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Carbonite Freeze reasons.


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Imma go ahead and clarify that I'm not a fan of this concept. To be fair, I'm not a fan of a single player styled system of storytelling on an MMO either, but the class stories have been very good so far so I won't knock that too much.


Not only does this time hop jazz screw with roleplayers(I'm not an active role player, but I do enjoy creating back stories of my own), this is honestly just a lazy way of skipping an entire war that would have been WAY freaking cooler to have been a part of than missed out on.


That's all I've got to say on that, you can agree or disagree all day long. This "new third faction that threatens the Galaxy" bit has been done what, twice before? Except this time, we lose!! Oh, but you were asleep for all that. I'm willing to bet that's why they lost too...

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I know why...

It is bounty contract week and all our characters are fighting the bosses when we decide we want to capture them alive. Unfortunatly it happens to be a windy day, so when we try to freeze the boss, we shoot the carbonite into the wind and it blows back at our character.

Edited by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg
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I can see it now, Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperius gets an alert that a unknown fleet is attacking, runs to his ship in fleet, trips on a mouse droid and falls in a carbonite chamber, only to be forgotten in the chaos.


Seriously though, I can see the smuggler getting trapped in carbonite, heck even the agent might have personal reasons to do it on their own free will. But how in the world does it work with the other four?

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Imma go ahead and clarify that I'm not a fan of this concept. To be fair, I'm not a fan of a single player styled system of storytelling on an MMO either, but the class stories have been very good so far so I won't knock that too much.


Not only does this time hop jazz screw with roleplayers(I'm not an active role player, but I do enjoy creating back stories of my own), this is honestly just a lazy way of skipping an entire war that would have been WAY freaking cooler to have been a part of than missed out on.


That's all I've got to say on that, you can agree or disagree all day long. This "new third faction that threatens the Galaxy" bit has been done what, twice before? Except this time, we lose!! Oh, but you were asleep for all that. I'm willing to bet that's why they lost too...


Smuggler: These guys getting carbonized is a recurring theme. I'd wager someone hired an army of Mandos to carbonize the voidhound. I' m putting my money on the Smuggler's love interest/some random hot alien chick/dude coming to rescue him/her.


Jedi Knight: Probably sent to an overwhelmingly dangerous mission, got outnumbered/betrayed, then carbonized.


Consular: I dunno this one. More likely than not the Consular agreed to being frozen as part of some diplomatic maneuver to save some peoples, while biding his/her time.


Trooper: Same as Jedi Knight, I guess?


Bounty Hunter: Probably freezed himself. The hunter is the master of carbonite, nobody carbonizes him/her faster than he carbonizes them. Why? Maybe as part of some cunning gambit involving a price on the hunter's head.


Sith Warrior: The Dark Council ganged up on him and did a number. Or he was backstabbed


. Also a good chance he did it willingly - maybe he was in some location of dangerous residual force energies / nuclear radiation and he used carbonite to protect himself (carbonite mutes out force signatures and all that stuff, its the galaxy's best preservative coating)


Inquisitor: This one's a real question mark to me.


Imperial Agent: It'll appear that Cipher 9 was defeated and carbonized, but his/her being in carbonite would be a part of some epic master conspiracy S/he cooked up himself. More likely than not Cipher 9's carbonite chamber would be guarded by 5000 guards who have no idea why so many people are needed to guard one frozen guy.

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Alright, since some of you have already given it a go, my turn.

First off, I'd like to think it was Valkorion who orchestrated it, and despite the different reasons, bringing ' the Great Eight' together in carbonite.


Jedi Knight - Distress Call from Grandmaster Satele that she is captured by an unidentified group of Mando's. Once the Knight arrives, its a trap ( yeah, on purpose)! Valkorion's new elite freeze the Knight in carbonite.


Smuggler - Risha tells the smuggler there is some new super-suit on Quesh that makes him/her invincible or can be sold for a load of credits (whatever makes 'em tick). While on Quesh, Risha traps the Smuggler in a freezing chamber, being told by Valkorion that the Smuggler is suffering the same disease her father had, and only way to save him/her is to freeze 'em.


Trooper - Havoc's expertise is needed on a far Outer Rim planet where the orbit is toxic, traveling down with a shuttle would kill them on instant, so the only way is to temporarily freeze them in carbonite. Obviously this is a lie and Arcann is waiting on the planet to keep them trapped in the carbonite.


