece of your level and you get 20 or 30 for 1 KDY run (daily) and the same amount for normal fp run.

The thing is, we had the right gear, and we weren't talking smack or anything, we were there just to do a Kuat Drive, and Quipp and I had only 50-75 Comms, so the level 50 gear costed about 400~ Comms. And, as I said I took 95% of the damage, it was impossible for them to get low enough. But yes I totally agree with what you said, but the way they reacted really pissed me off when they were decent DPS but still left before we could even finish the FP

Edited by multigo
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despite the fact it was KDY and there is bolster.....being heavily undergeared is always a sign of retard, sorry.

when you do solo quests its up to you what to wear but in group content you should always wear as good gear as you can afford. Its not a matter of effectivness in KDY but a matter of respect to other people in fp with you.

I'v met a lot of people in terrible gear in ops, HM fps....wearing low lvl greens, wrong gear with wrong stats, no relics etc.... its freakingly irritating. And mostly not because they're useless but 'cz of their attitude.


Wish BW implement gear check before letting people into queue.


p.s. pretty sure your friend's been blamed because your group was too slow. and that's the reason that "Bob" started to check people's gear. it is always slow when you have even 1 heal in your group and you had heal and tank and instead of spliting damage amongst group you probably tried to full-tank it and your friend did mostly healing, not dpsing...

KDY demands fast kills and rush not standard tank-heal-dps gameplay. Having a healer is ok but he should dpsing and throw a little heal when smbd's near death and tanks better respec to dps tree.


so in short....tell your friend get decent gear and you'll be meeting less salty jedies. Better for all. And all that "saving" basic comms is hillarious. it requires only 6 comms to get 1 good blue gear piece of your level and you get 20 or 30 for 1 KDY run (daily) and the same amount for normal fp run.


It's KDY, 4 tanks put out sufficient DPS so if it was going too slow with 2 DPS, 1 tank and 1 healer, the issue is with the DPS not the tank or healer. And I'd rather have a healer that focused on healing, even in KDY, and let the DPS and/or tanks keep uptime on the mobs. That results in the fastest runs because there is literally no downtime between pulls.

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