Consular - Receives a message from Hallow Voice back on Belsavis that the Imps found some mighty Rakatan superweapon, this actually appears to be true ( we know Bioware will make it work). The only way for them to stop it is to freeze the entire chamber through an emergency button. Ofcourse one of Valkorion's agents told this to the Imps.


Warrior - Being the Wrath of the Empire, a few of Dark Councillors fear his allegiance to the Emperor. They team up to arrest him, but also decide he is too valuable to just kill. They freeze him, get ambushed by Arcann and taken to Valkorion.


Inquisitor - Contacted by Valkorion himself about his ambitions, since he's one of the few who began with nothing and became strong. Telling him that his ambition can make him immortal much as he/she craves. For this however, his body needs to be prepared before it can be immortal. To do this he needs to be frozen in carbonite. Nox makes a threat to Valkorion, Imperius tells him that the Empire will need him back soon, so gets frozen.


Hunter - Biggest bounty yet makes his way to Hutta and the Hunter pursuits it to one of the Hutt's palaces where the bounty accidentily freezes everyone in carbonite while trying to escape. Arcann sabotaged the device and places the bounty on the creature.


Agent - Jadus ( or one of his old agents) betray Cipher's identity to the galaxy. His Cipher status is revoked by Keeper and called back to Intelligence HQ. Lana decides that the only way the Agent can be used again is to kill him/her. They plant a fake body and order him to be carbonized for a year. In this year, the Agent is stolen by Valkorion's Elite.

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I'm kind of torn between the "allies freeze you to save you" and "enemies freeze you to get you out of the way" scenarios as the reason behind the carbonite freeze. Unless it was cancer or death, what really exists in Star Wars that kolto can't heal? But if your enemies could reach you, why would they take you prisoner instead of killing you? There are some flaws with both.


In the case that Bioware has a unique explanation for each class, these are my guesses:


Knight: Carbonized because of trouble with Vitiate, who keeps temporarily seizing control of them. The Jedi Council freeze them while they look for a solution to the brainwashing, but end up having to abandon them when the Eternal Empire forces them to retreat back to their temple.


Consular: Had a vision that the Eternal Empire would curb-stomp the Republic and the Empire. Unable to convince anyone to rally together to prepare for this greater threat, they carbonized themselves so they could face it and hopefully someday resurrect the Republic.


Smuggler: Captured and carbonized by a bounty hunter. On the way back to the client, the Eternal Empire hijacks the ship, kills the hunter, and the Smuggler is either taken back as a cool wall trophy or left behind and forgotten about until they wake up.


Trooper: Was horribly injured while field-testing a new war machine. The base was too far away for them to survive the journey, so the other soldiers froze them to keep them alive on the way back. The Empire (the original one) attacks the squad and captures the Trooper, intending to use them as a bargaining chip against the Republic, but has to forsake the plan thanks to the Eternal Empire and ultimately forgets about the Trooper.


Warrior: Voluntarily frozen, like the Consular. Darth Marr realizes that the Empire can't defeat the Eternal Empire, and asks the Wrath to become a "living time capsule"--they seal themselves away so they can eventually return, avenge their nation, and then rebuild it.


Inquisitor: This is the only one I can actually see being done by Valkerian. The Inquisitor is essentially unkillable thanks to the ghosts. Valkerian needs them out of the picture somehow, though, and so orchestrates a plan where they get trapped in carbonite. He then moves them to the deepest, most heavily-guarded cell in the galaxy and surrounds it with hundreds of guards.


Agent: Faking the dead as part of some massive gambit. The first step involves them being frozen in carbonite. Something goes wrong, though, and it takes them ten years to be freed.


Hunter: Chasing a particularly powerful bounty when their machine malfunctions, possibly via sabotage, and freezes them instead. Not very creative and kind of lame, but I can't imagine anything else.

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I'm kind of torn between the "allies freeze you to save you" and "enemies freeze you to get you out of the way" scenarios as the reason behind the carbonite freeze. Unless it was cancer or death, what really exists in Star Wars that kolto can't heal? But if your enemies could reach you, why would they take you prisoner instead of killing you? There are some flaws with both.


In the case that Bioware has a unique explanation for each class, these are my guesses:


Knight: Carbonized because of trouble with Vitiate, who keeps temporarily seizing control of them. The Jedi Council freeze them while they look for a solution to the brainwashing, but end up having to abandon them when the Eternal Empire forces them to retreat back to their temple.


Consular: Had a vision that the Eternal Empire would curb-stomp the Republic and the Empire. Unable to convince anyone to rally together to prepare for this greater threat, they carbonized themselves so they could face it and hopefully someday resurrect the Republic.


Smuggler: Captured and carbonized by a bounty hunter. On the way back to the client, the Eternal Empire hijacks the ship, kills the hunter, and the Smuggler is either taken back as a cool wall trophy or left behind and forgotten about until they wake up.


Trooper: Was horribly injured while field-testing a new war machine. The base was too far away for them to survive the journey, so the other soldiers froze them to keep them alive on the way back. The Empire (the original one) attacks the squad and captures the Trooper, intending to use them as a bargaining chip against the Republic, but has to forsake the plan thanks to the Eternal Empire and ultimately forgets about the Trooper.


Warrior: Voluntarily frozen, like the Consular. Darth Marr realizes that the Empire can't defeat the Eternal Empire, and asks the Wrath to become a "living time capsule"--they seal themselves away so they can eventually return, avenge their nation, and then rebuild it.


Inquisitor: This is the only one I can actually see being done by Valkerian. The Inquisitor is essentially unkillable thanks to the ghosts. Valkerian needs them out of the picture somehow, though, and so orchestrates a plan where they get trapped in carbonite. He then moves them to the deepest, most heavily-guarded cell in the galaxy and surrounds it with hundreds of guards.


Agent: Faking the dead as part of some massive gambit. The first step involves them being frozen in carbonite. Something goes wrong, though, and it takes them ten years to be freed.


Hunter: Chasing a particularly powerful bounty when their machine malfunctions, possibly via sabotage, and freezes them instead. Not very creative and kind of lame, but I can't imagine anything else.



I quite like the SI theory, though I'm just a Nox fanboii :p


Seriously though, I do think must of the scenarios (for jedi and sith anyway) will be the new Emperor making atactical decision to strip his enemies of their greatest assets. Would be kl if there was a mini-mission at the start of the expac where you take up the role of a companion to free yourself. Highly unlikely though.

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I don't think it's going to be separate for every class. Chapter 1: The Hunt is most likely player hunting the Emperor, End of it he probably escapes to the Zakuul and Chapter 2: is going to be about finding him in the city. End of it we either get captured, or we escape but our ships hyperdrive is dead so we go into carbonite to survive the trek back.

Something like what happened to the Revan when he went find Emperor in Dromund Kaas.

Edited by Varium
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What I hope is....


my characters are taken down in a blaze of glory, and frozen by the enemy. This enemy keeps my girls as their little trophies until something goes horribly wrong. Either where we are being held is attacked by our forces, or someone on the inside is helping our forces and unfreezes us.


What I think will happen, but I hope it doesn't....


my girls will be asked, by someone they trust (maybe this is where the "companion betrayal comes in"), to freeze themselves to escape the slaughter. They will either be hidden away, or lost, until someone (maybe Lana?) finds us to unfreeze us. So we can go out into this brand new world and seek revenge for it being destroyed.

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I'm kind of torn between the "allies freeze you to save you" and "enemies freeze you to get you out of the way" scenarios as the reason behind the carbonite freeze. Unless it was cancer or death, what really exists in Star Wars that kolto can't heal? But if your enemies could reach you, why would they take you prisoner instead of killing you? There are some flaws with both.


In the case that Bioware has a unique explanation for each class, these are my guesses:


My responses are in BOLD.


Knight: Carbonized because of trouble with Vitiate, who keeps temporarily seizing control of them. The Jedi Council freeze them while they look for a solution to the brainwashing, but end up having to abandon them when the Eternal Empire forces them to retreat back to their temple.


I don't think that's possible because you overpowered Vitiate during the original story when he took control of you and I don't think he can do it again, especially in his weakened, non corporeal state. I believe that the Knight decides to pull a Revan when he/she senses the Eternal Empire and goes to investigate and gets captured. Enter Nico Okarr, who recognizes you from Holonet reports in the past and deactivates your Carbonite shell, freeing you and then does what he does best, smuggles you back to Tython.


Consular: Had a vision that the Eternal Empire would curb-stomp the Republic and the Empire. Unable to convince anyone to rally together to prepare for this greater threat, they carbonized themselves so they could face it and hopefully someday resurrect the Republic.


Not bad, but I seriously doubt that a Jedi would self carbonize themselves and allow the Republic to fall. It's not in their character to abandon the Republic.


Come to think of it, it would have made more sense for the Jedi Knight and Consular to abandon the Temple on Tython and go into exile across the galaxy as they had done before(and after) instead of submitting to voluntary carbonization, which leads me to believe that in the case of ALL of the classes that none of the freezing is voluntary.


Smuggler: Captured and carbonized by a bounty hunter. On the way back to the client, the Eternal Empire hijacks the ship, kills the hunter, and the Smuggler is either taken back as a cool wall trophy or left behind and forgotten about until they wake up.


This one also fits in with the arrival of Nico Okarr. I can totally see your take on it, with the arrival of Okarr to rescue you.


Trooper: Was horribly injured while field-testing a new war machine. The base was too far away for them to survive the journey, so the other soldiers froze them to keep them alive on the way back. The Empire (the original one) attacks the squad and captures the Trooper, intending to use them as a bargaining chip against the Republic, but has to forsake the plan thanks to the Eternal Empire and ultimately forgets about the Trooper.


I think that Havoc Squad loses its' commander during a raid against the forces of the Eternal Empire. When the remainder of the squad is forced to retreat, it breaks up under the loss of their fearless leader. The commander is found by the enemy and placed into Carbon Freeze and when they are released, becomes a soldier of fortune since the Republic no longer exists.


Warrior: Voluntarily frozen, like the Consular. Darth Marr realizes that the Empire can't defeat the Eternal Empire, and asks the Wrath to become a "living time capsule"--they seal themselves away so they can eventually return, avenge their nation, and then rebuild it.


Again, I can't buy this one. The Sith would NEVER run from battle. They would die trying to conquer, oppress or destroy. I suspect that Darth Marr dies early on in the Eternal Empire conflict during what appears to be siege on Korriban in the trailer we were shown. The circumstances regarding this class' carbon freeze is definitely shrouded in mystery so we will just have to wait and see what happens.


Inquisitor: This is the only one I can actually see being done by Valkerion. The Inquisitor is essentially unkillable thanks to the ghosts. Valkerian needs them out of the picture somehow, though, and so orchestrates a plan where they get trapped in carbonite. He then moves them to the deepest, most heavily-guarded cell in the galaxy and surrounds it with hundreds of guards.


Agent: Faking the dead as part of some massive gambit. The first step involves them being frozen in carbonite. Something goes wrong, though, and it takes them ten years to be freed.


Hunter: Chasing a particularly powerful bounty when their machine malfunctions, possibly via sabotage, and freezes them instead. Not very creative and kind of lame, but I can't imagine anything else.


These three I agree with also in a general sense.

Edited by DarknessInLight
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This idea is stupid, I will be insulted, joked at and hated for it but...


Could our heroes meet? Picture this- the hero of Tython fighting alongside the emperor's wrath- cipher nine kicking butt alongside the galaxy's greatest smuggler- the consular and Darth Nox fighting armies- havoc squad and the galaxy's most wanted bounty hunter mowing down foes. The 8 heroes unite to save the Galaxy....


Or - a better, more plasauble Idea:


The player pretty much becomes the next Revan. During an assault on the empire their leader defeats our hero and freezes him in carbonite. Perhaps you are woken up and they are trying to turn you to their faction, but you escape...

Edited by ejbsuperbat
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This idea is stupid, I will be insulted, joked at and hated for it but...


Could our heroes meet? Picture this- the hero of Tython fighting alongside the emperor's wrath- cipher nine kicking butt alongside the galaxy's greatest smuggler- the consular and Darth Nox fighting armies- havoc squad and the galaxy's most wanted bounty hunter mowing down foes. The 8 heroes unite to save the Galaxy....


I have been dreaming about this for 2 years!! My hopes are certainly not high for this, but it would be epic.


Especially since my hero of Tython and Wrath are sisters. Oooooooh, just the thought makes me all giddy!

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One way to avoid detection as a living organism is by carbonite freezing. I would've preferred the Rakatan Stasis Chambers on Belsavis myself. We can safely assume it's no accident. The PC's are the most powerful and skilled figures in the galaxy. Unfortunately, the Republic and Empire are both utterly exhausted militarily, financially and emotionally. It hasn't just been them fighting each other, but the Hutt Cartel, the TFB, the Dread Masters, skirmishes with Mandalorians and the Underworld Crime Syndicates, as well as the Star Cabal having tried to get them to destroy each other, and then more recently Revan's faction and the former emperor Vitiate.


All of that has left them extremely vulnerable. So when this 3rd (more like fifteenth) faction steps in and starts kicking everyone while they're down, there isn't much either Imps or Pubs could do about it. The most they can hope for is to hide away to get a reprieve and gather as much strength as they can to survive and endure the coming years. Carbon Freezing your best, brightest and greatest heroes is just one way to preserve your strength and bring inspiration to those losing hope years later when those very heroes and figures of legend re-emerge to fight back against the Eternal Empire.


Of course, where did these @ssclowns come from? Well I'm sure it'll be explained. My money is on the Rishi Maze though. Unexplored, unmapped, and open to being whatever Bioware wants it be for future stories.

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We can safely assume it's no accident. The PC's are the most powerful and skilled figures in the galaxy. .


Most powerful? I know for a fact that the emperor defeats the knight on mass the first time they encounter (2nd and 3rd time they fight the knight wins) I'm sure we are not the most powerful. If the wrath and Nox the most powerful then why are they not emperor? Why are the consular and the knight not grand master? We are strong but not the masters.

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I think it's more likely that that all of the classes have the same story in each faction. With that in mind the best bet is a frame job by someone in a position of power. Chancellor Saresh or one of the Senators and one of the members of the Dark council would be working for this third faction. Since having you killed outright would expose them as double agents, they instead have you arrested and sealed in carbonite. As both factions lose the war and the identity of the traitors is revealed a mission is sent to bring the players back out of carbon freeze.
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Most powerful? I know for a fact that the emperor defeats the knight on mass the first time they encounter (2nd and 3rd time they fight the knight wins) I'm sure we are not the most powerful. If the wrath and Nox the most powerful then why are they not emperor? Why are the consular and the knight not grand master? We are strong but not the masters.


We are talking about for our factions. Vitiate belongs to no faction. The reasons for us not possessing those positions is because of the story. Also, Titles don't mean much. Considering that all PC's on both sides have been killing the equivalency of Masters/Lords and such on either side for the entirety of their stories is quite evident of how little such titles mean.


Looking at it from the Imperial side, if either the Heir of Kallig or the Wrath took the throne, you'd just have Marr and every other Dark Council member plotting to overtake you. This is something Marr himself said he wanted to avoid because the Empire was already in a precarious position and more in-fighting would just destroy them. He spoke of this quite a bit during the Makeb incident and all through Revan. It's why he consulted with the PC's only during Shadow of Revan because they could make quick, decisive actions much faster because they have at least some form of trust between them to know what needs to be done Will be done, and not just debated until it's too late to change anything.


In all likelihood, Darth Marr would be raised to the position, but it would be supported solely by Kallig and Wrath. The better reason to not take the seat is to avoid making a target of yourself. Most likely, there will be no next Emperor in order to avoid warring for succession of who gets to be king of the mountain. And with the upcoming events, it's more than likely there isn't going to be a new Sith Emperor, and all the more likely that most of the Dark Council members will be dead or scattered across the galaxy. The same could end up being said about the Jedi who all go into hiding.

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one shoe fits all sizes.


all of them will be hunted down by the fallen empire during the invasion to keep these heroes from mounting a counter attack which they are all responsible for doing time and time again during their rise, evidentally after getting information from imperial and republic databanks, they find these heroes and the plan is set to immediately hunt them down, giving them no rest to regroup.


anyway your starship is shot down and down for good, the ships droid is destroyed instantly on impact due to the speeds of the crash, you and your companions are on coruscant for the republic and korriban for the empire, as you are fighting for your lives in the middle of a warzone, specifically in a deadzone in the middle of the fighting. as you watch the senate/training academy get hit and the explosive force knocks you and your companions out of it for a short time, you all get up and discover your enemy is nearly on top of you, too late to run, you and your companions fight until your all out of rounds and all you got left are fists, debris and armour.


youre told to surrender yourself or your companions die and further coruscant/korriban academy will be completely wiped out with millions/thousands trapped inside that will be killed if there is no surrender. your character chooses to surrender, taken away in chains while your companions are knocked out and left on that planet to their own devices.


your companions go their own ways and you are forced into a carbonite chamber and frozen, specifically as a symbol for the fallen empire winning over their enemies.

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Trooper : mission go ronge, that sentate oversee comitee see to press charges on aginst havoc squad,

trooper take the wrap so rest of the squad are free and sendt belsavis and put in carbonite gallery for escape and riot risk. considered your prepatation elite commando and leader, doing the inpossible odse

consider the orginal havoc whent rouge and gazase long line off mistakse and tink oversee comitee wil see your action with microscop

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